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পরান্ন এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

পরান্ন : (p. 619) parānna food given in charity by another, unearned or unpaid-for food. ̃জীবী a. living on food given by another; eating habitually at another's table; parasitic. n. a parasite. ̃পালিত, ̃পুষ্ট a. nourished by food given by another. ̃ভোজী a. habitually eating at another's table. 14)


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(p. 675) pratinidhi a deputy; an agent; a representative; a delegate; a substitute; a proxy. রাজপ্রতিনিধি n. a viceroy. প্রতিনিধিত্ব n. office or tenure of a deputy or agent or representative or substitute. প্রতিনিধিত্ব করা v. to deputize; to act as an agent of; to represent; to act as a delegate or substitute or proxy of. ̃বর্গ n. a delegation, a deputation, body of representatives. ̃সভা n. a meeting of delegates or deputies or representatives. 36)
(p. 696) plyāna a plan, an outline sketch; a scheme. ্যান করা v. to draw an outline sketch of; to scheme, to plan. 85)
(p. 631) paścārdha the lower half of the human body; the lower half; the latter half; the other half. 5)
(p. 614) paẏōmuka the cloud. 16)
(p. 652) piśuna scandal-mongering, talebearing; malicious; cruel. 6)
(p. 649) piṇḍita shaped into a lump, conglomerated; conglomerate.
(p. 684) pramathita trampled; routed; subdued; killed. 44)
(p. 654) pṛṣṭha the back (of a human being or any other creature); the rear; the region of the back; the back part, the rear part; the hind part; surface, a face; (bot.) the dorsal surface. ঘূর্ণপৃষ্ঠ n. the surface of revolution. ̃টান n. (phys.) surface tension. ̃তল n. surface. ̃দেশ same as পৃষ্ঠ । ̃পোষাক n. one who stands at the back to give support; a supporter; an upholder; a patron; a customer; a client. ̃পোষকতা n. support; patronization. পৃষ্ঠপোষকতা করা v. to support; to uphold; to patronize. ̃পোষণ n. act of standing at the back to give support; act of supporting or upholding; patronization. ̃প্রদর্শন n. fleeing, flight. পৃষ্ঠপ্রদর্শন করা v. to flee, to take to one's heels, to run away. ̃প্রবাহ n. (geog.) a surface drift. ̃বংশ n. the backbone, the spinal or vertebral column, the spine. ̃ব্রণ n. a dorsal carbuncle. ̃ভঙ্গ n. act of fleeing (esp. after a defeat). ̃রক্ষক n. a bodyguard. পৃষ্ঠরক্ষা করা v. to protect or guard the rear; to act as a bodyguard to. ̃লেখ n. an endorsement. 120)
(p. 619) paritrātā a rescuer, a deliverer; (esp. in theol.) a saviour; a liberator; a reliever. 93)
(p. 674) pratata wide; widespread; extended; expanded. 15)
(p. 684) prabartaka introducing, bringing into use or currency; inaugurating, starting; founding, establishing; employing, initiating. n. an introducer, one who introduces or brings (something) into use; an inaugurator; a pioneer; a founder; an employer, an initiator. 9)
(p. 675) pratijñā a solemn resolve or declaration; a vow; a promise, a pledge; (geom.) a theorem or a problem or a proposition. প্রতিজ্ঞা করা v. to resolve or declare solemnly; to promise. প্রতিজ্ঞাত a. resolved; promised; accepted; proposed. ̃পত্র n. a written promise or agreement, a bond; a written confession. ̃পালন n. act of keeping a promise. প্রতিজ্ঞাপালন করা v. to keep a promise. ̃বদ্ধ a. bound by a promise, under a pledge. ̃ভঙ্গ n. a breach of promise. প্রতিজ্ঞাভঙ্গ করা v. to break a promise. ̃ভঙ্গকারী a. promise-breaking. n. a promise-breaker. 27)
পরিচালন, পরিচালনা
(p. 619) paricālana, paricālanā act of driving a vehicle etc.; conduction; management; direction; lead; administration; rule. পরিচালনা করা v. to drive or run; to conduct; to manage; to direct; to lead; to administer; to rule. 63)
(p. 652) pukura a pond, a tank, a pool. পুকুর কাটা v. to excavate a pond. পুকুর ঝালানো v. to dredge a tank. পুকুর প্রতিষ্ঠা করা v. to perform solemn rites before putting a newly excavated pond to use. ̃চুরি n. an unbelievably tremendous fraud. 45)
(p. 654) puri a kind of small and thin saucershaped brown bread fried in clarified butter. 49)
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