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ভাঁড়ামি, ভাঁড়ামো এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

ভাঁড়ামি, ভাঁড়ামো : (p. 808) bhān̐ḍ়āmi, bhān̐ḍ়āmō jesting, foolery, waggery; buffoonery; clownery; drollery; witticism. 26)


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(p. 810) bhādrabadhū a brother's (usu. a younger brother's) wife, a sister-in-law. 33)
(p. 802) bhanḍa feigning, pretentious; dissimulating, dissembling; hypocritical; deceitful; sanctimonious. n. a pretender; a quack, a charlatan; a dessimulator, a dissembler; a hypocrite, an imposter; a deceiver; a cheat; a sanctimonious person. ̃তা, ̃ত্ব same as ভণ্ডামি । ভণ্ডন n. deception; cheating. ভণ্ডানো v. (chiefly poet.) to deceive, to cheat, to hoodwink. ভণ্ডামি n. pretension, feigning; charlatanism, quackery; dissembling; imposture, hypocrisy; deceit; sanctimony. 40)
(p. 802) bhagōla the zodiac. 21)
(p. 816) bhijē coll corrup. of ভিজা (a.).ভিজে বেড়াল (fig.) a terrible rogue appearing to be perfectly innocent and harmless, a wolf in sheep's skin. 19)
(p. 808) bhāga2 sharing out, apportionment; partition (দেশ ভাগ); (esp. in math.) division; a piece, a fragment (শতভাগে পরিণত); a share, a portion (সম্পত্তিতে আমার ভাগ); a division of time (দিবাভাগ); a region, a part (নিম্নভাগ). ভাগ করা v. to share out, to apportion; to partition; (esp. in math.) to divide. ভাগ দেওয়া v. to give a share or portion; to allow to participate in (কাজের ভাগ দেওয়া); (in math.) to divide. ভাগ নেওয়া v. to take a share, to share; to participate in. ভাগ পাওয়া v. to get a share; to be allowed to participate in. ভাগের মা গঙ্গা পায় না (fig.) no work can be wellexecuted if the workers do not work jointly; what belongs to all belongs to none. ̃চাষি n. a share-cropper. ̃ধেয় a. entitled to a share (esp. as an heir or inheritor). n. a share; revenue; fortune, fate. ̃ফল n. (math.) a quotient. ̃বাটোয়ারা n. sharing out, apportionment. ̃শেষ n. (math.) the remainder (in a sum of division). ̃হর a. taking a share, sharing. ̃হার n. sharing, act of taking a share; (math.) a method of division. 29)
(p. 810) bhāṇḍāra a store, a storehouse, a storeroom; a treasury; a fund; a granary; a garner; a coffer. ̃-করণিক n. a storeclerk. ভাণ্ডারে রাখা, ভাণ্ডার়জাত করা v. to store; to garner. ভাণ্ডার পূর্ণ করা v. to fill one's coffer. ̃সহায়ক n. a depot assistant. ভাণ্ডারী n. a storekeeper; a treasurer. 22)
(p. 816) bhāsā to float, to drift; to swim; to be buoyant; to be flooded (with) (বন্যায় দেশ ভাসা); to rise or strike or appear in, to occur to (মনে ভাসা); (fig.) to be overflowing. ভাসান n. immersion (as of an image of a deity); a kind of folksong celebrating activities of some deities (মনসার ভাসান). ভাসা-ভাসা a. shallow, superficial. ভাসা-ভাসা জ্ঞান indexlearning, skin-deep or superficial knowledge. ভাসানো v. to cause to float; to float; to levitate, to set adrift; to flood or overflow. 6)
(p. 820) bhēkha asceticism, ascesis; Vaishnava asceticism; the garb of an ascetic esp. of a Vaishnava ascetic; disguise; simulation. ভেখ ধরা v. to take to asceticism esp. Vaishnava asceticism; to put on the garb of an ascetic esp. of a Vaishnava ascetic (also ভেখ নেওয়া); to assume a disguise; to simulate. ̃ধারী n. an ascetic; a Vaishnava ascetic; a disguised person; a hypocrite.
(p. 810) bhāṅaḍ় a bhang-addict, Shiva শিব. 2)
(p. 818) bhujā parched corn eaten as snacks. 21)
(p. 826) bhraṣṭa detached; fallen; downfallen; cast off; deprived of; deviated, strayed; strayed from the rightful path; corrupted; vitiated in character, depraved. fem. ভ্রষ্টা । ̃চরিত্র a. characterless; depraved. fem. ̃চরিত্রা । ̃তা n. detached or fallen or downfallen or cast off state; deprivation; deviation; corruption; depravity. ভ্রষ্টাচারণ, ভ্রষ্টাচার n. a wicked or depraved practice; corruption; wrong-doing; depravity. ভ্রষ্টাচারী a. given to wrong-doing or depravity. 28)
(p. 826) bhrātṛ (used as a pfx.) a brother. ̃ঘাতক n. a fratricide. ̃ঘাতী a. fratricidal. ̃জায়া n. a brother's wife, a sister-in-law. ̃ত্ব n. the state of being a brother; fraternity, brotherhood. ̃দ্বিতীয়া n. the second lunar day of the bright fortnight in the month of Kartik (কার্তিক) when is held the Hindu ceremony of marking brother's foreheads by their sisters with sandalwood-paste. ̃প্রেম n. fraternal or brotherly love. ̃বত্ a. & adv. like a brother. ˜বত্সল a. affectionate towards one's brothers, full of fraternal love. fem. ̃বত্সলা । ̃বধ n. fratricide. ̃বধূ same as ̃জায়া । ̃ভাব n. brotherly feeling, brotherliness. ̃স্নেহ n. brotherly love. ̃হত্যা n. fratricide. ̃হত্যাকারী a. fratricidal. n. a fratricide. 31)
(p. 816) bhisti a leather bag for carrying water, a water-bag; a water-carrier, a bhisty. ̃ওয়ালা n. a bhisty. 35)
(p. 810) bhātuẏā subsisting chiefly on rice, riceeating; (fig.) feeble, cowardly. 29)
(p. 823) bhōn̐tā blunt (ভোঁতা ছুরি); dull (ভোঁতা বুদ্ধি). ভোঁতা করা v. to blunt, to dull, to take away the edge of. 25)
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