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মউড় এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

মউড় : (p. 828) muḍ় a tiara made of sola. 5)


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(p. 844) malina dirty, unclean; soiled; tarnished; dark (মলিন গাত্রবর্ণ); dim; dull; overcast, gloomy (মলিন আকাশ); glum; sorrowful, sad (মলিন মুখ). fem. মলিনা । ̃তা, ̃ত্ব, মলিনিমা n. dirtiness, uncleanliness; soiled or tarnished state; darkness; dimness; dullness; gloominess; gloom; glumness; sadness. মলিনীকৃত a. made dirty or soiled. 22)
(p. 851) mahōtsāha great enthusiasm or energy or zeal. মহোত্সাহী n. greatly enthusiastic or energetic or zealous. মহোত্সাহে adv. with great enthusiasm or zeal. 6)
(p. 879) -mēẏa measurable, mensurable, countable, estimable (অমেয়, পরিমেয়); conjecturable; cognizable. 34)
ম্যাজেনটা, ম্যাজেন্টা
(p. 886) myājēnaṭā, myājēnṭā magenta. 9)
(p. 829) majānō to drown; to cause to lose oneself (in); to charm, to win over; to silt up; to pickle thoroughly; to cause to mature or ripen thoroughly, to bring disgrace on (কুল মজানো); to endanger greatly or ruin utterly overmuch.
(p. 831) matta intoxicated, sottish, drunk; drunken; maddened, frenzied; mad; must; musty (মত্ত হস্তী = a must elephant, an elephant in a state of frenzy or run amok); maddened by rage or excitement; greatly proud of (ধনমত্ত); beside oneself with (আনন্দে মত্ত); absorbedly engaged in (গানে মত্ত); addicted to or indulging in (বিলাসে মত্ত). fem. মত্তা । ̃তা n. intoxicated state, intoxication; sottishness, drunkenness; frenzy; madness; must; highly enraged or excited state; great elation; the state of being beside oneself; absorbing preoccupation; addiction. 29)
(p. 831) mata2 an opinion, a view; consent; a theory; a doctrine, an ism; a tenet; a creed, a religion; a method, a principle; a mode or means. মত করা v. to agree (to); to intend. মতো করানো v. to persuade. মত দেওয়া v. to consent to, to agree to; to give one's consent; to acquiesce; to pass one's opinion, to opine. মত নেওয়া v. to take or invite one's consent or opinion. মত পাওয়া v. to obtain one's consent or approval. নানা মুনির নানা মত (fig.) many minds many views; no two wise men agree. যত মত তত পথ as many tenets, as many ways to salvation. ̃দান n. giving one's opinion or consent; expressing one's views; casting one's vote. ̃দ্বৈধ same as ̃বিরোধ । ̃পরিবর্তন n. change of opinion. ̃পার্থক্য n. difference of opinion or views. ̃বাদ n. a theory; a doctrine; a tenet. ̃বাদী a. adhering to a particular theory or doctrine or tenet. ̃বিরোধ, ̃ভেদ, মতানৈক্য n. difference of opinion; disagreement; dissension. মতান্তর n. difference of opinion, dissension; a different or contrary opinion or view or doctrine or theory. মতান্তরে adv. in or according to another view. মতাবলম্বন করা v. to accept or adhere to or profess an opinion or view or doctrine or theory or tenet or religion. মতাবলম্বী a. & n. one who accepts or adheres to or follows or professes a particular opinion or view or doctrine or theory or religion. fem. মতাবলম্বিনী । মতামত n. views for and against. 18)
(p. 862) mārkasabādī a Marxist. a. Marxist, Marxian. 10)
(p. 864) mālinī of মালী (n. & a.). 3)
(p. 872) mukhi a sprout or eye of the arum. 9)
(p. 844) malaẏa a mountain range in South India, the Western Ghats (also মলয়গিরি, মলয়াচল); the ancient name of Malabar or of the Malay Peninsula; the south wind or vernal breeze; (cp.) zephyr (also মলয়পবন, মলয়বায়ু, মলয়মারুত, মলয়সমীর, মলয়সমীরণ, মলয়ানিল). ̃জ a. grown on the Malaya (মলয়) mountains. n. sandal-wood, sandal; the south wind; the vernal breeze. মলয়জশীতল a. cooled by the south wind. 16)
(p. 839) maẏāla the Indian python. 51)
(p. 872) mugā a kind of silkworm; a kind of coarse silk spun by the aforesaid silkworms. 16)
(p. 830) maṭakānō to twist (as a finger) or break (as a twig) with a snapping noise. আঙুল মটকানো v. to snap one's finger. 21)
(p. 882) mōha (theol.) ignorance about reality; illusion; ignorance; mental obsession; infatuation; fascination; deep attachment, dotage; a fainting fit, a swoon; enchantment, bewitchment. মোহ নিরসন করা v. to dispel illusion or infatuation or enchantment. ̃গ্রস্ত a. affected with an illusion; ignorant; mentally obsessed; deluded; infatuated; fascinated or fondly attached; doting; fainted, swooned; enchanted, bewitched; stupefied. ̃ঘোর n. a spell of illusion or ignorance or mental obsession or infatuation or fainting fit or enchantment. ̃জনক a. illusive; causing mental obsession; infatuating; fascinating; causing to faint; enchanting, bewitching. ̃জাল same as ̃পাশ, ̃তিমির same as ̃ঘোর । ̃নিদ্রা n. stupor or hypnosis or trance caused by illusion; infatuation; a fainting fit. ̃পাশ n. the mesh of illusion or infatuation or enchantment. ̃বদ্ধ a. caught in the mesh or snare of illusion or infatuation or enchantment. ̃বন্ধ, ̃বন্ধন n. the bondage of illusion or infatuation or enchantment. ̃ভঙ্গ n. recovery from illusion or infatuation or enchantment or from a fainting fit, disillusionment, disenchantment. ̃মদ n. pride caused by illusion or ignorance. ̃মন্ত্র n. an incantation to enchant; a magic spell. ̃ময় a. illusive, illusory; infatuating; enchanting. ̃মুগ্ধ a. captivated by illusion; infatuated; fascinated; fondly attached, doting; enchanted, bewitched, spellbound. ̃মুদ্গর n. a book of verse by Shankaracharya intending to dispel illusion; a cudgel dispelling illusion or ignorance or infatuation. 41)
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