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̃দি দ্বারা সংসদ বাংলা ডিকশোনারির সবগুলো শব্দ

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̃দাওয়াই, দাওয়া৩
(p. 485) ̃dāōẏāi, dāōẏā3 medicine; remedy. ̃খানা n. a drug-store; a dispensary; a chemist's shop, a pharmacy. দাওয়াই দেওয়া v. to give or administer a medicine; (fig.) to take action for correction or to remedy a wrong. 105)
(p. 2) akṣa any of the three long cubes marked with dots thrown at dice-playing; a die; a kind of seed used as bead; (geog.) the axis of the equator; (geog.) latitude; (astr.) the angular distance of any star or planet from the solar orbit, the orbit of a heavenly body; (astrol.) the shape of the zodiac; (zoo.) the secand vertebra of the neck; an axle; a sense-organ (অধোক্ষজ). ̃ক n. the collar-bone, the clavicle; a dice player. ̃কর্ণ n. (geom.) a hypotenuse. ̃ক্রীড়া n. game of dice; diceplay. ̃দণ্ড n. (geog.) the axis of the equator, the minor axis. ̃ধুরা n. the front portion of a wheel, an axis; the pole of a cart. ̃ধূর্ত n. an expert or clever dice-player. ̃পাটি n. any of the long cubes marked with dots thrown at dice-playing. ̃বাট n. dice-board; arena for wrestling; wrestling ground; gymnasium. ̃বিচলন n. (astr.) nutation. ̃বিত্, ̃বিদ, ̃বেত্তা a. versed in law or diplomacy; clever at dice-game. n. a lawyer; a diplomat; an expert dice-player. ̃বৃত্ত, ̃সমান্তরাল n. (geog.) the parallels of latitude. ̃মালা, ̃সূত্র n. a string of beads, a rosary. ̃শক্তি n. the Axis Powers in the World War II. 88)
(p. 2) akṣata unhurt or unwounded; unimpaired; unblemished; unreserved. ̃দেহ, ̃শরীর a. of a person bearing no wound; unhurt or uninjured or unwounded. ̃যোনি a. fem. having had no experience of sexual union; possessing true virginity. 91)
(p. 7) agni fire; the fire-god; digestive power; hunger; burning; affliction (শোকাগ্নি). ̃কণা n. a spark. ̃কর্তা n.& a. one who performs the rite of singeing the mouth of the deceased at cremation. ˜কর্ম n. the rite of agnihotra (অগ্নিহোত্র); cremation of the dead. ̃কল্প a. fire-like; fiery; extremely hot; extremely severe or violent; terribly angry, furious. ̃কাণ্ড n. a great fire, a conflagration. ̃কুণ্ডু n. a pit in which a fire is made or a pit full of fire, a firepit; a furnace. ̃কোণ n. the south-east. ̃ক্রিয়া same as ̃কর্ম । ̃গর্ভ a. impregnated with fire, containing fire; fiery; impetuous (অগ্নিগর্ভ বক্তৃতা). ̃চূর্ণ, ̃চূর্ণক n. gun-powder, explosive substance. ̃জিতা n. fem. a woman who has passed successfully through an ordeal by fire. ̃তপ্ত a. heated with fire; as hot as fire. ̃তুল্য a. fire-like; fiery; furious. ̃দগ্ধ a. burnt; consumed by fire. ̃দাতা n. & a. one who sets fire to anything; one who singes the mouth of the dead at cremation. fem. ̃দাত্রী । ̃দান n. act of setting fire to; act of singeing the mouth of the dead at cremation. ̃দাহ n. a conflagration, combustion, the heat of fire. ̃দাহ্য a. combustible. ̃দীপক a. causing or promoting fire or hunger or digestion. ̃দীপ্ত a. illuminated or brightened with fire. ̃দেব, ̃দেবতা n. the god of fire, the firegod. ̃পক্ক a. cooked with fire; hardened in fire (অগ্নিপক্ক ইট). ̃পরীক্ষা n. an ordeal by fire (esp. the one which Sita of the Ramayana passed through); (fig.) a crucial test, an extremely dangerous or unsafe test (cp. baptism of fire). ̃প্রবেশ n. act of mounting or falling on a burning pyre. ̃প্রভ a. glowing as fire. ̃প্রভা n. glow of fire. ̃প্রস্তর n. flint. ̃বর্ণ a. red as fire; crimson. ̃বর্ধক