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আসর এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

আসর : (p. 126) āsara a gathering, a meeting, a sitting; a party (চায়ের আসর); a function (গানের আসর); a match, a tournament, a competition (খেলার আসর); a field; a society, a club. আসর গরম করা, আসর সরগরম করা v. to brighten up a party. আসর জমেছে v. the party warms up or becomes interesting; the party becomes crowded. আসর জমানো, আসর জাঁকানো same as আসর গরম করাআসর মাতানো v. to brighten up a party; to make a party ripple with interest. আসরে অবতীর্ণ হওয়া, আসরে নামা v. to make one's appearance before the public or in society; to take the field; to make one's debut. 149)


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(p. 125) ārōha height, altitude; ascent; boarding (a ship, railway train etc.) entrainment, embarkation; buttock esp. of a woman (বরারোহা); grade; (log.) induction. ̃ণ n. mounting or climbing or riding or placing oneself upon; ascent, ascension, boarding a carriage. আরোহণ করা v. to mount, to climb, to scale; to ascend; to ride; to place oneself upon; to board (a ship, railway train etc.) to embark, to entrain. ̃ণী n. a flight of steps, a stair, a stair-case; a ladder; an escalator. ̃পত্র n. an embarkation permit. ̃প্রণালী n. inductive method. ̃স্হান n. a remount depot. আরোহী a. mounting; climbing; scaling; riding; boarding, embarking; mounted; emplaced; boarded; ascended; (log.) inductive; (mus. of notes) gradually increasing in pitch. n. a climber; a rider; a passenger; (mus.) a note which increases gradually in pitch. fem. আরোহিণী । 16)
(p. 114) ānamana2 unmindful, absentminded. 7)
(p. 122) āmina a land surveyor; a supervising officer. আমিনি a. relating to a surveyor. 15)
আঞ্জুমান, আঞ্জুমন
(p. 104) āñjumāna, āñjumana an association, a society, a club; a meeting. 42)
আস্তীর্ণ, আস্তৃত
(p. 133) āstīrṇa, āstṛta spread out; stretched out; extending; pervaded with, covered by, strewn with (কুসুমাস্তীর্ণ) 23)
(p. 102) ācābhuẏā very strange, queer; queerly shaped. 33)
(p. 97) ān̐ṭō tight; close-fitting. 17)
(p. 133) āharit slightly green, greenish. 43)
(p. 118) ābarjana casting off or giving up thoroughly; forcing to bend down; controlling or regulating. 9)
(p. 107) ādēṣṭā & n. one who orders or commands or decrees or enjoins or directs or permits. 81)
(p. 126) ālēẏā ignus fatuus, will-o'-the-wisp; (fig.) delusion. আলেয়ার আলো the light of will-o'-the-wisp; (fig.) a ray of false hope or delusion, golden dreams; insubstantial thing, optical illusion. 80)
(p. 104) āñjā the interim period between the delivery of a child and the next conception. 40)
(p. 106) āṭhālō glutinous, viscid, gluey, adhesive, sticky; clayey (আঠালো মাটি). 8)
(p. 102) āgu the first, the beginning; the past; advance. a. first; preceding; advance; forward. adv. a. first of all. ̃তে adv. at first; in the past. ̃পাছু, ̃পিছু adv. n. from beginning to end, alpha and omega; the past and the future. ̃পাছু করা,̃পিছু করা v. to hesitate. ̃পাছু ভাবা v. to look before and after, to consider the pros and cons of a thing. ̃য়ান, ̃সার a. going or coming forward, advancing; proceeding; leading. আগুয়ান বা আগুসার হওয়া v. to go or come forward, to advance; to proceed; to take the lead. 2)
(p. 114) ānandita delighted; happy; glad; pleased; merry. আনন্দিত করা v. to delight; to gladden. আনন্দিত হওয়া v. to be delighted or pleased; to be happy. 4)
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