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salutary দ্বারা সংসদ বাংলা ডিকশোনারির সবগুলো শব্দ

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(p. 63) abhibādana salutation, greeting, courtesy, obeisance, a bow. অভিবাদন করা v. to salute, to curtsey, to do obeisance to, to bow. 89)
কুর্নিশ, কুরনিশ
(p. 243) kurniśa, kuraniśa (Mus.) a mode of salutation in accordance with official etiquette. কুর্নিশ করা v. to salute. 63)
(p. 293) gaḍ়2 genuflexion, genuflection. গড় করা v. to genuflect, to bow in salutation (to a person or deity). গড় হওয়া v. to genuflect. 18)
(p. 452) tasalima (Mus.) obeisance, salutation. তসলিম করা v. to salute. 20)
(p. 593) nīti morality (নীতিবিরুদ্ধ আচরণ); morals (নীতিশাস্ত্র); moral science, ethics; a moral teaching, a moral or maxim (গল্পটির নীতি); conscience (নীতিতে বাধছে); social morality, justice (নীতিসম্মত বিচার); politics (নীতিকুশল); an edict or prescript (ধর্মের নীতি); a principle (অহিংসার নীতি); a method or means or policy (কাঁটা দিয়ে কাঁটা তোলার নীতি); a custom or practice (সমাজের নীতি); a branch of learning, a science (সমাজনীতি, রাজনীতি). ̃কথা n. a moral saying or moral advice; a maxim, an aphorism; a moral; a moral tale; a salutary advice. ̃কুশল a. proficient in politics or statesmanship or diplomacy or in the rules of morality. ̃কুশলতা n. proficiency in politics or statesmanship or diplomacy or moral rules. ̃জ্ঞ a. versed in politics or statesmanship or diplomacy or ethics. ̃জ্ঞান n. political knowledge; knowledge in statesmanship; diplomatic knowledge; ethical knowledge. ̃জ্ঞানবর্জিত, ̃জ্ঞানশূন্য, ̃জ্ঞানহীন a. divested of ethical knowledge or devoid of moral scruples; immoral; unscrupulous. ̃বচন, ̃বাক্য n. a moral saying or advice; a maxim, an aphorism; a salutary advice. ̃বাগীশ a. one who makes a parade of one's moral sense. ̃বিজ্ঞান n. ethics, moral science. ̃বিদ a. same as নীতিজ্ঞ । ̃বিরুদ্ধ, ̃বিরোধী a. contrary to moral rules or precepts; immoral; unjust; contrary to one's principles. ̃মূলক a. didactic, moral; concerning a particular principle or principles. ̃শাস্ত্র n. moral science, moral philosophy, ethics. ̃শাস্ত্রবিদ, ̃শাস্ত্রবেত্তা a. versed in moral science. n. a moral philosopher. ̃শিক্ষা n. moral instruction or education; political or judicial education. ̃সংগত, ̃সম্মত a. conforming to morality or justice; righteous or just; conforming to a particular principle or principles. ̃হীন a. without any principle, unprincipled; lacking moral principles; unscrupulous. 18)
(p. 675) pratinamaskāra salutation in reply to a salutation. 35)
প্রত্যভিবাদ, প্রত্যাভিবাদন
(p. 681) pratyabhibāda, pratyābhibādana a salute or salutation in return. প্রত্যাভিবাদন করা v. to salute in return, to return a salute. 4)
প্রাত, প্রাতঃ
(p. 692) prāta, prātḥ morning; the early morning; (fig.) inception, beginning. প্রাতঃকর্ম same as প্রাতঃকৃত্য । প্রাতঃকাল n. morning; the early morning. প্রাতঃকালীন a. of or for or in the morning, morning. প্রাতঃকালীন সংগীত a morning song, a matin. প্রাতঃকৃত্য, প্রাতঃক্রিয়া n. the routine morning duties of evacuation of bowels, personal washing, religious prayer etc. প্রাতঃনমস্কার n. the morning salutation, good morning. প্রাতঃপ্রণাম n. the morning obeisance done by touching the feet of a respected person. প্রাতঃভ্রমণ, প্রাতর্ভ্রমণ n. morning walk. প্রাতঃসন্ধ্যা n. the morning meditation or devotion; morning prayers. প্রাতঃসমীর, প্রাতঃসমীরণ n. the morning breeze. প্রাতঃস্নান n. bath at sunrise; the morning ablution or bath. প্রাতঃস্মরণীয় a. (lit.) one whose name should be recalled or uttered on waking in the morning; (fig.) of immortal fame, ever memorable. 33)
বন্দন, বন্দনা
(p. 717) bandana, bandanā singing in adoration, hymning; a song of praise, a hymn; extolment; salutation; a salute; worship, adoration. বন্দনা করা v. to sing in adoration, to hymn; to extol, to salute; to worship, to adore. বন্দনীয় a. worthy of being glorified in songs; deserving obeisance; worshipful, adorable. fem. বন্দনীয়া । 61)
(p. 717) baldēgi (Mus.) humble salutation. বন্দেগি জনাব I humbly salute you, sir; I bow to thee, sir.