a. promoting fire or hunger or digestion. ̃বাণ n. a fire-emitting mythical arrow. ̃বৃদ্ধি n. promotion or stimulation of appetite or digestion. ̃বৃষ্টি n. a shower of fire (esp. from the sky, instead of rain); a spell of scorching heat; discharge or firing of gun. ̃মন্ত্র n. any formula of words or spell that makes one determined to achieve an extremely difficult or dangerous end; the doctrine of revolution or terrorism. ̃মন্ত্রে দীক্ষা initiation in the cult of armed agitation or revolution. ̃ময় a. full of fire. ̃মান্দ্য n. loss of appetite; indigestion. ̃মূর্তি a. extremely angry or haughty, furious. n. furious appearance or state. ̃মূল্য a. extremely costly; unpurchasably dear. ̃যুগ n. the age or times of revolution. ̃শর্মা a. extremely angry, furious, livid with rage. n. a furious person, a spitfire. ̃শিখা n. the flame of fire, the flame. ̃শুদ্ধ a. purified by burning in fire; sanctified by undergoing rigorous penance. ̃শুদ্ধি n. purification by burning in fire; sanctification by undergoing rigorous penance. ̃সংস্কার n. cremation by burning the dead. ̃সখ n. the wind. ̃সত্কার n. cremation by burning the dead. ̃সহ a. fire-proof. ̃সহ ইট fire-brick. ̃সহ মৃত্তিকা fire-clay. ̃সাত্ a. completely consumed by fire. ̃সেবন n. act of warming up oneself in the heat of fire. ̃স্ফুলিঙ্গ n. a spark. ̃হোত্র n. the Hindu rite of maintaining the sacred fire perpetually. ̃হোত্রী n. one who maintains the sacred fire perpetually and worships with it. 8)
(p. 7) agra the top, the summit; an apex; an end or extremity; the front; the front portion; the surface or the portion at the surface (দধির অগ্র); an aim, a purpose (একাগ্র). a. first, foremost, primary, leading; chief; anterior. ̃ক্রয়াধিকার n. the right of pre-emption. ̃গণ্য a. deserving first preference or consideration or mention; foremost; best; principal. ̃গতি, ̃গমন n. forward movement, advancement; progress, promotion, development, increase; (astr.) progressive motion, progression. ̃গামী a. moving forward or to the front; leading; progressive. fem. ̃গামিনী । ̃জ a. born earlier, senior in age, elder, older. n. the eldest or an elder brother. ̃জিহ্বা n. the uvula, the epiglottis. ̃জ্ঞান n. foreknowledge; anticipation. ̃ণী a. leading, chief, best. n. a leader; an inaugurator or initiator; a pioneer. ̃দত্ত n. imprest money. ̃দানী n. a Brahmin (ব্রাহ্মণ) who receives offerings on behalf of a dead person's soul and consequently is socially degraded. ̃দূত n. (mil.) a pioneer; an escort, a guide; a leader; (loos.) a forerunner, a precursor, a harbinger. ̃নেতা n. a leader; an army commander. ̃পশ্চাত্ adv. considering what is before and after; having foresight and hindsight; pro and con; comprehensively. ̃বর্তী a. situated in the front; leading; advanced. fem. ̃বর্তিনী । ভাগ n. the first part or share; top peak; an extremity or end. ̃মহিষী n. the queen-consort. ̃সর, ̃সার a. going first or commencing, leading; moving forward, advancing. ̃সরণ n. advancement. অগ্রসর হওয়া v. to move forward, to advance; to progress. ̃স্হ, ̃স্হিত a. situated in the front, on the top or at end, apical. 14)
