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অবিচ্ছেদ এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

অবিচ্ছেদ : (p. 56) abicchēda inseparation; inseparability; unity; entirety; no cessation or interruption, ceaselessness; continuity, continuousness. a. unseparated; inseparable; incessant; uninterrupted; continuous. অবিচ্ছেদে adv. incessantly; uninterruptedly; continually; continuously. অবিচ্ছেদ্য a. inseparable; unseverable; undetachable; inalienable. 84)


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(p. 41) anbartha real, actual; significant; appropriate. ̃নামা a. having a name appropriate to one's qualities or nature or properties. 20)
(p. 41) anyōnya mutual, reciprocal. ̃জীবী n. (bot.) a symbion, a symbiont. a. symbiotic. ̃জীবিত্ব n. symbiosis. ̃তা n. mutuality, reciprocity. ̃বিরুদ্ধ, ̃বিরোধী a. opposed to each other or one another; contradictory, antagonistic. ̃সাপেক্ষ a. depending on one another or each other, interdependent; correlative; reciprocal. অন্যোন্যভাব n. relative difference, reciprocal absence or negation. অন্যোন্যাশ্রয় n. interdependence, mutual dependence. 34)
(p. 37) anuṣṭhāna commencement, beginning, introduction, initiation, performance, execution, celebration; function or ceremony; a ritual. অনুষ্ঠান করা v. to arrange for; to perform, to hold, to execute, to organize, to celebrate, to render; to observe (a rite etc.). ̃সূচি n. agenda. 10)
(p. 63) abhigata gone towards or forward or near; one who or that which has approached; one who or that which has approached for the purpose of sexual intercourse; one who or that which has had sexual intercourse with; obtained, earned; one who or that which has found a shelter or refuge in, sheltered. 53)
(p. 30) anuttīrṇa unexpired (অনুত্তীর্ণ কাল); not traversed the whole length (অনুত্তীর্ণ পথ); uncrossed (অনুত্তীর্ণ সমুদ্র); unsurmounted, unconquered (অনুত্তীর্ণ বিপদ); failed, plucked, unsuccessful (অনুত্তীর্ণ ছাত্র). পরীক্ষায় অনুত্তীর্ণ হওয়া to fail in the examination. অনুত্তীর্ণতা n. failure; unsuccess. 55)
(p. 37) anusaraṇa following, pursuit; pursuance; repetition; imitation; similar shape or appearance or behaviour or qualities. অনুসরণ করা v. to go or come after, to follow or succeed, to pursue; to imitate; to come after in similar shape or appearance or with similar behaviour or qualities. ̃কারী a. & n. one who follows, comes after, pursues or imitates. fem. ˜কারিণী । অনুসরণীয় a. to be followed or imitated. 18)
(p. 50) apōganḍa good-for-nothing; infant; minor; underage. n. an infant, a baby, a child; a boy or girl; a lad or lass; a minor; a good-for-nothing fellow. 4)
(p. 2) akapaṭa frank, candid, sincere, aboveboard; straightforward; unreserved. ̃তা n. frankness; candour, sincerity, ̃চিত্তে, অকপটে adv. open-heartedly, frankly, sincerely, candidly. 10)
(p. 41) apacaẏa loss; waste; wastage; state of being wasted or squandered away; decrease; decay; misuse. অপচয় করা v. to waste; to squander away, to fritter away, to throw away; to misuse. 53)
(p. 46) aparājita undefeated, unbeaten, unconquered. অপরাজিতা a. fem. of অপরাজিত । n. a creeper of the clitoria genus or its flower; (pros.) a Sanskrit metre; an appellation of Goddess Durga (দুর্গা). 8)
(p. 17) adharika inferior. অধরিক কৃত্যক inferior service. 53)
(p. 24) ananta endless; boundless; unlimited; inexhaustible; everlasting, eternal; imperishable. n. Vishnu (বিষ্ণু); Shesha (শেষ) the thousand-headed king of snakes; an ornament, an armlet. ̃কাল n. eternity. ̃কালব্যাপী, ̃কালস্হায়ী a. eternal. everlasting. অনন্তকাল ধরে adv. for ever. ̃চতুর্দশী n. the fourteenth day of the lunar fortnight of the month of Bhadra (ভাদ্র); a religious penance observed on this day. ̃দেব n. Shesha (শেষ) the king of snakes. ̃নিদ্রা n. Vishnu's sleep on the person of Ananta (অনন্ত) the snake-king; everlasting or eternal sleep; (fig.) death. ̃নিদ্রায় নিদ্রিত sleeping the sleep that knows no breaking, sleeping eternal sleep, dead. ̃প্রকার a. of endless or countless varieties. ̃বীর্য a. of endless or inexhaustible strength or virility. ̃প্রভাব n. incessant or endless current or flow. ̃মূল n. a medicinal root. ̃রূপ, ̃রূপী a. of endless forms or shapes; of endless manifestations. ̃শয়ন, ̃শয্যা n. use of the person of Anantadeva (অনন্তদেব) by Vishnu as his bed; (fig.) death. ̃শীর্ষ a. hydra-headed. 16)
(p. 88) asambhābita unexpected, unanticipated. 13)
(p. 88) asampūrṇa incomplete, unfinished; outstanding; not full; imperfect. ̃তা n. incompletion, incompleteness, unfinished state, state of not being full; imperfection. 5)
(p. 50) aprakāśa non-revelation; non-manifestation; non-disclosure; non-appearance; concealment. a. unrevealed; unmanifested; undisclosed; concealed; unpublished. অপ্রকাশিত a. same as অপ্রকাশ (a.). অপ্রকাশ্য a. that which should not be revealed or manifested or disclosed or published; secret; private (অপ্রকাশ্য স্হান). 9)
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