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সুবিমল এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

সুবিমল : (p. 1018) subimala wholly free from dirt or impurity; pure or faultless, immaculate; very clear. 56)


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(p. 1035) sphōṭana act of causing to bloom; unfolding or revealing or expressing; splitting or cleaving or rending or boring or piercing. স্ফোটনোন্মুখ about to bloom. স্ফোটনী n. any tool for boring or piercing with, a gimlet, an auger, an awl, a needle. 11)
(p. 1030) staba singing in praise, hymnody; a song of praise, a hymn; glorification; eulogy; a eulogium, a eulogy. স্তব করা v. to sing in praise of, to hymn; to glorify; to eulogize. 14)
(p. 1016) sujalā full of profuse or delicious water; well-innundated by rivers full of profuse or delicious water. 18)
(p. 1027) sainika a soldier; a fighter; an armed guard, a sentinel. ̃জীবন n. the life of a soldier; army life, military life. ̃বৃত্তি n. the profession of a soldier, military profession, soldiership. সৈনিকবৃত্তি অবলম্বন করা v. to become a soldier. সৈনিকোচিত a. soldier-like, soldierly, befitting a soldier. 7)
সংযুক্ত, সংযুত
(p. 967) saṃyukta, saṃyuta joined, linked; attached; admixed; united; amalgamated; federated, federal; connected; joint. সংযুক্তি, সংযুতি same as সংযোজন । 21)
(p. 974) saṭāna lying straight ahead, horizontal, straight (সটান রাস্তা); lying at length (সটান হওয়া); perfectly erect adv. in a straight manner, straight ahead; lengthwise. flat; erectly; forthwith, straightway (সটান পাড়ি দেওয়া) 2)
(p. 999) sahā to bear; to suffer; to endure; to sustain; to be inured (to) (শীতগ্রীষ্ম সহা); to be acclimatized (আবহাওয়া সহা); to tolerate, to stand (অন্যায় সহা); to brook (অপমান সহা). 9)
(p. 1004) sādhanīẏa that for the accomplishment or attainment of which arduous endeavour should be made; to be performed or attained; worshipful, adorable. 4)
(p. 980) samatīta quite past or gone by. 94)
(p. 1038) sbabhāba nature; a characteristic (innate or acquired); a natural quality, a property; character; instinct, disposition; conduct, behaviour; habit, practice; nature; original or normal or natural state. স্বভাব যায় না মলে one's nature does not change even at one's death. ̃কবি n. a poet by nature; a born poet, a poet of nature, a nature-poet. ̃কুলীন n. a member of a kulin (কুলীন) family whose familial characteristics have not been tarnished by undesirable matrimonial alliance or otherwise. ̃কৃপণ a. miserly or niggardly by nature. ̃গত same as স্বাভাবিক । ̃গুণ n. a natural or innate or habitual or characteristic or normal quality or function. ̃চরিত্র n. innate and acquired nature; character and conduct or practice. ̃জ a. originating from nature; natural; instinctive; habitual; abiogenetic; spontaneous. ̃জাত a. same as স্বভাবজ । ̃ত adv. naturally; by nature. ̃দুর্বৃত্ত n. a habitual offender; a born criminal. ̃বিরুদ্ধ a. unnatural; abnormal; contrary or opposed to one's nature. ̃বর্ণনা n. description of nature or phenomenal world. ̃শোভা n. a beautiful show of nature, natural beauty. ̃সিদ্ধ, ̃সংগত, ̃সুলভ a. natural; habitual. ̃সুন্দর a. beautiful by nature. স্বভাবী a. normal. স্বভাবোক্তি n. (rhet.) detailed poetical description of an object of nature; faithful transcript of life and nature. 2)
(p. 1018) suparijñagata well-known; widely known. 13)
(p. 1038) smara Madana the Hindu god of love (cp. Cupid, Eros). a. remembering (জাতিস্মর). 49)
স্যাঙাত, স্যাঙ্গাত
(p. 1043) syāṅāta, syāṅgāta (usu. dero. or joc.) a bosom friend or companion; an accomplice. 3)
(p. 1020) surata1 sexual intercourse. সুরতি same as সুরত । 23)
(p. 963) saṅgara parole. 46)
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