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ঠুক এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

ঠুক : (p. 429) ṭhuka expressing the noise of a gentle stroke or rap (ঠুক করে আওয়াজ হল). ঠুকঠাক int. n. repeated noise of gentle stroke or rap. ঠুকঠুক int. n. same as ঠুকঠাক; the noise of a gentle rap; a word denoting (usu.) the carpenter's or blacksmith's gentle manner of work. 12)


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(p. 427) ṭhāṭa-bāṭa outward show; grandeur; decoration. 17)
(p. 429) ṭhōṅā a container or carton (chiefly bowl-shaped) made of tree-leaves or paper, a cornet. 33)
(p. 429) ṭhēkā to touch (আকাশে ঠেকা, পায়ে ঠেকা); to reach, to reach and stop at (তিরটা গিয়ে গাছে ঠেকল); to come down to (আয় শূন্যে ঠেকেছে); to strike or dash against (বলটা দেওয়ালে ঠেকে ফিরে এল); to be obstructed or impeded or prevented, to be at a dead end or at a knotty point (অঙ্কটা ঠেকছে কীসে); to be involved in (দায়ে ঠেকা, বিপদে ঠেকা); to be involved in difficulty or danger, to be in a fix (ঠেকে শেখা); to be felt or considered (খারাপ ঠেকা). n. a difficulty, a fix (ঠেকায় পড়া); financial difficulty or want (ঠেকার কাজ চালানো); touch, contact (ঠেকা লাগা); act of accompanying a piece of music by beating 'tabla' (তবলা) (ঠেকা ছারা ঠুংরি জমে না); a prop, a support, a lean-to (ঘরের চালে ঠেকা দেওয়া). a. touching (আকাশে ঠেকা মাথা). চোখে ঠেকা v. to look bad or uncomely. ঠেকে ঠেকে বলা to speak haltingly. ঠেকাঠেকি n. mutual touching or contact. ঠেকানো v. to cause to touch, to bring into contact; to cause to reach; to cause to reach and stop; to bring to; to cause to strike or dash against; to obstruct, to impede, to prevent; to stave off; to involve; to involve in difficulty or danger. 23)
(p. 429) ṭhyā leg; shank.
(p. 427) ṭhakā to be cheated or swindled; to lose (to) (আমি তোমার কাছে দু-টাকা ঠকে গেলাম); to be defeated or outwitted; to be beguiled. ঠকানো v. to cheat or swindle; to cause to lose; to defeat or outwit; to beguile. ঠকানে a. puzzling, confusing, perplexing; misleading (ঠকানে প্রশ্ন). 7)
(p. 427) ṭhana expressing a light, clattering noise as of the concussion of a thin metallic object. ঠন ঠন int. expressing this noise made repeatedly; nothingness or vacuity or emptiness (পকেট ঠনঠন). ঠনঠনে a. empty. 9)
(p. 429) ṭhunakō1 milk fever (also ঠুনকো জ্বর). 16)
(p. 427) ṭhāhara act of seeing or noticing; visualization; vision, sight; attention, care (ঠাহর করে দেখা); recognition; cognition; realization; discernment, act of finding; determination. ঠাহর করা v. to see, to notice; to visualize; to treat with attention (ঠাহর করা); to recognize (তোমাকে তো ঠাহর করতে পারছি না); to cognize; to realize; to discern, to find, to think out, to devise, to determine (পথ বা উপায় ঠাহর করা); to invent (বুদ্ধি ঠাহর করা); to anticipate (এ বিপদের কথা তো ঠাহর করিনি,). ঠাহর পাওয়া v. to come to or be able to see or notice or visualize or recognize or to cognize or realize or discern or find or determine or anticipate. ঠাহর হওয়া v. to be seen or noticed; to be visible; to be recognized or cognized or realized or discerned or found or determined or anticipated. ঠাহরানো same as ঠাহর করা ।
(p. 429) ṭhuka expressing the noise of a gentle stroke or rap (ঠুক করে আওয়াজ হল). ঠুকঠাক int. n. repeated noise of gentle stroke or rap. ঠুকঠুক int. n. same as ঠুকঠাক; the noise of a gentle rap; a word denoting (usu.) the carpenter's or blacksmith's gentle manner of work. 12)
(p. 427) ṭhāna (used in comp. & coll.) a respectable woman, a lady (মাঠান, বউঠান). □ in comp. (used as a pfx.) of the second degree of parentage, grand (ঠানদিদি). ̃দিদি,, (coll.) ̃দি n. a (paternal and maternal) grandmother or grandaunt, (arch.) a grandam, a grandma. 21)
(p. 427) ṭhāsa1 expressing the sound as of a violent slap. ঠাস ঠাস int. expressing quick and repeated sound of such slapping. adv. making this noise repeatedly and in quick succession. 27)
(p. 427) ṭhāra a beck, a gesticulation. ঠারা v. to make a sign with, to gesticulate with (চোখ ঠারা). ঠারে-ঠোরে adv. (coll.) by means of signs and gestures, by hints and insinuations. 26)
(p. 427) ṭhāṭa-ṭhamaka outward show of glamour; deceptive show; false gestures; pretences; affectation; parade. 16)
(p. 427) ṭhām̐i2 a place; a seat on which one sits to take one's meal (অতিথির জন্য ঠাঁই করা); shelter (চোরকে বাড়িতে ঠাঁই দিয়ো না); accommodation, room, space ('ঠাঁই নাই ঠাঁই নাই, ছোট সে তরী'); bottom (নদীর ঠাঁই পাওয়া); possession or source. ঠাঁইঠাঁই a. living apart from one another (ভাই-ভাই ঠাঁই-ঠাঁই); separated, disunited, disintegrated. ̃নাড়া, ̃বদল n. change of place. 12)
(p. 427) ṭhāsa2 close, thick, compact, crowded (ঠাস বুননি, ঠাস হয়ে বসা). 28)
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