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washed দ্বারা সংসদ বাংলা ডিকশোনারির সবগুলো শব্দ

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(p. 9) aṅga a limb; the body; shape or form; a feature; a part; an essential part; an ingredient, a component, an element; an item (নৈবেদ্যের অঙ্গ); (esp. bot.) an organ; the ancient name of Bihar or of Bhagalpur and adjoining places. ̃গ্রহ n. convulsion of or pain in the body or any part of it, spasm; tetanus. ̃গ্লানি n. wearisome or painful physical exertion, tiredness; dirt or soil of the body. ̃চালন n. the movement of the body or limbs; physical exercise. ̃চ্ছেদ, ̃চ্ছেদন n. amputation or cutting off of a limb; deduction of a part; mutilation. ̃জ, ̃জনু a. born of one's body. n. offspring; a son. ̃জা a. daughter. ̃ত্র, ̃ত্রাণ n. armour, a coat of mail. ̃ন্যাস n. touching different parts of the body as one recites (usu. mentally) different incantations. ̃প্রত্যঙ্গ n. different limbs and appendages of the body. ̃প্রায়শ্চিত্ত n. expiatory rite of removing the taint of the body. ̃বিকৃতি n. deformity; apoplexy. ̃বিক্ষেপ n. making gestures, posing; a gesture, a pose; convulsion of a limb or the body, spasm. ̃বিন্যাস n. posing; posture. ̃বিহীন a. wanting in one or more limbs, crippled; deformed; bodiless, formless, incorporeal. fem. ̃বিহীনা । ̃ভঙ্গ, ̃ভঙ্গি n. a pose or posture; a gesture; secret communication of one's intention by means of a physical gesture. ̃বৈকল্য n. same as ̃বিকৃতি । ̃মর্দক n. masseur. ̃মর্দিকা n. fem. masseuse. ̃মর্দন n. massage. ̃মোটন n. stretching and straightening the body for removing lassitude and sloth. ̃রাগ n. beautifying the body with cosmetics; any article of cosmetic or toilet. ̃রাজ n. the king of Anga. ̃রাজ্য n. a state of a federation. ̃রুহ n. hair; wool; fur; feather, a gown. ̃শুদ্ধি n. purification of the body (by ablution or by ceremonial washing). ̃সংবাহন n. massage. ̃শোভা n. beauty of the body. ̃সংস্হান n. morphology. ̃সজ্জা n. beautifying the body (with dress or cosmetics). ̃সঞ্চালন same as ̃চালন । ̃সৌষ্ঠব n. physical grace or beauty or symmetry. ̃হানি n. loss of a limb; partial omission or curtailment of anything; mutilation; a defect. ̃হীন a. deformed; lacking one or more limbs; (of a work) lacking in perfection, defective; bodiless, formless, incorporeal. 15)
(p. 9) aṅgāra coal; carbon; cinder, charcoal; (fig.) a person or thing causing shame or disgrace (কুলের অঙ্গার বা কলন্ক). ̃ময় a. carbonaceous. ̃কৃষ্ণ a. black as coal, very black. ̃ধানী n. an incense-pot, censer. ̃ক n. carbon. অঙ্গারককমণি n. coral. অঙ্গারক রসায়ন n. organic chemistry. ̃ যৌগিক n. carbon compounds. অঙ্গারঃ শতধৌতেন মলিনত্বং ন মুঞ্চতি coal never changes its hue however well it may be washed; black will take no other hue. অঙ্গারাম্ল n. carbonic acid. 21)
(p. 9) aju (Mus.) act of washing hands and feet before prayer; ablution. 104)
(p. 22) adhauta unwashed; uncleaned. 9)
(p. 55) abadhauta1 washed or cleansed (carefully). 5)
(p. 63) abhiṣikta one (usu. a king, queen, bridegroom, bride, idol, convert etc.) whose person has been washed as a part of a ceremonial; installed; immersed, bathed; appointed, employed, initiated. 131)