(p. 9) aṅka a mark or sign; a line; a stripe; a spot; a blemish; (math.) a digit, a number, a figure; an arithmetical problem, a sum; a counting, calculation; the lap; (of a drama) an act; (zoo) the belly; (bot.) the venter. অঙ্ক করা, অঙ্ক কষা v. to do sums; to calculate or count. ̃গত a. lying on or in the lap (of); (fig.) under thorough control of. ̃গর্ভ a. (zoo.) marsupial (of an animal, e. g. kangaroo). ̃তল n. (zoo.) ventral surface. ̃দেশ n. the lap; (zoo.) the belly. ̃পাত n. act of placing figures; act of marking. ̃পাতন n. (math.) notation. ̃বাচক a. (math.) cardinal. ̃বিদ্যা, ̃শাস্ত্র n. mathematics. ̃বিদ্যাবিত্, ̃শাস্ত্রবিত্ n. a mathematician. ̃লক্ষী n. wife. ̃শায়ী a. lying on the lap (of); (fig.) enamoured of. fem. ̃শায়িনী । ̃স্হিত a. situated or placed on the lap; (fig.) beloved. 7)
(p. 9) ati too; over; beyond; improperly; going beyond; excessively; beyond the compass or range (of), outside. a. very improper or unbecoming; excessive; excellent (অতি নাগর). n. an improper or excessive amount (কিছুরই অতি ভালো নয়) pfx. ex-, extra-, hyper-, out-, over-, super-, sur-, trans-, ultra-. ̃কথা n. exaggerated or useless talk; a myth. ̃কায় a. of immense size; gigantic. ̃কোমল a. too soft, too tender; very tender or soft. ̃চার n. quick passage (from one place to another); passage or forward movement of a planet from one zodiacal sign to another in a shorter period than usual. ̃চালাক a. over-clever, too clever by half; oversmart. ̃চালাকের গলায় দড়ি an over-clever person hangs himself; the fox must pay his skin to the furrier. ̃জন n. the majority. ̃তপ্ত a. superheated. ̃তর a. very much excessive. ̃দর্প n. excessive pride or vanity. ̃দর্পে হতা (বা হত) লন্কা (lit.) the fall of Lanka was caused by (King Ravana's) excessive vanity; (fig.) pride will have a fall. ̃নাটকীয় a. melodramatic; unnecessarily over-dramatic. ̃নাটকীয়তা n. melodrama. ̃দূর a. far-away; remote. n. a great distance. ̃দৈন্য n. utmost poverty. ̃নৈতিকতা n. puritanism, rigid adherence to moral principle or behaviour. ̃পাতক n. any of the most heinous sins, a deadly sin. ̃পাতকী n. a great sinner. ̃পান n. (habitual) overindulgence in intoxicating liquor, intemperance. ̃প্রজতা n. overpopulation. ̃প্রাকৃত a. supernatural; supernal. ̃বড় a. too big; too much. ̃বল a. extremely strong or mighty. ̃বাড় n. overgrowth; unnatural growth or development; excessive haughtiness or pride; extreme immoderation or excess. ̃বাড় বাড়া v. to grow extremely haughty or arrogant. অতিবাড় বেড়ো নাকো ঝড়ে প়ড়ে যাবে (lit.) don't grow too high lest a storm makes you tumble down; (fig.) pride will have a fall. ̃বাদ n. exaggeration. ̃বুদ্ধি same as অতিচালাক । ̃বৃদ্ধ a. very old; decrepit. ̃বৃদ্ধি n. overgrowth. ̃বৃষ্টি n. excessive or heavy rainfall. ̃বেগনি, ̃বেগুনি a. ultraviolet. ̃ব্যয় n. extravagance. ̃ব্যস্ত a. (usu. dero.) very busy; very anxious; fussy. ̃ভক্তি n. excessive devotion or reverence (usu. insincere). অতিভক্তি চোরের লক্ষণ too much courtesy, too much craft. ̃ভুজ a. (geom.) a hypotenuse. ̃ভোজন n. over-eating, surfeit; gluttony. অতিভোজন করা v. to overeat; to gourmandize, to gormandise. ̃ভোজী a. voracious, gourmand. n. a gourmand, a glutton. ̃মন্দা n. (comm.) slump. ̃মাত্র, ̃মাত্রায় adv. beyond measure; extremely. ̃মান n. excessive vanity. ̃মানব n. a great man or a man of exceptional uqalities and powers, a superman; a greatly wise man. ̃মানবিক, ̃মানুষিক a. superhuman; supernal; spiritual; divine. ̃রঞ্জন n. exaggeration. ̃রঞ্জিত a. exaggerated. ̃রথ n. a great warrior capable of fighting innumerable enemies simultaneously. ̃রাষ্ট্রিক a. extra-territorial. ̃লোভ n. too much greed, overgreediness. 145)
