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̃ক্ষেত্র দ্বারা সংসদ বাংলা ডিকশোনারির সবগুলো শব্দ

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(p. 17) adhikāra ownership; possession, occupation; right, title; claim; domination, control; overlordship; authority; experience, knowledge (গণিতশাস্ত্রে অধিকার); jurisdiction; a public directorate (শিক্ষাধিকার); ablity, competency or claim (রাজ্যশাসনে অধিকার). অধিকার করা. v. to occupy, to possess. ̃ক্ষেত্র n. jurisdiction. ̃গত a. in one's possession; concerning one's possession or rights or claim or office; titular. ̃চ্যুত, ̃ভ্রষ্ট a. dispossessed. অধিকারী a. having ownership or right or claim or title or possession or competency or authority. n. an owner, a proprietor (who is also the motion-master) of an opera-party, orchestra-party, etc. (যাত্রাদলের অধিকারী); any venerable person of the Vaishnava (বৈষ্ণব) community. অধিকারী হওয়া v. be entitled to. অধিকারিণী a. fem. of অধিকারী n. a proprietress, a mistress. 68)
(p. 41) anna boiled rice; rice; food. ̃কষ্ট n. distress caused by scarcity of food; famine; (fig.) sufferance caused by extreme poverty, indigent circumstances. ̃কূট n. a stupendous heap of boiled rice. ̃ক্ষেত্র var. of অন্নসত্র । ̃গতপ্রাণ a. (absolutely) depending on food or boiled rice for subsistence; (loos.) riceeating. ̃চিন্তা n. thinking out means of procuring food or earning one's livelihood; food-problem, bread-problem. ̃চিন্তা চমত্কারা the effort to earn one's livelihood is all-absorbing; bread-problem is the chief problem; thought of one's daily bread preys heavily on the mind or weighs heavily on the spirits. ̃জল n. food and drink; the Hindu rite of providing food and drink for the soul of the dead. ̃দা a. fem. one who supplies or gives food. n. Goddess Durga (দুর্গা) ̃দাতা a. & n. one who supplies or gives food; one who maintains. fem. ̃দাত্রী । ̃দান n. charitable or gratuitous supply of food. ̃দাস n. one who has enslaved himself to another for one's food or maintenance. ̃নালী n. the aesophagus, the gullet, the food passage. ̃পূর্ণা a. fem. full of food or rice. n. Goddess Durga (দুর্গা).̃পথ্য n. rice-meal as diet. ̃পান n. food and drink. ̃প্রাশন n. the Hindu rite of a child's tasting rice for the first time. ̃বস্ত্র n. food and clothing. ̃ব্যঞ্জন n. rice and curry. ̃ভোজী a. rice-eating. n. rice-eater. ̃ময় a. full of food; built up or nourished by food (অন্নময় কোষ) ̃রস n. chyle. ̃সংস্হান n. provision for maintenance; procuring food or earning one's livelihood. ̃সত্র n. a place or institution for charitable supply of rice or food. ̃সমস্যা n. food-problem, bread-problem. ̃হীন a. without food; foodless; starving. 17)
(p. 123) āẏata extensive, wide; expanded; very large; (geom.) rectangular but having unequal sides, oblong. ̃ক্ষেত্র n. (geom.) an oblong, a rectangle. ̃চক্ষু, ̃লোচন a. wide-eyed or large-eyed. fem. ̃লোচনা । 3)
(p. 208) karma a work, an action, a deed, an activity; a duty, a task; use, service (এ ঘড়ি কোনো কর্মের নয়); ceremony, a rite (ক্রিয়াকর্ম, শ্রাদ্ধকর্ম); profession; function; a purpose (কোন কর্মে এসেছ); effect, good result (এতে কর্ম হবে না) (gr.) an object. ̃কর্তা n. a supervisor or manager of an affair. ̃কর্তৃবাচ্য n. (gr.) the quasi-passive voice. ̃কাণ্ড n. a part of the Vedas dealing with rituals; actions; functions; ceremonies. ̃কারক n. a doer, a worker, a performer; (gr.) the objective or accusative case. ̃কারী a. of one who does or works or performs. n. a doer, a worker, a performer. ̃কুণ্ঠ a. averse to work, unwilling to work, lazy. ̃কুশল a. efficient, expert; adroit. ̃ক্লান্ত a. tired with work, fatigued. ̃ক্ষম a. capable of working; able; active. ̃ক্ষমতা n. ability to work; working power. ̃ক্ষেত্র n. a field or sphere of activity; a place of work. ̃খালি n. situation vacant. ̃চারী n. an employee; an officer. ̃চ্যুত a. dismissed or removed from service; cashiered. ̃চ্যুতি n. dismissal or removal from service; cashierment. ̃জীবন n. the period of life during which a person works, active part of one's life; service life; practical life. ̃জ্ঞ a. conversant with religious rites and duties. ̃ঠ a. active; hard-working; industrious. ̃ণ্য a. capable of working; able; active; serviceable. ̃ত্যাগ n. act of giving up a job, resignation; act of leaving or abandoing a work; retirement from service. কর্ম ত্যাগ করা v. to give up a job, to resign; (rare) to retire from service. ̃দক্ষ a. efficient, expert; adroit. ̃দোষ crime or sin of evil-doing or wrong-doing; a sin; misfortune (esp. which is caused by one's evil doing or wrong-doing in this life or in a previous life). ̃ধারা n. same as কর্মপ্রণালী । ̃নাশা a. & n. one who or that which spoils or bungles a work or works. ˜নিয়োগ কেন্দ্র n. employment exchange. ̃নিষ্ঠ a. devoted to one's work; dutiful; industrious. ̃নিষ্ঠা n. devotion to work. ̃নীতি n. policy of action. ̃পঞ্জি, ̃পঞ্জী n. a case-book. ̃পথ n. path or field of work; line of action; active life. ̃পদ্ধতি, ̃প্রণালী n. method or system of working. ̃পন্হা n. course