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ভণ্ডুল এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

ভণ্ডুল : (p. 802) bhaṇḍula foiled, baffled; spoiled. ভণ্ডুল করা v. to foil, to baffle; to spoil. 41)


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(p. 802) bhagabāna endowed with the six divine graces (see ভগ); reverend, venerable, adorable. n. God. 18)
(p. 823) bhēstā upset or spoilt or foiled. ভেস্তে যাওয়া v. to fail, to come to naught. ভেস্তানো v. to upset or spoil or foil; to be upset or spoilt or foiled. 21)
(p. 826) bhrama an error; a mistake; a blunder; an omission; oblivion; illusion; a whirl; a whirlpool; whirlwind. ভ্রম হওয়া v. to be mistaken; to be guilty of omission. ভ্রমে পড়া v. to fall into an error; to be mistaken; to be confounded. ভ্রমনিরসন করা v. to remove a wrong notion (of); disillusion; to correct or rectify an error, to amend; to emend. ̃ক্রমে adv. same as ভ্রমবশত । ̃প্রবণ a. fallible. ̃প্রবণতা n. fallibility. ̃প্রমাদ n. pl. errors and omissions. ̃বশত adv. through a mistake or wrong notion. ̃সংশোধন করা same as ভ্রমনিরসন করা । ̃সংকুল a. full of errors, erroneous; full of wrong notions. 21)
(p. 808) bhāgya fate, fortune, luck, destiny; chance; good fortune, good luck. ̃ক্রমে adv. fortunately, luckily; by chance. ̃গণনা n. fortune-telling. ভাগ্যগণনা করা v. to foretell or tell one's fortune. ̃গণনাকারী n. a fortune-teller, an astrologer. ̃গুণে adv. by dint of one's good fortune; (often ironically) as one's fate would have it; because of one's ill fate. ̃চক্র n. the wheel of fortune; everchangeful fortune. ̃দেবতা n. the god or goddess of fortune or destiny, Destiny, (cp.) the Fates. fem. ̃দেবী । ̃দোষে adv. through bad luck, unfortunately, as ill luck would have it. ̃নিয়ন্তা same as ̃বিধাতা । ̃পরীক্ষা n. a trial of luck. ভাগ্য পরীক্ষা করা v. to try one's luck. ̃পুরুষ same as ̃বিধাতা । ̃ফল n. one's destiny; astrological reading of one's fortune. ̃বতী fem. of ̃বান । ̃বন্ত same as ̃বান । ̃বল n. strength of one's good fortune; fortune's favour. ̃বাদী n. a fatalist. ̃বান a. fortunate, lucky. ̃বিড়ম্বনা n. bad or ill luck; misfortune; reverses of fate. ̃বিধাতা n. the divine ordainer of fortune or destiny, Destiny. fem. ̃বিধাত্রী । ̃বিপর্যয় n. reverses of fortune; reversal of fortune; misfortune. ̃মন্ত same as ̃বান । ̃লিখন, ̃লিপি n. one's foreordained fortune (esp. as supposed to have been written on one's forehead by the god of destiny). ̃হীন a. unfortunate, luckless, ill-fated, unlucky. fem. ̃হীনা । ভাগ্যি n. dial. corrup. of ভাগ্য । int. expressing: it is fortunate that, luckily (ভাগ্যি তুমি এলে). ভাগ্যিস int. same as ভাগ্যি (int.). ভাগ্যোদয় n. dawning of one's good fortune. 42)
(p. 802) bhabānī Goddess Durga (দুর্গা) the wife of Bhaba (ভব). 51)
(p. 802) bhabiṣyat future; posterior; later. n. the future; futurity; (loos.) destiny; consequence (এর ভবিষ্যত্ হল বিচ্ছেদ); future condition (তার ভবিষ্যত্ খারাপ); promise of future prosperity (ভবিষ্যত্ খোয়ানো). ̃কাল) (gr.) the future tense. ভবিষ্যতে adv. in future. ভবিষ্যদ্দ্রষ্টা n. a person having the faculty to see into the future, a seer, a prophet. 56)
(p. 818) bhujā parched corn eaten as snacks. 21)
(p. 825) bhōra2 engrossed (চিন্তায় ভোর); stupefied, fuddled (নেশায় ভোর). 22)
(p. 810) bhābanā thought; cogitation; reflection, contemplation; worry, anxiety; repeated pulverization and purification or rectification of medicines etc.; saturation; infusion. ভাবনা করা, ভাবনায় পড়া v. to worry, to be worried. 43)
(p. 810) bhājā to fry; to roast; to parch; to scorch. a. fried; roasted; parched; scorched. n. a dish of anything fried. ̃নো v. to cause to fry or roast or parch or scorch. ভাজা-ভাজা a. almost fried, (fig.) extremely irritated or chafed. ̃ভুজি n. pl. fried snacks. 12)
(p. 820) bhūrja the birch. ̃পত্র n. the birch; the bark of the birch (formerly used in lieu of paper). 18)
(p. 826) bhauma the Mars. a. earthly, terrestrial; born out of earth. ভৌম দূরবীক্ষণ field glass. ভৌম পুষ্পদন্ড scape. 10)
(p. 802) bhaṇita said or told (by). n. saying or telling. ভণিতা n. the mention of the name of the author in the opening or concluding lines of a poem or other literary compositions; (sarcas.) a commencement of a narrative with great eclat. 39)
(p. 802) bhanā (poet.) to narrate. 46)
(p. 802) bhagna broken; fractured (ভগ্ন অস্হি); severed, detached (ভগ্নশাখ); pulverized (ভগ্ন শস্য); curved, stooping, hunched (ভগ্নপৃষ্ঠ); dilapidated (ভগ্নমন্দির); demolished (ভগ্নকুটির); impaired, ruined, shattered (ভগ্নস্বাস্হ্য); ungratified, unentertained (ভগ্নমনোরথ); depressed or dejected; defeated or routed (ভগ্নবাহিনী); hoarse, husky (ভগ্নস্বর); (arith.) fractional (ভগ্নসংখ্যা). ̃কন্ঠে adv. in a broken or husky voice, hoarsely. ̃গৃহ n. a dilapidated house; (fig.) a house in utter disorder or confusion. ̃চিত্ত a. same as ̃হৃদয় । ̃দশা n. broken or dilapidated or ruined state, a state of decay. ̃দূত n. a messenger or a soldier bringing the news of defeat from the battlefield; (fig.) a person bringing bad or disheartening news. ̃দেহ a. having one's health run down or impaired or shattered. ̃প্রায় a. threatening to fall, tottering. ̃মনোরথ a. disappointed; balked, baulked. ̃স্তূপ n. a heap of broken-down remains, ruins. ̃স্বাস্হ্য a. with or in run-down or broken health. n. broken or run-down health. ̃হৃদয় a. broken-hearted; dejected. ভগ্নাংশ n. a broken-away part, a fraction; (arith.) a fraction. ভগ্নাঙ্ক n. (arith.) a fraction. ভগ্নাবশিষ্ট a. lying or remaining in or as ruins. ভগ্নাবশেষ n. broken-down remains, ruins; relics. ভগ্নাবস্হা n. brokendown or ruined or dilapidated state, a state of ruin or decay. ভগ্নাবস্হ a. broken-down, in ruins, dilapidated. ভগ্নাশ a. disappointed, despondent. 22)
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