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ভাব দ্বারা সংসদ বাংলা ডিকশোনারির সবগুলো শব্দ

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(p. 1) aṃśa a portion or part; a share; a region or locality (দেশের উত্তর অংশ = the northern region of the country); (astrol.) ⅓ of the zodiac; (geog.) &frac136; of earth's circumference; degree; concern, respect (কোনো অংশে মহত্ নয় = noble in no respect); divine incarnation (বিষ্ণুর অংশ = an incarnation of Vishnu). ̃ক n. (alg.) a mantissa. অংশ করা v. to divide into parts or shares; apportion (food, property, task etc.) among others. ̃গত a. included in a part or share; relating to part(s) or share(s). ̃গ্রাহী a. taking a share, participating. n. a sharer, a shareholder; a participant, a party. ̃ত adv. partly, in part; partially; to some extent. ̃ন n. dividing; sharing; apportionment, distribution. অংশনীয় a. divisible into parts or shares; to be divided into parts. ̃প্রেষ n. (sc.) partial pressure. ̃ভাক্, ̃ভাগী a. enjoying a share; having a claim to a share. n. a share, a shareholder; a claimant to a share; one who is responsible for a part, a partner. (কিছুতে) অংশ নেওয়া v. to take part (in), to participate (in). অংশাংশ n. fraction of fraction; minute fraction; tiny part; bit. 5)
(p. 2) akūla shoreless; (fig.) boundless, endless. n. a shoreless sea, a vast ocean; (fig.) an overwhelming or extreme danger. ̃ পাথার n. boundless or shoreless sea; (fig.) great danger, extreme jeopardy; dire straits, hopeless situation. অকূলে কূল পাওয়া (fig.) to find a rescue in a sea of danger. অকূলে ডোবা (fig.) to sink in a sea of danger. অকূলে পড়া (fig.) to fall in or run into a sea of danger. অকূলে ভাসা (fig.) to get into a great danger; to be in extreme danger. 57)
(p. 2) agastya a mythological sage of India; (astrol.) the Canopus. ̃যাত্রা n. the first day of the month of Bhadra (ভাদ্র) when the sage Agastya asked the bending Vindhyas to wait till he came back and he never came back (this day has since been regarded by the Hindus as extremely inauspicious to set out on a journey; (cp. a corbie messenger). অগস্ত্যোদয় n. rise of the star Agastya or Canopus (about the 17th or 18th day of Bhadra). 126)
(p. 7) agra the top, the summit; an apex; an end or extremity; the front; the front portion; the surface or the portion at the surface (দধির অগ্র); an aim, a purpose (একাগ্র). a. first, foremost, primary, leading; chief; anterior. ̃ক্রয়াধিকার n. the right of pre-emption. ̃গণ্য a. deserving first preference or consideration or mention; foremost; best; principal. ̃গতি, ̃গমন n. forward movement, advancement; progress, promotion, development, increase; (astr.) progressive motion, progression. ̃গামী a. moving forward or to the front; leading; progressive. fem. ̃গামিনী । ̃জ a. born earlier, senior in age, elder, older. n. the eldest or an elder brother. ̃জিহ্বা n. the uvula, the epiglottis. ̃জ্ঞান n. foreknowledge; anticipation. ̃ণী a. leading, chief, best. n. a leader; an inaugurator or initiator; a pioneer. ̃দত্ত n. imprest money. ̃দানী n. a Brahmin (ব্রাহ্মণ) who receives offerings on behalf of a dead person's soul and consequently is socially degraded. ̃দূত n. (mil.) a pioneer; an escort, a guide; a leader; (loos.) a forerunner, a precursor, a harbinger. ̃নেতা n. a leader; an army commander. ̃পশ্চাত্ adv. considering what is before and after; having foresight and hindsight; pro and con; comprehensively. ̃বর্তী a. situated in the front; leading; advanced. fem. ̃বর্তিনী । ভাগ n. the first part or share; top peak; an extremity or end. ̃মহিষী n. the queen-consort. ̃সর, ̃সার a. going first or commencing, leading; moving forward, advancing. ̃সরণ n. advancement. অগ্রসর হওয়া v. to move forward, to advance; to progress. ̃স্হ, ̃স্হিত a. situated in the front, on the top or at end, apical. 14)
(p. 9) aṅkura a sprout, a shoot; a sapling; blossom (চূতাঙ্কুর); germ; origination, birth, germination (ভাবের অঙ্কুর); anything newly born or commenced; a beginning; an end or tip (তৃণাঙ্কুর, ভগ্নাঙ্কুর) অঙ্কুরে বিনাশ করা v. to nip in the bud. অঙ্কুরিত a. sprouted; germinated; published, revealed. অঙ্কুরিত হওয়া v. to sprout; to germinate. অঙ্কুরোদয়, অঙ্কুরোদ্গম n. germination, sprouting, blossoming; commencement, beginning. 11)
