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ভেরি, ভেরী এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

ভেরি, ভেরী : (p. 823) bhēri, bhērī a drum; a kettledrum. 15)


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(p. 808) bhāgya fate, fortune, luck, destiny; chance; good fortune, good luck. ̃ক্রমে adv. fortunately, luckily; by chance. ̃গণনা n. fortune-telling. ভাগ্যগণনা করা v. to foretell or tell one's fortune. ̃গণনাকারী n. a fortune-teller, an astrologer. ̃গুণে adv. by dint of one's good fortune; (often ironically) as one's fate would have it; because of one's ill fate. ̃চক্র n. the wheel of fortune; everchangeful fortune. ̃দেবতা n. the god or goddess of fortune or destiny, Destiny, (cp.) the Fates. fem. ̃দেবী । ̃দোষে adv. through bad luck, unfortunately, as ill luck would have it. ̃নিয়ন্তা same as ̃বিধাতা । ̃পরীক্ষা n. a trial of luck. ভাগ্য পরীক্ষা করা v. to try one's luck. ̃পুরুষ same as ̃বিধাতা । ̃ফল n. one's destiny; astrological reading of one's fortune. ̃বতী fem. of ̃বান । ̃বন্ত same as ̃বান । ̃বল n. strength of one's good fortune; fortune's favour. ̃বাদী n. a fatalist. ̃বান a. fortunate, lucky. ̃বিড়ম্বনা n. bad or ill luck; misfortune; reverses of fate. ̃বিধাতা n. the divine ordainer of fortune or destiny, Destiny. fem. ̃বিধাত্রী । ̃বিপর্যয় n. reverses of fortune; reversal of fortune; misfortune. ̃মন্ত same as ̃বান । ̃লিখন, ̃লিপি n. one's foreordained fortune (esp. as supposed to have been written on one's forehead by the god of destiny). ̃হীন a. unfortunate, luckless, ill-fated, unlucky. fem. ̃হীনা । ভাগ্যি n. dial. corrup. of ভাগ্য । int. expressing: it is fortunate that, luckily (ভাগ্যি তুমি এলে). ভাগ্যিস int. same as ভাগ্যি (int.). ভাগ্যোদয় n. dawning of one's good fortune. 42)
(p. 813) bhābō়cchbāsa an outburst of emotion or thought or ecstasy. 6)
(p. 810) bhāja a brother's wife, a sister-in-law. 7)
(p. 810) bhātuẏā subsisting chiefly on rice, riceeating; (fig.) feeble, cowardly. 29)
(p. 820) bhūsbāmī a landowner; a landlord, a zeminder; a king. fem. ভূস্বামিনী a female landowner; a landowner's wife; a queen. 22)
(p. 802) bhajakaṭa a hitch; a trouble; a difficulty; a predicament. 29)
(p. 808) bhā leaves and shoots of hemp, bhang. 12)
(p. 823) bhōn̐dā corpulent; dull-witted, dunderheaded, imbecile. 27)
(p. 808) bhāgīrathī a name of the Ganges; a tributary of the Ganges. 41)
(p. 813) bhābuka capable of or given to thinking or imagining, thoughtful or imaginative; capable of appreciation, appreciative; capable of forming original concepts, conceptive. ̃তা n. thoughtfulness; contemplativeness; imaginativeness; appreciativeness. 5)
(p. 808) bhān̐ja a fold; a crease (জামার ভাঁজ); a plait (সিঁথির ভাঁজ). ভাঁজ করা v. to fold; to crease; to plait. ভাঁজ হওয়া v. to fold. ̃-করা a. folded. ̃হীন a. foldless. without a fold. 16)
(p. 808) -bhāka (used as a sfx.) sharing. 27)
(p. 816) bhinna other, different, separate; separated; isolated; segregated; estranged; parted; partitioned; split, torn, rent, severed, broken, fractured. prep. except, without, other than. ̃জাতীয় a. of a different race or nation; of a different kind or sort; heterogeneous. ̃তা n. otherness, difference. ভিন্ন ধাতুর লোক a man cast in a different mould. ̃প্রকার a. of a different kind or sort; heterogeneous. ̃মত n. a different opinion. a. disagreeing in opinion, dissenting. ̃মতাবলম্বী a. dissentient; holding a different opinion. n. a dissenter. fem. ̃মতাবলম্বিনী । ̃রুচি a. differing or disagreeing in taste or choice. n. difference of taste; different taste. ভিন্নার্থ n. a different meaning. a. conveying a different meaning or purport. ভিন্নার্থক a. same as ভিন্নার্থ (a.). 28)
(p. 816) bhāsā to float, to drift; to swim; to be buoyant; to be flooded (with) (বন্যায় দেশ ভাসা); to rise or strike or appear in, to occur to (মনে ভাসা); (fig.) to be overflowing. ভাসান n. immersion (as of an image of a deity); a kind of folksong celebrating activities of some deities (মনসার ভাসান). ভাসা-ভাসা a. shallow, superficial. ভাসা-ভাসা জ্ঞান indexlearning, skin-deep or superficial knowledge. ভাসানো v. to cause to float; to float; to levitate, to set adrift; to flood or overflow. 6)
(p. 813) bhāṣā speech; language; a dialect; mother-tongue, vernacular; an expression, a significant hint (বোবা ভাষা, আকাশের ভাষা); mode of speaking (রূঢ় ভাষা); (now obs.) any Indian language other than Sanskrit ('প্রেমদাস রচিল ভাষায়). স্পষ্ট ভাষায় in plain or clear language, plainly, frankly; categorically. ̃জ্ঞান n. knowledge in or of a language; knowledge as to how to use a language properly. ̃তত্ত্ব n. philology; linguistics. ̃তত্ত্বজ্ঞ, ̃তত্ত্ববিদ n. a philologist; a linguist. a. versed in philology or linguistics. ভাষাতীত a. not describable in language, beyond speech or language; inexplicable. ̃ন্তর n. another language; rendering into another language, translation. ভাষান্তরিক n. a translator, an interpreter. ভাষান্তরিত a. translated. ভাষান্তরিত করা v. to translate. ̃বিজ্ঞান same as ভাষাতত্ত্ব । ̃বিজ্ঞানী same as ভাষাতত্ত্বজ্ঞ । 41)
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