of action. ̃ফল n. consequences of one's actions (esp. of a previous life) that governs one's weal or woe. ̃বশত adv. on business. ̃বাচ্য n. (gr.) the passive voice. ̃বাদ n. the doctrine that action is the chief end of life or that for the final liberation of one's soul one has to resort to action (and not to thought or meditation alone), the doctrine of action. ̃বাদী a. preaching or obeying or inspired by the doctrine of action. n. one who preaches or obeys the doctrine of action. ̃বিধি n. rules of action. ̃বিপাক n. consequences (now usu. evil ones) of one's action (esp. those governing one's weal or woe). ̃বীর n. an untiring worker; an uncommonly active person; a performer of great deeds; a great worker. ̃ভূমি n. the scene or field of one's action; the earthly life. ̃ভোগ n. enjoyment of pleasures or (more generally) suffering from the unpleasant consequences of one's actions; fruitless suffering or labour. ̃ময় a. full of actions; extremely active. ̃যোগ n. the system of purifying one's soul by means of action. ̃যোগী a. & n. one who practises this system; (fig.) one who works most sincerely; one who works sincerely and relentlessly. ̃রত a. engaged in work. ̃শালা n. a workshop; a smithy; an atelier; a studio; a place of work or business. ̃শীল a. possessing active habits; engaged in work; active; devoted to work. ̃শীলতা n. active habits; engagement in work; fullness of activity; devotion to work. ̃সচিব n. a (chief) executive officer; a secretary. ̃সাক্ষী n. any of the natural elements who witness all actions; a witness of an act. ̃সাধন n. execution of a work or task, performance or accomplishment of a deed. কর্ম সাধন করা v. to execute a work or task, to perform or accomplish a deed. ̃সাপেক্ষ a. depending on work or action. ̃সিদ্ধি n. success in or accomplishment of an undertaking. ̃সূচি n. programme of work; programme to be undertaken. ̃সূত্র a. the bond of action; the course of business. ̃সূত্রে adv. on business or in course of business. ̃স্হল, ̃স্হান same as কর্মক্ষেত্র । যেমন কর্ম তেমন ফল as you brew so you drink, as you sow so you reap. ̃হীন a. devoid of work; with no work on hand; without employment. 14)
(p. 228) kārya (for.) a work, an action; a deed; a duty; a task; a job; an occupation; use, service; ceremony, rite (শ্রাদ্ধকার্য); profession, function; a purpose, an object, a motive (কোন কার্যে এসেছ); effect, good result, benefit (এতে কোনো কার্য দর্শাবে না). ̃কর a. effective; feasible; serviceable. fem কার্যকরী । কার্যকরী সমিতি n. working committee. ̃করতা n. effectiveness; feasibility; serviceability. ̃কলাপ n. acts and deeds, doings, actions. কারণ ভাব n. causality. ̃কারণসম্বন্ধ n. causal connection or relation. ̃কারিতা same as কার্যকারিতা । ̃কারী same as কার্যকর । fem. কার্যকারিণী । ̃কাল n. the period during which a work is done; working period, working hours; the period or term of service. ̃কুশল a. expert; skilful, adroit; clever. ̃ক্রম n. a programme. ̃ক্রমে adv. in course of business. ̃ক্ষম a. competent; capable or fit for work. ̃ক্ষেত্র n. the field of action; the sphere of activities. ̃গতিকে adv. on business; by way of business; in course of business. ̃চ্যুত a. removed from office, dismissed (from service); cashiered. ̃চ্যুতি n. removal from office, dismissal (from service); cashierment. ̃ঞ্চাগে adv. to begin with (used often unnecessarily, in the beginning of the reading matter of a letter or legal deed). ̃ত adv. actually, indeed; as a matter of fact. ̃দক্ষ same as কার্যকুশল । ̃ধারা n. same as কার্যপদ্ধতি । ̃নির্বাহ n. execution of a work. ̃নির্বাহী, ̃নির্বাহক a. executing, executive; working (কার্যনির্বাহক সভাপতি). ̃নিয়ম n. rules of business. ̃নির্বাহী সমিতি n. an executive committee. ̃পঞ্জি n. the calendar. ̃পদ্ধতি, ̃প্রণালী n. the mode or process of work, procedure, modus operandi. ̃পরম্পরা n. a regular succession of work. ̃বশত adv. for the sake of work or business; on business. ̃বাহ n. proceedings. ̃বিবরণ, ̃বিবরণী n. the report of a work or proceedings. ̃বৃত্ত n. minutes (of a meeting). ̃ব্যপদেশে same as কার্যগতিকে and কার্যবশত । ̃ভার n. the charge of a task; the burden or pressure of work. ̃সমাধা n. completion of work. ̃সম্পাদন n. performance or completion of work. ̃সিদ্ধি n. accomplishment of a work or task; realization of an end. ̃স্হান n. a place of work or business. কার্যাকার্য n. what ought to be done and what ought not to be done; proper and improper work. কার্যাকার্য বিচার n. discrimination between proper and improper work or between right and wrong. কার্যাধ্যক্ষ n. a superintendent, a supervisor, an overseer, a manager. কার্যানুরোধে same as কার্যবশত । কার্যান্তর n. another work; a different work. কার্যার্থ same as কার্যবশত । কার্যারম্ভ n. the beginning of a work; commencement of work or working hours; inauguration of an institution or firm or any similar establishment. কার্যালয় n. an office. কার্যোদ্ধার same as কার্যসিদ্ধি । 47)
