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স্বকীয় এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

স্বকীয় : (p. 1035) sbakīẏa own; of one's own; personal; original (স্বকীয় ফন্দি); (math.) intrinsic. ̃তা n. originality. 17)


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(p. 963) saṅkara a half-breed, a half-caste; a mongrel; a hybrid; a mixture of heterogeneous things. a. half-bred; mongrel; crossbred, hybrid. সংকরীকরণ n. hybridization. 14)
সৃজিত, সৃষ্ট
(p. 1024) sṛjita, sṛṣṭa created; made, produced, formed; designed; instituted. সৃষ্টি n. creation; making; production; designing; instituting; institution; a creation, a production; something made or instituted; the universe. সৃষ্টি করা same as সৃজন করা । সৃষ্টিকর্তা n. creator, maker; God. সৃষ্টিকার্য n. the work of creation, creation; the creation of the universe. সৃষ্টিকৌশল, সৃষ্টিচাতুর্য n. the art or the wonderful art of creation; the manner or method of creation. সৃষ্টিক্ষমতা n. the creative power or faculty. সৃষ্টিছাড়া a. not available anywhere in God's creation; unusual; bizarre, odd, outlandish, grotesque; eccentric; vagarish. সৃষ্টিতত্ত্ব n. cosmogony; cosmology. সৃষ্টিনাশ করা v. to destroy or dissolve the universe; to undo everything. সৃষ্টিনাশা a. (rare) causing universal dissolution; (pop.) undoing everything. সৃষ্টিনৈপুণ্য n. skill or deftness in creation or making. সৃষ্টিবাদ n. the doctrine of creation; cosmogony. সৃষ্টিবৈচিত্র্য n. (wonderful) diversity of the creation. সৃষ্টিরক্ষা করা v. to protect or preserve (and maintain) the world created by God. সৃষ্টিলোপ করা same as সৃষ্টিনাশ করা । সৃষ্টিস্হিতিলয় n. creation, preservation and dissolution (esp. of the universe). 10)
(p. 987) samāgama coming, arrival, assemblage; a gathering. জনসমাগম n. a concourse of people, a gathering; a crowd. 2)
(p. 972) sañcālana moving; waving; circulation. সঞ্চালন করা v. to move, to set in motion; to wave; to circulate. 37)
(p. 1030) stambha a pillar, a post; a perpendicular section of a page or of a table, a column; stupor; motionlessness; stiffness; stagnancy; stagnation; stopping. স্তম্ভক n. a cylinder. স্তম্ভন n. stupefaction; act of causing to fall in a stupor; act of making motionless or stagnant; stiffening; stopping; act of making immobile or powerless by means of occult incantation etc. স্ভম্ভাকার a. shaped like a pillar; columnal; cylindrical. 20)
(p. 999) sān̐kō a bridge; a culvert. 38)
(p. 967) sakanṭaka having thorns, thorny. 65)
(p. 1007) sāma the Sama Veda; any hymn or psalm of the Sama Veda. ̃গান n. a hymn of the Sama Veda. 6)
(p. 1035) sbajana one's own man; a kinsman (fem. a kinswoman), a relative; a relation; a member of one's own family or party; a friend; kith and kin. স্বজনী fem. of স্বজন in all senses, and—a confidante. ̃ত্যাগ n. disownment or desertion of one's own people. n. & a. one who has disowned or deserted one's own people. ˜ত্যাগী n. & a. one who has deserted or disowned one's own people. ˜পোষণ n. unduly favouring one's own people, nepotism. 27)
(p. 974) sadguṇa a good or noble quality; a virtue. 38)
(p. 1017) suniẏantrita well-controlled; well-governed; well-managed; well-regulated or well-restrained. 19)
(p. 1018) suparicālita well-directed, well-managed. 12)
সপুস্পক উদ্ভিদ
(p. 980) sapuspaka udbhida phanerogam. 30)
(p. 1007) sālōẏāra a pyjama-like garment usu. worn by women. 79)
(p. 980) samakṣētra-abhikṣēpa an equal area projection. 82)
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