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ভাজন২ এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

ভাজন২ : (p. 810) bhājana2 dividing, division; frying. 10)


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(p. 802) bhagandara anal fistula. 11)
(p. 823) bhērēṇḍā the castor-oil plant, Ricinus communis. ভেরেণ্ডা ভাজা (fig.) idling, to while away time; to remain idle or unemployed. 16)
(p. 810) bhāṭaka rent; hire; charges, fare, freight, wages; cost. 16)
(p. 825) bhōgī one who enjoys; one who suffers or sustains; one who possesses and uses something as one's own; one who enjoys sensual or earthly pleasures; one nourished with milk and honey. 5)
(p. 823) bhēda piercing; cleavage, split; difference; dissimilarity; disagreement, dissension; hostility; disunity; estrangement; antagonism, quarrel; separation; differentiation, discrimination; penetration (ব্যূহভেদ); disintegration; exposition, expounding, deciphering (অর্থভেদ); change, alteration (বুদ্ধিভেদ); a kind, a sort (রূপভেদ); looseness of bowels, diarrhoea. ভেদ করা v. to pierce, to cleave, to split; to differentiate, to discriminate; to penetrate; to expose, to expound, to decipher. ভেদ জন্মানো v. to sow dissension or discord; to disintegrate; to estrange. ̃ক a. one who or that which pierces or cleaves or splits or disintegrates or differentiates or discriminates or penetrates. ̃জ্ঞান n. perception of difference; discrimination; partiality. ̃ন piercing; cleaving; splitting; penetration. ̃নীয় a. capable of being pierced or cleft or split or penetrated, pregnable, vulnerable. ̃নীতি n. the policy of discrimination. ̃বমি n. diarrhoea attended with vomitting; cholera. ̃বুদ্ধি same as ̃জ্ঞান । ভেদাভেদ n. discriminatory treatment; discrimination; sense of meum and tuum (mine and thine). ভেদিত a. pierced; cleaved, split. ভেদী same as ভেদক । ভেদ্য same as ভেদনীয় । 12)
ভর্ত্ সনা
(p. 802) bhart sanā scolding, rebuke; reproach; reprimand; censure. ভর্ত্ সনা করা v. to chide, to scold, to rebuke; to reproach; to reprimand; to censure. ভর্ত্ সনীয় a. blamable, censurable, condemnable; reprehensible. 85)
(p. 818) bhīṣma terrible. n. a character of the Mahabharata. ভীষ্মের প্রতিজ্ঞা an unalterable or resolute vow or pledge; a firm resolve. 9)
(p. 820) bhūmi the earth; the surface of the earth; soil; ground; floor; agricultural land, land, a field, a place, a site (রণভূমি): a country (জন্মভূমি); a repertory or receptacle (বিশ্বাসভূমি); (geom.) a base. ̃কম্প, ̃খন্ড, ̃গর্ভ same as ভূকম্প, ভূখণ্ড and ভূগর্ভ respectively (see ̃ভূ). ̃গ্রহ n. land acquisition. ভূমিগ্রহ-আধিকারিক n. land acquisition officer. ভূমিগ্রহ-সমাহর্তা n. a Land Acquisition Collector. ̃জ a. grown out of the earth; earth-born; holding tenancy of land in lieu of menial services. ভূমিজ প্রজা (hist.) a villein. ̃তল n. the surface of the earth; ground; floor. ̃দান n. a grant of land. ̃রাজস্ব n. land revenue. ̃রেখা n. base line. ̃লেখা n. land records. ̃শয্যা, ̃শায়িত, ̃শায়ী same as ভূশয্যা, ভূশায়িত and ভূশায়ী respectively (see ভূ). ভূমিষ্ঠ হওয়া v. to fall to the ground; to prostrate oneself on the ground (ভূমিষ্ঠ হয়ে প্রণাম); to be born. ̃সাত্ a. fallen to the ground; razed to the ground. ভূমিসাত্ করা v. to pull down to the ground; to raze to the ground. ভূমিসাত্ হওয়া v. to fall to the ground; to be razed to the ground. ̃সুত n. the Mars. ̃স্হ, ̃স্হিত a. lying or situated on the ground. 15)
(p. 825) bhōjī (used as a sfx.) eating, feeding on (তৃণভোজী). fem. ভোজিনী । 13)
(p. 813) bhālāi welfare, weal; good, wellbeing. 36)
(p. 826) bhyāñcānō to make faces (at), to grimace, to grin (at). 14)
(p. 820) bhūṣaṇa an ornament; a dress; ornamentation; dressing; personal embellishment; decoration; one who or that which adds to the beauty or glory (বিদ্বান দেশের ভূষণ = a learned man is the ornament of his country). ̃প্রিয়া a. fem. fond of ornaments. 20)
(p. 818) bhujumbhāju false or flimsy arguments or allurements or consolation; cajolery. 23)
(p. 808) bhastrā a blacksmith's bellows; a large leathern bag for carrying water. 6)
(p. 825) bhōra2 engrossed (চিন্তায় ভোর); stupefied, fuddled (নেশায় ভোর). 22)
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