(p. 329) ghana cloud (ঘনঘটা); (arith. & alg.) a cube (ঘনফল); (geom.) a solid. a. dense (ঘন বন); thick, condensed (ঘন মেঘ, ঘন দুধ); frequent (ঘন ঘন গর্জন); deep (ঘন আঁধার); close (ঘন বৃক্ষসারি, ঘন বুনুনি); coarse (ঘন কাপড়); severe (ঘন বরষা); (geom. & sc.) solid (ঘন পদার্থ, ঘনক্ষেত্র). ঘন করা v. to thicken; to condense. ঘন হওয়া v. to thicken; to become condensed; to draw close together; to draw close (to). ̃কাল n. the rainy season, the rains. ঘন কালো deep black. ̃কৃষ্ণ a. as black or dark as a cloud; deep black, jet black. ̃ক্ষেত্র n. (geom.) a solid figure, a cube. ̃গর্জন n. the roar or rumbling of clouds; a peal of thunder. ̃ঘটা n. a thick and extensive cumulation of (dark) clouds, the cumulus. ̃ঘটাচ্ছন্ন a. overcast with clouds. ̃ঘন adv. repeatedly and frequently, every now and then, often. ̃ঘোর a. overcast with thick clouds; (loos.) darkened with clouds. ̃জ্যামিতি n. solid geometry. ̃তা, ̃ত্ব n. density; thickness; closeness; solidity; (geom. & sc.) dimension, volume. ˜ফল n. (math.) cubic measure. ̃ফুট n. cubic foot. ̃বর্ত্ম n. the path of the cloud across the sky; the sky. ̃বসতি n. thick or dense cluster of habitations, thick population. ̃বসতিপূর্ণ a. crowded with habitations; thickly populated, congested. ̃বস্তু n. a solid thing; (phys.) a solid body. ̃বিন্যস্ত a. thickly set. ̃বিন্যাস n. thick setting. ̃বীথি n. the region of clouds; air route. ̃মান n. (phys.) volume. ̃মিটার n. cubic metre. ̃মূল n. (math.) a cube root. ̃শ্যাম a. as black or dark as a cloud, deep black; dark-complexioned; bottle-green. n. an appellation of Krishna (কৃষ্ণ). ̃সন্নিবিষ্ট same as ̃বিন্যস্ত । ̃সন্নিবেশ same as ̃বিন্যাস । ̃সার n. camphor. 34)
(p. 385) jagannātha the Supreme Lord of the world, God; an appellation of Krishna (কৃষ্ণ); the presiding deity of the temple at Puri, Jagannath. ̃ক্ষেত্র n. the domain of Jagannath, Puri. 29)
(p. 462) tīrtha a holy place; a place for pilgrimage; a river or a sea or a lake etc. containing holy waters (পঞ্চতীর্থ); a landing-stair or a landing-place on the bank or the shore of a river or a sea etc. containing holy waters (সাগরতীর্থ); a preceptor, a teacher, alma mater (সতীর্থ); a title awarded for scholarship in Sanskrit (কাব্যতীর্থ). তীর্থ করা v. to go on pilgrimage. তীর্থের কাক (fig.) one who lives upon and waits expectantly for others' favour (just like the crows of a holy place which live upon the crumbs or leavings of offerings given by pilgrims). ̃ক্ষেত্র n. a holy place, a place for pilgrimage. ̃দর্শন n. act of visiting a holy place; pilgrimage. ̃পর্যটন, ̃ভ্রমণ n. act of touring in holy places; pilgrimage, perigrination. ̃বাসী a. & n. one who lives permanently at a holy place. fem. ˜বাসিনী । তীর্থযাত্রা করা v. to set out on a pilgrimage; to pilgrimage. ̃যাত্রী a. pilgrimaging, spiritual. n. a pilgrim, a perigrin(e). fem. ̃যাত্রিণী । ̃সলিল, তীর্থোদক n. the water of a holy place. তীর্থংকর, তীর্থঙ্কর n. a Jaina author of scriptures, a Jaina lawgiver; a Jaina or Buddhist monk who has attained spiritual perfection. 16)
(p. 466) tṛṇa grass; straw; herb; any monocotyledonous plant of the Gramineae genus (শরতূণ). ̃কাণ্ড n. a culm, a haulm. ̃কুটির n. a hut made of straw. ̃ক্ষেত্র n. a grassy field, a meadow; a pasture. ̃জীবী a. same as ̃ভোজী ।̃জ্ঞান n. considering as contemptible or insignificant as a straw; slighting. তৃণজ্ঞান করা v. not to care a straw for; to slight. ̃দ্রম n. a monocotyledonous tree (such as the coconut, the palm, the date etc.) ̃ধান্য n. paddy that grows in waste land without cultivation. ̃বত্ a. strawlike. adv. like a straw. ̃ভোজী a. herbivorous. ̃ময় a. full of grass or straw; grassy. ̃শূন্য, ̃হীন a. destitute of plants and vegetation; arid. 4)
(p. 508) dṛṣṭi act of seeing or viewing; power of seeing; the organ of sight or vision; sight, vision, observation; perception; cognition; knowledge; wisdom; foresight, careful attention or observation (ছেলের দিকে দৃষ্টি রেখো); a sinister or malicious look, a covetous or evil glance (আমার খাবারের দিকে দৃষ্টি দিয়ো না); an aspect esp. a sinister one (শনির দৃষ্টি). দৃষ্টি দেওয়া v. to cast a glance, to look at; to keep an eye on; to pay heed to; to cast a sinister or malicious look; (astrol.) to influence esp. unfavourably. ̃কৃপণ a. one who grudges any large expenditure, niggardly. ̃কোণ n. an angle of vision, a view-point. ̃ক্ষেত্র n. (phys.) a field of vision or view. ̃ক্ষুধা n. morbid or unwarranted hunger which is roused as soon as one sees an article of food. ̃ক্ষেপ same as দৃষ্টিপাত । ̃গোচর a. visible. দৃষ্টিগোচর হওয়া v. to be visible, to come into sight or view. ̃নন্দন a. beautiful to look at, nice to look at, that gives pleasure to the eye, pleasing. ̃নিবন্ধ n. (phys.) persistence of vision. ̃পথ n. the range or direction of vision; sight, view. ̃পথবর্তী হওয়া v. to come into view, to appear in sight; to become visible. ̃পাত n. act of casting a glance; a glance, a look; notice; observation. দৃষ্টিপাত করা v. to cast a glance, to look at; to notice; to pay heed to. ̃বিক্ষেপ n. a side-glance, a leer; a casual or neglectful look. দৃষ্টিবিক্ষেপ করা v. to cast a side-glance, to leer; to look casually or neglectfully. ̃বিজ্ঞান n. optics. ̃বিভ্রম n. an optical illusion. ̃ভঙ্গি n. attitude of looking at, view-point. দৃষ্টি রাখা v. to keep an eye on; pay attention to; look after. ̃শক্তি n. power of seeing, eye-sight, sight, vision; perception. ̃শক্তিহীন a. sightless, blind; deprived of or lacking in perception or foresight. ̃হীন, ̃শূন্য a. sightless, blind, paying no heed to, careless; lacking in perception or foresight. ̃হীনতা n. sightlessness, blindness. 103)
