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তেজি২ এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

তেজি২ : (p. 467) tēji2 spirited, vigorous (তেজি লোক); strong; powerful (তেজি ওষুধ). 16)


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(p. 442) tattba real or essential nature, reality, essence, (fundamental) truth (তত্ত্বদর্শী); God (তত্ত্বজ্ঞান); spiritual or philosophical or ontological knowledge (তত্ত্বকথা); knowledge or philosophy, principle (ধর্মতত্ত্ব); theory or doctrine; information (তত্ত্ব পাওয়া); search, inquiry (তত্ত্ব নেওয়া); any of the twenty-four principal constituting elements according to the Sankhya philosophy; a present, a gift (পূজার তত্ত্ব, বিয়ের তত্ত্ব). তত্ত্ব কথা v. to inquire after; to search for or about or out; to send customary gifts to one related matrimonially. ̃কথা n. spiritual or philosophical knowledge or discussion. ̃চিন্তা n. meditation on God; spiritual meditation; philosophical or theological meditation. ̃জিজ্ঞাসা n. theological inquiry; inquiry about God; inquiry about reality or truth, philosophical inquiry. ̃জিজ্ঞাসু a. inquisitive about theological knowledge; inquiring about God or reality or truth. ̃জ্ঞ a. having knowledge about God or reality of truth; possessing theosophical or philosophical or spiritual knowledge. n. one who has knowledge about God or reality or truth; the possessor of theological or philosophical or spiritual knowledge. ̃জ্ঞান n. knowledge about God; theological or spiritual or philosophical knowledge; knowledge about reality or truth. ̃জ্ঞানী a. & n. one who has knowledge about God or reality or truth; one who has theological or spiritual or philosophical knowledge. ̃তল্লাস, ̃তালাশ n. communication and exchange of customary gifts; seeking information about one's condition and whereabouts. ̃দর্শী a. & n. one who has knowledge about God or reality or truth; one who has theological or spiritual or philosophical knowledge; wise or judicious (man). fem. ̃দর্শিনী । ̃দর্শিতা n. possession of knowledge about God or reality or truth; possession of theological or spiritual or philosophical knowledge; wisdom or judiciousness. ̃নির্ণয়, ̃নিরুপণ n. ascertainment of truth; ascertainment of the true nature of a thing. ̃বিদ a. & n. one who has knowledge about God or reality or truth; one who has theological or spiritual or philosophical knowledge; one who is in the know of things. ̃বিদ্যা n. ontology. ̃বোধ n. perception of truth. 64)
(p. 453) tājiẏā (Mus.) a feretory carried in imitation of the coffin of Hasan and Hussain in Moharram processions. 33)
(p. 470) tōrā of তুই । 30)
(p. 442) takṣaṇa act of planing or carving wood; woodwork; carpentry; a (carpenter's) plane or vice. ̃শিল্প n. the art or craft of carpentry. 18)
(p. 442) taḍ়idbīkṣaṇa an electroscope. 53)
(p. 472) traẏī of ত্রয় । n. Brahma(ব্রহ্ম ।), Vishnu (বিষ্ণু) and Shiva (শিব); these three manifestations of divinity collectively; Rik (ঋক্), Sama (সাম); Yajus (যজুঃ): these three Vedas collectively. 37)
(p. 442) tanakhā wage, salary, remuneration. 119)
(p. 449) tamasuka a writing of obligation to pay a sum, a bond; a hand-note. বন্ধকি তমসুক a deed of mortgage. 5)
(p. 466) tṛṇāsana a sheet made of straw to sit upon; a mat. 6)
(p. 453) tāgāri a large trough, a vat. 30)
(p. 474) trāhi please save or deliver or rescue or relieve or protect. ত্রাহি ত্রাহি int. save!save! ত্রাহি ত্রাহি করা বা ডাক ছাড়া v. to shout for help to be saved or delivered or rescued or relieved or protected. 3)
(p. 467) tēlānō to grow fatty or adipose; to smear with oil; to season by smearing with oil and then sunning; (sl. & sarcas.) to grow powerful or audacious; (sl.) to flatter or to fawn on servilely. তেলানি n. fatty or adipose state; act of growing fatty or adipose; act of smearing with oil; act of seasoning by smearing with oil and subsequently sunning; (sl. & sarcas.) power or audacity; (sl.) servile flattery. 36)
(p. 442) tañcaka one who or that which cheats or deceives or swindles. ̃তা n. cheating, deception, swindling, trickery. 31)
(p. 470) tōmara an ancient weapon of war resembling almost an iron pike. 18)
(p. 472) taulika1 a painter. 10)
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