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(p. 22) anatibistṛta not very extensive or broad or wide or spacious. 51)
(p. 26) anāẏata not wide or large; not extended. 70)
(p. 34) anumaraṇa voluntarily burning oneself to death (on the funeral pyre of a deceased husband). অনুমৃতা a. fem. embracing death in the aforesaid manner (esp. applicable to a widow following her husband to death). mas. অনুমৃত । 30)
(p. 47) aparisara not wide, narrow; not spacious. 25)
(p. 51) apraśasta not wide or spacious, narrow; not respectable; disreputable; inauspicious, unfavourable, unsuitable, improper (অপ্রশস্ত সময়). 41)
(p. 56) abistīrṇa not spacious or wide or extensive; narrow; small. 130)
(p. 72) ambu water. ̃জ a. water-born. n. the lotus; conch. ̃জা n. fem. Goddess Lakshmi. ̃দ a. that which gives or supplies water. n. the cloud. ̃ধি, ̃নিধি n. the ocean; the sea. ̃বাচি, ̃বাচী n. three consecutive days usually of Ashara (আষাঢ়) for Hindu widows to fast as religious observance. ̃বাহ, ̃বাহী a. that which or one who carries water, water-carrying. n. the cloud. ̃বিম্ব n. bubble of water. 22)
(p. 83) asaṅkīrṇa not narrow, wide; not lacking in breadth.
(p. 123) āẏata extensive, wide; expanded; very large; (geom.) rectangular but having unequal sides, oblong. ̃ক্ষেত্র n. (geom.) an oblong, a rectangle. ̃চক্ষু, ̃লোচন a. wide-eyed or large-eyed. fem. ̃লোচনা । 3)
(p. 123) āẏatana area or its measure; volume or its measure; extension; breadth; width; a house, an abode; an institution (অচলায়তন); an altar. ̃স্হাপকতা n. bulkelasticity. আয়তনাঙ্ক n. bulk-modulus. 4)
(p. 123) āẏati2 length; width, breadth; extension; the future; time for bearing fruit. 6)
(p. 123) āẏāma1 width, breadth; length. 14)
(p. 189) ōsāra breadth, width; also dial. variant of ওয়াড় । 57)
(p. 194) kaḍ়ē youngest, smallest; little; young. কড়ে আঙুল the little finger (of the hand or foot.) কড়ে রাঁড়ি a woman widowed in childhood or at an early age, a childwidow. 58)
(p. 194) kapāla the skull, the cranium; the forehead; a beggar's bowl; a shred of an earthen pitcher. কপাল চাপড়ানো v. to beat one's forehead in despair; to complain bitterly against bad luck. কপাল ঠোকা v. to strike one's forehead against something (in order to express grief, complaint etc.); to try one's luck; to undertake a venture abandoning oneself into the hands of destiny. কপাল পোড়া v. to lose the favour of fortune, to be down on one's luck; (coll.) to become a widow, (of women) to be widowed. কপাল ফেরা v. to win the favour of fortune; to improve one's state and position; to begin to flourish; to be on the rise. কপাল ভাঙা same as কপাল পোড়া । কপালের লিখন decree of fate or providence. ̃ক্রমে adv. luckily, fortunately; by luck; as luck would have it; unfortunately, unluckily (কপালক্রমে সুযোগ হারানো) ̃জোর, জোর কপাল n. good luck, good fortune. ̃গুণে, ̃জোরে adv. by good luck (and esp. by chance). ̃পোড়া a. luckless, down on one's luck, unfortunate. ̃ভৃত্, ̃মালী, কপালী n. appellations of Shiva (শিব) ̃মালিনী, কপালিনী n. fem. appellations of Goddess Kali (কালী) কপালিয়া, কপালে a. fortunate, lucky, favoured by fortune. হায় কপাল int. oh dear! dear me! 145)
(p. 278) khāṭō not long or tall, short (খাটো দড়ি, খাটো গড়ন); of short width (খাটো কাপড়); not loud, low (খাটো গলা); backward (পড়াশোনায় খাটো); inefficient (কাজে খাটো); lacking, short, weak (বুদ্ধিতে খাটো). খাটো করা v. to shorten, to reduce; to shorten the width of; to lower; to humble (কাউকে খাটো করা, কারও মান খাটো করা); to disparage, to belittle. খাটো হওয়া v. to become short; to become less wide or long than what is necessary, to be of short measure (জামাটা খাটো হয়েছে); to be inferior to (কারও চেয়ে খাটো হওয়া); to prove oneself inefficient; to be humiliated, to look small (লোকের কাছে খাটো হওয়া). খাটো গলা a low voice. খাটো নজর (lit.) shortsightedness; (fig.) narrowmindedness, mean-mindedness. কানে খাটো hard of hearing. বুদ্ধিতে খাটো lacking in intelligence or understanding. 2)