(p. 63) abhiṣēka ceremonial washing of the person of a king, queen, bridegroom, bride, idol, convert etc. on the eve of their installation or initiation, ablution; installation; act of bathing, bath; appointment; induction, employment, initiation; enthronement, coronation. অভিষেক করা v. to wash ceremonially; to install; to immerse, to bathe; to appoint, to induct, to employ, to initiate; to enthrone. অভিষেকোত্সব n. the ceremony of crowning, coronation. 132)
(p. 63) abhiṣēcana drenching; ablution, ceremonial washing; immersion, bathing. 133)
(p. 97) ān̐cānō to wash one's mouth, esp. by rinsing after a meal. না আঁচালে বিশ্বাস নেই there's many a slip betwixt the cup and the lip. 5)
(p. 102) ācamana washing one's mouth and hands (esp. after meals); formal purification of one's body with water before religious worship as prescribed in the Hindu scriptures. আচমন করা v. to rinse and wash. আচমনীয় n. water for such washing or purification. 28)
(p. 104) āchaḍ়ānō to throw or dash to the ground violently (esp. when washing clothes). 8)
(p. 106) āḍ় a central market-place; a wholesale market; a storehouse, an entrepot; a fair. ̃ঘাটা n. a place on the river-bank for getting into or alighting from a boat. ̃ছাঁটা a. (of rice etc.) imperfectly husked. আড়ং ধোলাই n. thorough washing and bleaching of clothes; (coll.) beating someone black and blue. 14)
(p. 107) ādhōẏā unwashed; unbleached. 112)
আলেপ, আলেপন
(p. 126) ālēpa, ālēpana smearing or painting (with); any substance to smear with (such as ointment, grease oil etc.); a paint, a wash. 79)
(p. 143) ucchiṣṭa (of food) left or remaining in the plate after eating; not washed after eating (উচ্ছিষ্ট মুখ); that which has come in contact with cooked food (উচ্ছিষ্ট হাঁড়ি). n. orts; leavings of food in the plate after eating (also উচ্ছিষ্টান্ন); scraps of food. ̃ভোজন n. feeding of left-overs in another person's plate. ̃ভোজী a. one who eats the scraps of food left in another person's plate. n. a cringing dependant. 49)
(p. 143) uju (amongst Muslims) formal washing of one's person before praying and other religious services; washing one's person. 67)
উদ্বেল, উদ্বেলিত
(p. 157) udbēla, udbēlita washing or inundating the bank or shore; overflowing; swollen; overwhelmed; seized with (anxiety); brimming with (emotion). 16)
(p. 194) kajjala eye-wash, eye-salve, collyrium; lampblack; cloud; dark cloud. 2)
(p. 194) kajjbala eye-wash, eye-salve, collyrium. 4)
(p. 208) kali3 whitewash, limewash. কলি করা, কলি ধরানো, কলি ফেরানো v. to whitewash. 73)
(p. 208) kaluṣa a sin or guilt; a fault; defilement; soil, sully. ̃নাশন a. washing away or purifying a sin or guilt or fault. ̃নাশিনী a. fem. of কলুষনাশন । n. an appellation of Goddess Kali (কালী). কলুষিত a. sinful, guilty, defiled; soiled; vitiated. 80)
(p. 217) kācana act of washing clothes etc. by rinsing and thrashing. 38)
(p. 217) kācā to wash by rinsing and thrashing (as clothes etc.). a. thus washed. কাচানো v. to cause to wash by rinsing and thrashing; to get thus washed. a. thus washed. 42)
(p. 262) kṣāra alkali; a basic salt. ক্ষারক n. a chemical base; alkali; a washerman. fem. ক্ষারিকা । ক্ষারকীয় a. (chem.) basic, alkaline. ̃জল n. alkali water, alkaline water; salt water. ̃ধাতু n. alkali metal. ̃মিতি n. alkalimetry. ̃মৃত্তিকা n. alkaline earth, fuller's earth. 88)
(p. 262) kṣālana washing (বস্ত্রক্ষালন); cleansing; exoneration (দোষক্ষালন, পাপক্ষালন); removal; purification. ক্ষালন করা v. to wash; to cleanse; to exonerate; to remove; to purify. 92)
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