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slaughter; দ্বারা সংসদ বাংলা ডিকশোনারির সবগুলো শব্দ

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(p. 159) unmathana thorough stir or churning; thorough kneading or thrashing or massaging; act of killing, slaughter; rout. উন্মথন করা v. to stir or churn or knead or thrash or massage thoroughly; to kill, to slay; to rout, to mop up. উন্মথিত a. stirred or churned or kneaded or thrashed or massaged thoroughly; in turmoil; killed, slain; routed; mopped up; swelling up or agitated owing to external attraction. 21)
উন্মন্হন, উন্মন্হ
(p. 159) unmanhana, unmanha thorough stir or churning; act of killing, slaughter, rout. উন্মন্হন করা v. to stir or churn thoroughly; to kill, to slay; to rout; to mop up. 23)
(p. 215) kasāi a butcher; (fig.) an extremely cruel or unfeeling or hard-hearted person. ̃খানা n. a slaughter-house, a butchery, a shambles; (fig.) a place of merciless oppression. ̃গিরি n. the profession of a butcher; (fig.) extremely hard-hearted behaviour. 5)
(p. 220) kāṭākāṭi mutual killing or slaughter; a skirmish; a fight; a quarrel; act of disfiguring with corrections. কাটাকাটি করা v. to kill or slay one another; to take part in a skirmish; to fight one another; to quarrel; to make corrections, to disfigure with corrections. 28)
(p. 271) khatama end, termination; completion; removal; slaughter, murder. খতম করা v. to finish; to complete; to terminate; to accomplish; to put an end to; to remove; to kill, to slay, to murder, (sl.) to do in, to do to death. খতম হওয়া v. to be finished or completed or terminated or accomplished; to end; to be removed; to be killed or slain, or murdered, (sl.) to be done in, to be done to death. 57)
(p. 320) gōghātaka a cow-slaughterer. 15)
(p. 320) gōghna one who or that which kills a cow or cows; a guest (for whom a cow was killed or slaughtered by the host). 16)
(p. 321) gōbadha cow-slaughter. 44)
(p. 321) gōhatyā cow-slaughter, cow-killing. গোহত্যা করা v. to slay a cow or cows. ̃কারী n. a cow-slaughterer. ̃নিরোধ n. prevention of cow-slaughter. 115)
(p. 329) ghāta a stroke, a blow; a beating; a wound, a sore, an ulcer; malice; slaughter; killing; murder; (math.) a power. ̃ক n. a slayer, a killer; a murderer; an executioner. ̃চিহ্ন n. (math.) an index. ̃ন n. act of causing to kill or murder or beat; an implement for beating or killing with; a weapon; slaughter; murder; sacrificial slaughter; immolation; a stroke, a blow. a. one who or that which slays or murders, slaying or murdering. ̃-প্রতিঘাত n. action and reaction; striking and restriking, blows and counterblows. ̃বল n. (sc.) impulsive force. ̃শ্রেণি n. (sc.) power series. ̃সহ a. capable of bearing strokes and strains; malleable. ̃স্হান n. a place of execution, an execution dock; a gallows-lee; a slaughter-house. 79)
(p. 390) jabāi sacrificial slaughter of an animal or the method of slaying an animal in slaughter; slaughter. জবাই করা v. to slay an animal in sacrifice or in the sacrificial manner; to sacrifice; to kill or murder. 12)
(p. 400) jība2 an animal, a creature, an organism; life; a corporeal or embodied soul; a living being; the soul of a living or dead being; (sc. & phil.) anything animate. কৃষ্ণের জীব (hum.) an extremely harmless or pitiable person. ˜জগত্ n. the animal kingdom, the animal world; the animate world. ̃জনি n. biogenesis. ̃জন্তু n. animals or creatures. ̃তত্ত্ব n. biology, life science. ̃তত্ত্বীয় a. biological. ̃তাত্ত্বিক a. biological. n. a biologist. ̃বলি n. animal sacrifice. ̃বিদ্যা same as ̃তত্ত্ব । ̃লোক n. the animate world; the world, the earth. ̃সংক্রমণ n. metempsychosis, transmigration. ̃হত্যা n. killing of animals, killing a living being, animal slaughter. ̃হিংসা n. animal slaughter. 100)