(p. 522) drākṣā grape. ̃কুঞ্জ, ̃ক্ষেত্র n. a vineyard. ̃ফল n. grape. ̃রস n. grape-juice. ̃রিষ্ট n. a kind of medicinal liquor prepared from grape-juice, vinum rubrum, (cp.) vintage. ̃লতা n. the vine. দ্রাক্ষা-শর্করা n. grape-sugar. 103)
(p. 532) dharma religion, faith, creed; piety, virtue (অহিংসা পরম ধর্ম); scriptural laws or directions (ধর্মসম্মত); a form of worship (তান্ত্রিক ধর্ম); theology (ধর্মগ্রন্হ); natural quality or behaviour or disposition, property or function (মানবধর্ম, কালধর্ম, আগুনের ধর্ম); virtuousness, righteousness, morality (ধর্মহীন আচরণ); law (ধর্মপত্নী); justice (ধর্মাধিকরণ); holiness, sacredness (ধর্মের সংসারে পাপ); Yama (যম) the god of piety and death; a popular god of Bengal (ধর্মঠাকুর); chastity (স্ত্রীলোকের ধর্মনাশ); (astrol.) the ninth house from the house of birth in the zodiac. ধর্মে সওয়া v. (of a sin, misdeed etc.) to be tolerated by God or the Divine Judge. ধর্মের কল বাতাসে নড়ে, ধর্মের ঢাক আপনি বাজে (fig.) truth cannot be kept concealed, truth must come out; the irrevocable rod of Nemesis is sure to strike in course of time. ধর্মের ষাঁড় (fig.) a wildly wayward man allowed to move scotfree. ধর্মের সংসার a family practising virtue, a pious family. ধর্ম-অর্থ-কাম-মোক্ষ n the four principal aims of human life; piety, wealth, love or fulfilment of desire, and salvation of the soul. ̃কন্যা n. fem. one solemnly accepted as a daughter by a person other than one's parents; (loos.) a god-daughter. ধর্ম-কর্ম, ̃কার্য n. religious practices (esp. as enjoined by scriptures). ̃কাম a. desirous of attaining virtue through religious practices. ̃কৃত্য, ̃ক্রিয়া same as ধর্মকর্ম । ̃ক্ষেত্র n. a holy or consecrated place, a place of pilgrimage. ̃গত a. pious, virtuous; concerning or pertaining to religion, religious. ̃গতপ্রাণ a. having one's life devoted to religion or piety; very religious-minded; profoundly or deeply pious. ̃গ্রন্হ n. a holy book or text, a scripture; a religious book; a theological treatise. ̃ঘট n. (ori.) a religious practice consisting in giving away pitchers filled with holy water; (pol. & pop.) cessation of work as a means of putting pressure on employers, a strike. ধর্মঘটকালীন ভাতা strike-pay. ধর্মঘটী n. (pol.) a striker. ˜চক্র n. the four laws or directives of Buddha conducive to attaining final salvation. ̃চর্চা n. religious discussion or practice. ̃চর্যা n. observance of religious rules and rites, religious practice; practice of virtue. ̃চারী a. observant of religious rules and rites, devoted to religious practices; virtuous, pious. ̃চিন্তা n. religious meditation; spiritual meditation; theological meditation; theology. ̃চ্যুত same as ধর্মভ্রষ্টা । ̃জ a. legitimately born. ̃জিজ্ঞাসা n. religious inquiry; spiritual inquiry. ̃জিজ্ঞাসু a. seeking after or inquisitive about religious or spiritual truths. ̃জীবন n. religious or spiritual life; pious or virtuous life; ecclesiastical life. ̃জ্ঞ a. conversant with religious rules and duties; conversant with religion; pious, virtuous, religious. ̃জ্ঞান n. religious knowledge; religious-mindedness; deep sense of piety. ̃ঠাকুর n. a popular god of Bengal named Dharma (ধর্ম). ̃তা adv. in the eye of righteousness or piety; according to or conforming to righteousness, piously. ̃তত্ত্ব n the mysteries of religion; theology; theosophy, a religious doctrine. ̃তত্ত্ববিদ n. one conversant with the mysteries of religion; a theologian; one conversant with a religious doctrine. ̃তত্ত্বীয় a. concerning the mysteries of religion, religious; theological; concerning a religious doctrine. ̃ত্যাগ n. abandonment of one's religion, adoption of another religion, apostasy. ধর্মত্যাগ করা v. to abandon one's religion, to adopt another religion. n. an apostate, a renegade. ̃দ্বেষী, ̃দ্রোহী a. revolting against or hostile to religion; irreligious; impious; ungodly. fem. ধর্মদ্বেষিণী, ধর্মদ্রোহিণী । ̃দ্রোহ, ̃দ্রোহিতা n. revolt against or hostility towards religion; irreligion; impiety; ungodliness. ̃ধ্বজী a. simulating piety or virtuousness; sanctimonious; hypocritical. n. one simulating piety or virtuousness, a religious imposter. ̃নাশ n. ravishment of a woman's chastity, rape; profanation or defilement of one's religion or idol. ধর্মনাশ করা v. to ravish or outrage one's chastity, to rape; to profane or defile one's religion or idol. ̃নিন্দা n. disparagement of religion; blasphemy. ধর্মের নিন্দা করা v. to disparage religion; to blaspheme. ̃নিরপেক্ষ a. irrespective of creed (ধর্মনিরপেক্ষ বিচার); secular (ধর্মনিরপেক্ষ রাষ্ট্র). ̃নির্দিষ্ট