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temporarily দ্বারা সংসদ বাংলা ডিকশোনারির সবগুলো শব্দ

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(p. 90) ashāẏī impermanent; temporary; transient; unstable; not durable; floating, passing (অস্হায়ী ভাব); perishable (অস্হায়ী জীবন). অস্হায়িত্ব, অস্হায়িতা n. impermanence; temporariness; transience; instability; want of durability; perishability. 54)
(p. 133) āstānā haunt; an abode, a dwellingplace; a hermitage. আস্তানা গাড়া v. to set up an abode (esp. a temporary one); to take shelter (temporarily). আস্তানা গোটানো v. to depart for good; to strike the tent. 19)
(p. 388) jana a person, a man (শতজন); a labourer (জন খাটানো); the common people, the masses, demos (জননেতা). in comp. a person, a head (দশজন, দুজন). জনকল্যাণ n. welfare of the people, masses etc. জন খাটা v. to work as a labourer. জন খাটানো v. to supervise labourers at work, to requisition the service of a labourer. ̃গণ same as ̃সাধারণ । ̃গণনা n. census. ̃গণেশ n. the presiding god of the common people or the proletariat. জনগণের দাবি public demand. ̃গোষ্ঠী n. a clan; a tribe. ̃তা n. an assembly or crowd of persons; a mob; the rabble; (pol.) the proletariat. অবৈধ জনতা an unlawful assembly. ̃নায়ক, ̃নেতা n. a leader of the people; a demagogue. ̃পদ n. any human habitation with distinct boundary lines such as a village or a town, a settlement, a township. ̃পদবধূ n. a prostitute, a whore. জনপালন কৃত্যক civil service. ̃প্রবাদ n. hearsay, a rumour. ̃প্রাণী n. a single person or creature. ̃প্রিয় a. popular. ̃প্রিয়তা n. popularity. ̃বল same as লোকবল । ̃বসতি n. human habitation, habitation. ̃বহুল a. populous, numerously inhabited, thickly populated, congested, crowded. ̃বিরল a. sparsely inhabited or populated; almost desolate. ̃মজুর n. a labourer (chiefly a temporarily hired one). ̃মত n. popular opinion or verdict, public opinion. ̃মানব n. (even) a single human being. ̃মানবহীন a. desolate, totally desolate; lonely, deserted. ̃মুখী a. aimed at the benefit of the people. ̃যুদ্ধ n. people's war. ̃রব n. hearsay; a rumour. ̃লোক n. (myth.) the fifth of the seven heavens which is the abode of pious people after their death. ̃শূন্য a. desolate. ̃শ্রুতি n. hearsay, a rumour. ̃সংখ্যা n. population. ̃সংঘ n. a people's society; a society for public welfare, a social service or welfare institution. ̃সংভরণ n. civil supply. ̃সভা n. mass meeting, public meeting. ̃সমক্ষে adv. publicly, before everybody's eyes, openly. ̃সমষ্টি n. same as জনগণ and জনসাধারণ । ̃সমাজ n. the human society. ̃সমাবেশ n. a gathering (of people, crowds etc.), an assembly, an assemblage of people. ̃সমুদ্র n. (lit.) a sea of people; a great multitude of people, a vast concourse of people. ̃সাধারণ n. the common people; the masses; the public; (pol.) the proletariat. ̃স্বাস্হ্য n. public health. ̃স্রোত n. a stream of people. ̃হিতকর a. beneficial to the public, doing good to the people; philanthropic. ̃হীন a. desolate. জনে জনে one after another; one by one; individually; severally. 5)
(p. 407) jōḍ়ātāli a patchwork. জোড়াতালি দেওয়া v. to mend clumsily, to patch; (fig.) to patch up; to make up temporarily. জোড়াতালি দিয়ে কাজ চালানো to manage somehow with whatever comes ready to hand. 19)