(p. 545) dhbaṃsa destruction; annihilation; wreck, wreckage; ruin; death; act of killing, slaughter (শত্রুধ্বংস); loss; obliteration, effacement (শরীর ধ্বংস); waste or squandering (অর্থধ্বংস); undeserving consumption (অন্নধ্বংস); demolition, devastation (গৃহধ্বংস, রাজ্যধ্বংস, নগরধ্বংস); depravation or corruption (চরিত্র ধ্বংস, ধ্বংসের পথ). স্মৃতি ধ্বংস n. loss of memory; amnesia. ধ্বংস করা v. to destory; to annihilate; to ruin; to kill, to slay; to obliterate or efface; to impair; to waste, to squander; to consume undeservingly; to demolish or devastate; to deprave, to corrupt. ধ্বংস হওয়া v. to be destroyed or annihilated, to perish; to be ruined; to die; to be killed or slaughtered; to be lost; to be obliterated or effaced; to be impaired; to be wasted or squandered; to be consumed undeservingly; to be demolished or devastated; to be depraved or corrupted. ধ্বংসক a. one who or that which destroys or annihilates or ruins or kills or slays or obliterates or effaces or impairs or wastes or squanders or consumes undeservingly or demolishes or devastates or depraves or corrupts. ধ্বংসন same as ধ্বংস । ̃নীয় a. destructible; perishable. ̃প্রাপ্ত a. destroyed; annihilated; wrecked, ruined; dead, gone to one's death; killed, slaughtered; obliterated, effaced; lost; impaired; wasted, squandered; demolished, fallen, devastated; depraved, corrupted. ̃মুখ n. jaws or verge of destruction or annihilation or wreck or ruin or death or impairment or fall or demolition or devastation or demoralization or corruption. ̃লীলা n. the sport of destruction or annihilation or wreckage or ruining or killing or demolition or devastation. ̃স্তূপ n. a pile of ruins, wreckage, debris. 27)
(p. 606) patana act of falling or dropping, a fall; act or state of being shed or showered; a shower; decline, downfall (সাম্রাজ্যের পতন); overthrow, defeat (শত্রুর পতন); slaughter, death (যুদ্ধে পতন); destruction (দেহের পতন); capture (দুর্গের পতন); depravation, corruption (সাধুর পতন); a defect (ছন্দপতন); failing, omission ('স্খলন-পতন-ত্রুটি'). পতন ঘটা v. to have a fall; to fall, to drop; to be shed or showered; to decline, to have a downfall, to be overthrown or defeated or killed or destroyed or captured or depraved or corrupted; to be omitted. পতন ঘটানো v. to cause a fall; to fell; to drop; to shed or shower; to cause decline or downfall; to overthrow or defeat; to kill; to destroy; to capture; to deprave or corrupt; to cause an omission. ̃শীল a. falling, dropping; being shed or showered; declining; on the wane; perishable. পতনোন্মুখ a. about to fall or drop or decline; tottering. 25)
(p. 633) pācāra act of finishing or consuming; slaughter, murder; secret removal (and hiding); kidnapping; smuggling; act or removing secretly and doing away. পাচার করা v. to finish; to consume; to slay, to murder, (coll.) to do in; to remove secretly (and conceal); to kidnap; to smuggle; to remove secretly and do away. 56)
(p. 692) prāṇa life; the first of the five vital airs (namely, প্রাণ অপান সমান উদান and ব্যান) or these five airs collectively; lifebreath; breath; heart, earnest desire ('প্রাণ চায় চক্ষু না চায়'); vitality, vigour, vivacity (কাজে প্রাণ নেই); (in endearment) an extremely beloved person. প্রাণ ওষ্ঠাগত হওয়া v. (rare) to feel like dying; (fig. & pop.) to be extremely harassed or troubled or irritated. প্রাণ খোলা v. to open one's heart, to speak out one's heart. প্রাণ থাকা v. to remain alive. প্রাণ দেওয়া same as প্রাণদান করা । প্রাণ নেওয়া v. to kill; to torture almost to the point of killing. প্রাণ পাওয়া same as প্রাণলাভ হওয়া । প্রাণ বাঁচা same as প্রাণরক্ষা হওয়া । প্রাণ বাঁচানো same as প্রাণরক্ষা করা । প্রাণ বার করা v. to make one out of