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অকলুষ এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

অকলুষ : (p. 2) akaluṣa absence of corruption or blemish or sin. a. uncorrupted; unblemished; sinless. 26)


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(p. 87) asamaẏa inopportune or unsuitable time; inauspicious time; hard times; time of stress. অসময়ে adv. at an inopportune or unsuitable time; at an inauspicious time; during or in hard times, in time of need; unseasonably. অসময়ের ফল an unseasonal fruit. অসময়ের বন্ধু a friend in need. অসময়ের বৃষ্টি unseasonal or untimely rain. 13)
(p. 40) antarglāni mental agony, heartburning; mortification. 8)
(p. 87) asamakakṣa unequal (esp. in strength); no match for. 2)
অযাজনীয়, অযাজ্য
(p. 73) ayājanīẏa, ayājya debarred from offering religious sacrifice; debarred from calling for the services of a priest to perform religious rites on one's behalf; (cp.) excommunicated. অযাজ্যযাজন n. act of conducting religious rites as a priest on behalf of an অযাজনীয় person. অযাজ্যযাজী a. (of a priest) guilty of conducting religious rites on behalf of an অযাজনীয় person. n. such a priest. 15)
(p. 34) anumata agreed, accepted; permitted, approved, sanctioned; ordered, commissioned. 28)
(p. 63) abhikarṣa (mech.) gravitational attraction, gravity. 46)
(p. 29) anirbāṇa (theo.) deprived of salvation; inextinguishable; blazing (for ever). 25)
(p. 50) apratibha embarrassed, abashed, nonplussed, out of countenance; lacking in presence of mind; dull-witted. অপ্রতিভ হওয়া v. to become embarrassed or abashed, to be put out of countenance.
অস্হিতপঞ্চ, অস্হিতপঞ্চক, অস্হিতপঞ্চম
(p. 90) ashitapañca, ashitapañcaka, ashitapañcama arithmetic of infinites; (arith.) the double rule of three or unitary method; a difficult or intricate problem; a puzzle; bewilderment. 56)
(p. 17) adhātu non-metal. অধাতব a. non-metallic. 58)
(p. 80) aśba the horse. fem. অশ্বা । অশ্বী a mare. ̃কোবিদ a. experienced about horses; skilled in horse-breaking or horse training. n. one experienced about horses; a horse-breaker; a horsetrainer; a skilled horesman, an equestrian. ̃খুর n. a horse's hoof; a plant used as perfume. ̃খুরা n. a creeper of the clitoria genus; its flower. ̃গতি n. the pace (usu. galloping) of a horse. ̃গন্ধা n. a medicinal plant, withania somnifera. ̃গ্রীব n. having a neck curved like that of a horse, horse-necked. ̃চক্র n. a move in chess in which the two knights are placed in a position where the opponent's king is checkmated. ̃চালনা n. driving or riding a horse. ̃চালনা করা v. to drive or ride a horse. ̃চিকিত্সক n. a horse-doctor, a farrier; a veterinary surgeon. ̃চিকিত্সা n. farriery. ̃ডিম্ব n. a mere nothing, a hoax, (cp.) fiddlesticks! (int.), (cp.) a mare's nest. ̃তর n. the mule. fem. ̃তরী । ̃তুল্য a. like a horse, equine. ̃পাল, ̃পালক n. a professional caretaker of horses; an equerry; a groom. ̃পৃষ্ঠে adv. on horseback. ̃বিদ a. same as অশ্বকোবিদ । ̃বৈদ্য n. same as অশ্বচিকিত্সক । ̃মেধ (যজ্ঞ) n. a solemn ritual performed by the princes of ancient India to have their sins condoned; in this ritual a horse was given in sacrifice, the horse-sacrifice. ̃যান n. a horse-drawn carriage; a horse-cart. ̃রক্ষক n. same as অশ্বপাল । ̃রজ্জু n. a horse's rein or bridle. ̃শক্তি n. (mech.) horsepower, about 745 watts. ̃শাবক n. a colt, a foal (fem. filly). ̃শালা n. a stable. ̃সংক্রান্ত a. relating to the horse, equine. 45)
(p. 85) asatkṛta not accorded cordial reception, not treated with hospitality; neglected, ignored. 29)
(p. 7) agra the top, the summit; an apex; an end or extremity; the front; the front portion; the surface or the portion at the surface (দধির অগ্র); an aim, a purpose (একাগ্র). a. first, foremost, primary, leading; chief; anterior. ̃ক্রয়াধিকার n. the right of pre-emption. ̃গণ্য a. deserving first preference or consideration or mention; foremost; best; principal. ̃গতি, ̃গমন n. forward movement, advancement; progress, promotion, development, increase; (astr.) progressive motion, progression. ̃গামী a. moving forward or to the front; leading; progressive. fem. ̃গামিনী । ̃জ a. born earlier, senior in age, elder, older. n. the eldest or an elder brother. ̃জিহ্বা n. the uvula, the epiglottis. ̃জ্ঞান n. foreknowledge; anticipation. ̃ণী a. leading, chief, best. n. a leader; an inaugurator or initiator; a pioneer. ̃দত্ত n. imprest money. ̃দানী n. a Brahmin (ব্রাহ্মণ) who receives offerings on behalf of a dead person's soul and consequently is socially degraded. ̃দূত n. (mil.) a pioneer; an escort, a guide; a leader; (loos.) a forerunner, a precursor, a harbinger. ̃নেতা n. a leader; an army commander. ̃পশ্চাত্ adv. considering what is before and after; having foresight and hindsight; pro and con; comprehensively. ̃বর্তী a. situated in the front; leading; advanced. fem. ̃বর্তিনী । ভাগ n. the first part or share; top peak; an extremity or end. ̃মহিষী n. the queen-consort. ̃সর, ̃সার a. going first or commencing, leading; moving forward, advancing. ̃সরণ n. advancement. অগ্রসর হওয়া v. to move forward, to advance; to progress. ̃স্হ, ̃স্হিত a. situated in the front, on the top or at end, apical. 14)
(p. 85) asabarṇa not belonging to the same caste. অসবর্ণ বিবাহ intercaste marriage. 56)
(p. 69) abhra cloud; the sky; mica. অভ্রংলিহ a. sky-kissing, cloud-kissing; skyhigh; very lofty, towering. অভ্রংলিহ অট্টালিকা a sky-scraper. ̃ভেদী a. shooting through the sky; piercing the clouds; very lofty, soaring, towering. 18)
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