(p. 296) gata departed; finished; bygone, past; last (গত সোমবার); dead (তার পিতা গত হয়েছেন); obtained, held (হস্তগত); entered, lying (রন্ধ্রগত, মনোগত). গত হওয়া v. to go by, to depart; to be finished; to pass away; to die. গতস্য শোচনা নাস্তি let bygones be bygones, it's no use crying over past things, let the dead past bury its dead. ̃কল্য, ̃কাল n. & adv. yesterday. ˜ক্লম a. refreshed. ̃চেতন a. unconscious; fainted, swooned. ̃জীব, ̃জীবন a. dead. ̃দিন, ̃দিবস n. & adv. yesterday. ˜নিদ্র a. sleepless; wakeful; awake. ̃পরশু n. & adv. (the) day before yesterday. ˜প্রাণ a. dead. ̃প্রায় a. nearly gone. ̃বত্সর n. & adv. (the) last year. ˜ব্যথ a. relieved of pain. ̃ভর্তৃকা a. fem. widowed. ̃যৌবন a. past one's prime of life, past one's youth; middleaged; aged, old. fem. ̃যৌবনা । ̃রাত্রি adv. last night. ̃শোক a. one who has conquered grief and sorrow. ̃শোচনা n. grief for the past. ̃সঙ্গ a. having no attachment to anything worldly. ̃স্পৃহ a. disinterested; apathetic. 3)
(p. 341) cōḍ়ā broad, wide. n. breadth, width (চওড়ায় দু-মিটার). চওড়াই n. measure of breadth or width, breadth or width. চওড়া বুক a large or wide chest; (fig.) a courageous or generous or liberal heart. 4)
(p. 355) cārānō to spread out, to scatter, to be or to make widespread. 40)
(p. 377) chāti2 the width of the chest (বুকের ছাতি); chest; (fig.) courage. ছাতি ফাটা v. to feel as if one's chest will split (in thirst, sorrow etc.); to feel like dying. ছাতি ফোলানো v. to expand one's chest; to make an exhibition of one's strength; to vaunt, to brag, to rattle the sabre. 22)
(p. 385) jagat the world, the earth, the universe; society (পশুজগত্); sphere (শিল্পজগত্); field (ধাতুজগত্, কাব্যজগত্). ̃কর্তা n. God, the Lord of the universe. ̃কারণ n. the First Cause, God. ̃জোড়া a. worldwide; all-pervading; universal. ̃পতি, ̃পাতা, ̃পিতা same as ̃স্রষ্টা । ̃ময় adv. throughout the world. ̃স্রষ্টা n. the Creator, God. ̃সংসার n. the whole world. 16)
(p. 385) jagadbikhyāta of worldwide fame or reputation, celebrated, renowned, famous. 27)
(p. 385) jagadbyāpī spread over the world, worldwide. 28)
(p. 419) ṭānā2 to pull, to tug; to drag (পা টেনে টেনে চলা); to draw (রেখা টানা); to attract (মন টানা); to carry (মাল টানা); to move quickly (পা টেনে চলা); to be partial to (ছেলের দিকে টানা); to stretch out (সুর টানা); to cut down expenditure (আয় কম হলে টেনে চলা); to smoke or drink (গাঁজা টানা, মদ টানা); to extract (রস টানা); to consume (খাইয়েরা খুব মিষ্টি টানছে); to sell (বাজারে মাল টানা). a. borne or drawn (ঘোড়ায়-টানা গাড়ি); operated by pulling or dragging (টানা পাখা, টানা জাল); straight (টানা পথ); continuous (টানা তিন ঘন্টা); skimmed (টানা দুধ); wide, broad, large, big (টানা চোখ); drawn (কালি দিয়ে টানা লেখা); quick and somewhat interwoven (টানা লেখা). গুণ টানা v. to tow. বইঠা টানা, দাঁড় টানা v. to row, to scull. টানা-জাল n. a drag-net. টানা়টানা a. broad, wide, large (টানাটানা চোখ); smelling of arrogance or vanity (টানাটানা কথা); quick and somewhat interwoven (টানাটানা লেখা). টানাটানি n. mutual or continuous pulling or tugging or dragging; mutual or continuous attraction; act of dragging forcibly; act of forcing; want, shortage, hardship (টানাটানির সংসার). টানাটানি করা v. to pull or tug or drag or attract mutually or continuously; to drag forcibly; to force; to cut down expenditure (টানাটানি করে সংসার চালানো). দড়ি-টানাটানি n. tug-of-war. টানা-হ্যাঁচড়া n. act of dragging forcibly; act of forcing; continuing or running on with difficulty; coming and going frequently. একটানা a. continuous; lying at a stretch. দোটানা n. vacillation, wavering. 79)
(p. 432) ḍabaḍaba expressing: tearfulness or largeness; widened state. ডবডবে a. tearful or large (ডবডবে চোখ); widened. 12)
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