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অনধিগত এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

অনধিগত : (p. 22) anadhigata unearned; unlearnt; unstudied, unread; unattained; not acquired; not reached or gone through. 57)


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(p. 85) asaṅkucita unhesitating; free; open; frank; liberal; not contracted. 2)
(p. 71) amitra one who is not a friend, an adversary, an enemy, a foe. 16)
(p. 51) apriẏa disagreeable, unpleasant; undesired, disliked; disgusting. ̃কারী a. & n. one who does disagreeable or unpleasant deeds. fem. ˜কারিণী । ̃বাদী, ̃ভাষী a. & n. one who speaks harshly or disagreeably or unpleasantly; one who is rude in speech. fem. ̃বাদিনী, ̃ভাষিণী । অপ্রিয় হওয়া v. to be disagreeable (to); to fall from grace (of); to be disliked by. 54)
অমর্ষ, অমর্ষণ
(p. 69) amarṣa, amarṣaṇa anger; lack of forgiveness or mercy; intolerance. a. angry; wrathful; irritable; unforgiving, merciless; inclement; intolerant, impatient. অমর্ষপরায়ণ a. same as অমর্ষ (a.) অমর্ষিত, অমর্ষী a. angered; angry, wrathful; irascible; merciless. 46)
(p. 75) argha1 price, cost, value. 14)
(p. 2) akapaṭa frank, candid, sincere, aboveboard; straightforward; unreserved. ̃তা n. frankness; candour, sincerity, ̃চিত্তে, অকপটে adv. open-heartedly, frankly, sincerely, candidly. 10)
অকুলন, অকুলান
(p. 2) akulana, akulāna deficiency, deficit, shortage; insufficiency. 54)
(p. 36) anulipi a piece of similar writing, a facsimile or duplicate copy of written matter, a transcript, a copy; a piece of transliterated or dictated writing. 20)
(p. 48) apātra an unfit or undeserving or incompetent or improper or base or vile person or thing; a man unfit or not worth consideration for matrimonial alliance. 33)
(p. 24) ananya no other than; having no other; intent; resolute; sole, singular, unique; supreme; unparalleled; solely or absorbedly engaged. fem. অনন্যা । ̃কর্মা a. doing no work other than; not attending to any work other than; solely engaged or absorbed in. ̃গতি a. having no way or means or alternative other than; compelled by absence of any alternative. ̃চিত্ত a. having nothing in the mind other than; fixed with close attention to nothing other than, intent on. ̃চিত্তে adv. with undivided attention, intently. ̃দৃষ্টি a. looking at nothing other than; gazing steadfastly. ̃পরায়ণ a. not devoted to anything other than; solely engaged in. ̃বৃত্তি a. engaged in no occupation or endeavour other than; solely occupied in. ̃ব্রত a. engaged in or performing no task other than. অনন্যমনা same as ̃চিত্ত । ̃শরণ, ̃সহায় a. having no help or resort or patron or protector other than. ̃সাধারণ, ̃সুলভ a. not to be found in anybody else; singular, unique; extraordinary, uncommon. ̃সাপেক্ষ a. not depending on or subject to anything; absolutely independent. 19)
(p. 63) abhibyāpta thoroughly extended or scattered; spread or scattered all over; diffused. অভিব্যাপ্ত হওয়া v. to extend or be scattered or be spread thoroughly or all over; to be diffused. 95)
(p. 26) anāmā1 nameless; one whose name is not known or famous; obscure. 66)
(p. 2) akṣata unhurt or unwounded; unimpaired; unblemished; unreserved. ̃দেহ, ̃শরীর a. of a person bearing no wound; unhurt or uninjured or unwounded. ̃যোনি a. fem. having had no experience of sexual union; possessing true virginity. 91)
(p. 56) abikala (ori.) not defective or crippled; unimpaired, undamaged, undistorted; perfect, whole, complete, entire; exact, precise; resembling in all respects, true to the model (অবিকল চিত্র). adv. exactly, precisely; faithfully to the model. অবিকল প্রতিরূপ a. facsimile, a true or exact copy. 69)
(p. 17) adrābya insoluble. 44)
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