(p. 17) adūra not distant, not far; near, close, yonder. ̃দর্শিতা. n. absence or lack of foresight; imprudence. ̃দর্শী a. bereft of foresight; imprudent. fem. ̃দর্শিনী i ̃বর্তিতা n. state of being not at a distance; nearness, proximity. ̃বর্তী a. not in a distant position; proximate; near, yonder. fem. ̃বর্তিনী, ̃বদ্ধ a. having a short or limited range. ̃বদ্ধ দৃষ্টি. short-sightedness. ̃ভবিষ্যত্ n. near future. ̃স্হ same as ̃বর্তী । অদূরে adv. not far; near, close by. 31)
(p. 17) adṛṣṭa not seen, unseen. n. fate, luck, fortune; destiny. ̃ক্রমে adv. as ordained by destiny; as luck would have it; by chance; fortunately. ̃দোষে adv. unluckily, unfortunately, as bad luck would have it. ̃পরীক্ষা n. act of telling or learning one's fortune by means of divination, palmistry, etc., act of trying one's luck (esp. in a game of chance) অদৃষ্ট পরীক্ষা করা v. to tell one's fortune. to try one's luck. অদৃষ্ট পরীক্ষা করানো v. to have one's fortune told. ̃পুরুষ n. masc. Destiny; God. ̃পূর্ব a. not seen before; novel, new. ̃বশত adv. as luck would have it; by chance. ̃বাদ n. fatalism. ̃বাদী n. a fatalist. a. fatalistic. ̃লিপি n. the unseen writing of one's fate; one's destiny. অদৃষ্টের পরিহাস irony of fate. 35)
(p. 17) adbhuta strange, queer, quaint, odd; uncouth; extraordinary; astonishing. n. (rhet.) a description that strikes the reader with its extraordinary strangeness or queerness (also অদ্ভুতরস). ̃কর্মা a. endowed with extraordinary capabilities; one who is capable of performing miraculous deeds. ̃দর্শন a. odd-looking. 41)
(p. 17) adhara (ori.) the lower lip; (loos.) any of the two lips or both the lips. ̃কোণ n. the corner of the lips. ̃দল n. (bot.) a labellum. ̃পল্লব n. a lip or lips as tender as tree-leaves. ̃প্রান্ত the end or extremity of the lips. অধরমধু পান, অধরসুধা পান n. (lit.) act of kissing greedily. অধরমধু বা অধরসুধা পান করা v. to kiss greedily. 51)
(p. 24) ananta endless; boundless; unlimited; inexhaustible; everlasting, eternal; imperishable. n. Vishnu (বিষ্ণু); Shesha (শেষ) the thousand-headed king of snakes; an ornament, an armlet. ̃কাল n. eternity. ̃কালব্যাপী, ̃কালস্হায়ী a. eternal. everlasting. অনন্তকাল ধরে adv. for ever. ̃চতুর্দশী n. the fourteenth day of the lunar fortnight of the month of Bhadra (ভাদ্র); a religious penance observed on this day. ̃দেব n. Shesha (শেষ) the king of snakes. ̃নিদ্রা n. Vishnu's sleep on the person of Ananta (অনন্ত) the snake-king; everlasting or eternal sleep; (fig.) death. ̃নিদ্রায় নিদ্রিত sleeping the sleep that knows no breaking, sleeping eternal sleep, dead. ̃প্রকার a. of endless or countless varieties. ̃বীর্য a. of endless or inexhaustible strength or virility. ̃প্রভাব n. incessant or endless current or flow. ̃মূল n. a medicinal root. ̃রূপ, ̃রূপী a. of endless forms or shapes; of endless manifestations. ̃শয়ন, ̃শয্যা n. use of the person of Anantadeva (অনন্তদেব) by Vishnu as his bed; (fig.) death. ̃শীর্ষ a. hydra-headed. 16)
(p. 24) ananya no other than; having no other; intent; resolute; sole, singular, unique; supreme; unparalleled; solely or absorbedly engaged. fem. অনন্যা । ̃কর্মা a. doing no work other than; not attending to any work other than; solely engaged or absorbed in. ̃গতি a. having no way or means or alternative other than; compelled by absence of any alternative. ̃চিত্ত a. having nothing in the mind other than; fixed with close attention to nothing other than, intent on. ̃চিত্তে adv. with undivided attention, intently. ̃দৃষ্টি a. looking at nothing other than; gazing steadfastly. ̃পরায়ণ a. not devoted to anything other than; solely engaged in. ̃বৃত্তি a. engaged in no occupation or endeavour other than; solely occupied in. ̃ব্রত a. engaged in or performing no task other than. অনন্যমনা same as ̃চিত্ত । ̃শরণ, ̃সহায় a. having no help or resort or patron or protector other than. ̃সাধারণ, ̃সুলভ a. not to be found in anybody else; singular, unique; extraordinary, uncommon. ̃সাপেক্ষ a. not depending on or subject to anything; absolutely independent. 19)