breath, to exasperate beyond endurance. প্রাণ বার হওয়া, প্রাণ যাওয়া v. to breathe one's last; to become out of breath; to be exasperated. প্রাণ নেওয়া v. to take one's life; to kill. প্রাণ হারানো v. to lose one's life, to die; to be killed. ̃কৃষ্ণ n. Krishna (কৃষ্ণ) who is regarded by a devotee or a lover as dear as life; (fig.) a favourite or lover as dear as one's life. ̃খোলা a. open-hearted, frank, candid, hearty. ̃গত a. lying in one's heart of hearts; inmost; sincere. ̃গতিক a. concerning one's life or living; bodily, physical. ̃ঘাতী a. life-killing; murderous; deadly, fatal. ̃চঞ্চল a. lively, sprightly, vivacious. ̃চাঞ্চল্য n. liveliness, vivaciousness, sprightliness. ̃ত্যাগ n. death. প্রাণত্যাগ করা v. to die. ̃দ a. life-giving; animating, invigorating; resuscitant; life-saving. ̃দন্ড n. death sentence, a lifer, capital punishment. প্রাণদন্ড দেওয়া v. to sentence (one) to death, to award capital punishment. প্রাণদা fem. of ̃দ । ̃দাতা n. a giver of life; an animator, an invigorator; a resuscitant, a resuscitator. fem. প্রাণদাত্রী । ̃দান n. infusion of life (into); animation; invigoration; resuscitation; saving of life. ̃দান করা v. to infuse life (into); to give life (to); to animate, to invigorate; to give back one's life, to resuscitate; to save one's life; to sacrifice one's life, to give up one's life. ̃দায়ক same as প্রাণদ । fem. প্রাণদায়িকা । ̃ধারণ n. act of living; sustenance of oneself. প্রাণধারণ করা v. to live; to sustain oneself. ̃নাথ same as প্রাণেশ্বর । ̃নাশ same as প্রাণবধ । ̃নাশক same as প্রাণঘাতী । ̃পণ n. resolve of doing something even at the cost of one's life. ̃পণে adv. staking one's life, even at the cost of one's life. ̃পতি same as প্রাণেশ্বর । ̃পাখি n. the bird of life imprisoned in the cage of the body; life; life-breath. প্রণপাত করা v. to wreck or lay down or sacrifice one's life; to strain all one's energies. ̃পূর্ণ same as প্রাণবন্ত । ̃প্রতিম a. resembling life; as dear as life. ̃প্রতিমা n. the idol of one's life; a woman or girl as dear as one's life. ̃প্রতিষ্ঠা n. the rite of investing an idol with life, (cp.) consecration; infusion of life (into), activization (as of an organization). প্রাণ প্রতিষ্ঠা করা v. (eccl.) to invest (an idol) with life, to consecrate; to infuse life into (an organization); to activize. ̃প্রদ same as প্রাণদ । ̃প্রিয় a. as dear as life; an object of deep affection; dearer than life. ̃বঁধু n. a lover as dear as one's life, a sweetheart. ̃বধ n. killing or slaying, manslaughter. প্রাণবধ করা v. to kill, to slay, to take a life. ̃বন্ত a. living, alive; animate; lively; vivacious. sprightly; cordial, genial; volatile, active. ̃বন্ততা n. the state of being alive or living; animation; liveliness, vivacity, sprightliness; cordiality, geniality, volatility, fullness of activity. ̃বল্লভ same as প্রাণেশ্বর । ̃বান same as প্রাণচঞ্চল । ̃বায়ু n. life-breath; the first of the five vital airs (namely প্রাণ অপান, সমান, উদান and ব্যান) or all these airs collectively. প্রাণবায়ু বার হওয়া v. to breathe one's last, to die. ̃বিয়োগ n. death. প্রাণবিয়োগ হওয়া v. to die. ̃বিসর্জন n. sacrifice of one's life. প্রাণবিসর্জন দেওয়া v. to sacrifice one's life. ̃ভয় n. fear of losing one's life, fear of life. ̃ভয়ে adv. for fear of life. ̃ময় a. same as প্রাণবন্ত, and also—the sole object of one's life. fem. প্রাণময়ী । প্রাণময় কোষ (Hindu phil.) the life-cell of the body. প্রাণরক্ষা করা v. to save one's life; to sustain. প্রাণরক্ষা হওয়া v. to be saved from death; to be saved; to sustain oneself. ̃লাভ n. act of coming or coming back to life. প্রাণলাভ করা v. to come or come back to life. ̃শূন্য a. lifeless; inanimate; lacking in liveliness or vivacity or sprightliness, dull, lacking in cordiality or