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religious দ্বারা সংসদ বাংলা ডিকশোনারির সবগুলো শব্দ

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(p. 9) aghōra2 not terrible; calm. n. God Shiva (শিব). ̃পন্হী n. one of a religious community practsing dreadful and abominable rites. ̃মন্ত্র n. incantation to invoke Shiva. 4)
(p. 17) adharma any act in contravention of scriptural or moral laws; a sinful act, a sin; irreligiousness; an unrighteous act; unrighteousness. a. sinful; unrighteous. অধর্ম করা to do or commit an unrighteous or sinful act, to do an immoral act. ̃চারী, অধর্মাচারী a. irreligious; ungodly. ̃পরায়ণ a. unrighteous; sinful. অধর্মাচরণ n. committing sins; sinful practice; unrighteous practice. অধর্মী a. sinful; unrighteous; unreligious; impious; (loos.) treacherous. 55)
(p. 17) adhārmika irreligious; impious; unrighteous; sinful; vicious. ̃তা n. irreligiousness; immorality; impiety; unrighteousness. sinfulness. 59)
(p. 24) ananta endless; boundless; unlimited; inexhaustible; everlasting, eternal; imperishable. n. Vishnu (বিষ্ণু); Shesha (শেষ) the thousand-headed king of snakes; an ornament, an armlet. ̃কাল n. eternity. ̃কালব্যাপী, ̃কালস্হায়ী a. eternal. everlasting. অনন্তকাল ধরে adv. for ever. ̃চতুর্দশী n. the fourteenth day of the lunar fortnight of the month of Bhadra (ভাদ্র); a religious penance observed on this day. ̃দেব n. Shesha (শেষ) the king of snakes. ̃নিদ্রা n. Vishnu's sleep on the person of Ananta (অনন্ত) the snake-king; everlasting or eternal sleep; (fig.) death. ̃নিদ্রায় নিদ্রিত sleeping the sleep that knows no breaking, sleeping eternal sleep, dead. ̃প্রকার a. of endless or countless varieties. ̃বীর্য a. of endless or inexhaustible strength or virility. ̃প্রভাব n. incessant or endless current or flow. ̃মূল n. a medicinal root. ̃রূপ, ̃রূপী a. of endless forms or shapes; of endless manifestations. ̃শয়ন, ̃শয্যা n. use of the person of Anantadeva (অনন্তদেব) by Vishnu as his bed; (fig.) death. ̃শীর্ষ a. hydra-headed. 16)
(p. 41) apacāra straying from one's own religion; taking bad or faulty or prohibited diet; pernicious conduct or behaviour; a fault; corruption. ̃-নিরোধ n. curbing corruption. ̃-নিরোধ বিভাগ the anti-corruption department. 55)
(p. 56) abahāra theft; armistice; cease-fire; transfer or removal or withdrawal of soldiers from the front to the camp; conversion to another religion, apostasy; (comm.) a discount. 47)
(p. 72) ambu water. ̃জ a. water-born. n. the lotus; conch. ̃জা n. fem. Goddess Lakshmi. ̃দ a. that which gives or supplies water. n. the cloud. ̃ধি, ̃নিধি n. the ocean; the sea. ̃বাচি, ̃বাচী n. three consecutive days usually of Ashara (আষাঢ়) for Hindu widows to fast as religious observance. ̃বাহ, ̃বাহী a. that which or one who carries water, water-carrying. n. the cloud. ̃বিম্ব n. bubble of water. 22)
অযাজনীয়, অযাজ্য
(p. 73) ayājanīẏa, ayājya debarred from offering religious sacrifice; debarred from calling for the services of a priest to perform religious rites on one's behalf; (cp.) excommunicated. অযাজ্যযাজন n. act of conducting religious rites as a priest on behalf of an অযাজনীয় person. অযাজ্যযাজী a. (of a priest) guilty of conducting religious rites on behalf of an অযাজনীয় person. n. such a priest. 15)
(p. 80) aśōka free from grief. n. a kind of flower or its tree, the flamboyant; the great Maurya emperor of India. ̃কানন n. a flamboyant-grove (esp. one in which Sita in the Ramayana was kept as a captive). ̃চক্র n. the symbolic wheel introduced by King Ashoka illustrating the stages of birth prior to salvation (it is the emblem of the official flag of India). ̃বন n. same as ̃কানন । ̃লিপি n. any of the religious and moral edicts of Ashoka inscribed on stone-pillars, an inscription of Ashoka. ̃স্তম্ভ n. any of the stone-pillars of Ashoka on which his edicts are inscribed, an Ashoka pillar (it is the official emblem of India). 38)
(p. 80) aśbattha an Indian fig-tree, a peepul-tree, ficus religiosa. 46)
