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উলকি এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

উলকি : (p. 168) ulaki a design marked on the skin by puncturing with a needle and inserting pigment; tattoo, a tatu. উলকি আঁকা v. to tattoo, to tatu. ̃-আঁকা a. tattooed. 98)


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(p. 167) upa-sabhāpati vice-chairman. 17)
(p. 143) ujira a minister of state esp. the prime minister (usu. in Muslim rule). উজিরি, উজিরালি n. office of the prime minister; premiership. রাজাউজির মারা v. to try to establish one's importance by fabricating stories about one's familiarity with big persons. 66)
(p. 159) unnati prosperity; good fortune; flourish; amelioration, improvement, advancement; progress; uplift; promotion; development; tallness; loftiness; elevatedness; (geom. geol.) rise, height, altitude, elevation; greatness, nobleness. উন্নতি করা, ̃সাধন করা v. to prosper or cause to prosper; to flourish or cause to flourish; to improve; to advance or cause to advance, to progress or cause to progress; to get promotion; to be uplifted or to uplift; to be developed or to develop; to rise or cause to rise.উন্নতি লাভ করা v. to prosper; to flourish; to improve; to advance or progress; to be uplifted or developed, to rise. ̃শীল a. prospering; prosperous; flourishing; improving; progressing; progressive. 9)
(p. 157) udyōga act or state of being on the point of; preparation; endeavour, effort; enterprise; assiduity; industry. উদ্যোগ করা বা নেওয়া v. to be on the point of; to make preparations, to get ready; to endeavour; to (be about to) undertake an enterprise. উদ্যোগী a. enterprising; endeavouring; assiduous; on the point of, ready (for). উদ্যোগী হওয়া v. to be on the point of, to get ready for; to undertake an enterprise; to endeavour; to be assiduous; to come forward; to take the initiative. 37)
(p. 150) udagra sever; very strong (উদগ্র বাসনা); monstrous; extreme (উদগ্র রাজনীতি); facing upwards; upturned; very tall or high or elevated; arrogant, haughty. 87)
(p. 143) un̐ki a peep; a prying; a furtive glance. ̃ঝুঁকি n. (frequent or repeated) peeping and prying. উঁকিঝুঁকি মারা v. to peep and pry (frequently or repeatedly), to look and peer about inquisitively. উঁকি দেওয়া, উঁকি মারা v. to peep; to look shyly or furtively or surreptitiously; to begin to appear; to put in first appearance shyly or furtively. 6)
(p. 168) upāẏī one who earns (esp. money), earning. 42)
(p. 157) udyamī enthusiastic, persevering; enterprising. উদ্যমী হওয়া v. to make an enterprise or effort; to persevere. 33)
(p. 165) uparāja a viceroy. 25)
(p. 165) upamantrī deputy minister. 3)
(p. 150) utthāpana raising; bringing forward or moving or proposing; mention. উত্থাপন করা v. to raise; to bring forward, to move; to propose; to mention. উত্থাপন হওয়া v. to be raised; to be brought forward or moved or proposed; to be mentioned. উত্থাপনীয় a. that which is to be or can be raised or moved or brought forward or proposed or mentioned. 80)
(p. 157) udbāha marriage, wedding, bridal. ̃ন n. act of giving in marriage. উদ্বাহিত a. married, wedded. উদ্বাহী a. one who marries, marrying; one who wishes to or is going to marry. 5)
(p. 157) udbāhu one who has raised one's arms upwards; one with arms raised upwards. 6)
(p. 150) udara the belly; (loos.) the stomach; the abdomen; womb; the inside (পর্বতোদরে) ̃পরায়ণ, ̃সর্বস্ব a. given to too much eating or interested in eating only; voracious, gluttonous. ̃পরায়ণতা n. gluttony, voracity. ̃পূর্তি n. filling the stomach with foodstuff. ̃সর্বস্ব ব্যক্তি a belly-god. ̃পীড়া n. diarrhoea; disorder or ailment of the stomach. ̃ভঙ্গ n. strong diarrhoea. ̃সাত্ a. eaten; swallowed; appropriated; consumed. উদরসাত্ করা v. to eat up. ̃স্হ a. received in the belly or stomach; eaten; swallowed; lying in the belly or stomach. উদরস্হ করা v. to swallow. উদরস্হ থাকা v. to lie or remain in the belly or stomach; to be accepted by the stomach. উদরান্ন n. food; indispensable food; a living, livelihood. উদরান্ন জোগাড় করা, উদরান্নের সংস্হান করা to find food; to earn a living; to earn (one's) bread. উদরাময় n. diarrhoea. উদরী n. dropsy. 95)
(p. 150) utpīḍ়ka persecuting; oppressive; harassing; annoying, vexatious; pestering. n. a persecutor; an oppressor; one who or that which distresses or harasses or annoys or vexes or pesters. 15)
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