(p. 761) binata stooping; bowed (in salutation); modest, demure; meek; submissive; polite; disciplined. 4)
(p. 761) binati stooping; bowing (in salutation); modesty, demureness, submissiveness; politeness; discipline. 7)
(p. 802) bhadra polished or elegant in taste or demeanour; (rare) civilized; courteous; polite; well-behaved, mannerly; amiable; suave; belonging to polished or high society; gentle, auspicious, propitious, salutary; honest, chaste. n. weal; welfare; Shiva (শিব). ভদ্র আচরণ gentlemanly conduct; good manners. ̃কালী n. a manifestation of Goddess Durga (দুর্গা). ̃তা n. polished or elegant taste or demeanour; courtesy, politeness; amiability; suavity; gentility; auspiciousness, propitiousness, salutariness; honesty, chastity; formality. ভদ্রতা করা v. to treat one courteously, to be formal with; to be suave. ভদ্রতার অনুরোধে, ভদ্রতার খাতিরে for courtesy's sake, for the sake of formalities. ভদ্রতাচরণ n. courteous or polite deportment or conduct, courtesy. ভদ্রতাবিরুদ্ধ a. discourteous, impolite, uncivil. ভদ্রতামূলক a. pertaining to courtesy, formal. ̃মহিলা n. fem. a gentle woman; a lady. ̃লোক n. a gentleman; a courteous or amiable man; an honest man. ভদ্রলোকের এক কথা (fig.) a gentleman or an honest man is always true to his words or promise. ̃সন্তান n. one coming of a respectable family; a gentleman. ̃সমাজ n. society of cultured or decent people. ̃স্হ a. (coll.) in the state of a gentlemen; gentlemanlike. ভদ্রা a. fem. of ভদ্র (a.). n. (astr. & astrol.) the second, seventh or twelfth day of a lunar fortnight (these days are considered inauspicious. ভদ্র পড়া v. (dial.) to be obstructed or hindered; to have an impediment or a hitch or a set-back. ভদ্রাভদ্র n. good and evil; respectable and disreputable. ভদ্রেশ্বর n. a manifestation of Shiva (শিব). ভদ্রোচিত a. gentlemanlike, gentlemanly; polite; courteous; gentle. 43)
(p. 912) rāma the seventh incarnation of Vishnu (বিষ্ণু), the hero of the Ramayana. a. good looking; beautiful. pfx. large, big (রামছাগল, রামশালিক); extremely, utterly (রাম কুঁড়ে). sfx. a glaring specimen (বোকারাম). রাম না হতে রামায়ণ (fig.) occurrence or fancying of an incident when there is not even the ghost of its cause in view, (cp.) putting the cart before the horse. না রাম না গঙ্গা (fig.) neither this nor that. সেই রামও নেই সেই অযোধ্যাও নেই (fig.) O the times! O the manners! রাম কহ, রাম বল, রামঃ int. expressing: abhorrence, slight etc. ̃কেলি n. an Indian musical mode. ̃খড়ি n. a kind of red-tinged writing-chalk. ̃চন্দ্র n. same as রাম । int. same as রামঃ । ̃দা n. a kind of large chopper (used in beheading animals etc.). ̃ধনু, ̃ধনুক n. the rainbow. ̃ধুন n. a song in glory of Rama (রাম). ̃নবমী n. the ninth lunar day of the bright fortnight of the month of Chaitra (চৈত্র); the birthday of Rama (রাম). ̃পাখি n. (facet.) the cock or hen, the fowl. ̃রাজত্ব, ̃রাজ্য n. the reign or rule or realm of Rama (রাম); (fig.) an ideal realm or rule, (sarcas.) unrestrained predominance or monopoly. রাম রাম int. expressing: abhorrence, disgust etc.; phew; an expression of salutation in courtesy among upcountrymen. ̃লীলা n. the life and activities of Rama (রাম); an opera illustrating the life and activities of Rama (রাম). ̃শিঙা, (coll.) ̃শিঙে n. a funnel-shaped wind instrument or mouthpiece made of a buffalo's horn. ̃শ্যাম same as রামাশ্যামা । 20)
(p. 1018) subacana salutary words or counsel; a good or wise saying; a maxim, an adage; sweet words; an epigram. 37)
(p. 1021) suśikṣā good or salutary education or training or advice. 26)
