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নেই দ্বারা সংসদ বাংলা ডিকশোনারির সবগুলো শব্দ

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(p. 1) aṃśa a portion or part; a share; a region or locality (দেশের উত্তর অংশ = the northern region of the country); (astrol.) ⅓ of the zodiac; (geog.) &frac136; of earth's circumference; degree; concern, respect (কোনো অংশে মহত্ নয় = noble in no respect); divine incarnation (বিষ্ণুর অংশ = an incarnation of Vishnu). ̃ক n. (alg.) a mantissa. অংশ করা v. to divide into parts or shares; apportion (food, property, task etc.) among others. ̃গত a. included in a part or share; relating to part(s) or share(s). ̃গ্রাহী a. taking a share, participating. n. a sharer, a shareholder; a participant, a party. ̃ত adv. partly, in part; partially; to some extent. ̃ন n. dividing; sharing; apportionment, distribution. অংশনীয় a. divisible into parts or shares; to be divided into parts. ̃প্রেষ n. (sc.) partial pressure. ̃ভাক্, ̃ভাগী a. enjoying a share; having a claim to a share. n. a share, a shareholder; a claimant to a share; one who is responsible for a part, a partner. (কিছুতে) অংশ নেওয়া v. to take part (in), to participate (in). অংশাংশ n. fraction of fraction; minute fraction; tiny part; bit. 5)
(p. 7) agra the top, the summit; an apex; an end or extremity; the front; the front portion; the surface or the portion at the surface (দধির অগ্র); an aim, a purpose (একাগ্র). a. first, foremost, primary, leading; chief; anterior. ̃ক্রয়াধিকার n. the right of pre-emption. ̃গণ্য a. deserving first preference or consideration or mention; foremost; best; principal. ̃গতি, ̃গমন n. forward movement, advancement; progress, promotion, development, increase; (astr.) progressive motion, progression. ̃গামী a. moving forward or to the front; leading; progressive. fem. ̃গামিনী । ̃জ a. born earlier, senior in age, elder, older. n. the eldest or an elder brother. ̃জিহ্বা n. the uvula, the epiglottis. ̃জ্ঞান n. foreknowledge; anticipation. ̃ণী a. leading, chief, best. n. a leader; an inaugurator or initiator; a pioneer. ̃দত্ত n. imprest money. ̃দানী n. a Brahmin (ব্রাহ্মণ) who receives offerings on behalf of a dead person's soul and consequently is socially degraded. ̃দূত n. (mil.) a pioneer; an escort, a guide; a leader; (loos.) a forerunner, a precursor, a harbinger. ̃নেতা n. a leader; an army commander. ̃পশ্চাত্ adv. considering what is before and after; having foresight and hindsight; pro and con; comprehensively. ̃বর্তী a. situated in the front; leading; advanced. fem. ̃বর্তিনী । ভাগ n. the first part or share; top peak; an extremity or end. ̃মহিষী n. the queen-consort. ̃সর, ̃সার a. going first or commencing, leading; moving forward, advancing. ̃সরণ n. advancement. অগ্রসর হওয়া v. to move forward, to advance; to progress. ̃স্হ, ̃স্হিত a. situated in the front, on the top or at end, apical. 14)
(p. 16) atyācāra oppression; outrage; tyranny; strain (চোখের উপর অত্যাচার); intemperate and irregular habits; taking undue advantage (স্নেহের বা আতিথ্যের উপর অত্যাচার). অত্যাচার করা v. to oppress; to outrage; to tyrannize over; to strain; to be of intemperate and irregular habits. অত্যাচারিত a. oppressed, harassed; persecuted, victimized. অত্যাচারী a. oppressing; oppressive; outrageous; tyrannizing; tyrannical; of intemperate and irregular habits. n. an oppressor; a tyrant; a man of profligate habits. 19)
(p. 24) anapanēẏa indelible, ineffaceable; irremediable (অনপনেয় দুঃখ); irremovable (অনপনেয় উত্পাত); irredeemable (অনপনেয় কলঙ্ক). 26)
অনিমিষ, অনিমেষ
(p. 29) animiṣa, animēṣa not winking; motionless; steadfast. অনিমেষনেত্রে adv. with eyes not winking; with a steadfast gaze. 10)
(p. 30) anunēẏa worthy of being entreated; worthy of being the subject of solicitation, worth imploring or beseeching or supplicating. 87)
(p. 34) anumati premission, leave; approval, sanction; acquiescence, consent; order, command, commission; authorization. অনুমতি দেওয়া v. to permit, to grant leave to; to approve, to sanction, to grant; to acquiesce, to consent, to order, to commission; to authorize. অনুমতি নেওয়া v. to take permission, to take leave. ̃পত্র n. a letter of authority, a permit, permissive note, a pass; letters-patent. ̃সূচক a. permissive; indicative of approval or consent. অনুমত্যনুসারে adv. according to or by order. 29)
