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̃খচিত দ্বারা সংসদ বাংলা ডিকশোনারির সবগুলো শব্দ

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(p. 457) tārakā2 a star; the pupil of the eye; the star-mark, an asterisk *; prominent performer or an actor or actress especially of the film, a film-star (also চিত্রতারকা). ̃খচিত star-spangled. ̃চিহ্নিত a. marked with an asterisk. ̃মণ্ডিত a. star-spangled. 15)
(p. 550) nakṣatra a star. ̃খচিত a. star-spangled, studded with stars, starry. ̃গতি n. speed as quick as of a shooting star, meteoric speed; tremendous speed. a. having such speed. ̃নাথ, ̃পতি n. the moon (esp. when personified). (cp.) Luna. ̃পাত n. fall of a meteor or meteorite; (fig.) death or downfall of a great man. ̃পুঞ্জ n. a group of stars, a constellation. ̃বিজ্ঞান n. the science of stars, astronomy. ̃বিজ্ঞানী n. an astronomer, a star-gazer. ̃বেগ n. same as নক্ষত্রগতি (n.). ̃বেগে adv. with the speed of a shooting star, swiftly as a shooting star; with great speed. ̃মন্ডল, ̃লোক n. the stellar region, the sidereal system, the firmament, the sky. ̃মন্ডিত a. same as নক্ষত্রখচিত । নক্ষত্রালোক n. star-light. নক্ষত্রালোকিত a. starlit. 6)
(p. 831) maṇi a precious stone, a jewel, a gem; (fig.) a precious object or treasure (খোকামণি); (fig.) a glorious person (রঘুমণি). ̃ক n. (geog.) mineral. ̃কাঞ্চন n. a jewel and gold; (fig.) combination or union of two very precious things. ̃কাঞ্চনযোগ n. an excellent union: (astrol.) a very auspicious conjunction of stars. ̃কার n. a jeweller, a lapidary. ̃কোঠা n. a room the floor and walls of which are set with gems. ̃খচিত a. inlaid with jewels. ̃বন্ধ n. the wrist. ̃ভান্ডার n. a jewel-house, (cp.) treasure-house or treasure-trove. ̃মন্ডিত a. set or studded or adorned with gems. ̃ময় full of gems; made of gems; set or studded or adorned with gems. ̃মানিক্য same as ̃রত্ন । ̃মালা n. a necklace set with gems. ̃রত্ন n. pl. gems and jewels, jewellery. ̃হার same as ̃মালা । ̃হারা ফণী (fig.) one who is fretfully aggrieved on account of losing one's most precious treasure or beloved person. 10)
(p. 867) muktā a pearl. ̃খচিত a. set or studded or inlaid with pearls. ̃গর্ভ a. containing pearls, pearly. ̃তুল্য a. pearl-like, pearly. ̃ফল n. pearl; camphor. ̃বলি, ̃বলী n. a collection or string of pearls. ̃মালা, ̃হার n. a string of pearls, a pearl-necklace. ̃শুক্তি n. a pearl-oyster. 41)
(p. 903) ratna a jewel, a gem; (fig.) the best specimen of a class (কন্যারত্ন). ̃খচিত a. studded or inlaid with a gem or gems. ̃গর্ভ a. impregnated with gems. ̃গর্ভা a. fem. (often sarcas.) giving birth to excellent children. ̃জীবী n. a jeweller; a lapidary. ̃দ্বীপ n. the coral island; treasure island. ̃প্রসবিনী, ̃প্রসবিত্রী, ̃প্রসূ a. fem. yielding gems; impregnated with gems; (fig.) giving birth to excellent children. ̃বণিক n. a dealer in gems or jewellery, a jeweller. ̃ভান্ডার n. a treasure of jewels. ̃মন্ডিত a. bedecked with jewels, bejewelled. ̃ময় a. made of gems; gemmy. fem. ̃ময়ী । ̃রাজি n. gems, jewels; jewellery. ̃সিংহাসন n. throne studded or bedecked with jewels. রত্নাকর n. a mine or quarry of gems; the sea, the ocean. রত্নাবলি n. gems, jewels; a jewel necklace. রত্নাভরণ, রত্নালংকার n. a jewel ornament. 9)
(p. 1018) subarṇa gold; a gold coin; (loos.) a mohur (মোহর). a. golden-coloured, golden. ̃খচিত a. studded or set or inlaid with gold; (loos.) gold-centred (সুবর্ণখচিত পদক). ̃জয়ন্তী see জয়ন্তী । ̃পদক n. a gold-medal. সুবর্ণপদকপ্রাপ্ত ব্যাক্তি a. goldmedalist. ̃প্রতিমা same as স্বর্ণপ্রতিমা । ̃বণিক n. a Hindu community originally trading in gold and carrying on banking business; a member of this community. ̃সুযোগ n. a golden opportunity. 41)
(p. 1038) sbarṇa gold, aurum. ̃কণা n. a grain of gold. ̃কমল n. the red lotus. ̃কার n. a goldsmith (by caste or trade). ̃খচিত same as সুবর্ণখচিত । ̃খনি n. a goldmine; (fig.) a highly rewarding or profitable enterprise. ̃পদ্ম n. the red lotus. ̃পত্র n. a goldleaf; a gold-foil. ̃প্রতিমা n. a gold image, a golden image; (fig.) a very beautiful (female) figure or person. ̃প্রসূ a. auriferous; (fig.) exceptionally fertile. ̃বণিক same as সুবর্ণবণিক । ̃বর্ণ a. having the colour of gold, gold-coloured, golden. ̃ভূমি n. an auriferous land; (fig.) a richly fertile land or soil. ̃মণ্ডিত a. gilded, gilt, aureated; gold-plaited. ̃ময় a. made of or full of gold, golden. ̃মাক্ষিক n. iron pyrites. ̃মৃগ same as মায়ামৃগ । ̃রেণু n. minute particles or grains of gold; gold dust. ̃সিঁদূর n. an Ayurvedic medicine containing mercury. ̃সূত্র n. gold thread; gold-wire. স্বর্ণাক্ষর n. a letter of gold. স্বর্ণাক্ষরে লেখা written in letters of gold. স্বর্ণাঙ্গুরীয়, স্বর্ণাঙ্গুরীয়ক n. a fingrring made of gold, a gold ring. স্বর্ণাভরণ, স্বর্ণালংকার n. a gold ornament. 14)
(p. 1049) hastidanta the elephant's tusk; ivory. ̃খচিত a. inlaid with ivory. 12)
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