(p. 429) ṭhikā employed for part-time or casual service, hired, part-time (ঠিকা ঝি); temporary (ঠিকা চাকরি); holding possession temporarily for a fixed period (ঠিকা প্রজা); hired, hackney (ঠিকা গাড়ি); that which is done on contract or on piece-system (ঠিকা কাজ). n. a work done by contract, a contract (ঠিকা পাওয়া); a sub-contract; lease (জমি ঠিকা নেওয়া). ঠিকা কাজ a piece-work; a temporary job; a part-time job. ঠিকা গাড়ি a hackney-coach, a hackney-carriage. ঠিকা চাকর a hired servant; a hireling. ঠিকা ঝি a hired maidservant, a charwoman. ঠিকা প্রজা a temporary tenant. ঠিকা মজুর a hired or casual labour or a hireling. 7)
(p. 457) tālā3 act of deafening temporarily. তালা লাগা v. to be deafened temporarily. তালা লাগানো v. to deafen temporarily. 53)
(p. 532) dharma religion, faith, creed; piety, virtue (অহিংসা পরম ধর্ম); scriptural laws or directions (ধর্মসম্মত); a form of worship (তান্ত্রিক ধর্ম); theology (ধর্মগ্রন্হ); natural quality or behaviour or disposition, property or function (মানবধর্ম, কালধর্ম, আগুনের ধর্ম); virtuousness, righteousness, morality (ধর্মহীন আচরণ); law (ধর্মপত্নী); justice (ধর্মাধিকরণ); holiness, sacredness (ধর্মের সংসারে পাপ); Yama (যম) the god of piety and death; a popular god of Bengal (ধর্মঠাকুর); chastity (স্ত্রীলোকের ধর্মনাশ); (astrol.) the ninth house from the house of birth in the zodiac. ধর্মে সওয়া v. (of a sin, misdeed etc.) to be tolerated by God or the Divine Judge. ধর্মের কল বাতাসে নড়ে, ধর্মের ঢাক আপনি বাজে (fig.) truth cannot be kept concealed, truth must come out; the irrevocable rod of Nemesis is sure to strike in course of time. ধর্মের ষাঁড় (fig.) a wildly wayward man allowed to move scotfree. ধর্মের সংসার a family practising virtue, a pious family. ধর্ম-অর্থ-কাম-মোক্ষ n the four principal aims of human life; piety, wealth, love or fulfilment of desire, and salvation of the soul. ̃কন্যা n. fem. one solemnly accepted as a daughter by a person other than one's parents; (loos.) a god-daughter. ধর্ম-কর্ম, ̃কার্য n. religious practices (esp. as enjoined by scriptures). ̃কাম a. desirous of attaining virtue through religious practices. ̃কৃত্য, ̃ক্রিয়া same as ধর্মকর্ম । ̃ক্ষেত্র n. a holy or consecrated place, a place of pilgrimage. ̃গত a. pious, virtuous; concerning or pertaining to religion, religious. ̃গতপ্রাণ a. having one's life devoted to religion or piety; very religious-minded; profoundly or deeply pious. ̃গ্রন্হ n. a holy book or text, a scripture; a religious book; a theological treatise. ̃ঘট n. (ori.) a religious practice consisting in giving away pitchers filled with holy water; (pol. & pop.) cessation of work as a means of putting pressure on employers, a strike. ধর্মঘটকালীন ভাতা strike-pay. ধর্মঘটী n. (pol.) a striker. ˜চক্র n. the four laws or directives of Buddha conducive to attaining final salvation. ̃চর্চা n. religious discussion or practice. ̃চর্যা n. observance of religious rules and rites, religious practice; practice of virtue. ̃চারী a. observant of religious rules and rites, devoted to religious practices; virtuous, pious. ̃চিন্তা n. religious meditation; spiritual meditation; theological meditation; theology. ̃চ্যুত same as ধর্মভ্রষ্টা । ̃জ a. legitimately born. ̃জিজ্ঞাসা n. religious inquiry; spiritual inquiry. ̃জিজ্ঞাসু a. seeking after or inquisitive about religious or spiritual truths. ̃জীবন n. religious or spiritual life; pious or virtuous life; ecclesiastical life. ̃জ্ঞ a. conversant with religious rules and duties; conversant with religion; pious, virtuous, religious. ̃জ্ঞান n. religious knowledge; religious-mindedness; deep sense of piety. ̃ঠাকুর n. a popular god of Bengal named Dharma (ধর্ম). ̃তা