(p. 26) anāẏāsa a state demanding no exertion or offering no difficulty; easiness. a. demanding no exertion or offering no difficulty; effortless, easy; facile, spontaneous. ̃কৃত a. done without effort or strain or difficulty; accomplished easily. ̃দক্ষতা n. easy skill or gift; gift of doing spontaneously. ̃লব্ধ a. obtained or earned without effort or strain or difficulty; got easily. ̃লভ্য a. obtainable without effort or difficulty; easily obtainable. ̃সাধ্য a. capable of being done or performed or attained or obtained without effort or difficulty; easy. ̃সিদ্ধ a. done or accomplished or attained or obtained easily. অনায়াসে adv. without strain or exertion or difficulty; effortlessly; easily; spontaneously. 72)
(p. 29) aniṣṭa harm, injury; mischief; anything harmful or injurious. ̃কর a. harmful, injurious; mischievous. অনিষ্ট করা v. to harm; to do mischief. ̃কারী a. & n. one who causes harm or mischief, an evildoer, a wrongdoer. ˜চিন্তা n. mental act or thought of devising harm (to.). malevolence. ̃চিন্তা করা v. to devise harm (to). ̃জনক, ̃দায়ক same as অনিষ্টকর । ̃পাত n. occurrence of harm or injury. ̃সাধন n. act of causing harm. অনিষ্টসাধন করা v. to cause harm (to), to harm. অনিষ্ট হওয়া v. to be harmed. অনিষ্টাচরণ same as অনিষ্টসাধন । অনিষ্টাশঙ্কা n. apprehension of harm, premonition or presentiment (of evil); foreboding.
(p. 41) antima final; last, ultimate; of the time of death or termination. ̃কাল n. the time of death or termination; last moments. ̃দশা n. dying state. ̃শয়ন, ̃শয্যা n. death-bed. 8)
(p. 41) anna boiled rice; rice; food. ̃কষ্ট n. distress caused by scarcity of food; famine; (fig.) sufferance caused by extreme poverty, indigent circumstances. ̃কূট n. a stupendous heap of boiled rice. ̃ক্ষেত্র var. of অন্নসত্র । ̃গতপ্রাণ a. (absolutely) depending on food or boiled rice for subsistence; (loos.) riceeating. ̃চিন্তা n. thinking out means of procuring food or earning one's livelihood; food-problem, bread-problem. ̃চিন্তা চমত্কারা the effort to earn one's livelihood is all-absorbing; bread-problem is the chief problem; thought of one's daily bread preys heavily on the mind or weighs heavily on the spirits. ̃জল n. food and drink; the Hindu rite of providing food and drink for the soul of the dead. ̃দা a. fem. one who supplies or gives food. n. Goddess Durga (দুর্গা) ̃দাতা a. & n. one who supplies or gives food; one who maintains. fem. ̃দাত্রী । ̃দান n. charitable or gratuitous supply of food. ̃দাস n. one who has enslaved himself to another for one's food or maintenance. ̃নালী n. the aesophagus, the gullet, the food passage. ̃পূর্ণা a. fem. full of food or rice. n. Goddess Durga (দুর্গা).̃পথ্য n. rice-meal as diet. ̃পান n. food and drink. ̃প্রাশন n. the Hindu rite of a child's tasting rice for the first time. ̃বস্ত্র n. food and clothing. ̃ব্যঞ্জন n. rice and curry. ̃ভোজী a. rice-eating. n. rice-eater. ̃ময় a. full of food; built up or nourished by food (অন্নময় কোষ) ̃রস n. chyle. ̃সংস্হান n. provision for maintenance; procuring food or earning one's livelihood. ̃সত্র n. a place or institution for charitable supply of rice or food. ̃সমস্যা n. food-problem, bread-problem. ̃হীন a. without food; foodless; starving. 17)