(p. 83) aṣṭa eight. ̃ক n. any collection of eight, an octave; a book containing eight chapters; a verse containing eight couplets. a. eight. ̃আশি see অষ্টাশি । ̃কোণ n. (geom.) an octagon. a. octagonal ̃কোণী a. octagonal. ̃গুণ a. multiplied by eight, eightfold. n. eight times. ̃চত্বারিংশ a. forty-eighth. ̃চত্বারিংশত্ n. & a. forty-eight. ˜চত্বারিংশত্তম a. forty-eighth. fem. ̃চত্বারিংশত্তমী । ̃দিকপাল n. the eight guardian deities of the eight points of the earth. ̃ধা adv. & a. eight times; eightfold; in eight ways. ̃ধাতু n. the eight metals; gold, silver, copper, bronze, bell-metal, zinc, lead and iron. ̃নবতি n. & a. ninety-eight. ˜নবতিতম a. ninety-eighth. fem. ̃নবতিতমী । ̃নাগ n. (myth.) the eight chief snakes. ̃নায়িকা n. the eight minor goddesses; the eight manifestations of Goddess Durga (দুর্গা); (lit.) eight moods of the heroine or the sweetheart (namely, going to assignation, expecting her lover to come to her bed-chamber, worried owing to sudden absence of her lover, deceived by her lover, stricken with anger and jealousy on observing on the person of her lover signs indicating that he had been to another woman, feeling miserable for having quarrelled with and sent back her lover, enjoying domineering control over her lover, and separated from her lover as he has gone abroad). ̃পঞ্চাশত্ n. & a. fifty-eight. ˜পঞ্চাশত্তম a. fifty-eighth. fem. ̃পঞ্চাশত্তমী । ̃পাদ a. octopod. n. an octopod; the spider; a mythological octopod said to be even stronger than the lion (cp. octopus, শরভ). ̃প্রহর n. a whole day and night, twenty-four hours, a form of collective religious chanting by the Hindus continuing for twenty-four hours at a stretch. adv. throughout the whole day and night; always; ceaselessly. ̃বজ্র n. the eight infallible weapons of the eight principal gods. ̃বজ্রমিলন n. simultaneous hurling of অষ্টবজ্র,, which causes the destruction of the universe; precipitation of a highly explosive condition. ̃বসু n. the eight demi-gods (see বসু). ̃বিধ a. of eight kinds. ̃ভুজ a. eight-handed, octagonal. n. an octagon. ̃ভুজা a. & n. fem. of অষ্টভুজ । □ n. a manifestation of Goddess Durga (দুর্গা). ̃ভৈরব n. the eight terrible manifestations of Shiva (শিব). অষ্টম a. eighth. ̃মঙ্গলা n. a manifestation of Durga (দুর্গা); the custom according to which the newly-wed groom comes back to the father-in-law's house with his wife on the eighth day of marriage. অষ্টমবর্ষীয় a. of or in the eighth year; eight years old. অষ্টমবাত্সরিক, অষ্টমবার্ষিক a. of the eighth year. ̃মাংশ n. one-eighth; the eighth part. ̃মী n. fem. the eighth day of either fortnight of a lunar month. a. fem. eighth; eight years old. ̃মূর্তি n. the eight manifestations of Shiva (শিব). ̃রম্ভা n. (pop.) a mere nothing, a hoax, a mare's nest; a fiasco. ̃ষষ্টি n. & a. sixty-eight. ˜ষষ্টিতম a. sixty-eighth. ̃সপ্ততি n. & a. seventy-eight. ˜সপ্ততিতম a. seventy-eighth. ̃সিদ্ধি n. the eight superhuman qualities attainable by ascetical or austere practice. 17)
(p. 99) ākhaḍ়ā a gymnasium; a place or institution where people assemble to practise anything esp. music, play-acting, etc.; a place where the Vaishnavas assemble for religious worship; (facet.) a club or society; (dero.) a haunt of vice, a den. ̃ই n. dramatic rehearsal. ̃ধারী n. the headman or the keeper of a place where the Vaishnavas assemble for religious worship. 45)
(p. 102) ācamana washing one's mouth and hands (esp. after meals); formal purification of one's body with water before religious worship as prescribed in the Hindu scriptures. আচমন করা v. to rinse and wash. আচমনীয় n. water for such washing or purification. 28)
(p. 102) ācāra2 religious or scriptural rules or prescriptions, rites; observance of these rules and prescriptions; conduct, behaviour; custom, practice (দেশাচার); good manners or conduct. ̃চ্যুত a. same as ̃ভ্রষ্ট । ̃নিষ্ঠ, ̃পরায়ণ, ̃বান a. observant of religious or scriptural rules and prescriptions; well-mannered; observant of the rules of conduct. আচারনিষ্ঠ ব্যক্তি a person with due regard for rituals and religious practices; a ritualist. ̃বিরুদ্ধ a. contrary to custom or practice. ̃ব্যবহার, ̃বিচার n. established customs and practices; conduct and behaviour. ̃ভ্রষ্ট a. one who has failed to observe or does not observe prescribed religious or scriptural rites. ̃হীন a. not observing religious or scriptural rites; impious. আচারী same as ̃নিষ্ঠ । 35)
(p. 104) ājya ghee as offered in religious sacrifice. 35)
