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সন্দিহান এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

সন্দিহান : (p. 978) sandihāna seized with suspicion or doubt, suspicious, doubtful. 18)


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(p. 978) santarpaṇē very cautiously or carefully; with circumspection. 6)
সিঝা, সিজা
(p. 1012) sijhā, sijā to be boiled in water. সিঝানো, সিজানো v. to boil in water. a. boiled in water. 15)
সকাল সকাল
(p. 967) sakāla sakāla betimes, early; soon, quickly. সকালে adv. in the morning; at dawn, at daybreak; early, betimes. 72)
(p. 974) sadasya a member. fem. সদস্যা ।̃তা n. (loos.) membership. 53)
(p. 1007) sāhasa intrepidity; courage, bravery, boldness; daring; audacity. সাহস করা v. to dare, to venture; to make bold, to take or summon up courage. সাহসিক a. requiring or having courage, courageous, bold; daring; audacious. সাহসিকতা n. courage; courageousness; boldness; daring. সাহসী a. having courage, intrepid; courageous, brave, bold; daring. সাহসী হওয়া v. to be brave or courageous; to dare, to venture; to be audacious. fem. সাহসিনী । 87)
(p. 972) sañjāta born; produced, grown; sprung, evolved. 41)
(p. 990) salajja abashed, ashamed; bashful, shy, modest, coy. 123)
(p. 1038) sbāda taste; flavour, relish; good taste or flavour; gustation. ̃গ্রহণ, ̃ন n. act of tasting, gustation. ̃গ্রাহী a. tasting. ̃হীন a. tasteless, insipid, flavourless; flat. 28)
(p. 1016) suṭhāma well-shaped, shapely; having a well-shaped body; having an artistic pose or style; beautiful. 22)
(p. 980) sabhā an assembly, a council; a committee; an association, a society, a club, a community (ব্রাহ্মণসভা); a conference, a meeting, an assemblage; an audiencechamber, a durbar (রাজসভা); a court (বিচারসভা). সভা করা v. to hold a meeting; to hold a court or durbar; to sit in a court or durbar. সভা চলছে v. the meeting is in progress, the meeting is under way. সভা ডাকা v. to convene a meeting. সভা বসছে v. the meeting has commenced; the court has sat. সভা ভাঙল v. the meeting breaks up or ends; the court rises. বনিকসভা n. a chamber of commerce. রাজ্যসভা n. a legislative assembly; the Upper House of the Indian Parliament. লোকসভা n. a parliament; the Indian Parliament (the House of the People or the Lower House or Chamber). ̃কক্ষ n. an assembly hall; a council-room; a meeting room; a committee-room. ̃কবি n. a court poet. ̃গৃহ same as সভাকক্ষ and সভাভবন । ̃জন n. a member of an assembly, council, court, association etc. or of the audience of a meeting; a courtier. ̃তল n. the venue or place of a meeting; the floor of an assembly house or hall (esp. of a legislative assembly). ̃নেত্রী n. fem. a woman president or chairperson of a meeting, assembly, association etc. ̃পন্ডিত n. a Brahman scholar retained in a court, a court-pundit; a courtscholar. ̃পতি n. a president or chairman of a meeting, association etc.; the chairman of a legislative council; the speaker of a legislative assembly. ̃পতিত্ব n. presidentship, presidency; chairmanship; speakership. ̃পতিত্ব করা v. to preside (over). ̃ভঙ্গ n. the breakup or dissolution of a meeting; the rising of a court. n. ̃ভবন an assembly house, a council house; an association hall, a society house; a court house. ̃রম্ভ n. commencement of a meeting. ̃সদ n. a member of an assembly, council, committee, conference etc; a courtier; (law) an assessor. ̃সমিতি n. meetings and associations (collectively). ̃সীন a. sitting or seated at a meeting or in a court. ̃স্হল same as ̃তল । 74)
(p. 990) sammēlaka done or sung in chorus; sung in a group. n. a chorus. ̃গান n. a chorus, a song sung in chorus. 66)
(p. 980) saphara a travel; a journey; a tour. সফর করা v. to travel; to journey; to tour. সফরে বের হওয়া v. to go on a tour. ̃সূচি n. tour programme. 36)
(p. 980) sapatna an enemy; a rival. 16)
(p. 1020) suramya very pleasant or beautiful or magnificent (সুরম্য স্হান বা প্রসাদ). 29)
(p. 1012) siddhānta decision; conclusion; deduction; resolution; a Hindu astronomical treatise. সিদ্ধান্ত করা v. to decide; to conclude; to deduce; to resolve. সিদ্ধান্তে উপনীত হওয়া v. to come to a conclusion. 23)
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