(p. 48) apāṅga the outer corner of the eye; squint. ̃দৃষ্টি n. a glance from the outer corner of the eye; a side-glance; a stolen glance; an ogling or leering glance. 29)
(p. 75) artha 2 money, wealth; purpose, end in view, object; behalf (পরার্থে); earthly or secular prosperity, comfort and happiness (ধর্ম-অর্থ-কাম-মোক্ষ); politics; political economy, economics; purpose (মোক্ষার্থে তপস্যা); any branch or subject of learning (সর্বার্থতত্ত্ব); the thing desired (পুরুষার্থ). অর্থ আধিকারিক n. finance officer. ̃কর a. helpful in earning money, money-earning, money-making. fem. ̃করী । ̃করী বিদ্যা learning or training conducive to earning money; professional training. ̃কষ্ট n. pecuniary hardship or trouble; want or shortage of money. ̃কামী a. (eagerly) desirous of earning or acquiring money or wealth; avaricious. ̃কৃচ্ছ্র n. same as ̃কষ্ট । ̃গৃধ্নু a. avaricious, mammonish. ̃চিন্তা n. pecuniary worry; devising means of earning money. ̃চেষ্টা n. effort to earn or procure money. ̃তত্ত্ব n. political economy; economics. ̃দণ্ড n. a fine; pecuniary loss. ̃নীতি n. political economy, economics; principles of economics. ̃নীতিজ্ঞ, ̃নীতিবিদ n. an economist. ̃নৈতিক same as আর্থনীতিক । ̃পর, ̃পরায়ণ a. avaricious, mammonish; miserly. ̃পাল n. a treasurer. ̃পিপাসা n. thirst for money. ̃পিপাসু a. thirsty for money. ̃পিশাচ n. one who is unscrupulously greedy of money; one having an inordinate lust for money; a Mammon-worshipper. ̃প্রদ a. that which fetches money, money-earning. ̃প্রাপ্তি n. act of obtaining or earning money. ̃বল n. financial strength or competency; power of wealth. ̃বান a. rich, wealthy. ̃বিদ্যা n. same as অর্থতত্ত্ব । ̃বিনিয়োগ n. investment of money. ̃বিজ্ঞান n. same as অর্থতত্ত্ব । ̃বিজ্ঞানী n. an economist. ̃ব্যয় n. act of spending money; expenditure, expense, cost. ̃ভাণ্ডার n. treasury; fund. ̃মন্ত্রক n. the ministry of finance. ̃লাভ n. same as অর্থপ্রাপ্তি । ̃লালসা, ̃লিপ্সা, ̃লোভ n. (chiefly morbid) desire for money; avarice, cupidity. ̃লিপ্সু, ̃লোভী a. avaricious. ̃শালী a. rich, wealthy. ̃শাস্ত্র n. political economy, economics; political science, politics (কৌটিল্যের অর্থশাস্ত্র). ̃শূন্য a. unprovided with money; grossly short of money; penniless, insolvent. ̃শূন্যতা n. lack of money; gross shortage of money; insolvency, pauperism. ̃সংকট n. financial crisis. ̃সংগ্রহ n. procurement or collection or acquisition or earning of money. ̃সংগ্রহ করা v. to procure or collect or acquire or raise or earn money. ̃সংস্হান n. provision or procurement of money. সংস্হান করা v. to provide or procure money (for). সংগতি n. provision or possession of money; solvency. সংগতি থাকা v. to possess money or funds (for); to be well-to-do or solvent. ̃সচিব n. finance secretary. ̃সঞ্চয় n. saving or hoarding or accumulating money or wealth. ̃সঞ্চয়ী a. money-saving. ̃সাহায্য n. monetary aid or grant; donation. ̃সাহায্য করা v. to grant monetary aid; to help with money. ̃হানি n. loss of money. ̃হীন n. same as অর্থশূন্য । অর্থাগম n. inflow or influx of money; income. 32)
