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দর্পণ এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

দর্পণ : (p. 485) darpaṇa mirror, a looking-glass. 52)


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(p. 522) drabya a thing, a substance, an article; (phil. & phys.) matter. ˜গুণ n. property present in a thing or substance; medicinal property of a thing or plant. ̃জাত a. produced of a material thing. n. a collection of things. দ্রব্যজাত বস্তু a product. ̃বাচক a. (gr.) material. ̃সামগ্রী n. pl. various things. 100)
(p. 485) darāja spacious, roomy (দরাজ জায়গা); generous, liberal (দরাজ হাত, দরাজ দিল, দরাজ লোক); unrestrained or unsubdued (দরাজ গলা, দরাজ মুখ). দরাজ গলা loud or full-throated voice. দরাজ মুখ outspoken utterance; outspokenness. 40)
(p. 522) dbyaṇuka evolving out of union of two atoms, diatomic. 83)
(p. 508) dēnamōhara (Mus.) the marriage portion or dower that a husband has to allot for his wife at wedding. 129)
(p. 522) dauḍ়ānō to run; to flee, to run off. 31)
(p. 492) dādakhāni a variety of superfine rice. 31)
(p. 522) dauḍ়ādauḍ়i act of running about; act of romping or gadding; boisterous and hard effort attended with repeated or constant hurried movements. দৌড়াদৌড়ি করা v. to run about; to romp; to gad about; to be engaged in a boisterous and hard effort attended with repeated or constant hurried movements. 30)
(p. 500) duḥsparśa difficult to touch. 67)
(p. 517) dōrdanḍa the hand conceived as the rod (of punishment). a. (erron.) terrible (দোর্দন্ড ক্রোধ বা গরম). ̃প্রতাপ a. terribly powerful or mighty. n. the might of the hand; terrible might. 81)
(p. 506) durāgraha desire for or interest in evil or difficult things; a wicked or difficult venture. a. desirous of or interested in evil or difficult things; indulging in or engaged in a wicked or difficult venture. 19)
(p. 508) durbhakṣya hard to eat, not easily eatable; unfit for eating. 27)
(p. 522) dautya office of a messenger or courier or envoy or ambassador or emissary; forerunning; office of a go-between; bawdry, panderism. 32)
(p. 522) drāba act of melting, liquefaction, dissolution or solution. দ্রাবক a. solvent; corrosive. n. a solvent; an acid (গন্ধক দ্রাবক = nitric acid, যবক্ষার দ্রাবক = sulphuric acid). দ্রাবণ n. melting, liquefaction, dissolution or solution. দ্রাবিত a. melted, liquefied, dissolved or solved. 108)
(p. 517) dērāja a drawer (as of a cabinet or a desk). 20)
(p. 500) du contr. of দুই । দু-আনি alt. spell. of দুয়ানি । দু-এক alt. spell. of দুয়েক । দুকথা n. a few words; rough or harsh words, rebuke (দুকথা শুনিয়ে দেওয়া). দুকান করা v. to give out (a secret). দুকান-কাটা a. (fig.) bare-faced, brazen-faced, shameless. দুকুল n. the father's family and the inlaw's family (of a woman); the paternal and the maternal lines (of any person); (fig.) both alternatives. দুকুল খাওয়া (fig.) to lose all means of aid or support. দুকূল n. both banks of a river; (fig.) earthly life and life after death; (fig.) both alternatives. দুখানা, দুখানি, (dial.) দুখান n. two pieces, two. a. two pieces of, two; split or torn or broken into two. দুগুণ a. twice, double. দুচার a. a few; only a few, very few (দুচার দিন, দুচার কথা). দুচারটি, দুচারটে, দুচারখানা n &. a. a few or a few things (দুচারটি বই). দুচালা a. having two thatched roofs. □ n. such a hut. দু-চোখের বিষ (fig.) an eyesore. দু-চোখ যেদিকে যায় wherever (my) eyes lead (me) to. দুজন pro. two (persons). a. two. দুজনই pro. & a. both. দুটি, দুটো1 pro. two (objects or things). □ a. two. দুটো2 n. & a. two o'clock. দুটানা n. simultaneous pulls in two opposite directions; oscillation; a dilemma. দুটানায় পড়া to be in a dilemma or quandary, to be in a state of indecision. দুটোচারটে n. & a. a few things or a few; only a few things or only a few. দু-তরফা a. pertaining to or contested by both the opposite sides, bipartite. দুতলা, দুতালা a. two-storied; double-decked. n. the first floor; the upper deck. দুতারা a. two-stringed. n. a double-stringed musical instrument. দুধার n. both sides; two sides. দুধারী a. pertaining to or inclined to both the sides; two-sided; double-handed. দুনম্বরি n. dishonesty; doing things in a dishonest manner, the habit or practice of doing dishonest things. a. dishonest, unfair; unlawful, illegal (দুনম্বরি ব্যাবসা); gained by evil or illegal means (দুনম্বরি পয়সা). দুনলা a. double-barrelled. n. a doublebarrelled gun. দু-নৌকোয় পা দেওয়া (fig.) to fall between two stools, to serve God and Mammon simultaneously. দুপাক n. act or an instance of enfolding or taking round twice; two coils; a short stroll, a short leisurely walk. দু-পেয়ে a. two-legged; biped. দু-ফলা a. (of a knife) having two blades; (of a tree) bearing fruit twice a year. দুফাঁক a. split asunder into two. দু-ফালি, (dial.) দু-ফাল n. two slices. a. sliced or parted into two. দুবার n. two times. adv. twice. দুভাষী a. speaking two languages (esp. as one's mother-tongue); bilingual. n. an interpreter; a bilingual man. দু-মনা a. of two minds, hesitating, vacillating, wavering. দু-মুখো a. two-faced; double-faced; two-way (দু-মুখো গলি). দু-মুখো আচরণ double-dealing, double-crossing. দু-মুখো লোক a double-dealer. দু-মুঠা, দু-মুঠো a. two handfuls of. দু-মেটে a. (of clay images etc.) doubly plastered. দুয়ানি n. a two-anna bit or piece. দুয়েক a. one or two; a few. দু-রঙা a. bi-coloured. দু-সন্ধ্যা adv. & a. both in the daytime and evening (or at night). দুসুতি n. a coarse cloth woven in double thread. দু-হাত এক করা v. to unite (a bride and a bridegroom) in marriage; to cup one's palms. দু-হাতি a. measuring two cubits. দুহাতিয়া a. (of a stroke) dealt with both hands. adv. with both hands. 49)
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