a. enjoined by religion; enjoined by scriptures, scriptural. ̃নিষ্ঠ a. devoted to religion or religious practices; pious, virtuous, righteous. ̃নিষ্ঠা n. devotion to religion or religious practices; piety, virtuousness, righteousness. ̃নীতি n. a religious principle or principles; a principle or principles of virtue; a moral principle or principles; ethics. ̃পত্নী n. a lawful wife; a lawfully married wife. ̃পথ n. the path of virtue or piety. ধর্মপথে থাকা v. to follow the path of virtue or piety, to practise virtue or piety; to walk in the presence of God. ̃পর, ̃পরায়ণ same as ধর্মনিষ্ঠ । ̃পাল n. a defender of religion; (Christ.) a bishop. ̃পালক n. one who observes religious rites and practices; a defender of religion or faith. ̃পালন n. observance of religious rites and practices; defence of religion. ̃পিতা n. one solemnly accepted as father by a person other than one's children; (loos.) a godfather. ̃পিপাসা n. a strong desire for learning religious truths, thirst for religion. ̃পিপাসু a. desirous of learning religious truths, thirsty of religion. ̃পুত্র, (coll. corrup.) ̃পুত্তুর n. (loos.) a godson; a son of Yama (যম) the god of piety; an appellation of Yudhisthira of the Mahabharata; (sarcas.) one who poses to be a profoundly pious or truthful man; sanctimonious. ধর্মপুত্র যুধিষ্ঠির (sarcas.) a profoundly pious or truthful man, a sanctimonious person. ̃পুস্তক same as ধর্মগ্রন্হ । ̃প্রচার n. preaching of religion; religious preaching or propaganda; evangelization; evangelism. ধর্মপ্রচার করা v. to preach religion; to evangelize. ̃প্রচারক a. preaching religion; evangelizing. n. a religious preacher; an evangelist. ̃প্রধান a. chiefly guided by religion or religious principles; religious-minded, devout. ̃প্রবক্তা n. a prophet. ̃প্রবণ a. having propensity towards religion; religiousminded. ̃প্রবনতা n. leaning towards religion; religious-mindednesss. ̃প্রবর্তক n. the founder of a religion. ̃প্রাণ a. counting or regarding religion as precious as one's life; profoundly devout. ̃প্রাণতা n. act of counting religion as precious as one's life; profound devoutness. ̃বন্ধন n. the bond of religion; a sacred or solemn bond or tie; the holy bondage of being members of the same religious community. ̃বন্ধু n. a friend or servant of religion; a friend or helper in religious matters. ̃বল n. force of piety or virtuousness. ̃বাণী n. a word or teaching of religion; a holy word; an evangel, a gospel. ̃বিধান, ̃বিধি n. a religious law or rule; a sacred law; a scriptural injunction or prescription. ̃বিপ্লব n. a revolution in the world of religion; a great religious change, a religious revolution. ̃বিরুদ্ধ, ̃বিরোধী a. hostile to religion or piety; irreligious or impious, ungodly. ̃বিশ্বাস n. a religious faith, a creed; faith in religion. ̃বিশ্বাসী a. having faith in a particular religion or creed; following a particular creed; having faith in religion; virtuous, pious, godly. ̃বুদ্ধি n. virtuous or pious or just thought or intention; conscientiousness, conscionableness; good conscience. ̃বৃদ্ধ n. a religious or ecclesiastical elder; a member of a priesthood, a father. ̃ভয় n. fear of God; religious qualm. ̃ভগিনী n. one solemnly accepted as a sister by a person other than one's brother or sister; a female disciple of the same teacher; a member of a sisterhood, a nun, a sister. ̃ভাই coll. form of ধর্মভ্রাতা । ̃ভীরু a. God-fearing. ̃ভীরুতা n. God-fearing conduct or nature. ̃ভ্রষ্ট a. gone astray from the religious or righteous course; fallen from one's religious belief. ̃ভ্রাতা n. one solemnly accepted as a brother by a person other than one's brother or sister; a disciple of the same teacher or preceptor; a member of a brotherhood or sect or faith; a brother. ̃মঙ্গল n. a long poem narrating the glory of Dharmathakur (ধর্মঠাকুর). ̃মত n. a religious tenet or doctrine. ̃মন্দির n. a house of worship, a temple, a shrine. ̃ময় a. full of piety; devout or pious. ̃মা, ̃মাতা n. one solemnly accepted as mother by a person other than one's child. ̃মূলক a. concerning religion, religious. ̃যাজক n. an ecclesiastic; a clergyman; a priest. ̃যুদ্ধ n. a war for the cause of religion, (cp.) a crusade, a holy war. ̃যোদ্ধা n. one fighting for the cause of religion, (cp.) a crusader; a holy warrior. ̃রক্ষা n. defence of religion; preservation of one's religion or piety; preservation of chastity (স্ত্রীলোকের ধর্মরক্ষা). ̃রাজ n. the lord of justice; an appellation of Yudhisthira of the Mahabharata or that of Yama (যম) or Dharmathakur (ধর্মঠাকুর) or Buddha. ̃রাজ্য n. a state or kingdom administered with scrupulous justice, a realm of justice; a state or kingdom founded on religion or piety, a holy state. ̃রাষ্ট্র n. a theocratic state. ̃লক্ষণ n. any one of the (ten) characteristic signs of piety or virtuousness. ̃লোপ n. destruction or extinction of religion or piety; profanation of one's religion; ravishment of (a woman's) chastity. ̃শালা n. a guesthouse where pilgrims and travellers are accommodated