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মুচলেকা এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

মুচলেকা : (p. 872) mucalēkā (in law) a recognizance, a bond. মুচলেকা দেওয়া v. to enter into a recognizance, to furnish a bond. 22)


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(p. 852) mānā1 prohibition, forbidding. মানা করা v. to prohibit, to forbid. 117)
(p. 839) maẏanā1 a bird of the starling family, the myna, the hill mynah, Gracula religiosa. 46)
(p. 852) mātā1 mother. ̃পিতা n. pl. parents. ̃পিতৃহীন a. parentless, orphan. fem. ̃পিতৃহীনা । ̃মহ n. the father or an uncle of one's mother, a maternal grandfather. fem. ̃মহী the mother or an aunt of one's mother, a maternal grandmother. 57)
(p. 876) mūlībhūta causing origination; lying at the root; serving as the first or primary cause. 19)
(p. 831) madhu honey; anything sweet; sweet juice; nectar; wine; the month of Chaitra (চৈত্র); spring; (fig.) sweetness or charm ('গোকুলে মধু ফুরায়ে গেল'); opportunity of income esp. of extra or illegal income (এ চাকরিতে মধু নেই); money, wealth (কাপ্তানের মধু ফুরিয়ে গেছে). a. sweet-tasting, delicious; sweet, pleasing; full of honey or sweet juice. ̃ক n. liquorice. ̃কন্ঠ a. sweetvoiced. ̃কর n. the bee, the black-bee. fem. ̃করী । ̃কোষ n. a honeycomb; the testicle (of a goat, sheep etc.). ̃গন্ধ, ̃গন্ধি a. very sweet-scented or sweetsmelling. ̃চক্র n. a honeycomb, a beehive. ̃চন্দ্র, ̃চন্দ্রমা, ̃চন্দ্রিকা n. honeymoon. ̃চন্দ্র যাপন করা v. to honeymoon. ̃জ n. beeswax. ̃নিশি n. the wedding night; a vernal or spring night; a very pleasant night. ̃প n. the bee; the black-bee. ̃পর্ক n. an oblation of honey, clarified butter, milk, curd and sugar all mixed together. মধুপর্কের বাটি a small bowl or cup or container for the above mixture for oblation; (fig.) anything small, brittle or tending to flop. ̃পায়ী n. the bee; the black-bee. ̃পূর্ণ a. full of honey; full of sweet juice; very delicious; very sweet or charming. ̃বন n. a pleasant grove in Brindaban. ̃বর্ষী a. showering honey; (fig.) very sweet or pleasing. ̃ভাষী a. sweet-speaking, honey-tongued. ̃মক্ষিকা n. the bee, the black-bee. ̃ময় same as মধুপূর্ণ । ̃মালতী n. a kind of creeper, (cp.) the honeysuckle. ̃মাস n. the month of Chaitra (চৈত্র). ̃মেহ n. diabetes. ̃যামিনী n. a spring night; a very pleasant night; honeymoon. মধুযামিনী যাপন করা v. to honeymoon. ̃রস n. sweet juice; sweetness. ̃রাতি n. a spring night; a very pleasant night. ̃লিট, ̃লিহ, ̃লেহ n. the bee, the black-bee. ̃লুব্ধ, ̃লোভী, ̃লোলুপ a. avid of or fond of honey or sweet juice. ̃স্বর a. sweet-voiced. 44)
(p. 867) mukti (theol.) salvation, nirvana; freedom from earthly attachments; release; extrication, deliverance; discharge (জ্যা-মুক্তি); acquittal; loosening; recovery (রোগমুক্তি); unbolting, opening; freedom from obstruction or restrictions; unsheathing (কোষমুক্তি); delivery from or of (গর্ভমুক্তি); rescue; liberation; relief (ভয়মুক্তি); emancipation (নারীজাতির মুক্তি); end or termination (গ্রহণমুক্তি). মুক্তি দেওয়া same as মুক্ত করা (see মুক্ত) except in the last sense. মুক্তি পাওয়া v. to attain salvation; to gain freedom; to be set free, to be released or freed; to be extricated; to be discharged; to be acquitted; to be loosened, to be let loose; to be cured, to recover; to be unbolted; to be freed from obstruction or restrictions; to be unsheathed; to be delivered from or of; to be rescued; to be liberated; to become independent or free; to be emancipated. ̃দ, ̃দাতা a. & n. one who gives salvation or frees or releases or extricates or acquits or lets loose or cures or rescues or liberates or relieves or emancipates. fem. ˜দা, দাত্রী । ̃দান n. giving salvation; freeing; releasing; extrication or deliverance; acquittal; curing; rescuing; liberating; relieving; emancipating. ̃নামা, ̃পত্র n. a deed of release; a deed of reconveyance; a passport; a permit. ̃পণ n. ransom. ̃ফৌজ, ̃সেনা n. an army of liberation; the Salvation Army. ̃যুদ্ধ n. a war of liberation. ̃লাভ n. attainment of salvation; attainment of freedom; release; extrication or deliverance; acquittal; recovery; rescue; liberation, relief. ̃স্নান n. ceremonial bathing (esp. in a river) on termination of an eclipse. 42)
(p. 828) magarā proud; haughty; audacious; cunning. মগরামি n. haughtiness, audacity; cunning. 26)
(p. 882) mōkṣama unfailing; irrefutable; formidable; undeniable; terrible; fatal. 6)
(p. 879) mēṭa a ganger or gangsman; (naut.) a mate; (in India) a prisoner appointed task-master of fellow-prisoners, a mate. 15)
(p. 867) mukura a mirror, a looking-glass, a speculum. 38)
(p. 872) mucakānō to sprain or cause to sprain, to be wricked or to wrick (পা মুচকেছে) 19)
(p. 867) mirāsa land held under hereditary title; the right of hereditary occupation. মিরাস-ইজারা n. lease or settlement of land to be enjoyed hereditarily. 6)
(p. 839) mantribara (in courtesy) a great minister, (cp.) the hon'ble minister. 18)
(p. 874) munīndra a chief hermit. 15)
(p. 882) mōhana enchantment, bewitchment; infatuation, fascination. a. infatuating, fascinating (গোপীমোহন); charming (মোহন বেণু). ̃চুড়া n. an attractive or charming bun of hair put up on the crown of one's head. ̃ভোগ n. a kind of porridge made by boiling corn-flour in milk. ̃মালা n. a variety of gold necklace. ̃মূর্তি n. a fascinating figure. 42)
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