(p. 820) bhū the earth, the world; land; ground. ̃কম্প, ̃কম্পন n. earthquake. ̃কম্পবিদ্যা n. seismography, seismology. ̃কম্পলিক n. a seismograph. ̃কর্ণ n. a radius of the equator. ̃কেন্দ্র n. the centre of the earth. ̃কেন্দ্রীয় a. (astr.) geocentric. ̃খণ্ড n. a division or part of the earth, a region; a part of the landed portion of the earth; a country. ̃গর্ভ n. the bowels or inside of the earth; a subterranean region. ̃গর্ভস্হ, ̃গর্ভস্হিত a. lying in the bowels of the earth; underground; subterranean. ̃ভূগর্ভস্হ রেলপথ an underground railway, a tube-railway. ̃গহ্বর n. an underground cavity or hole; (geog.) a cavern; an underground chamber, a subterranean, a subterrene. ̃গহ্বরবাসী a. dwelling underground. n. a dweller in an underground cell, (cp.) a basement dweller, a subterranean. ̃গোলক n. a sphere representing the earth, a globe; the earth, the globe. ̃চর a. living or moving on land, terrestrial. ̃চিত্র n. a map. ̃চিত্রাবলি n. atlas. ̃চুম্বকত্ব n. (phys.) terrestrial magnetism. ̃চ্ছায়া n. the shadow of the earth; darkness. ̃তত্ত্ব, ̃তত্ত্ববিদ্যা n. geology. ̃তত্ত্ববিদ, ̃তাত্ত্বিক n. a geologist. ̃তত্ত্বীয় a. geological. ̃তল n. the surface of the earth; the face or floor of the earth; the nether world, Hades; ground. ̃তলশায়ী same as ̃শায়ী । fem. ̃তলশায়িনী । ̃তলস্হ a. terrestrial; earthly. ̃তাত্ত্বিক n. a geologist. ̃ত্বক n. (geog. & geol.) the crust of the earth. ˜দান n. gift of land (usu. by the rich for the benefit of the poor); the name of a movement by Vinoba Bhave to inspire big landholders to part with some parcels of land as a gesture of good will. ̃নিম্ন n. the region underground. a. underground. ভূনিম্ন তার an underground cable. ̃পতিত a. fallen on or to the ground; dropped or thrown or flung into the ground. ̃পতিত হওয়া v. to fall on or to the ground; to prostrate oneself on the ground. ̃পরিধি n. circumference of the earth. ̃পাত n. (geog.) a landship, landslide. ভূপাতিত করা v. to pull down or fell to the ground; to knock to the ground; to floor. ̃পৃষ্ঠ n. the surface of the earth. ̃প্রদক্ষিণ n. travel round the world; circumnavigation. ̃প্রদক্ষিণ করা v. to ambulate or travel round the earth; to rotate round the earth; (geog.) to circumnavigate. ̃প্রকৃতি n. (geog.) configuration of land. ̃বলয় n. the equator. ̃বিষুব n. the equator. ̃বিষুবরেখা n. the equatorial line, the equator. ̃বিদ্যা n. geology. ̃বিদ্যাগত a. geological. ̃বিদ্যাবিদ n. a geologist. ̃বৃত্ত n. the equatorial circle, the equator. ̃ভাগ same as ̃খণ্ড । ̃ভার n. the burden of sins committed by mankind; the burden of the earth; the burdensome charge of administering and protecting the earth. ̃ভৃত্ n. a mountain; a hill; a king. ̃লুণ্ঠিত a. rolling or wallowing on the ground; fallen to the ground; prostrated on the ground. fem. ̃লুণ্ঠিতা । ভূলুণ্ঠিত হওয়া v. to roll or wallow on the ground; to fall to the ground; to prostrate oneself on the ground. ̃লোক n. the earth. ̃শয্যা n. use of bare ground as one's bed. ̃শায়িত, ̃শায়ী a. laid or lying upon the bare ground; fallen to or prostrated on the ground; knocked to the ground, floored. fem. ̃শায়িতা, ̃শায়িনী । ̃সংস্হান n. topography. ̃সম্পত্তি n. landed property, real estate, demesne. ̃স্তর n. (geog. & geol.) a stratum of the earth. ˜স্পন্দ n. (geog.) an earth-tremor. ̃স্বর্গ n. an earthly paradise, a paradise on earth; Kashmir. 2)