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অস্পন্দ এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

অস্পন্দ : (p. 90) aspanda not throbbing; motionless; stiff; still. অস্পন্দিত a. of suspended throbbing; not throbbing; not vibrating. 65)


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(p. 72) amūlada (alg.) irrational. 6)
(p. 22) adhbara an ecclesiastical sacrifice (esp. in accordance with the যজুর্বেদ). 11)
(p. 2) akarmaka (gr. of a verb) intransitive. অকর্মক ক্রিয়া intransitive verb. 20)
(p. 48) apaśabda a grammatically incorrect word; a corrupt word; an obscene or vulgar word; a cant phrase; vulgar speech. 6)
(p. 40) antarbibhāgīẏa inter-departmental. 34)
(p. 51) aprayōjya not applicable, inapplicable. 36)
(p. 72) ambara the sky, the firmament; cloth, loincloth (পীতাম্বর); ambergris. অম্বরী n. a piece of loincloth to be worn by women, a sari; tobacco perfumed with ambergris. a. perfumed with ambergris. 19)
(p. 63) abyabasha disordered; disorderly; lacking in arrangement; lacking in composure or decision; unsteady, fickle, hesitant. 2)
(p. 9) aṅga a limb; the body; shape or form; a feature; a part; an essential part; an ingredient, a component, an element; an item (নৈবেদ্যের অঙ্গ); (esp. bot.) an organ; the ancient name of Bihar or of Bhagalpur and adjoining places. ̃গ্রহ n. convulsion of or pain in the body or any part of it, spasm; tetanus. ̃গ্লানি n. wearisome or painful physical exertion, tiredness; dirt or soil of the body. ̃চালন n. the movement of the body or limbs; physical exercise. ̃চ্ছেদ, ̃চ্ছেদন n. amputation or cutting off of a limb; deduction of a part; mutilation. ̃জ, ̃জনু a. born of one's body. n. offspring; a son. ̃জা a. daughter. ̃ত্র, ̃ত্রাণ n. armour, a coat of mail. ̃ন্যাস n. touching different parts of the body as one recites (usu. mentally) different incantations. ̃প্রত্যঙ্গ n. different limbs and appendages of the body. ̃প্রায়শ্চিত্ত n. expiatory rite of removing the taint of the body. ̃বিকৃতি n. deformity; apoplexy. ̃বিক্ষেপ n. making gestures, posing; a gesture, a pose; convulsion of a limb or the body, spasm. ̃বিন্যাস n. posing; posture. ̃বিহীন a. wanting in one or more limbs, crippled; deformed; bodiless, formless, incorporeal. fem. ̃বিহীনা । ̃ভঙ্গ, ̃ভঙ্গি n. a pose or posture; a gesture; secret communication of one's intention by means of a physical gesture. ̃বৈকল্য n. same as ̃বিকৃতি । ̃মর্দক n. masseur. ̃মর্দিকা n. fem. masseuse. ̃মর্দন n. massage. ̃মোটন n. stretching and straightening the body for removing lassitude and sloth. ̃রাগ n. beautifying the body with cosmetics; any article of cosmetic or toilet. ̃রাজ n. the king of Anga. ̃রাজ্য n. a state of a federation. ̃রুহ n. hair; wool; fur; feather, a gown. ̃শুদ্ধি n. purification of the body (by ablution or by ceremonial washing). ̃সংবাহন n. massage. ̃শোভা n. beauty of the body. ̃সংস্হান n. morphology. ̃সজ্জা n. beautifying the body (with dress or cosmetics). ̃সঞ্চালন same as ̃চালন । ̃সৌষ্ঠব n. physical grace or beauty or symmetry. ̃হানি n. loss of a limb; partial omission or curtailment of anything; mutilation; a defect. ̃হীন a. deformed; lacking one or more limbs; (of a work) lacking in perfection, defective; bodiless, formless, incorporeal. 15)
(p. 56) abirōdha absence of opposition or hostility; accord, agreement, harmony; friendliness, amicability, amity; peace. অবিরোধী a. unopposed; unopposing; not hostile or antagonistic or contrary; compatible, congruous, conforming, accordant; favourable, friendly; peaceloving; peaceful. অবিরোধে adv. without opposition or hostility or dispute; in a friendly manner; in peace, peacefully. 117)
(p. 63) abhīpsu earnestly desirous, longing for n. an aspirant. 151)
অজেয়, অজেতব্য
(p. 9) ajēẏa, ajētabya unconquerable, invincible; indomitable. 108)
(p. 90) aspanda not throbbing; motionless; stiff; still. অস্পন্দিত a. of suspended throbbing; not throbbing; not vibrating. 65)
(p. 69) amardita not trampled, untrodden; not thrashed, unmolested. 44)
(p. 9) acañcala not restless or bustling or fickle or playful or impatient; lasting; unwavering; firm, steady; unworried, unconcerned; calm, even-minded. fem. অচঞ্চলা । 37)
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