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ভ্রামর এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

ভ্রামর : (p. 826) bhrāmara of or like the bee or bumble-bee. fem. ভ্রামরী । 34)


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(p. 825) bhōṭa1 Bhutan. a. Bhutanese. 16)
(p. 802) bharasā reliance, confidence, trust; faith; a prop, support; a shelter, a refuge; hope, expectation; strength or dependence (কোন ভরসার চাকরি ছাড়লে). ভরসা করা v. to rely on; to hope, to expect; to depend on. ভরসা থাকা v. to have reliance on or confidence; to have a hope, to have expectation. ভরসা দেওয়া v. to promise support or help; to encourage; to assure. 78)
(p. 816) bhirami sudden dizziness or daze; fainting; a swoon. ভিরমি খাওয়া, ভিরমি লাগা v. to be affected with sudden dizziness or vertigo, to be dazed suddenly; to faint, to swoon. 31)
(p. 802) bhabya well-behaved, mannerly; gentle, quiet; polite, courteous; polished in taste or manners; honest; benefactory; auspicious; that which is to happen. ̃তা n. good behaviour; gentleness, quietness; politeness, courtesy; polished taste or manners; honesty; benefaction; auspiciousness; a sure contingency; necessity or certainty. ভব্যা fem. of ভব্য । ভব্যিযুক্ত a. (dial.) well-behaved; gentle, quiet, (sarcas.) genteel. 61)
(p. 826) bhramiyantra a drill, an auger. 27)
(p. 818) bhujumbhāju false or flimsy arguments or allurements or consolation; cajolery. 23)
(p. 810) bhāṅā to break or be broken, to split or be split; to fracture or be fractured; to grind (পাথর ভাঙা, গম ভাঙা); to pull down or come off, to demolish or to crumble down, to erode (বাড়ি ভাঙা, কুল ভাঙা); to open (প্যাকেট ভাঙা); to impair, to deteriorate (স্বাস্হ্য ভাঙা); to debase or be debased (কুল ভাঙা); to spoil or be spoiled; to weaken or be weakened, to discourage or be discouraged (মন ভাঙা); to remove or be removed, to dispel or be dispelled (মান ভাঙা, ভয় ভাঙা); to dissolve or be dissolved, to disband (সৈন্যবাহিনী ভাঙা); to disintegrate or be disintegrated (দল ভাঙা); to break off negotiations etc. (সম্বন্ধ ভাঙা); to sever or be severed; to estrange or be estranged (বন্ধুত্ব ভাঙা); to sow dissension or disunion (ঘর ভাঙা); to disclose or divulge (সে কথাটা ভাঙেনি); to elaborate (ভেঙে বলা); to make or become hoarse (গলা ভাঙা); to walk, to traverse (পথ ভাঙা); to wade through (জল ভাঙা, জলা ভাঙা). a. broken, split; (fractured; ground; pulled down, demolished or impaired; deteriorated; debased; weakened, discouraged; dissolved; disintegrated; broken up; severed, estranged; rent with disunion; breached, hoarsened. ভাঙা কপাল ill fate, bad luck. ভাঙা কপাল জোড়া লাগা (fig.) to thrive again after a downfall; to retrieve one's fortunes. ভেঙে বলা v. to say in detail. ̃চোরা a. broken and unserviceable (ভাঙাচোরা বাসন); dilapidated (ভাঙাচোরা বাড়ি). ̃নি n. small coins, change; act of prejudicing (one) secretly against (কানভাঙানি). a. fem. given to intrigues, sowing dissension (ঘরভাঙানি বউ); prejudicing (one) secretly against (মনভাঙানি কথা). a. masc. ভাঙানে । ̃নো v. to cause to break or split or grind or pull down or open or debase or spoil or weaken or discourage or remove or dispel or disintegrate or break up or sever or estrange or produce breach, dissension etc. or walk or traverse or wade through; to change (as a coin or currency note); to cash (as a cheque). ভাঙা-ভাঙা a. almost broken; scattered or rent here and there (ভাঙাভাঙা মেঘ); broken (ভাঙা-ভাঙা হিন্দি); half-articulate, babbling (ভাঙা-ভাঙা বোল). ভাঙাভাঙি n. disruption, dissension; disintegration; prejudicing against; discouragement; repeated breaking or split. 5)