adv. in the eye of righteousness or piety; according to or conforming to righteousness, piously. ̃তত্ত্ব n the mysteries of religion; theology; theosophy, a religious doctrine. ̃তত্ত্ববিদ n. one conversant with the mysteries of religion; a theologian; one conversant with a religious doctrine. ̃তত্ত্বীয় a. concerning the mysteries of religion, religious; theological; concerning a religious doctrine. ̃ত্যাগ n. abandonment of one's religion, adoption of another religion, apostasy. ধর্মত্যাগ করা v. to abandon one's religion, to adopt another religion. n. an apostate, a renegade. ̃দ্বেষী, ̃দ্রোহী a. revolting against or hostile to religion; irreligious; impious; ungodly. fem. ধর্মদ্বেষিণী, ধর্মদ্রোহিণী । ̃দ্রোহ, ̃দ্রোহিতা n. revolt against or hostility towards religion; irreligion; impiety; ungodliness. ̃ধ্বজী a. simulating piety or virtuousness; sanctimonious; hypocritical. n. one simulating piety or virtuousness, a religious imposter. ̃নাশ n. ravishment of a woman's chastity, rape; profanation or defilement of one's religion or idol. ধর্মনাশ করা v. to ravish or outrage one's chastity, to rape; to profane or defile one's religion or idol. ̃নিন্দা n. disparagement of religion; blasphemy. ধর্মের নিন্দা করা v. to disparage religion; to blaspheme. ̃নিরপেক্ষ a. irrespective of creed (ধর্মনিরপেক্ষ বিচার); secular (ধর্মনিরপেক্ষ রাষ্ট্র). ̃নির্দিষ্ট a. enjoined by religion; enjoined by scriptures, scriptural. ̃নিষ্ঠ a. devoted to religion or religious practices; pious, virtuous, righteous. ̃নিষ্ঠা n. devotion to religion or religious practices; piety, virtuousness, righteousness. ̃নীতি n. a religious principle or principles; a principle or principles of virtue; a moral principle or principles; ethics. ̃পত্নী n. a lawful wife; a lawfully married wife. ̃পথ n. the path of virtue or piety. ধর্মপথে থাকা v. to follow the path of virtue or piety, to practise virtue or piety; to walk in the presence of God. ̃পর, ̃পরায়ণ same as ধর্মনিষ্ঠ । ̃পাল n. a defender of religion; (Christ.) a bishop. ̃পালক n. one who observes religious rites and practices; a defender of religion or faith. ̃পালন n. observance of religious rites and practices; defence of religion. ̃পিতা n. one solemnly accepted as father by a person other than one's children; (loos.) a godfather. ̃পিপাসা n. a strong desire for learning religious truths, thirst for religion. ̃পিপাসু a. desirous of learning religious truths, thirsty of religion. ̃পুত্র, (coll. corrup.) ̃পুত্তুর n. (loos.) a godson; a son of Yama (যম) the god of piety; an appellation of Yudhisthira of the Mahabharata; (sarcas.) one who poses to be a profoundly pious or truthful man; sanctimonious. ধর্মপুত্র যুধিষ্ঠির (sarcas.) a profoundly pious or truthful man, a sanctimonious person. ̃পুস্তক same as ধর্মগ্রন্হ । ̃প্রচার n. preaching of religion; religious preaching or propaganda; evangelization; evangelism. ধর্মপ্রচার করা v. to preach religion; to evangelize. ̃প্রচারক a. preaching religion; evangelizing. n. a religious preacher; an evangelist. ̃প্রধান a. chiefly guided by religion or religious principles; religious-minded, devout. ̃প্রবক্তা n. a prophet. ̃প্রবণ a. having propensity towards religion; religiousminded. ̃প্রবনতা n. leaning towards religion; religious-mindednesss. ̃প্রবর্তক n. the founder of a religion. ̃প্রাণ a. counting or regarding religion as precious as one's life; profoundly devout. ̃প্রাণতা n. act of counting religion as precious