(p. 9) aṅgāṅgi mutual attraction of different limbs of a body; correlation; preferential treatment of or partiality towards a member of one's own party. ̃ভাব, ̃সম্বন্ধ n. intimate friendship; inseparable relation; (phil.) the relation between the whole and its parts; interdependence of parts, relation between form and content; the relation between what is primary and what is secondary. ̃ভাবে adv. in the relation of the part to the whole or of what is secondary to what is primary; inseparably. 19)
(p. 9) ajānita unknown. ̃ভাবে adv. unknowingly, unwittingly; unawares. 95)
(p. 9) añcala the marginal portion of a sari hanging loosely; border, brim ('নয়নক অঞ্চল'); a region or locality (মেরু অঞ্চল). ̃নিধি n. (lit.) dear one clinging to the border of the mother's sari; dear one (usu) very dear child. ̃প্রভাব n. domination of wife; influence of the harem. 116)
(p. 9) aṭala (lit.) not reeling; unwavering, unflinching; firm, steady; unmoved; unshaken, constant; unperturbed; stolid, resolute. ̃তা n. firmness, steadiness; stolidness; constancy. ̃ভাবে adv. unwaveringly, firmly, resolutely, steadily. 123)
(p. 9) atarkita unthought of; unanticipated, unnoticed, unexpected. অতর্কিত আক্রমণ sudden or surprise attack. ̃ভাবে, অতর্কিতে adv. in an unguarded state; suddenly; unawares, unexpectedly. 140)
(p. 9) ati too; over; beyond; improperly; going beyond; excessively; beyond the compass or range (of), outside. a. very improper or unbecoming; excessive; excellent (অতি নাগর). n. an improper or excessive amount (কিছুরই অতি ভালো নয়) pfx. ex-, extra-, hyper-, out-, over-, super-, sur-, trans-, ultra-. ̃কথা n. exaggerated or useless talk; a myth. ̃কায় a. of immense size; gigantic. ̃কোমল a. too soft, too tender; very tender or soft. ̃চার n. quick passage (from one place to another); passage or forward movement of a planet from one zodiacal sign to another in a shorter period than usual. ̃চালাক a. over-clever, too clever by half; oversmart. ̃চালাকের গলায় দড়ি an over-clever person hangs himself; the fox must pay his skin to the furrier. ̃জন n. the majority. ̃তপ্ত a. superheated. ̃তর a. very much excessive. ̃দর্প n. excessive pride or vanity. ̃দর্পে হতা (বা হত) লন্কা (lit.) the fall of Lanka was caused by (King Ravana's) excessive vanity; (fig.) pride will have a fall. ̃নাটকীয় a. melodramatic; unnecessarily over-dramatic. ̃নাটকীয়তা n. melodrama. ̃দূর a. far-away; remote. n. a great distance. ̃দৈন্য n. utmost poverty. ̃নৈতিকতা n. puritanism, rigid adherence to moral principle or behaviour. ̃পাতক n. any of the most heinous sins, a deadly sin. ̃পাতকী n. a great sinner. ̃পান n. (habitual) overindulgence in intoxicating liquor, intemperance. ̃প্রজতা n. overpopulation. ̃প্রাকৃত a. supernatural; supernal. ̃বড় a. too big; too much. ̃বল a. extremely strong or mighty. ̃বাড় n. overgrowth; unnatural growth or development; excessive haughtiness or pride; extreme immoderation or excess. ̃বাড় বাড়া v. to grow extremely haughty or arrogant. অতিবাড় বেড়ো নাকো ঝড়ে প়ড়ে যাবে (lit.) don't grow too high lest a storm makes you tumble down; (fig.) pride will have a fall. ̃বাদ n. exaggeration. ̃বুদ্ধি same as অতিচালাক । ̃বৃদ্ধ a. very old; decrepit. ̃বৃদ্ধি n. overgrowth. ̃বৃষ্টি n. excessive or heavy rainfall. ̃বেগনি, ̃বেগুনি a. ultraviolet. ̃ব্যয় n. extravagance. ̃ব্যস্ত a. (usu. dero.) very busy; very anxious; fussy. ̃ভক্তি n. excessive devotion or reverence (usu. insincere). অতিভক্তি চোরের লক্ষণ too much courtesy, too much craft. ̃ভুজ a. (geom.) a hypotenuse. ̃ভোজন n. over-eating, surfeit; gluttony. অতিভোজন করা v. to overeat; to gourmandize, to gormandise. ̃ভোজী a. voracious, gourmand. n. a gourmand, a glutton. ̃মন্দা n. (comm.) slump. ̃মাত্র, ̃মাত্রায় adv. beyond measure; extremely. ̃মান n. excessive vanity. ̃মানব n. a great man or a man of exceptional uqalities and powers, a superman; a greatly wise man. ̃মানবিক, ̃মানুষিক a. superhuman; supernal; spiritual; divine. ̃রঞ্জন n. exaggeration. ̃রঞ্জিত a. exaggerated. ̃রথ n. a great warrior capable of fighting innumerable enemies simultaneously. ̃রাষ্ট্রিক a. extra-territorial. ̃লোভ n. too much greed, overgreediness. 145)
