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সিন্ধু এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

সিন্ধু : (p. 1012) sindhu an ocean, a sea; the Indus (also সিন্ধুনদ); a province of Pakistan (usu সিন্ধুপ্রদেশ); an Indian musical mode. ̃ঘোটক n. the walrus. 34)


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(p. 1025) sēja1 a bed. 13)
সেঁকো, সেঁকোবিষ
(p. 1024) sēn̐kō, sēn̐kōbiṣa arsenic. 15)
(p. 1004) sānu a level area on the top of a mountain, a tableland, a plateau. 21)
(p. 1032) snāẏabika nerval; nervous. স্নায়বিক দৌর্বল্য nervous debility, neurasthenia. 20)
(p. 980) sabhā an assembly, a council; a committee; an association, a society, a club, a community (ব্রাহ্মণসভা); a conference, a meeting, an assemblage; an audiencechamber, a durbar (রাজসভা); a court (বিচারসভা). সভা করা v. to hold a meeting; to hold a court or durbar; to sit in a court or durbar. সভা চলছে v. the meeting is in progress, the meeting is under way. সভা ডাকা v. to convene a meeting. সভা বসছে v. the meeting has commenced; the court has sat. সভা ভাঙল v. the meeting breaks up or ends; the court rises. বনিকসভা n. a chamber of commerce. রাজ্যসভা n. a legislative assembly; the Upper House of the Indian Parliament. লোকসভা n. a parliament; the Indian Parliament (the House of the People or the Lower House or Chamber). ̃কক্ষ n. an assembly hall; a council-room; a meeting room; a committee-room. ̃কবি n. a court poet. ̃গৃহ same as সভাকক্ষ and সভাভবন । ̃জন n. a member of an assembly, council, court, association etc. or of the audience of a meeting; a courtier. ̃তল n. the venue or place of a meeting; the floor of an assembly house or hall (esp. of a legislative assembly). ̃নেত্রী n. fem. a woman president or chairperson of a meeting, assembly, association etc. ̃পন্ডিত n. a Brahman scholar retained in a court, a court-pundit; a courtscholar. ̃পতি n. a president or chairman of a meeting, association etc.; the chairman of a legislative council; the speaker of a legislative assembly. ̃পতিত্ব n. presidentship, presidency; chairmanship; speakership. ̃পতিত্ব করা v. to preside (over). ̃ভঙ্গ n. the breakup or dissolution of a meeting; the rising of a court. n. ̃ভবন an assembly house, a council house; an association hall, a society house; a court house. ̃রম্ভ n. commencement of a meeting. ̃সদ n. a member of an assembly, council, committee, conference etc; a courtier; (law) an assessor. ̃সমিতি n. meetings and associations (collectively). ̃সীন a. sitting or seated at a meeting or in a court. ̃স্হল same as ̃তল । 74)
(p. 1012) sipāhasalāra the commander-in chief. 35)
(p. 1038) sbārtha one's own interests, pleasure, welfare, etc.; self-interest. ̃চিন্তা n. thoughts to devise means of realizing one's own interests, selfish thoughts, self-seeking. ̃ত্যাগ n. self-sacrifice, self-denial. স্বার্থত্যাগ করা v. to sacrifice one's own interests. ̃ত্যাগী a. self-sacrificing. ̃পর, ̃পরায়ণ a. selfish. ̃পরতা, ̃পরায়ণতা n. selfishness. ̃বুদ্ধি n. a selfish motive or thought. ̃বুদ্ধিপ্রণোদিত a. actuated or prompted by a selfish motive or thought. ̃মগ্ন engulfed in thoughts of self-interest; absorbed in one's own affairs or interests. ̃ময় a. full of selfishness. ̃শূন্য ̃হীন a. unselfish; selfless; disinterested. ̃সাধন, ̃সিদ্ধি n. realization of one's own interests. স্বার্থান্ধ a. blinded with selfishness or self-interest, blindly or unscrupulously self-seeking. স্বার্থান্বেষণ n. self-seeking. স্বার্থান্বেষী a. self-seeking. স্বার্থান্বেষী ব্যক্তি a self-seeker. স্বার্থোন্মত্ত a. madly self-seeking. 38)
সূরি, সূরী
(p. 1024) sūri, sūrī a poet; a learned man, a scholar; a wise man. 6)
(p. 1004) sāntara having space at intervals, sparse; rare; porous. 28)
(p. 1024) sūdana (use as a sfx.) killing or slaying (মধুসূদন). 3)
(p. 999) sām̐i2 a religious instructor or associate or preceptor; God. 35)
(p. 1027) saurabha a sweet smell or odour, fragrance, aroma. 48)
(p. 1012) sisa lead; a stick of blacklead within a pencil. 40)
(p. 1020) sumadhura very sweet or delicious; very melodious or dulcet; very pleasant. 4)
(p. 974) satina another wife of one's husband, a co-wife. ̃কন্যা, ̃পুত্র same as ̃ঝি and ̃পো respectively. সতিন-কাঁটা n. a son or daughter of one's co-wife, who is regarded as one's thorn in the flesh. ̃ঝি n. a daughter of one's cowife, a step-daughter. ̃পো n. a son of one's co-wife, a step-son. 24)
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