as one's life; profound devoutness. ̃বন্ধন n. the bond of religion; a sacred or solemn bond or tie; the holy bondage of being members of the same religious community. ̃বন্ধু n. a friend or servant of religion; a friend or helper in religious matters. ̃বল n. force of piety or virtuousness. ̃বাণী n. a word or teaching of religion; a holy word; an evangel, a gospel. ̃বিধান, ̃বিধি n. a religious law or rule; a sacred law; a scriptural injunction or prescription. ̃বিপ্লব n. a revolution in the world of religion; a great religious change, a religious revolution. ̃বিরুদ্ধ, ̃বিরোধী a. hostile to religion or piety; irreligious or impious, ungodly. ̃বিশ্বাস n. a religious faith, a creed; faith in religion. ̃বিশ্বাসী a. having faith in a particular religion or creed; following a particular creed; having faith in religion; virtuous, pious, godly. ̃বুদ্ধি n. virtuous or pious or just thought or intention; conscientiousness, conscionableness; good conscience. ̃বৃদ্ধ n. a religious or ecclesiastical elder; a member of a priesthood, a father. ̃ভয় n. fear of God; religious qualm. ̃ভগিনী n. one solemnly accepted as a sister by a person other than one's brother or sister; a female disciple of the same teacher; a member of a sisterhood, a nun, a sister. ̃ভাই coll. form of ধর্মভ্রাতা । ̃ভীরু a. God-fearing. ̃ভীরুতা n. God-fearing conduct or nature. ̃ভ্রষ্ট a. gone astray from the religious or righteous course; fallen from one's religious belief. ̃ভ্রাতা n. one solemnly accepted as a brother by a person other than one's brother or sister; a disciple of the same teacher or preceptor; a member of a brotherhood or sect or faith; a brother. ̃মঙ্গল n. a long poem narrating the glory of Dharmathakur (ধর্মঠাকুর). ̃মত n. a religious tenet or doctrine. ̃মন্দির n. a house of worship, a temple, a shrine. ̃ময় a. full of piety; devout or pious. ̃মা, ̃মাতা n. one solemnly accepted as mother by a person other than one's child. ̃মূলক a. concerning religion, religious. ̃যাজক n. an ecclesiastic; a clergyman; a priest. ̃যুদ্ধ n. a war for the cause of religion, (cp.) a crusade, a holy war. ̃যোদ্ধা n. one fighting for the cause of religion, (cp.) a crusader; a holy warrior. ̃রক্ষা n. defence of religion; preservation of one's religion or piety; preservation of chastity (স্ত্রীলোকের ধর্মরক্ষা). ̃রাজ n. the lord of justice; an appellation of Yudhisthira of the Mahabharata or that of Yama (যম) or Dharmathakur (ধর্মঠাকুর) or Buddha. ̃রাজ্য n. a state or kingdom administered with scrupulous justice, a realm of justice; a state or kingdom founded on religion or piety, a holy state. ̃রাষ্ট্র n. a theocratic state. ̃লক্ষণ n. any one of the (ten) characteristic signs of piety or virtuousness. ̃লোপ n. destruction or extinction of religion or piety; profanation of one's religion; ravishment of (a woman's) chastity. ̃শালা n. a guesthouse where pilgrims and travellers are accommodated temporarily at a low cost or free of cost; (ori.) a court of justice. ̃শাসন n. a religious or scriptural edict; administration of justice; lawful judgment; rule of the ecclesiastics, theocracy. ̃শাস্ত্র n. scripture. ̃শাস্ত্রব্যবসায়ী n. a dealer in religious books and scriptures; an expounder and teacher of scriptures, a scribe. ̃শাস্ত্রানুমত a. conforming to or as prescribed by scriptures. ̃শিক্ষক n. a religious teacher or preceptor. ̃শিক্ষা n. religious education or teaching. ̃শীল a. pious, virtuous. ̃সংস্কার n. religious