temporarily at a low cost or free of cost; (ori.) a court of justice. ̃শাসন n. a religious or scriptural edict; administration of justice; lawful judgment; rule of the ecclesiastics, theocracy. ̃শাস্ত্র n. scripture. ̃শাস্ত্রব্যবসায়ী n. a dealer in religious books and scriptures; an expounder and teacher of scriptures, a scribe. ̃শাস্ত্রানুমত a. conforming to or as prescribed by scriptures. ̃শিক্ষক n. a religious teacher or preceptor. ̃শিক্ষা n. religious education or teaching. ̃শীল a. pious, virtuous. ̃সংস্কার n. religious reformation; a holy sacrament. ̃সংস্কারক n. a religious reformer. ̃সংস্হাপন n. introduction or founding of a religion; firm establishment of a religion; rejuvenation or reinforcement or restoration of a religion. ̃সংহিতা n. a religious code, a book of holy laws. ̃সংগত same as ধর্মসম্মত । ̃সংগীত n. a devotional song or hymn, a psalm. ̃সভা n. a religious gathering or congress or convention or congregation or society. ̃সম্প্রদায় n. a religious community, a religious group or sect. ̃সম্মত a. conforming to the rules and prescription of religion or piety; pious, virtuous; rightful; just. ̃সাক্ষী a. having or claiming the god of piety as witness. n. an oath in the name of the god of piety. ধর্মসাক্ষী করে বলা to take an oath in the name of God, to take a solemn oath. ̃সাধন n. practice of virtue or religion. ̃হানি same as ধর্মনাশ । ̃হীন a. godless, ungodly, irreligious, impious; blasphemous. ̃হীনতা n. ungodliness; impiety. 17)
(p. 563) nārāẏaṇa a manifestation of Vishnu (বিষ্ণু). ̃ক্ষেত্র n. a plot of land on the bank of the Ganges stretching four cubits from the watermark or any plot of land conceived as this (a dying Hindu is laid down on this plot). নারায়ণী n. fem. Goddess Lakshmi (লক্ষ্মী) the wife of Narayana (নারায়ণ). a. of or evolved from Narayana. নারায়ণী সেনা n. a band of indefatigable warriors said to be born out of the person of Narayana or Krishna (কৃষ্ণ). 62)
(p. 654) puṇya virtue, piety. a. (used as a pfx.) holy, sacred; virtuous, pious. ̃কর্ম n. an act of piety or virtue. ̃কর্মা a. one who does or has done acts of piety or virtue. ̃কাল n. a holy tide. ̃কীর্তি a. celebrated for piety or virtuousness. ̃ক্ষয় n. decay or waning of the strength of one's piety or virtue. ̃ক্ষেত্র ̃তীর্থ n. a holy place; a place of pilgrimage. ̃তিথি n. an auspicious lunar day for rituals; an auspicious day or time. ̃তোয়া a. fem. (of rivers) containing holy water. ̃দ a. adding to one's piety or virtue; holy. fem. পুণ্যদা । ̃দর্শন a. one whose sight adds to another's piety or virtue. ̃ধাম n. a sacred or holy abode; heaven. ̃ফল n. the reward of or return for one's piety or virtue. ̃ফলে adv. in return for acquired or accumulated virtue or merit. ̃বতী fem. of পুণ্যবান । ̃বল n. the strength or force of one's piety or virtue. ̃বলে adv. by dint of the force of acquired merit or virtue. ̃বান a. pious, virtuous; holy. ̃ভূমি n. a holy land. ̃যোগ n. (astrol.) an auspicious conjunction of stars or an auspicious time for performing solemn rites. ̃লব্ধ a. obtained or earned by dint of one's piety or virtuousness. ̃লাভ n. attainment or earning of piety or virtue. ̃লোক n. a holy sphere or region; heaven; a pious or holyman. ̃লোভ n. earnest desire for attaining or earning piety or virtue. ̃লোভী a. earnestly desirous of earning piety or virtue. ̃শীল a. given to performing acts of piety or virtue. fem. ̃শীলা । ̃শ্লোক a. celebrated for piety or virtuousness; virtuous; holy. ̃সঞ্চয় n. accumulation of piety or virtue. ̃স্নান n. holy bath; taking bath on a holy day or in a sacred river. 12)
(p. 721) barga a class, a tribe, a genus, a species (প্রাণীবর্গ); a collection, an aggregate (বন্ধুবর্গ); (math.) the product of a quantity multiplied by itself, square (বর্গমূল); (gr.) any one of the five groups into which Bengali consonantal stops (that is, the letters from ক্ to ম্) are classified (ক্-বর্গ, চ্-বর্গ, ট্-বর্গ, ত্বর্গ, প্-বর্গ); a chapter or section of a book; (theol.) any one of the four principal pursuits of life (see চতুর্বর্গ). ̃ক্ষেত্র n. a square area, a square. ̃ঘন n. (math.) the square of a cube. ̃ফল n. square. ̃মূল n. (math.) the square root. বর্গমূল নির্ণয় করা বা বার করা v. to find the square root of. 81)
(p. 825) bhōṭa2 vote; franchise; election. ভোট দেওয়া v. to cast votes; to vote. ভোট নেওয়া v. to take votes; to put to vote. ভোটে দাঁড় করানো v. to nominate for election. ভোটে দাঁড়ানো v. to stand for or face election; to be elected. ভোটে দেওয়া v. to put to vote. ভোটে দেওয়ার জন্য বলা v. to call for a division. ̃ক্ষেত্র n. a constituency. ̃গণনা n. counting of votes. ̃গ্রহণ n. polling. ̃পত্র n. a ballot-paper. ̃স্হান n. a polling booth, a polling station. ভোটার, ̃দাতা n. a voter. 17)
