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কোঁচড় এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

কোঁচড় : (p. 256) kōn̐caḍ় the lap of one's loincloth. কোঁচড় পাতা v. to hold out the lap of one's loincloth (in order to receive something). 8)


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(p. 262) krōka legal seizure or attachment of goods or property, seizure, distraint. ক্রোক করা v. to seize, to attach, to distrain. ক্রোক হওয়া v. to be seized, to be in distraint. ক্রোকি a. pertaining to distraint. ক্রোকি পরওয়ানা a warrant of distraint. ক্রোকি সম্পত্তি a. property of distraint মালক্রোক distraint of movables. 42)
(p. 259) kōlākuli mutual embracing; warm greeting; (fig.—usu. iron.) alliance or mutual understanding (সেয়ানে সেয়ানে কোলাকুলি). কোলাকুলি করা v. to embrace mutually; to greet (each other) warmly; (fig.—usu. iron.) to enter into an alliance. সেয়ানে সেয়ানে কোলাকুলি two shrewd persons read or try to read each other's mind well; close and even contest or competition between two shrewd persons. 8)
(p. 220) kāṭana act of cutting or hewing or cleaving or chopping or carving or mowing or lopping or trimming or paring or amputating or incising or operating or biting or eating or penning through or striking off or deducting or digging or sinking or drawing or painting or writing out or mending or sharpening or refuting or protesting or constructing or capping or reciting or picking or pinching or passing or dispelling or dispersing or lifting or giving the slip to or being sold or selling or being in demand or having recognition or flowing or coming out or being in the act of doing etc. (see কাটা v.). 18)
(p. 220) kāṭurakuṭura denoting: the sound of cutting or scratching with teeth as by mice. 35)
(p. 239) kucaphala the pomegranate. 7)
(p. 219) kāchākāchi near, close to; nearly, approximately; about; almost. a. adjacent, situated or placed near. 6)
(p. 208) karmārambha beginning of a work or ceremony, beginning of activities; beginning of daily activities. 27)
(p. 261) kyān̐ta expressing the sound of kicking. 20)
(p. 248) kṛtānta a name of Yama (যম) the Hindu God of death. 44)
(p. 240) kuṭhi an office or the head office of a business organization (নীলকুঠি); a house, a building; a bungalow; an official residence of a high-ranking government officer (ম্যাজিসট্রেটের কুঠি). কুঠিয়াল n. the owner or the manager of a factory or a business organization; a factor; a merchant. 22)
(p. 240) kuṭira a hut, a cottage; (usu. in politeness) a humble abode. ̃বাসী n. a cottager. fem. ̃বাসিনী । ̃শিল্প n. cottage industry. 12)
(p. 202) kabarga ক্ খ্ গ্ ঘ্ ঙ্; these five consonants collectively. 8)
(p. 194) kadarya extremely ugly; detestable; abominable, hateful; base; miserly, niggardly. ̃তা n. extreme ugliness; detestableness, abomination, hatefulness; baseness; miserliness, niggardliness. 102)
(p. 206) kartā one who does or performs or works or produces or builds or creates etc. n. a doer; a performer; a worker; an employee; a producer; an agent; an author; a builder; a creator; the master of a house or family, a householder; a master; a chief, a boss; a husband; (gr.) a nominative, a subject. ̃গিন্নি n. the master of a household and his wife; the husband and the wife. ̃ব্যক্তি n. an important or influential person; a man with authority. ̃ভজা n. a religious sect of Bengal devoted to Sir Gauranga (গৌরাঙ্গ); (sarcas.) a yes-man, a flatterer of a powerful or leading person. ̃মি, ̃লি n. (coll.) act of bossing or controlling; interfering; officiousness, meddlesomeness. কর্তামি করা v. to boss; to interfere. কর্তার ইচ্ছায় কর্ম doing things according to the master's will; submission to the master's dictates. 35)
(p. 208) kalakā leafy decoration; decorative embroidery in the borders of a sari, shawl etc. ̃দার a. decorated with leafy designs; embroidered. ̃পাড়, ̃পেড়ে a. having an embroidered border. 42)
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