reformation; a holy sacrament. ̃সংস্কারক n. a religious reformer. ̃সংস্হাপন n. introduction or founding of a religion; firm establishment of a religion; rejuvenation or reinforcement or restoration of a religion. ̃সংহিতা n. a religious code, a book of holy laws. ̃সংগত same as ধর্মসম্মত । ̃সংগীত n. a devotional song or hymn, a psalm. ̃সভা n. a religious gathering or congress or convention or congregation or society. ̃সম্প্রদায় n. a religious community, a religious group or sect. ̃সম্মত a. conforming to the rules and prescription of religion or piety; pious, virtuous; rightful; just. ̃সাক্ষী a. having or claiming the god of piety as witness. n. an oath in the name of the god of piety. ধর্মসাক্ষী করে বলা to take an oath in the name of God, to take a solemn oath. ̃সাধন n. practice of virtue or religion. ̃হানি same as ধর্মনাশ । ̃হীন a. godless, ungodly, irreligious, impious; blasphemous. ̃হীনতা n. ungodliness; impiety. 17)
(p. 606) pati a husband; a master, an employer, a boss; an owner; an overlord, a ruler, a king; a chief; a leader. ̃গৃহ n. the husband's house, a woman's husband's house. পতিংবরা a. & n. fem. one who selects or chooses one's husband. ˜ঘাতিনী a. & n. fem. one who murders or kills one's husband; one who is the cause of one's husband's death. ̃ত্ব n. the state of being a husband; state of being a master or employer or boss; ownership; overlordship; rulership; kingship; office or post of a chief; leadership. পতিত্বে বরণ করা v. to accept or take as one's husband. ̃ত্যাগ n. act of deserting or divorcing one's husband. ̃দেবতা n. one's husband regarded as one's deity. ̃পরায়ণা a. fem. extremely devoted (and faithful) to one's husband. ̃-পত্নী n. husband and wife. ̃-পুত্র n. a husband and a son or sons. ̃পুত্রহীনা a. deprived of both husband and son. ̃প্রাণা a. fem. one who looks upon one's husband as one's life; one who can hardly live without one's husband, extremely devoted to one's husband. ̃বত্নী a. fem. having one's husband living. ̃বিয়োগ n. death of one's husband. ̃বিরহ n. separation (temporary or permanent) from one's husband. ̃বিরহিণী a. fem. separated (temporarily or permanently) from one's husband. ̃ব্রতা a. fem. one who has taken the vow of serving one's husband; extremely devoted to one's husband. ̃মতী a. fem. having a master or ruler. (পতিমতী পৃথ্বী). ̃সেবা n. serving one's husband. ̃হীনা a. widowed. পতিহীনা নারী a widow. 29)
(p. 773) biśrāma rest, repose; temporary desistance or cessation of labour; an interval. বিশ্রাম করা, বিশ্রাম নেওয়া v. to take rest, to repose; desist from work or labour (permanently or temporarily). বিশ্রাম দেওয়া v. to give rest; to release from or relieve of work or labour (permanently or temporarily), to rest. ̃কাল n. a time for rest or repose; an interval. 21)
(p. 867) mukha the face; the mouth; countenance, appearance(s) (লোকের কাছে মুখ থাকা); gift of the gab, oratorical skill, eloquence (উকিলটির মুখ নেই); acrimonious speech, sharp or caustic tongue (তার বড়ো মুখ হয়েছে); speech, language, mode of speaking (দুর্মুখ); an entrance (গুহামুখ); an opening (ফোঁড়ার মুখ); an outlet; an outfall (নদীমুখ); a tip, a point (ছুঁচের মুখ); an end, an extremity, a head (রাস্তার মুখ); outset, beginning (উন্নতির মুখ); direction (গৃহমুখে). মুখ উজ্জ্বল করা v. to bring glory or credit to, to glorify. মুখ করা v. to scold (esp. peevishly). মুখ কুট্কুট্ করা same as মুখ চুলকানো (see চুলকানো). মুখ খারাপ করা v. to utter foul or