(p. 894) yuddha a war, a battle, a fight; an engagement, an encounter, a combat; a tournament, a contest; struggle (অনেক যুদ্ধ করে সনেটটি লিখেছি). যুদ্ধ করা v. to fight, to battle, to war; to wage war; to encounter, to combat; to contend; to struggle, to strive hard. যুদ্ধে নামা v. to join the war; to declare war. এলোমেলো যুদ্ধ a skirmish. হাতাহাতি যুদ্ধ a battleroyal. ̃ঋণ n. a war-debt or war-loan. ̃কালীন a. wartime. ̃কুশল a. skilled in warfare; warlike, military, martial. ̃কৌশল n. military tactics; art of warfare; strategics. ̃ক্ষেত্র n. a battlefield. ̃জয় n. victory in war, victory. ̃জয়ী a. victorious in war, victorious. যুদ্ধজয়ী ব্যক্তি n. a victor in war, a victor, a victorious person. ̃জাহাজ n. warship, a man-of-war, a battleship. ̃নাদ n. a war-cry. যুদ্ধং দেহি ভাব bellicosity, militancy; pugnacity. ̃নিপুণ same as ̃কুশল । ̃নীতি n. rules and regulations of war; tactics of war; war policy. ̃পটু same as ̃কুশল । ̃প্রিয় a. bellicose. warlike. ̃বন্দি n. prisoner of war. ̃বাজ a. bellicose; encouraging war. যুদ্ধবাজ ব্যক্তি n. a warmonger, (cp.) a hawk. ̃বিগ্রহ n. hostilities and warfare. ̃বিদ্যা n. art of warfare; military tactics, strategics. ̃বিধ্বস্ত a. wartorn. ̃বিভাগ n. the War Department, the Defence Department; the War Office. ̃বিরতি n. truce, armistice, the cessation or stopping of fighting for a time, cease fire. ̃বিশারদ same as ̃কুশল । ̃যাত্রা n. a military expedition; a going out to war. ̃রীতি same as ̃নীতি । ̃শান্তি, ̃শেষ n. end or cessation of war or hostilities, peace, armistice. ̃সজ্জা n. equipage for war; armament; a military dress, (cp.) a battledress. ̃সাধ n. desire to fight. ̃স্হল n. a battlefield. যুদ্ধাবসান same as ̃শান্তি । যুদ্ধার্থ adv. for war. to fight. যুদ্ধার্থী a. desirous of fighting; on the point of fighting; militant. যুদ্ধোদ্যম n. preparation for war. যুদ্ধোন্মত্ত a. warneurotic; frenziedly fighting. যুদ্ধোন্মাদ a. crazy for war; bellicose; war-neurotic. n. craze for war, (cp.) bellicosity; war-neurosis. যুদ্ধোন্মুখ a. ready for war, on the war-path. যুদ্ধোপকরণ n. war materials, requisites for war; arms and amunition. 9)
(p. 903) raṇa a war, a battle, a fight, a combat; a noise, a sound. ̃কামী a. desiring to fight; belligerent; militant. ̃কুঠার n. a battle-axe. ̃কুশল, ̃কৌশল, ̃ক্ষেত্র same as যুদ্ধকুশল, যুদ্ধকৌশল and যুদ্ধক্ষেত্র respectively. ̃চন্ডী see চন্ডী । ̃চাতুর্য n. planning and skilful movement of troops in a battle, efficient manoevring of army etc. ̃জয়, ̃জয়ী same as যুদ্ধজয় and যুদ্ধজয়ী respectively. ̃জিত্ a. ever victorious in battles. ̃ঢক্কা same as ̃ভেরী । ̃তরি same as যুদ্ধজাহাজ । ̃ন n. act of making sounds; twanging (as of a bow); tingling (as of a stringed instrument). ̃নাদ n. a war cry. ̃নিপুণ same as যুদ্ধকুশল । ̃নীতি n. the art of planning an operation in war, war strategy or tactics. ̃নৃত্য n. a wardance. ̃নৈপুণ্য n. skill in war or warfare or fighting. ̃পান্ডিত্য same as ̃নৈপুণ্য । ̃পোত same as ̃তরি । ̃প্রিয় a. fond of fighting or war; belligerent. ̃বাদ্য n. war-music; military band. ̃বেশ n. fighting attire; military dress; (fig.) belligerent approach. ̃ভূমি n. a battlefield. ̃ভেরী n. a war-drum, a kettledrum. ̃মত্ত same as যুদ্ধন্মত্ত । ̃যাত্রা same as যুদ্ধযাত্রা । ̃রঙ্গিণী a. fem. taking delight in fighting n. fem. a woman fond of war or fighting. ̃রণ, ̃রণি n. a twang (as of a bow); a tingling sound (as of a stringed instrument). রণরণ করা v. to twang; to tingle. ̃সজ্জা, ̃সাজ same as যুদ্ধসজ্জা । ̃স্হল, রণাঙ্গন n. a battlefield. ̃হুঙ্কার n. war cry, battle cry. রণিত a. sounded; resounded; twanged; tingled, tingling. রণিত করা, রণিত হওয়া v. to sound; to resound; to twang; to tingle. রণে ভঙ্গ দেওয়া v. to retreat or flee from the battlefield; to cease fighting; to acknowledge defeat and retreat. রণোন্মাদনা n. extreme love of war, warmongering; a passion for war. 5)
(p. 927) līlā sport; pleasure; dalliance; activities (কৃষ্ণের লীলা); (sarcas.) undesirable activities (নেতাদের লীলা); significant but unintelligible work or sport (বিধাতার লীলা). ̃কমল n. a lotus carried in the hand playfully; a toy lotus. ̃কলহ n. a lover's quarrel; a mock quarrel. ̃কানন n. a pleasure garden. ̃কুঞ্জ n. a pleasure grove. ̃ক্ষেত্র n. a field of activities; a venue of sports. ̃খেলা same as লীলা । লীলাখেলা সাঙ্গ করা v. (usu. sarcas.) to die; (iron-usu. of a criminal) to give up one's activities and surrender. ̃চঞ্চল a. frequently moving in playfulness; sweetly frolicsome. ̃বতী same as ̃ময়ী । ̃ভূমি same as ̃ক্ষেত্র । ̃ময় a. sweetly playful or sportive; given to sweet dalliance; attitudinizing; one whose activities, though significant, are not easily intelligible. fem. ̃ময়ী । ̃য়িত a. having assumed a beautiful pose or posture, attitudinized; full of delicate movements. 49)
(p. 939) śasya corn, grain; (loos.) cereals; crop; harvest; kernel (of fruits), pulp; (bot.) albumen. ̃ক্ষেত্র n. a corn-field. শস্য পেষণ করা v. to grind corn; to husk. শস্যপেষণ-যন্ত্র n. a corn-mill; a huskingmachine. ̃ভাণ্ডার n. a granary. ̃ভোজী a. feeding on corn, graminivorous; (of cornpests) destroying crop by eating it up. ̃মঞ্জরি n. a corn-stalk. ̃ল a. abounding in corn; (of fruits) full of kernel, pulpy; (bot.) albuminous. ̃শালী a. abounding in corn. fem. ̃শালিনী । ̃শ্যামল a. green with plentiful corn. fem. ̃শ্যামলা । শস্য সংগ্রহ করা v. to harvest; to procure corn esp. cereals. শস্যসংগ্রহের কাল harvest time, harvest. শস্যাগার n. a granary; a grange. শস্যাধার n. a corn-bin. 43)
