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মীমাংসা এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

মীমাংসা : (p. 867) mīmāṃsā solution (of a problem etc.), decision; determination (of truths etc.); act of clearing up or settling (of complication, doubt etc.); disposal (of an affair etc.); arbitration or compounding (of a dispute etc.); compromise; a philosophical treatise compiled by Jaimini (also মীমাংসাদর্শন). মীমাংসা করা v. to solve, to decide; to determine; to clear up; to settle; to dispose of; to arbitrate; to effect a compromise, to compound. 33)


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(p. 852) māgura a species of fresh-water barbel, (cp.) the catfish. 13)
(p. 882) mōtāẏēna stationed, posted; posted on guard; ready at hand for action. মোতায়েন করা বা রাখা v. to station, to post; to post on guard; to keep ready at hand (or in readiness) for action. 24)
(p. 867) miśi a dentrifrice made of roasted tobacco and copperas. 18)
(p. 847) mahiṣa the buffalo. ̃ধ্বজ, ̃বাহন n. appellations of Yama (যম), the god of death. ̃মর্দিনী n. fem. (myth.) Goddess Durga (দুর্গা) who slew the demon Mahisa (মহিষ); (fig.) a terrible female warrior, (cp.) an amazon; (facet.) a termagant. 31)
(p. 878) mṛtyu death, decease, demise; loss of life; Yama (যম) the Hindu god of death. ̃কামনা n. desire of death; deathwish. মৃত্যুকামনা করা v. to desire to die; to desire another's death. ̃কামী a. desirous of dying; desirous of another's death. ̃কাল n. the time of death; the dying moment. ̃কালীন a. pertaining to the time of death or to the dying moments. মৃত্যুকালীন এজহার a dying statement or declaration. মৃত্যুকালে হরিনাম deathbed repentance. ̃গ্রাস n. the jaws of death. মৃত্যুগ্রাসে পতি হওয়া v. to fall into the jaws of death; to die; to be killed. ̃চিহ্ন n. same as ̃লক্ষণ । মৃত্যুঞ্জয় a. one who has conquered death; deathless, immortal. n. Shiva (শিব). মৃত্যুঞ্জয়ী a. loos. var. of মৃত্যুঞ্জয় (a.). ̃তুল্য a. death-like, deathly. ̃দণ্ড n. deathsentence, capital punishment. মৃত্যুদণ়্ড দেওয়া v. to sentence to death, to award capital punishment (to). মৃত্যুদণ্ডে দণ্ডিত হওয়া v. to be sentenced to death. ̃ভয় n. the fear of death. ̃মুখ same as ̃গ্রাস । ̃যন্ত্রণা n. death-agony, deaththroe. ̃লক্ষণ n. a sign of death or being dead. ̃শয্যা n. deathbed. ̃শোক, ̃জনিত শোক n. sorrow caused by (some one's) death, grief caused by death. ̃হীন a. deathless, immortal; everlasting. 6)
(p. 874) muṣṭi cupped palm of the hand; a handful; a fist; a handle, a haft, a hilt; firm hold, grip. ̃গত a. gripped; firmly held or controlled; clenched. ̃প্রহার same as মুষ্ট্যাঘাত । ̃বদ্ধ a. having a hand or hands closed or clenched; (of a hand) closed or clenched. ̃ভিক্ষা n. a handful of rice or other cereals given in charity. ̃মেয় a. only a handful of, a little or a few. ̃যুদ্ধ n. boxing; buffeting. মুষ্টিযুদ্ধ করা v. to engage in a boxing contest. ̃যোগ n. a quack remedy or medicine. ̃যোদ্ধা n. a boxer, a pugilist. মুষ্ট্যাঘাত n. a fisticuff, a box, a buffet. মুষ্ট্যাঘাত করা v. to box, to buffet. 40)
(p. 862) māruta the wind, air. মারুতি n. a son of the wind-god. 7)
(p. 863) mālakōn̐cā loincloth worn by tucking it tightly between one's legs like a suspenser. মালকোঁচা আঁটা বা দেওয়া বা মারা v. to tuck one's loincloth tightly between one's legs like a suspenser. 5)
(p. 838) manōbhaṅga disappointment; despondency; dejection; discouragement. 23)
(p. 867) mirāsa land held under hereditary title; the right of hereditary occupation. মিরাস-ইজারা n. lease or settlement of land to be enjoyed hereditarily. 6)
(p. 831) maniba master (fem.: a mistress); an employer. fem. মনিবানি ।
(p. 846) maśalā spices; ingredients; materials (গল্পর মশলা); mortar (গাঁথনির মশলা). ̃দার a. spicy. মশলা মেশানো v. to mix spices or mortar. 4)
(p. 830) maṭana mutton. ̃চপ n. a mutton-chop. 23)
(p. 852) mānasāṅka a mathematical sum to be worked out mentally. 113)
(p. 852) māna2 honour, respect; cordial reception; fame; dignity; pride; (dero.) vanity. মান দেওয়া v. to treat with honour or deference. মান রাখা v. to do honour to, to respect, to heed; to do the honours (to); to save one's face. 93)
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