geniality, cold, inactive, lethargic; callous. ̃সংকট same as প্রাণসংশয় । ̃সংশয় n. possibility of losing one's life, risk or hazard or peril of one's life. ̃সংহার same as প্রাণবধ । ̃সখা n. a bosom friend. ̃সঞ্চার same as প্রাণদান । ̃সম a. equal to life. ̃হন্তা n. a slayer, a killer; a murderer (fem. a murderess). fem. ̃হন্ত্রী । ̃হর, ̃হারক, ̃হারী same as প্রাণঘাতী । fem. ̃হরা, ̃হারিকা, ̃হারিণী । ̃হীন same as প্রাণশূন্য । প্রাণাত্যয় n. destruction or loss of life, death; time of death or of loss of life. প্রাণাধিক a. dearer than one's life. fem. প্রাণাধিকা । প্রাণান্ত n. termination of life, death. প্রাণান্তকর a. causing death or termination of life; (fig.) extremely toilsome or causing extreme suffering. প্রাণান্ত পরিচ্ছেদ n. that which ends in or extends up to death; (fig.) extreme toil or suffering. প্রাণান্ত-পরিশ্রম n. extremely toilsome work, hard toil (likely to cost a person his life.) প্রাণেশ, প্রাণেশ্বর n. the lord of one's life; a husband; a lover. প্রাণেশ্বরী n. fem. the mistress of one's life; a wife; a ladylove, a sweetheart. প্রাণোত্সর্গ n. sacrifice of one's life. প্রাণোত্সর্গ করা v. to sacrifice one's life. 30)
(p. 717) badha killing, slaughter. বধ করা v. to kill, to slay; to slaughter. ̃কর্তা n. a killer, a slayer; a slaughterer. fem. ̃কর্ত্রী । ̃দণ্ড n. capital punishment. ̃স্হলী, ̃স্হান n. a place of execution or slaughter; a slaughter-house. বধার্থ adv. for killing or slaughter. বর্ধাহ same as বধ্য । 38)
(p. 717) badhōdyata on the point of killing or slaying or slaughtering, ready to kill. 41)
(p. 717) badhya (fit.) to be killed or slain or slaughtered. ̃পাল n. the supervisor of an execution. ̃ভূমি n. a place of execution or slaughter. 42)
(p. 852) māraṇa killing, slaughter; destroying, destruction; an occult rite performed to cause one's death (মারণমন্ত্র); calcination (of metals). মারণাস্ত্র n. a weapon of destruction. মারিত a. killed; destroyed. 153)
(p. 967) saṃhāra killing, slaughter; destruction; end, termination, close, finish (উপসংহার); withdrawal, retraction, revocation (বাক্যসংহার, শরসংহার); contraction, collecting; act of dressing up (বেণীসংহার). সংহার করা (poet.) সংহারা v. to kill, to slay; to destroy. সংহারক a. killing, slaying; destroying, destructive. n. a killer, a slayer; a destroyer. সংহারমূর্তি n. image or embodiment of annihilation or destruction; a formidable form. সংহারী a. (used as a sfx.) same as সংহারক (a.). fem. সংহারিণী । 62)
(p. 1046) hatyā killing, slaughter; massacre; murder; persistent squatting at the temple of a deity for obtaining divine favour. হত্যা করা v. to kill, to slay; to massacre (lit. & fig.); to murder. হত্যা দেওয়া v. to squat at the temple of a deity for obtaining divine favour; (fig.) to solicit doggedly. ̃কাণ্ড n. an instance of homicide; carnage; killing; a massacre; murder. ̃কারী n. a homicide; a murderer; a slayer, a killer. fem. ̃কারিণী n. murderess. হত্যাপরাধ n. the offence of homicide or murder; culpable homicide amounting to murder. হত্যাপরাধী a. guilty of homicide or murder. n. a homicide; a murderer (fem. a murderess). fem. হত্যাপরাধিনী । 5)
(p. 1046) hanana killing, slaying, slaughter, murdering, murder. হনন করা v. to kill, to slay; to murder. হননীয় a. that which can be or is fit to be killed or slaughtered or slain. 9)
হিংসন, হিংসা
(p. 1056) hiṃsana, hiṃsā killing, slaughter; malice; spite, malevolence; (loos.) envy, jealousy. হিংসনীয় a. that which is to be or ought to be killed; that which is to be or ought to be envied, enviable. হিংসা করা v. to kill, to slay; to harm; to malice; to envy, to be jealous of. হিংসাত্মক a. killing, slaying; malicious, spiteful, malevolent; envious. হিংসাপরায়ণ same as হিংসক । 25)
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