(p. 951) śrī Goddess Lakshmi (লক্ষী); Goddess Saraswati (সরস্বতী); wealth, riches; affluence, prosperity; good luck, fortune; beauty, grace (মুখশ্রী); appearance; style, manner, attitude (কথার শ্রী); an appellation affixed to the name of a holy person dead or living or to that of a sacred thing or place (শ্রীসত্যেন্দ্র বসু, শ্রীচৈতন্য, শ্রীখোল, শ্রীক্ষেত্র); an Indian musical mode. ̃করকমল n. a lotus-like auspicious hand. ̃করকমলেষু to your or his lotus-like auspicious hand (a form of addressing a person politely in a letter). ̃ক্ষেত্র n. Puri in Orissa. ̃খণ্ড n. sandalwood. ̃ঘর n. (sarcas.) a prison, a gaol, a jail. ̃ঘরবাস a. imprisonment, incarceration. ̃চরণ n. an auspicious foot. ̃চরণেষু । to your or his auspicious feet (a form of addressing a venerable person in a letter). ̃চরণকমল n. a lotuslike auspicious foot. ̃চরণকমলেষু same as ̃চরণেষু । ̃পঞ্চমী n. the fifth lunar day of the bright fortnight of the month of Magh (মাঘ) when Goddess Saraswati is worshipped. ̃ফল n. the wood-apple. ̃বত্স n. the clockwise circle of hair on the bosom of Vishnu (বিষ্ণু). ̃বত্স লাঞ্ছন n. Vishnu (বিষ্ণু). ̃বৃদ্ধি n. increase of wealth; prosperity; advancement, improvement. ̃বৃদ্ধি লাভ করা v. to have one's wealth increased; to prosper, to thrive; to advance, to improve. ̃বৃদ্ধিসাধন করা v. to cause to prosper or thrive; to promote prosperity or wealth; to cause to advance, to improve. ̃ভ্রষ্ট a. fallen from or bereft of prosperity; deprived of beauty or grace or glamour; dilapidated; ruined. ̃মণ্ডিত a. beautified; beautiful; graceful. ̃মতী a. fem. of শ্রীমান । n. a beautiful woman or girl; a young woman; Radha (রাধা). ̃মত্ a. gracious or glorious usu. affixed to the name of a saintly man or to that of a sacred book (শ্রীমদ্রামানুজ, শ্রীমদ্ভাগবত). ̃মন্ত a. fortunate, prosperous; wealthy, affluent. ̃মান a. beautiful, graceful, fortunate, wealthy, affluent (usu. affixed to the name of a junior person). ̃মুখ n. an auspicious face. ̃যুক্ত, ̃যুত same as শ্রীমান (usu. affixed to the name of a senior or respectable man). fem. ̃যুক্তা । ̃ল same as ̃যুক্ত (usu. affixed to the name of an especially respectable or adorable man). ̃শূন্য, ̃হীন a. deprived of grace or beauty or prosperity; ugly; wretched. 113)
(p. 985) samara a war, a battle, a fight. ̃কৌশল n. the art of planning operations in war, strategy. ̃ক্ষেত্র, ̃ভূমি same as যুদ্ধক্ষেত্র । ̃শায়ী a. killed in a battle, fallen in a fight, killed in action. fem. ̃শায়িনী । ̃সজ্জা, ̃সাজ n. battle-dress and arms and equipment (of any individual soldier); war equipment; preparation for war. ̃স্হল, সমরাঙ্গন same as যুদ্ধক্ষেত্র । সমরানল n. war regarded as a widely devastating fire, fire or flames of war. 16)
(p. 987) samādhi self-absorbed spiritual meditation during which the meditator loses his or her entity and becomes one with the Supreme Being; a reverie, a trance; a self-absorbed meditation; burial, interment, a grave, a sepulchral monument, a tomb, a mausoleum (also সমাধিমন্দির); (fig.) end. ̃ক্ষেত্র n. a burialground, a cemetery; (loos.) a grave. ̃ভঙ্গ করা v. to disturb or interrupt selfabsorbed meditation; to give up selfabsorbed meditation. ̃মগ্ন a. drowned or absorbed in profound meditation; tranced. ̃স্তম্ভ n. a tombstone. ̃স্হ same as ̃মগ্ন,- and buried. সমাধিস্হ করা v. to bury, to lay in the grave, to inter. ̃স্হল, ̃স্হান same as ̃ক্ষেত্র । 10)
(p. 1007) sāhitya literature; a book (ধর্মসাহিত্য); composition, writing (প্রচারসাহিত্য). ̃কলা n. the art of literary composition. ̃ক্ষেত্র n. field of literature. ̃চর্চা n. literary pursuit or discussion. সাহিত্যচর্চা করা v. to compose or study or cultivate literature. ̃জগত্ n. the literary world, the world of letters. ̃বৃত্তি, ̃ব্যবসায় n. the literary profession. ̃ব্যবসায়ী n. same as সাহিত্যিক (n.). ̃ভান্ডার n. the store or repertory of literature. ̃রথী n. an eminent litterateur or writer. ̃শিল্প same as ̃কলা । ̃সভা n. a literary society or gathering; the literary world. ̃সমাজ n. the literary world, litterateurs collectively. ̃সমালোচক n. a critic of literature; a literary critic. ̃সমালোচনা n. literary criticism. সহিত্যসেবা করা v. to pursue or compose or study or cultivate literature devotedly. ̃সেবী a. devoted to literature; devotedly pursuing or composing or studying or cultivating literature. n. a devotee of literature; a litterateur, a writer, an author. সাহিত্যাকাশ same as ̃জগত্ । সাহিত্যাচার্য n. one profoundly versed in literature; a connoisseur or a great teacher of literature; a great author or litterateur. সাহিত্যানুশীলন same as ̃চর্চা । সাহিত্যালোচনা n. literary discussion. সাহিত্যালোচনা করা v. to discuss literature. সাহিত্যিক a. literary (সাহিত্যিক বৈঠক); pursuing literature (সাহিত্যিক লোক). n. a litterateur, a man of letters, a writer, an author (fem. an authoress). 89)
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