(p. 126) āśrama a hermitage; a residence (usu. a small one), a cottage (পুণ্যাশ্রম); an asylum or refuge (আতুরাশ্রম, অনাথাশ্রম); a residential institution (esp. an educational or religious one) (বিদ্যাশ্রম); a stage of life (গার্হস্হ্যাশ্রম). ̃ধর্ম n. duties or rites to be performed by inmates of a hermitage or asylum or refuge or residential institution; duties to be performed in each of the stages of life. ̃বাসী a. & n. one who lives in a hermitage or asylum or refuge or residential institution. fem. ˜বাসিনী । ̃ভ্রষ্ট a. fallen from one's religious order. আশ্রমিক, আশ্রমী a. of or living in a hermitage or asylum or refuge or residential institution, or pertaining to the life in it; adopting any of the stages of life. n. an inmate of a hermitage or asylum or refuge or residential institution; one in any of the stages of life. 126)
(p. 133) āshā confidence; reliance; faith, trust; regard, reverence, respect; devotion. আস্হা রাখা v. to have confidence (in); to rely (on); to have faith (in); to trust; to have regard (for); to be devoted (to.). ধর্মে আস্হা থাকা to have faith in religion. 27)
(p. 123) āẏamā a grant of rent-free land made by Muslim princes to religious preachers and to learned people. ̃মহল n. an estate of land held under this grant. 11)
(p. 138) imāna religious faith; piety; fidelity; honesty; conscience; conscientiousness. ̃খোর a. faithless, treacherous, perfidious. ̃দার a. faithful (in religion); devout, pious; having fidelity; honest; conscientious. ̃দারি n. faithfulness (in religion); devoutness, piety; fidelity; honesty; conscientiousness. 37)
(p. 138) imāma the religious head or chief priest of Muslims, an Imam. ̃বাড়া n. a house built for observing the Muharram. 38)
(p. 143) uju (amongst Muslims) formal washing of one's person before praying and other religious services; washing one's person. 67)
(p. 150) uttara an answer, a reply; a retort, a counter; response; reaction; a rejoinder, refutation or objection; solution; conclusion; the north. a. future, later, post-(উত্তরপুরুষ, উত্তরকাল, যুদ্ধোত্তর); upper (উত্তরচ্ছদ); northern. উত্তর করা v. to retort; to answer; to respond, to react; to come to a solution. উত্তর দেওয়া v. to answer, to reply; to respond. উত্তর অয়নান্ত n. summer solstice. ̃কাল n. the future; posterity; the coming age or ages. ̃ক্রিয়া n. annual obsequies; act of answering or responding or reacting. উত্তরচ্ছদ n. a covering; a bedsheet, a bedcover; a scarf; a garment of the upper part of the body. ̃দান n. act of answering or responding or retorting. ̃দায়ক a. & n. one who answers or responds or retorts. ˜পক্ষ n. a solution of a problem; an answer to a question. ̃পত্র n. a book containing an examinee's written answers, answer scripts. ̃পশ্চিম n. & a. north-west. □ a. north-western. ̃পুরুষ n. posterity; successor. ̃পূর্ব n. & a. north-east. ˜প্রত্যুত্তর n. bandying of words, argument and counter-argument. ̃ফল্গুনী, ̃ফাল্গুনী n. the twelfth of the twenty-seven zodiacal stars according to Hindu astronomy. ̃বিচার n. (law) an appeal. ̃ভাদ্রপদ n. the twenty-sixth of the twenty-seven zodiacal stars according to Hindu astronomy, the Andromeda. ̃মালা n. a list of answers or solutions. ̃মীমাংসা n. Vedanta (বেদান্ত). ̃মেরু see ̃মেরু । ̃যোগ্য a. fit to be answered, answerable. ̃সাধক a. assisting (esp. in the religious practices) according to the Tantras (̃তন্ত্র). n. a chief assistant; poets or scholars of a late age. fem. ̃উত্তরসাধিকা । ̃সূরি n. wise men or scholars of a later age; people of a later age. ̃হিমমণ্ডল n. north frigid zone. 49)
(p. 150) utsarga ritual or religious offering; sacrifice; dedication; gift or foundation for public welfare; ejection, relieving oneself of, letting out (পুরীষোত্সর্গ). জীবন উত্সর্গ করা v. to sacrifice or dedicate one's life. পুকুর উত্সর্গ করা v. to dig a tank for public welfare. পুস্তক উত্সর্গ করা v. to dedicate a book. উত্সর্গীকৃত a. offered; sacrificed; dedicated; given or founded for public welfare. 29)
(p. 159) upakaraṇa an ingredient; an elemental or constituting material (esp. a raw one); an equipment; an implement; an apparatus; an accessory; an article (esp. of food and clothing) offered in religious worship. 42)
(p. 162) upacāra any of the articles given in religious offering; things or materials necessary for worship or used in worship; religious service or ceremony; medical treatment; surgical operation; figurative expression or its explanation. ̃শালা n. (med.) an operation theatre. 15)
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