(p. 77) ardha any of two unequal parts (অসম অর্ধ); a half, a moiety. a. half; divided into two parts (অর্ধ বঙ্গ); incomplete, partial (অর্ধাশন). adv. half; incompletely, partially, in part. ̃কথিত a. told in part, half-told. ̃কৃত a. halved; divided into two parts; half-done, partially done, inompletely done. ̃গ্রাস n. (astr.) partial eclipse. ̃ঘন্টা n. half an hour. ̃চন্দ্র n. the crescent moon; (facet.) act of driving out by pushing by the neck, act of beating in this manner. ̃চন্দ্র দেওয়া v. (facet.) to seize (a person) by the neck and drive out by pushing, to beat or thrash in this manner. ̃চন্দ্রাকার, ̃চন্দ্রাকৃতি a. crescent, crescent-shaped. ̃দগ্ধ a. half-burnt. ̃দণ্ড n. twelve minutes (see দণ্ড). ̃নারীশ্বর n. a deity the right half of whose body is that of God Shiva (শিব) whilst the left half is that of Durga (দুর্গা). ̃নমিত a. (of a flag) at half-mast. ̃নিমীলিত a. partially closed, half-shut. ̃পথ n. half the way; the middle of the way. ̃পরিস্ফুট a. half-articulate; indistinct. ̃বয়স্ক a. middle-aged. ̃বৃত্ত n. a semicircle. ̃বৃত্তাকার a. semicircular. ̃ব্যক্ত a. halfrevealed, half-disclosed; half-expressed. ̃ভাগ n. a half part or share; half, a moiety. ̃ভূমণ্ডল n. a hemisphere. ̃মাত্রা n. the half of a quantity or dose or musical metre. ̃মৃত a. half dead; almost dead; more dead than alive; dying. ̃রাত্রি n. one half of the night; midnight. ̃শত n. & a. fifty. ˜শয়ান a. recumbent, reclining. ̃শিক্ষিত a. (usu. dero.) half-educated. ̃সত্য n. half-truth. ̃স্ফুট a. half-articulate; indistinct; babbling. 10)
(p. 78) alaka a forelock, a ringlet, a fringe; a curling tress of hair ('অলকে কুসুম না দিয়ো'); cirrus, goat's hair. ̃দাম n. tresses of forelocks or curling hair. 17)
(p. 80) alpa small in number or amount; a few; a little, a bit; short; of short duration, short-lived (অল্পজীবী); (gr.) unaspirated (অল্পপ্রাণ); illiberal, narrow (অল্পমতি); delicate (অল্পতনু); less than what is necessary or usual, insufficient, inadequate, scanty, poor. pro. a small number of persons or things. ̃ই adv. only a few, a little; but little; rarely, scarcely, seldom; insufficiently. অল্প অল্প করে adv. little by little, bit by bit; by degrees; gradually; slowly. ̃কাল, ̃ক্ষণ n. a short time, a short while. ̃কাল পরে, ̃কাল মধ্যে adv. shortly after, in a short time; before long. ̃চেতা a. narrow-minded; illiberal. ̃জীবী a. short lived. ̃জ্ঞ a. imperfectly educated, not knowledgeable; not erudite. ̃তম a. minimum. ̃তা, ̃ত্ব n. smallness in number or quantity; shortness; shortness of duration; illiberality, narrowness; insufficiency, inadequacy, shortage. ̃দর্শী a. lacking in foresight, short-sighted; imprudent; lacking in experience, inexperienced; narrow in outlook. ̃দর্শিতা n. want of foresight, short-sightedness; imprudence; want of experience,; narrowness of outlook. ̃ধী a. dull-witted, unintelligent. ̃প্রাণ a. short-lived; narrow-minded, illiberal, mean-minded; (gr.) unaspirated. ̃বয়সী, ̃বয়স্ক a. of tender age, young, minor. ̃বিদ্য a. possessing but a little learning; imperfectly educated. ̃বিদ্যা n. a little learning; imperfect education. অল্পবিদ্যা ভয়ংকরী a little learning is a dangerous thing. ̃বিস্তর adv. & a. more or less. ˜বুদ্ধি same as অল্পধী । ̃ভাষী a. of few words; reserved in speech; taciturn; reticent. ̃ভাষীতা n. taciturnity; reticence. ̃মতি a. meanminded. ̃মাত্র a. just a little. ̃মাত্রা n. a small dose or quantity. ̃মূল্য a. cheap. ̃মূল্যে adv. at a low price, cheaply. ̃শ adv. same as অল্প অল্প করে । ̃সংখ্যক a. a few, small in number. ̃স্বল্প a. a little, a bit; a few; not much or many; not frequent; temperate; moderate. 9)
