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ঘট্টন এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

ঘট্টন : (p. 329) ghaṭṭana act of abrading, abrasion; act of pounding; act of stirring; act of causing to occur, act of bringing about; act of forming; formation. ঘট্টনী n. a pestle. 20)


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(p. 329) ghaṭaraghaṭara expressing a rolling noise as of a pestle moving in a mortar or on a paved floor. ঘটরমটর int. this and similar noise. 11)
(p. 329) ghusaghusa expressing secrecy or whispering. ঘুসঘুস করা v. to move stealthily; to whisper. ঘুসঘুসে a. secret (ঘুসঘুসে ব্যাপার); whispering (ঘুসঘসে আলোচনা); low (ঘুসঘুসে জ্বর); suppressed (ঘুসঘুসে ব্যাথা). 126)
(p. 329) ghāṭa2 a landing-stage (as on the bank of a river, pond etc.) a ghat, a quay, a wharf, a moorage, a mooring; (of a harmonium) a reed, (of a stringed musical instrument) a bridge; a mountain or mountain range (পূর্বঘাট, পশ্চিমঘাট); a mountain-pass, a gorge, a ghat. ̃ওয়াল var. of ঘাটোয়াল । ̃লা n. a brick-built or stone-built landing-stair (as on the bank of a pond). ̃কামান n. the practice (among Hindus) of shaving head, chin etc. of sons when their period of mourning is over. ঘাটের মড়া (lit.) a corpse for cremation or burial; a person having one-foot in the grave; (as an abuse) a haggard and ghostly-looking person. সাত ঘাটের জল খাওয়া (fig.) to knock at every door only to be disappointed or harassed. 72)
(p. 329) ghābaḍ়ānō to lose or cause to lose one's balance, to upset mentally; to get nervous; to be or to cause to be panicky, to be afraid or to frighten; to be taken aback or cause to be taken aback. ঘাবড়ানি n. panic; fright; state of being taken aback. 85)
(p. 329) ghṛṇī one who hates or abhors or detests or dislikes or despises or scorns or looks down upon; (rare) one who takes pity, kind. 139)
(p. 329) ghuma sleep, slumber. ঘুম চটে যাওয়া v. to have one's sleep spoiled. ঘুম দেওয়া, ঘুম লাগানো v. to go to sleep, to sleep. ঘুম পাড়ানো v. to lull to sleep. ঘুম ভাঙা v. to wake up, to awake. ঘুম ভাঙানো v. to rouse from sleep. কাঁচা ঘুম incomplete sleep. ̃কাতুরে a. prone to sleeping overmuch; sleepy; drowsy. ̃ঘোর n. sound sleep; drowsiness. ঘুমানো v. to sleep. a. sleeping. ঘুমন্ত a. sleeping, asleep. ̃পাড়ানি a. soporific; lulling. ̃পাড়ানি গান a lullaby. 118)
(p. 329) ghaḍ়iẏāla2 a crocodile with a very long muzzle, a gavial, Gavialis gangeticus; (fig.) an extremely sly and self-seeking person. 27)
(p. 338) ghēṭēla a ferryman. 5)
(p. 329) ghuḍ়i2 the mare. 112)
(p. 329) ghān̐ṭā1 a hard growth on the foot or toe or hand, a corn. 64)
(p. 340) ghrātā a smeller. 10)
(p. 329) gharāmi a thatcher, one who builds huts professionally. ̃গিরি n. the occupation of building huts; the occupation of a thatcher. 55)
ঘটস্হাপন, ঘটস্হাপনা
(p. 329) ghaṭashāpana, ghaṭashāpanā ceremonial placing of a pitcher full of holy water on the altar making the commencement of worship. 12)
(p. 329) gharghara expressing a rattling sound as of a tyreless wheeled vehicle moving on a stony road. ঘর্ঘর করা v. to rattle. ঘর্ঘর শব্দে with a rattling noise. ঘর্ঘরিত a. rattling; resounded or filled with a rattling noise. 57)
(p. 329) ghun̐ṭē a cake of dried dung used as fuel, a dungcake. 103)
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