(p. 16) atyanta very much, too much; exceedingly, extremely. a. excessive, extreme, great. ̃গামী a. expeditious; extremely swift or speedy. ̃সংযোগ n. uninterrupted extension or expansion. অত্যন্তাভাব n. negation; (phil.) complete non-existence or absence. 12)
(p. 20) adhibhāra a surcharge. 27)
(p. 24) ananta endless; boundless; unlimited; inexhaustible; everlasting, eternal; imperishable. n. Vishnu (বিষ্ণু); Shesha (শেষ) the thousand-headed king of snakes; an ornament, an armlet. ̃কাল n. eternity. ̃কালব্যাপী, ̃কালস্হায়ী a. eternal. everlasting. অনন্তকাল ধরে adv. for ever. ̃চতুর্দশী n. the fourteenth day of the lunar fortnight of the month of Bhadra (ভাদ্র); a religious penance observed on this day. ̃দেব n. Shesha (শেষ) the king of snakes. ̃নিদ্রা n. Vishnu's sleep on the person of Ananta (অনন্ত) the snake-king; everlasting or eternal sleep; (fig.) death. ̃নিদ্রায় নিদ্রিত sleeping the sleep that knows no breaking, sleeping eternal sleep, dead. ̃প্রকার a. of endless or countless varieties. ̃বীর্য a. of endless or inexhaustible strength or virility. ̃প্রভাব n. incessant or endless current or flow. ̃মূল n. a medicinal root. ̃রূপ, ̃রূপী a. of endless forms or shapes; of endless manifestations. ̃শয়ন, ̃শয্যা n. use of the person of Anantadeva (অনন্তদেব) by Vishnu as his bed; (fig.) death. ̃শীর্ষ a. hydra-headed. 16)
(p. 26) anāshā lack of trust or faith; no-confidence; unreliability. ̃প্রস্তাব n. a noconfidence motion. ̃ভাজন a. untrustworthy; unreliable. অনাস্হাসূচক মত vote of no-confidence. 86)
(p. 29) aniścita uncertain; indeterminate; unsettled; unfixed; indefinite; doubtful; dubious. ̃ভাবে adv. without certainty; indeterminately; settled or fixed condition; doubtful; hesitatingly. 30)
(p. 30) anugraha grace or favour; help; propitiousness; kindness, mercy; preferential treatment, partiality. অনুগ্রহ করা v. to favour; to help; to treat gracefully or propitiously; to treat with kindness or mercy; to accord preferential treatment to. ̃পাত্র n. a favourite, a minion. ̃ভাজন a. enjoying favour (of), favoured. ̃পূর্বক adv. graciously, kindly, benignantly. ̃প্রার্থী a. & n. one who curries favour, one who solicits favour. 29)
(p. 30) anujñā an order, a command, an injunction; permission, consent, sanction; commission, employment. ̃ত a. ordered, commanded, enjoined; permitted, allowed; licensed. ̃ধারী n. a licensee. ̃পত্র n. a permit, a licence. ̃পত্র আধিকারিক licensing officer. ̃সূচক ক্রিয়াভাব (gr.) the imperative mood. 46)
(p. 34) anubibhāga a section; a sub-section. 18)
(p. 34) anubhāba influence, governing power; unction; feeling of happiness; (rhet.) physical expression of permanent emotions (such as, tears, frowning, sighs, goose-flesh etc.). 24)
(p. 36) anurūpa similar, like, resembling, cast in the same mould; corresponding; according (to); agreeable (to); in keeping (with). অনুরূপে, ̃ভাবে adv. accordingly, similarly. 14)
(p. 38) anṛta untrue, false. ̃বাদিতা n. untruthfulness. ̃বাদী, ̃ভাষী a. untruthful. n. a liar. fem. ̃বাদিনী, ̃ভাষিণী । 16)
(p. 38) anta death, destruction; end; break-up; termination; a terminus; a border or limit (বনান্ত, সীমান্ত); duration or expanse (পক্ষান্ত); intention or intrinsic nature (অন্ত পাওয়া ভার); depth or bottom (মনের অন্ত); the life beyond death or the next world ('অন্তে দিও গো পদাশ্রয়'). অন্ত পাওয়া ভার too deep for comprehension; one whose intention or intrinsic nature can hardly be ascertained; difficult to fathom or gauge. 26)
(p. 40) antarbibhāgīẏa inter-departmental. 34)
(p. 41) andha blind, sightless; extremely dark or gloomy. ('অন্ধ তামস'); utterly ignorant. n. a blind person. ̃কূপ n. a dark pit; a black hole. ̃কূপহত্যা n. (hist.) the Blackhole Tragedy. ̃তম a. darkest; extremely dark. ̃তমস n. utter darkness; blinding darkness. ̃তা, ̃ত্ব n. blindness; utter ignorance. ̃তামিস্র n. utter darkness. a. utterly dark. ̃প্রায় a. almost blind; like a blind; like a blind person. ̃বিশ্বাস n. blind faith. ̃ভাবে adv. blindly; rashly; heedlessly, indiscreetly. অন্ধের কিবা দিন কিবা রাত a blind person cannot distinguish between day and night or between brightness and gloom. অন্ধের নড়ি বা যষ্টি (lit.) a stick by the help of which a blind person moves; a blind man's prop; (fig.) a prop for a helpless or incapable person. 14)
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