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সটীক এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

সটীক : (p. 974) saṭīka containing explanatory notes, annotated, with a commentary. 3)


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(p. 974) sadāśiba Shiva. (শিব). a. very magnanimous and ever cheerful and content. 60)
(p. 1012) sisā lead.
(p. 1012) siṭakānō to turn up or contract in abhorrence, disgust, contempt etc. (নাক সিটকানো). 18)
সেমত, সেমতি ।
(p. 1025) sēmata, sēmati . (poet.) like that. 31)
(p. 967) saṃrakṣita conserved; preserved; protected; guarded; defended; safeguarded; reserved (সংরক্ষিত আসন). 28)
(p. 989) samāsanna that has come very near; imminent; approaching; impending. 5)
(p. 999) sām̐i2 a religious instructor or associate or preceptor; God. 35)
(p. 1038) sbarga the abode of God and gods and the blessed, heaven, Swarag, Svarga; (fig.) a place full of heavenly or supreme bliss (মাতৃভূমি আমার স্বর্গ); (fig.) supreme bliss or beatitude. স্বর্গে বাতি দেওয়া to set up a pole with a light suspended from its top enkindled in reverence to one's deceased forefathers; (fig.) to continue one's line of descent by procreation. স্বর্গ হাতে পাওয়া (fig.) to attain happiness and riches of all description; (fig.) to attain supreme happiness or joy. স্বর্গে তোলা v. (fig.) to extol in blatant advertisement, to puff up, to deify or elate, to flatter with false praise. স্বর্গে যাওয়া v. to go to heaven after death; to go or ascent to heaven; (euphem.) to die. ̃গঙ্গা n. the milky way, the Galaxy; the celestial river Mandakini (মন্দাকিনী). ̃গত, ̃ত a. gone or ascended to heaven after death; (euphem.) dead. ̃গমন n. ascension to heaven; (euphem.) death. ̃দ্বার n. the gate of heaven; a Hindu holy place in Upper India. ̃ধাম n. heaven; a kind of indoor game. ̃প্রাপ্তি same as ̃লাভ । ̃বাসী a. residing in heaven. ̃ভোগ n. enjoyment of heaven or beatitude (after death). ̃লাভ n. attainment of heaven after death. স্বর্গ লাভ করা v. to attain heaven after death; (euphem.) to die. ̃লোক n. heaven, Swarga, Svarga. ̃সুখ n. heavenly bliss (esp. what is attainable after death), beatitude. ̃স্হ same as স্বর্গীয় । স্বর্গাদপি adv. even than heaven. স্বর্গাধিপতি n. the lord of heaven. স্বর্গারূঢ় same as স্বর্গত । স্বর্গীয় a. heavenly; divine, celestial; dead. স্বর্গীয় পিতা one's late or deceased father; heavenly father. 13)
(p. 1038) syān̐tasyān̐ta expressing; dampness, moisture; wetness. স্যাঁতসেঁতে a. damp, moist; wet.
(p. 1021) surūpa handsome, beautiful; good-looking. fem. সুরূপা । 7)
(p. 1018) subanta (Sans. gr.—of words) suffixed with or capable of being suffixed with case-endings. ̃প্রকরণ n. the chapter on case-endings; declension. 39)
স্বাবলম্বন, স্বাবলম্ব
(p. 1038) sbābalambana, sbābalamba self-help; self-reliance; self-support; self-sufficiency. স্বাবলম্বী a. having recourse to self-help; self-reliant; self-supporting; self-sufficient. 34)
(p. 1035) sbacchanda enjoying freedom of will or liberty of choice; free, independent; unrestrained; easy, at ease; comfortable; facile; spontaneous. n. one's own will, free will. স্বচ্ছন্দ বোধ করা v. to feel at ease, to feel comfortable. ̃গতি a. moving at ease; freely moving. n. easy or natural or free or unrestrained movement. ̃চিত্তে adv. with an easy heart; without demur, undermurringly. ̃বিহার n. free or unrestrained promenading or movement; rambling at pleasure. স্বচ্ছান্দানুবর্তী a. acting as one's heart dictates without considering outside influences, (cp.) self-poised. স্বচ্ছন্দে adv. freely; as one pleases; at pleasure; at ease, easily; facilely; undemurringly; with self-possession. 25)
(p. 963) saṅgṛhīta collected, raised (সংগৃহীত চাঁদা বা লোক); compiled (সংগৃহীত কবিতাবলি); culled (সংগৃহীত ফুল). 49)
(p. 1030) stuta praised in a song or hymn; glorified; eulogized; flattered; propitiated. স্তুতি n. a song of praise, a hymn; singing in praise; glorification; a eulogy, a eulogium, an encomium (pl. encomia); eulogy; flattery; propitiation; a propitiatory speech. স্তুতি করা v. to sing in praise of, to hymn, to glorify; to eulogize; to flatter; to propitiate. স্তুতি পাঠক n. an encomiast. স্তুতিপ্রিয় a. fond of praise or adulation. স্তুতিবাদ n. an encomium, a eulogium, a eulogy; a laudatory speech. 25)
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