filthy or abusive words. মুখ খিঁচানো v. to make faces (at); to mouth; to scold. মুখ খোলা v. to begin to speak, to open one's mouth. মুখ গোঁজ করা v. to pull a long face; to be down in the mouth. মুখ চলা v. to be eating or speaking or scolding. মুখ চাওয়া v. to be dependent (on a person); to be considerate about or partial to (a person). মুখ চুন করা v. to become pale (on account of fear, shame etc.). মুখ ছোট করা v. to discountenance; to discredit; to disgrace. মুখ টিপে হাসা v. to smile in a jocular or an oblique or a sly manner, to smirk. মুখ তুলতে না পারা v. to be highly abashed, to be put out of countenance. মুখ তুলে চাওয়া, মুখ তোলা v. to look up; (fig.) to smile on. মুখ থাকা v. to have one's face saved, to have appearances kept up. মুখ থুবরে পড়া v. to fall on one's face. মুখ দেখা v. to see ceremonially the face of a person (esp. of a bride) for the first time. মুখ দেখতে না পারা same as মুখ তুলতে না পারা । মুখ দেখানো v. to show one's face, to put in an appearance. মুখ নষ্ট করা v. to speak or plead in vain. মুখ নষ্ট হওয়া v. to have one's advice or request turned down. মুখ পোড়ানো v. to disgrace, to scandalize. মুখ ফসকানো v. (of words, remarks etc.) to slip off one's tongue. মুখ ফেরানো v. to turn away or look in another direction (in disgust, displeasure etc.); (fig.) to become unfavourable or hostile to. মুখ ফোটা v. to begin to speak (esp. for the first time); to utter. মুখ ফোলানো v. to pout one's lips; to pull a long face. মুখ বন্ধ করা v. to stop one's mouth, to silence or be silent. মুখ বাঁকানো v. to turn up one's nose (in displeasure, abhorrence etc.); to make a wry face. মুখ বোজা v. to stop one's mouth, to become reticent or uncommunicative. মুখ ভার (বা ভারী) করা same as মুখ গোঁজ করা । মুখ ভেংচানো same as ভেংচানো । মুখ মারা v. to put out of countenance; to disgrace; to silence; to deprive one of one's appetite by feeding one with a highly palatable dish. মুখ রাখা v. to save one's face; to keep up appearances. মুখ লুকানো v. to hide one's face. মুখ শুকানো v. to look pale. মুখ সামলানো v. to speak guardedly; to forbear speaking unreservedly; to observe restraint in speech; to hold one's tongue. মুখ সেলাই করে দেওয়া v. to sew up or seal one's lips, to silence. মুখ হওয়া v. to learn to take liberties in speech; to be unrestrained in speech; to form a habit of scolding; (of a boil, etc.) to open. মুখে আনা v. to utter. মুখে আসা v. to occur to one to speak; to desire to utter; to be capable of being uttered; to be uttered. মুখে খই ফোটা v. to be chattering excessively, to have a long tongue; to be eloquent. মুখে জল আসা v. to have one's mouth watering. মুখে দেওয়া v. to eat. মুখে ফুল-চন্দন পড়া v. (used as a good wish) to have one's tongue blessed for having made a desirable or favourable or successful prophecy. মুখে ভাত n. the Hindu custom of a child's eating rice for the first time. মুখে-মুখে adv. orally; viva voce; extemporarily, off-hand, impromptu; defiantly to one's face, in retort (মুখে মুখে জবাব); transmitted orally from one person to another (মুখে মুখে প্রচারিত). মুখের উপর to one's face; defying openly. মুখের কথা (fig.) a very easy job; (fig.) an oral promise, word of mouth. মুখের ছাঁদ cut of one's jib. মুখের তোড় fluency of speech. মুখের ভয়ে in fear of bitter scolding, in fear of sharp or caustic tongue. মুখের মতো fitting. কোন মুখে সেখানে যাবে have you the face to go there? ̃আলগা a. incapable of keeping a secret, given to divulging secrets; having no