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সেঁওতি, সেঁউতি২ এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

সেঁওতি, সেঁউতি২ : (p. 1024) sēm̐ōti, sēm̐uti2 a kind of indigenous white rose. 14)


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(p. 985) samasta all, every; whole, entire; (gr.—of words) compounded. ̃পদ n. (gr.) a compound word. 35)
সুখানুভব, সুখানুভুতি
(p. 1015) sukhānubhaba, sukhānubhuti feeling of comfort or happiness. সুখানুভব করা v. to feel comfortable or happy. 8)
(p. 987) samābaraṇa occultation. 23)
(p. 999) sājā1 punishment. সাজা দেওয়া v. to punish; to award a punishment. সাজা পাওয়া v. to be punished. 68)
(p. 978) sandēśa news, information; a message, a report; order, command; a delicious sweetmeat made of posset. ̃ওয়ালা n. a manufacturer or seller of the aforesaid sweetmeat. ̃বহ n. a messenger, (cp.) a courier. 21)
(p. 1021) sulalita delicately soft or flexible; very pleasant or sweet or melodious or dulcet or musical. 17)
(p. 1020) sura1 voice; (mus.) tone, note, pitch, a strain, key. সুর করা v. to tune (as a musical instrument); to tune up; to set to music (গানে সুর করা); (often dero.) to modulate voice as in singing (সুর করে পড়া). সুর দেওয়া v. to set to music. সুর বদলানো v. to change the tune of (a musical instrument); to pass to another tune or pitch in singing; (fig.) to change one's tune, to sing to another tune; (fig.) to retract one's word. সুর বাঁধা v. to tune up; to adjust the strings etc. (of a musical instrument) to the right pitch. সুর ভাঁজা v. to hum a note or strain or tune. ̃জ্ঞান, ̃বোধ n. ability to appreciate musical pitch. ̃বোধহীন a. tonedeaf. ̃বাহার n. a stringed musical instrument akin to the vina (বীণা). ̃শিল্পী n. versed in the art of music; an artiste. ̃স্রষ্টা n. a composer. 18)
(p. 999) sāṃsārika domestic, familial; earthly, mundane, secular. সাংসারিক জ্ঞান worldly wisdom. 33)
সৌগন্ধ, সৌগন্ধ্য
(p. 1027) saugandha, saugandhya a sweet smell, fragrance, aroma, perfume. সৌগন্ধিক n. a maker or seller of perfumes, a perfumer. 36)
(p. 989) samuccaẏa a collection, a multitude. পদসমুচ্চয় n. all words collectively (as of a sentence); joining of words or sentences (as with a copulative). 26)
(p. 1007) sāmagrī (ori.) things collectively; (pop.) a thing, an article. 8)
(p. 1015) sukhōdaẏa the dawn or dawning of happiness of affluence. 17)
(p. 1038) sbasti be well, be in weal, (cp.) vale. n. a benedictory incantation; weal, good; contentment; (pop.) freedom from worry or anxiety, peace, relief (স্বস্তির নিশ্বাস) = a sigh of relief) সুখের চেয়ে স্বস্তি ভালো (fig.) peaceful poverty is better than worried affluence. স্বস্তিক n. a fylfot, a filfot,. a swastika; a holy sign of fylfot painted with rice-paste etc.; the Buddhist cross; a posture of sitting in yogic practice (usu. স্বস্তিকাসন); a mansion with a portico or balcony in the front; a place where two roads intersect, a cross road. ̃পাঠ, ̃বাচন n. recital or utterance of the benedictory incantation. ̃বচন n. benedictory words or incantation. ̃হীন a. peaceless, restless; having no respite, without respite, unrelieved. 18)
(p. 1016) sutāra having a delicious taste. n. a delicious taste. 34)
(p. 974) satina another wife of one's husband, a co-wife. ̃কন্যা, ̃পুত্র same as ̃ঝি and ̃পো respectively. সতিন-কাঁটা n. a son or daughter of one's co-wife, who is regarded as one's thorn in the flesh. ̃ঝি n. a daughter of one's cowife, a step-daughter. ̃পো n. a son of one's co-wife, a step-son. 24)
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