(p. 1022) sūkta any on of the complete Vedic incantations or verses or hymns or psalms; a wise or salutary saying, an apopthegm. সূক্তি n. a wise or salutary saying, an apopthegm. 31)
(p. 1025) sēbā serving, waiting upon; nursing; worship; eating or drinking or smoking or enjoying; (dial.) obeisance, salutation. v. poet. form of সেবা করা । সেবা করা v. to serve, to wait upon; to nurse; to worship; to eat or drink or smoke or have or enjoy; to take. ̃ইত n. a priest and beneficiary of a temple or a religious institution; a worshipper, a votary. ̃দাসী n. fem. a maiden dedicated to the service of a temple or a deity, (cp.) a nun; a woman who (usu. under a vow) serves an ascetic or a Vaishnava devotee or the head of a religious institution; (sarcas.) a concubine. ̃ধর্ম n. social service looked upon as a religion, the sacred task of serving others. ̃য়ত, ̃য়েত variants of সেবাইত । 25)
(p. 1025) sēlāma salutation, obeisance, a salute. সেলাম করা v. to salute, to make an obeisance; (iron.) to shun by showing feigned reverential awe. সেলাম আলায়কুম, সেলাম আলেকুম int. (Mus.) I salute you. সেলামি n. an irregular fee or present given to an owner, landlord, employer, boss etc. as a mark of obeisance (জমিদারের সেলামি); an illegal extra payment made to obtain something (বাড়িভাড়ার সেলামি). 42)
(p. 1038) sbāshya health; hygiene; happiness, peace. পৌরস্বাস্হ্য public health or hygiene. দৈহিক স্বাস্হ্য personal health or hygiene. স্বাস্হ্য-অধিকর্তা n. the Director of Public Health. ̃কর a. conducive to health, healthsome, healthful, healthy; salutary, salubrious. স্বাস্হ্যকর স্হান a health-resort, a health station. ̃কৃত্যক n. health services. ̃পরিদর্শক n. a sanitary inspector. ̃প্রদ same as স্বাস্হ্যকর । ̃বিদ্যা n. hygiene. ̃বিধান n. hygiene; measures for recovery or improvement of health; sanitation. স্বাস্হ্যবিধান করা v. to take measures for recovery or improvement of health. ̃বিধি n. science of or rules for healthy living; hygiene. ̃ব্যবস্হা n. sanitation. ̃ভঙ্গ n. ruin or wreck of health. ̃মন্ত্রক n. the Ministry of Health. ̃মন্ত্রী n. the Minister of Health. ̃রক্ষা n. preservation of health. ̃লাভ n. recovery of health. ̃হানি n. impairment of health. ̃হীন a. in illhealth, sickly. স্বাস্হ্যান্বেষণ n. search for health; attempt to recover health. স্বাস্হ্যান্বেষী a. searching for health; attempting to recover health, valetudinarian. 39)
(p. 1056) hita good, benefit; well-being, weal, welfare. a. good, beneficial, salutary, wholesome. হিতে বিপরীত an attempt to do good resulting in a great harm. হিত করা same as হিতসাধন করা ̃কথা same as হিতোপদেশ । ̃কর a. same as হিত (a.). fem. হিতকরী । ̃কামনা n. well-wishing. হিতকামনা করা v. to wish one good. ̃কামী a. well-wishing. ̃কারী a. same as হিত (a.). n. a benefactor. fem. ̃কারিণী । ̃বাদী a. telling beneficial or salutary words; giving beneficial advice or good counsel. fem. ̃বাদিনী । ̃সাধন করা v. to do good to; to benefit; to promote the well-being of. হিতাকাঙ্খা same as হিতকামনা । হিতাকাঙ্খী, হিতার্থী same as হিতকামী । fem. হিতাকাঙ্খিণী । হিতার্থিনী । হিতাহিত n. good and evil; right and wrong. হিতাহিতজ্ঞান n. knowledge of ascertaining or differentiating good and evil or right and wrong. হিতাহিত বিবেচনা করা v. to discriminate between good and evil or right and wrong. হিতৈষণা n. desire or disposition to do good (to); benevolence. হিতৈষী a. desirous of doing or disposed to do good (to.); benevolent. fem. হিতৈষিণী । হিতোপদেশ n. salutary or beneficial or good advice or teaching. হিতোপদেশক a. giving salutary or beneficial or good advice or teaching; didactic. হিতোপদেষ্টা n. & a. one who gives salutary or beneficial or good advice or teaching. 39)
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