(p. 38) anēka more than one; many, numerous; various; much, too much; very much; great; most. pro. many persons; many a one; excess. n. (obs.) the universe ('অনেকের পতি' the lord of the universe). ̃ত্ব n. plurality. ̃ধা adv. & prep. in many ways; in various directions. ̃প্রকার, ̃বিধ, ̃রূপ a. of numerous and various kinds or types or sorts; manifold. অনেক রাত্রিতে adv. late at night. অনেকাংশে adv. largely, to a great extent; in many respects. অনেকানেক a. numerous and various, mainfold. অনেকে pro. many persons; many a one. 17)
(p. 38) anta death, destruction; end; break-up; termination; a terminus; a border or limit (বনান্ত, সীমান্ত); duration or expanse (পক্ষান্ত); intention or intrinsic nature (অন্ত পাওয়া ভার); depth or bottom (মনের অন্ত); the life beyond death or the next world ('অন্তে দিও গো পদাশ্রয়'). অন্ত পাওয়া ভার too deep for comprehension; one whose intention or intrinsic nature can hardly be ascertained; difficult to fathom or gauge. 26)
(p. 41) andhisandhi creek and corner, ins and outs; secrets; secret intention, design, etc. (মনের অন্ধিসন্ধি). 16)
(p. 41) apatya a son or a daughter; a child; a young of any creature. ̃নির্বিশেষে adv. making no discrimination between one's own children and those of other people, not treating differently from one's son, just like one's own children. ̃স্নেহ n. love for one's children, parental affection, philoprogenitiveness. ̃হীন a. childless. 69)
(p. 41) apanēẏa removable, effaceable; eliminable; revocable. 79)
(p. 48) apēkṣā await; waiting (for) or tarrying; expectation, expectancy, anticipation (সুদিনের বা সাহায্যলাভের অপেক্ষা); reliance (দৈবের অপেক্ষা); caring for or depending on (কারও অপেক্ষা না রাখা). con. than, of, in comparison to or with. অপেক্ষা করা v. to await; to wait for; to tarry; to expect, to anticipate; to rely on; to care for. ̃কৃত adv. comparatively; relatively. 66)
(p. 53) abatāra incarnation; an incarnation, an avatar; a personation (শয়তানের অবতার = Satan personated); a personification (দয়ার অবতার = kindness personified); (pop.) an ugly and odd-looking person, an antic. ̃বাদ n. the doctrine of incarnation. 26)
(p. 56) abaśēṣa a remainder, a residue, a surplus; termination, the last stage, end (দিনের বা দুঃখের অবশেষ); a portion left out, leavings (খাদ্যাবশেষ) অবশেষেadv. at last, at length, ultimately; in the end. 27)
(p. 56) abasara leisure; respite; opportunity; retirement (চাকরি থেকে অবসর নেওয়া); time or space between. ̃ক্রমে adv. at one's leisure. ̃গ্রহণ n. retirement. অবসরপূর্ব অবকাশ বা ছুটি leave preparatory to retirement. ̃প্রাপ্ত a. retired (from an employment or office). ̃বিনোদন n. recreation; relaxation. অবসর নেওয়া v. to retire (from). 31)
(p. 56) abashā state, condition; temperament, mood (মনের অবস্হা); circumstances (অবস্হা বুঝে ব্যবস্হা); financial condition; position (সংকটাবস্হা).̃গতিকে adv. being compelled by circumstances; in the circumstances. ̃ঘটিত a. dependent on circumstances; circumstantial, incidental. ̃ন্তর n. a different state or condition; change of fortune. ̃পন্ন a. well-to-do; wealthy, rich, in affluent circumstances. ̃প্রাপ্ত a. reduced to a state. ̃প্রাপ্ত হওয়া v. to be reduced to a state, to fall into a state. অবস্হা ফেরানো v. to better one's fortune or circumstances. ̃ভেদে adv. in a different or changed condition, in different or changed circumstances. ̃সংকট n. a critical position, tight corner. ̃হীন a. indigent, poor, impecunious, badly off. 39)
(p. 63) abhinētā (in a film or drama) an actor. 79)
(p. 63) abhinētṛ one who acts or plays. 80)
(p. 63) abhinētrī of অভিনেতৃ । n. fem. an actress. 81)
(p. 63) abhinēẏa that which is to be or can be acted or played; worthy of being played or acted, fit to be staged. 82)
(p. 73) araguṇa good quality, merit, virtue, অরগুণ নেই বরগুণ আছে having none of the virtues but only lots of vices, having more bad qualities than good. 39)
(p. 90) asnēha unfriendliness; lack of affection; neglect. 64)
(p. 96) ān̐caḍ় an instance of scraping or digging with the finger-nails or claws, a scratch; a thin mark or line; (fig.) a cursory or slight examination or effort (এক আঁচড়ে বুঝে নেওয়া). এক আঁচড়ে upon a cursory or slight examination. 28)
(p. 97) ān̐cānō to wash one's mouth, esp. by rinsing after a meal. না আঁচালে বিশ্বাস নেই there's many a slip betwixt the cup and the lip. 5)
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