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জোগান এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

জোগান : (p. 407) jōgāna supply, purveyance; finding, supply (কথার জোগান); assistance, help (কাজে জোগান). ̃দার n. a supplier, a purveyor; an assistant, a helper; a hodman or hodcarrier. জোগানো v. to supply, to purvey; to be found, to be supplied with (কথা জোগানো); to adulate, to flatter, to humour (মন জোগানো). 15)


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(p. 386) jaghanya abominable, hateful, detestable; repugnant; filthy; hated; vile; base, mean; contemptible. ̃তা n. abomination, hatefulness, detestation; repugnance; filthiness; vileness, baseness, meanness; contemptibility. ̃বৃত্তি n. hateful or loathsome or odious pursuit. 5)
(p. 407) jōta agricultural land or property; an agricultural farm held on proprietary basis, a farm; a rope for binding a bull or a yoke or plough etc., a halter. ̃জমা n. landed property, pieces or parcels of land for cultivation. ̃দ়ড়ি n. ropes or straps that fasten a bullock or a draught-animal to the yoke. ̃দার n. the owner of a proprietary agricultural farm; a big and rich farmer; a landlord. 20)
(p. 396) jalābarta a whirlpool, an eddy. 2)
(p. 396) jalauṣadhi medicinal water-plants or water-cresses. 13)
(p. 390) jaẏantī a flag, a standard; a name of Goddess Durga (দুর্গা); a birthday celebration (রবীন্দ্রজয়ন্তী); an anniversary, a jubilee; a kind of tree. রৌপ্যজয়ন্তী n. the silver jubilee. সুবর্ণজয়ন্তী n. the golden jubilee. হীরকজয়ন্তী n. the diamond jubilee. 34)
জালাতন, জ্বালাতন
(p. 400) jālātana, jbālātana irritation, vexation; annoyance; pestering; harassment; a pest. a. irritated, vexed, pestered; harassed. জালাতন করা v. to irritate, to vex, to annoy, to pester; to harass. 38)
(p. 386) jaḍ়ānō to embrace; to hug; to grasp or grapple (as in a scuffle); to wrap (কাগজ দিয়ে জড়ানো); to surround; to roll up (লাটাইয়ে সুতো জড়ানো); to intertwine; to form into a tangle; to entangle; to mess up or be messed up; to become confused (কথা জড়ানো); to involve or to be involved, to implicate or be implicated. a. embraced; hugged; grasped; grappled; wrapped; surrounded; rolled up; intertwined; formed into a tangle; messed up; confused; involved or implicated in. 28)
(p. 396) jalābhēdya waterproof. 5)
(p. 389) janmāṣṭamī the eight lunar day of the dark fortnight of the month of Bhadra (ভাদ্র) when (in Hindu myth.) Krishna (কৃষ্ণ) was born.
(p. 390) jalada1 that which gives water. n. the cloud. ̃কাল n. the rainy season. ̃ক্ষয় n. autumn. ̃গম্ভীর a. as grave or deep as the rumbling of the cloud. জলদাগম n. the break of monsoon; the rainy season, the rains. 60)
(p. 400) jāli1 a very young and tender gourd or any other similar fruit. a. very young and tender. 40)
(p. 407) jōḍ় a joint (জোড়ের মুখ); joining, union (জোড় বাঁধা); a pair, a couple (মানিকজোড়); a married couple (জোড়ে আসা) one of a pair (জো়ড় মেলানো); a piece of loincloth and a scarf (চেলির জোড়). a. joined, folded (জোড়হাতে); grafted (জোড়কলম); even (জোড়সংখ্যা). জোড় করা v. to fold (as one's hands). জোড় বাঁধা v. to unite; to join; to pair. জোড় বাঁধানো v. to cause to unite or join or pair. জোড় মেলানো v. to find one to pair with; to pair. জোড়ে আসা v. (chiefly of a married couple) to come in pair. ̃সংখ্যা an even number. ̃কলম n. a graft. করজোড়ে, ̃হাতে adv. with folded hands. জোড়ে জোড়ে adv. by or in pair. 17)
জৃম্ভণ, জৃম্ভ
(p. 406) jṛmbhaṇa, jṛmbha act of yawning or gaping; a yawn; a gape; act of opening or blooming or bursting out. জৃম্ভক a. producing sleep, soporific (জৃম্বক অস্ত্র). জৃম্ভমান a. yawning; gaping; opening; blooming; bursting out. জৃম্ভিত a. yawned; gaped; opened; bloomed; burst out. 13)
(p. 410) jbaladarci having the glow and radiance of blazing fire, glowing, radiant, incandescent. n. blazing fire, burning flame. 22)
(p. 410) jñānātmaka pertaining to or consisting of knowledge. 2)
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