(p. 813) bhārārpita entrusted with a charge. 28)
(p. 816) bhirakuṭi a frown; a grimace. ভিরকুটি করা v. to frown; to grimace. 30)
(p. 808) bhām̐ōtā a hoax; a bluff; deception. ভাঁওতা দেওয়া v. to hoax; to bluff; to deceive. ̃বাজ n. a hoaxer; a bluffer; a deceiver. ̃বাজি n. hoaxing; bluffing; deceiving. 15)
(p. 808) bhāga2 sharing out, apportionment; partition (দেশ ভাগ); (esp. in math.) division; a piece, a fragment (শতভাগে পরিণত); a share, a portion (সম্পত্তিতে আমার ভাগ); a division of time (দিবাভাগ); a region, a part (নিম্নভাগ). ভাগ করা v. to share out, to apportion; to partition; (esp. in math.) to divide. ভাগ দেওয়া v. to give a share or portion; to allow to participate in (কাজের ভাগ দেওয়া); (in math.) to divide. ভাগ নেওয়া v. to take a share, to share; to participate in. ভাগ পাওয়া v. to get a share; to be allowed to participate in. ভাগের মা গঙ্গা পায় না (fig.) no work can be wellexecuted if the workers do not work jointly; what belongs to all belongs to none. ̃চাষি n. a share-cropper. ̃ধেয় a. entitled to a share (esp. as an heir or inheritor). n. a share; revenue; fortune, fate. ̃ফল n. (math.) a quotient. ̃বাটোয়ারা n. sharing out, apportionment. ̃শেষ n. (math.) the remainder (in a sum of division). ̃হর a. taking a share, sharing. ̃হার n. sharing, act of taking a share; (math.) a method of division. 29)
(p. 802) bhadra polished or elegant in taste or demeanour; (rare) civilized; courteous; polite; well-behaved, mannerly; amiable; suave; belonging to polished or high society; gentle, auspicious, propitious, salutary; honest, chaste. n. weal; welfare; Shiva (শিব). ভদ্র আচরণ gentlemanly conduct; good manners. ̃কালী n. a manifestation of Goddess Durga (দুর্গা). ̃তা n. polished or elegant taste or demeanour; courtesy, politeness; amiability; suavity; gentility; auspiciousness, propitiousness, salutariness; honesty, chastity; formality. ভদ্রতা করা v. to treat one courteously, to be formal with; to be suave. ভদ্রতার অনুরোধে, ভদ্রতার খাতিরে for courtesy's sake, for the sake of formalities. ভদ্রতাচরণ n. courteous or polite deportment or conduct, courtesy. ভদ্রতাবিরুদ্ধ a. discourteous, impolite, uncivil. ভদ্রতামূলক a. pertaining to courtesy, formal. ̃মহিলা n. fem. a gentle woman; a lady. ̃লোক n. a gentleman; a courteous or amiable man; an honest man. ভদ্রলোকের এক কথা (fig.) a gentleman or an honest man is always true to his words or promise. ̃সন্তান n. one coming of a respectable family; a gentleman. ̃সমাজ n. society of cultured or decent people. ̃স্হ a. (coll.) in the state of a gentlemen; gentlemanlike. ভদ্রা a. fem. of ভদ্র (a.). n. (astr. & astrol.) the second, seventh or twelfth day of a lunar fortnight (these days are considered inauspicious. ভদ্র পড়া v. (dial.) to be obstructed or hindered; to have an impediment or a hitch or a set-back. ভদ্রাভদ্র n. good and evil; respectable and disreputable. ভদ্রেশ্বর n. a manifestation of Shiva (শিব). ভদ্রোচিত a. gentlemanlike, gentlemanly; polite; courteous; gentle. 43)
(p. 808) bhāō geneal condition or tendency, trend; price; rate. 11)
(p. 820) bhūmadhya the centre of the earth; the bowels or inside of the earth. ভূমধ্যসাগর n. the Mediterranean Sea. ভূমধ্যসাগরীয় a. Mediterranean. 13)
(p. 808) bhān̐ḍ়3 a court-jester, a fool; a buffoon; a clown; a droll; a witty person, a wit. 22)
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