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দংশী এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

দংশী : (p. 480) daṃśī of দংশ । 12)


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(p. 522) daulata riches, wealth, treasure, fortune (ধনদৌলত); aid, help, favour, grace (ঈশ্বরের দৌলতে). ̃খানা n. a palatial residence full of riches. ̃দার a. rich, wealthy; affluent. ̃দারি n. wealthiness, affluence; enjoyment of cakes and ale. 37)
(p. 522) drābiḍ় Dravidians; a Dravidian; the Dravidian language; a region of Southern India inhabited by the Dravidians. a. Dravidian. দ্রাবিড়ী n. fem. a Dravidian woman; the Dravidian language. 109)
(p. 517) dōkāni a shopkeeper. 63)
(p. 480) dakṣa1 (myth.) the name of a divine being entrusted formerly with the charge of creation of earthly beings; the father of Sati (সতী), the wife of Shiva (শিব), ̃কন্যা n. Sati (সতী), the wife of Shiva (শিব). ̃যজ্ঞ n. (myth.) a religious feast held by Daksha (দক্ষ) in which Shiva (শিব) was not invited and was publicly abused or censured and Sati (সতী), the wife of Shiva, unable to stand this, died of grief. Shiva came with his followers to the feast, spoilt it and killed Daksha; (fig.) tremendous turmoil; utter confusion, pandemonium. 15)
(p. 480) daṃṣṭra a tooth (esp. a large or sharp one). দ্রংষ্ট্রা n. a claw or prong or fang (as of a crab or a lobster); a large (and usu. sharp) tooth (as of a dog or a fox); a sting (as of a mosquito or a gadfly). দ্রংষ্ট্রাঘাত n. a bite or a sting. দ্রংষ্ট্রায়ুধ n. a wild boar. দ্রংষ্ট্রাল, দ্রংষ্ট্রী a. having a claw or prong or fang or tooth or sting, clawed, pronged, fanged, toothed, stinged. 13)
(p. 485) darādari haggling or higgling, chaffering. দরাদরি করা v. to haggle, to chaffer. 41)
(p. 495) dābaḍ়ānō to bully; to rebuke; to threaten; to snub; to chase. 7)
(p. 508) durbacana rude or harsh words; discourteous language or words; a reviling speech, revilement. a. (given to) speaking rude or harsh words; (given to) using discourteous language; (given to) reviling. 9)
(p. 522) dbyatmabādī (phil.) dualistic. n. (phil.) a dualist. 87)
(p. 495) dāminī lightning. 24)
(p. 508) dēōẏānō to cause to give or confer or bestow or award or distribute or provide or impart or sprinkle or add or administer or ascribe or impute or render or extend or pay or repay or furnish or put or place or set up or build or construct or put on or offer or dedicate or yield or produce or deal or inflict or employ or apply or shut or bolt or fasten or accomplish or execute or entrust or write or paint or sew or stitch or affix or put in or cast or send or intimate or inform or grant or sanction or permit or sow or scatter or thrust into or pierce or rub or keep or strike or set or impose upon or take to or pronounce or pass or impose or lend or sharpen or whet or serve or supply or complete. 112)
(p. 517) daibāt by chance; accidentally; suddenly; peradventure. 50)
(p. 495) dāẏāda a claimant to an inheritance; an heir; a son; a sharer of one's patrimony; a kinsman. দায়াদি n. fem. a female claimant to inheritance; an heiress; a daughter; a female sharer of one's patrimony; a kinswoman. a. (in all genders) inherited, obtained by inheritance. 34)
(p. 485) damaẏitā one who subdues or restrains or represses or suppresses or coerces or checks or removes or abates or causes to subside. fem. দময়িত্রী । 6)
(p. 517) dainandina daily; diurnal; (fig.) routine (দৈনন্দিন কাজকর্ম). 46)
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