(p. 83) aṣṭa eight. ̃ক n. any collection of eight, an octave; a book containing eight chapters; a verse containing eight couplets. a. eight. ̃আশি see অষ্টাশি । ̃কোণ n. (geom.) an octagon. a. octagonal ̃কোণী a. octagonal. ̃গুণ a. multiplied by eight, eightfold. n. eight times. ̃চত্বারিংশ a. forty-eighth. ̃চত্বারিংশত্ n. & a. forty-eight. ˜চত্বারিংশত্তম a. forty-eighth. fem. ̃চত্বারিংশত্তমী । ̃দিকপাল n. the eight guardian deities of the eight points of the earth. ̃ধা adv. & a. eight times; eightfold; in eight ways. ̃ধাতু n. the eight metals; gold, silver, copper, bronze, bell-metal, zinc, lead and iron. ̃নবতি n. & a. ninety-eight. ˜নবতিতম a. ninety-eighth. fem. ̃নবতিতমী । ̃নাগ n. (myth.) the eight chief snakes. ̃নায়িকা n. the eight minor goddesses; the eight manifestations of Goddess Durga (দুর্গা); (lit.) eight moods of the heroine or the sweetheart (namely, going to assignation, expecting her lover to come to her bed-chamber, worried owing to sudden absence of her lover, deceived by her lover, stricken with anger and jealousy on observing on the person of her lover signs indicating that he had been to another woman, feeling miserable for having quarrelled with and sent back her lover, enjoying domineering control over her lover, and separated from her lover as he has gone abroad). ̃পঞ্চাশত্ n. & a. fifty-eight. ˜পঞ্চাশত্তম a. fifty-eighth. fem. ̃পঞ্চাশত্তমী । ̃পাদ a. octopod. n. an octopod; the spider; a mythological octopod said to be even stronger than the lion (cp. octopus, শরভ). ̃প্রহর n. a whole day and night, twenty-four hours, a form of collective religious chanting by the Hindus continuing for twenty-four hours at a stretch. adv. throughout the whole day and night; always; ceaselessly. ̃বজ্র n. the eight infallible weapons of the eight principal gods. ̃বজ্রমিলন n. simultaneous hurling of অষ্টবজ্র,, which causes the destruction of the universe; precipitation of a highly explosive condition. ̃বসু n. the eight demi-gods (see বসু). ̃বিধ a. of eight kinds. ̃ভুজ a. eight-handed, octagonal. n. an octagon. ̃ভুজা a. & n. fem. of অষ্টভুজ । □ n. a manifestation of Goddess Durga (দুর্গা). ̃ভৈরব n. the eight terrible manifestations of Shiva (শিব). অষ্টম a. eighth. ̃মঙ্গলা n. a manifestation of Durga (দুর্গা); the custom according to which the newly-wed groom comes back to the father-in-law's house with his wife on the eighth day of marriage. অষ্টমবর্ষীয় a. of or in the eighth year; eight years old. অষ্টমবাত্সরিক, অষ্টমবার্ষিক a. of the eighth year. ̃মাংশ n. one-eighth; the eighth part. ̃মী n. fem. the eighth day of either fortnight of a lunar month. a. fem. eighth; eight years old. ̃মূর্তি n. the eight manifestations of Shiva (শিব). ̃রম্ভা n. (pop.) a mere nothing, a hoax, a mare's nest; a fiasco. ̃ষষ্টি n. & a. sixty-eight. ˜ষষ্টিতম a. sixty-eighth. ̃সপ্ততি n. & a. seventy-eight. ˜সপ্ততিতম a. seventy-eighth. ̃সিদ্ধি n. the eight superhuman qualities attainable by ascetical or austere practice. 17)
(p. 90) asukha unhappiness; distress, grief; uneasiness, discomfort; displeasure; illness, ailment; a disease. ̃কর, ̃দায়ক, অসুখাবহ a. causing unhappiness, unhappy; distressing, oppressive; causing discomfort, uncomfortable. অসুখী a. distressed, unhappy; sorrowful; displeased. 10)
(p. 90) asūkṣṇa not fine or refined or subtle; crude; coarse; gross; thick; blunt. ̃তা n. crudity; coarseness; grossness; thickness; bluntness. ̃দর্শী a. lacking in keen perception or acumen; short-sighted. ̃দর্শিতা n. lack of keen perception or acumen; short-sightedness. 18)
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