control over one's tongue; having a long tongue. ̃কমল n. a face conceived as a lotus, a lotus-face. ̃চন্দ্র n. moonface. ̃চন্দ্রিকা n. the ceremonial viewing of each other's face by a bride and a bridegroom at a Hindu wedding. ̃চাপা a. tongue-tied, uncommunicative. ̃চুন n. clear sign of discomfiture, fear etc. on one's face; abashed look. ̃চোরা a. bashful, shy; tongue-tied. ̃চ্ছটা, ̃চ্ছবি n. the glamour or beauty of a face. ̃ঝামটা, ̃নাড়া n. scolding, mouthing. মুখ ঝামটা বা মুখ নাড়া দেওয়া v. to scold, to mouth, to snarl at. ̃নিঃসৃত, ̃নির্গত a. issuing or emerging or emerged from one's mouth or face. ̃পত্র n. a preface, a preamble, an introduction; a journal representing an organization or association. ̃পদ্ম same as ̃কমল । ̃পাত n. the opening or top plait of a folded cloth; the cover or jacket of a book; the front; the outward show; commencement, inception, inauguration. ̃পাত্র n. a spokesman; a leader (esp. of a deputation). ̃পোড়া n. (in abuses) a disgraceful or scandalous person; (in affection) a mischievous person; a kind of monkey, the langur (হনুমান). fem. মুখপুড়ি (in the first two senses only). ̃ফোড় a. (impertinently) outspoken. ̃দন্ধ n. an introduction, a preface. মুখ ব্যাদান করা v. to gape, to open one's mouth wide. ̃ভঙ্গি n. a wry face or mouth; a grimace. মুখভঙ্গি করা same as ভেংচানো । ̃মন্ডল n. the face. ̃মিষ্টি n. sweet or suave language. a. fair-spoken, sweet-tongued. মুখরক্ষা করা v. to save one's face; to keep up appearances. ̃রুচি same as ̃চ্ছটা । ̃রোচক a. pleasant to the taste, tasty, palatable; appetizing. মুখরোচক কথা pleasant or palatable or flattering speech. ̃লাবণ্য same as ̃চ্ছটা । ̃শশী same as ̃চন্দ্র । ̃শুদ্ধি n. deodorization of the mouth by chewing betel-leaves etc. after taking meals. ̃শ্রী n. the beauty or grace of the face. ̃সর্বস্ব a. efficient in tall talk (but not in action). মুখসর্বস্ব ব্যক্তি a prattler, a gasbag. 43)
(p. 1044) hōẏā being; happening, occurrence; birth; growth; production; collection, formation; accomplishment; performance; procurement; rendering; becoming; setting in; sufficing; the state of being in particular relation with; act of becoming one's own or one's property; fitting. v. to be; to come into existence, to be created; to happen, to occur, to take place (যুদ্ধ হওয়া); to be born; to grow (ধান হওয়া); to be produced or manufactured; to gather or collect; to form; to be earned or gained; to be acquired (তার টাকা হয়েছে = he has made money); to advance (বেলা হওয়া); to increase, to grow, to add to; to be finished or accomplished or performed; to be procured or obtained; to be rendered or turned into, to be reduced to; to become (রাজা হওয়া); to arrive (সময় হওয়া); to set in (সন্ধ্যা হওয়া); to extend over, to cover (দুদিন হল সে গেছে = it is two days since he went); to be seized or attacked with (ভয় বা জ্বর হওয়া); to fall বৃষ্টি হওয়া; to be sufficient or adequate for, to suffice (এ টাকাতেই হবে); to bear a particular relation to (সে আমার কুটুম হয় = he is my relation); to become one's own or one's property (জমিটা তার হল); to fit (জামাটা গায়ে হবে না); to be likely to happen (তা হবে = it may be so, it may happen so). a. completed, finished; done; performed (হওয়া কাজ). হয়ে আসা v. to drop in temporarily (আসার পথে বাজারটা হয়ে এসো); to be about to terminate or end, to come near the close; to be in the last gasp, to be dying (তার হয়ে এসেছে). 4)
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