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হাঘর এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

হাঘর : (p. 1050) hāghara (rare) a homeless person; (pop.) a low family. হাঘরে a. born of a low or indigent family. 39)


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(p. 1060) hēdē (obs.) used in addressing, O. 61)
(p. 1047) hari Narayana (নারায়ণ), Vishnu (বিষ্ণু), Krishna (কৃষ্ণ). a. yellow or auburn. হরি ঘোষের গোয়াল (lit.) the cowhouse of Hari Ghosh; (fig. & facet.) a place where noise and confusion reign; a pandemonium. হরির লুট scattering of বাতাসা, that is, sweet drops, in honour of Lord Hari for the congregation of devotees to pick up. হরি হরি O Hari! O Hari! (uttered to express amazement, disgust etc.) ̃গুণগান n. act of singing the glory of Lord Hari. ̃চন্দন see চন্দন । ̃জন n. (lit.) Lord Hari's people or flock; (pop.) the depressed classes amongst Hindus or a member of these classes. ̃তাল n. yellow orpiment. ̃তাল-ভস্ম n. the calx of yellow orpiment. ধ্বনি n. a loud shouting of the name of Lord Hari. ̃নাম করা v. to utter (repeatedly) the name of Lord Hari in devotion. ̃নামের ঝোলা বা ঝুলি a bag to hold the rosary of beads which keep count of the number of times the name of Lord Hari is repeated by a devotee. ̃নামের মালা rosary of beads which keep count of the number of times the name of Lord Hari is uttered by a devotee. ̃প্রেম n. attachment or devotion to Lord Hari. ̃বাসর n. any eleventh lunar day of a fortnight which is a day of fast; (facet.) fasting. ̃বাসর করা v. (facet.) to go without food. to fast. ̃বোল n & int. a loud shouting of this word meaning 'shout the name of Lord Hari'. ˜ভক্ত a. devoted to or worshipping Lord Hari. n. a devotee of Lord Hari; a Vaishnava. ̃ভক্তি n. devotion to Lord Hari. ̃ভক্তি উবে যাওয়া v. (idiom.) to have one's high esteem or confidence lost. ̃মটর n. fast, fasting; going without food. ̃মটর করা v. (facet.) to dine with Duke Humphrey or with Democritus, to enjoy Barmecide's feast, to tighten one's belt, to go without food. ̃সংকীর্তন n. singing in chorus in praise of Lord Hari; a song thus sung. ̃সভা n. an assembly to discuss the glory of Lord Hari. ̃হর n. Lord Hari and Lord Hara or Shiva (শিব). ̃হরাত্মা a. (usu. of two friends) inseparably united (like Lord Hari and Lord Hara in one body), (having) one soul and one mind, bosom. 19)
(p. 1050) hāmāma a bathing establishment, a Turkish bath, a hammam. 89)
(p. 1050) hāma1 measles. 82)
(p. 1056) hiṃsita killed, slain; harmed; maliced; (loos.) envied. 26)
(p. 1050) hāpityēśa very greedy or eager expectation or longing; (erron.) regret or repentance. হাপিত্যেশ করা v. to long for or expect very greedily or eagerly; to regret or repent. 70)
(p. 1056) hillōla a wave; a swing; a wavy or swinging motion. 54)
(p. 1050) hātā2 a ladle; a sleeve (of a coat, shirt etc.). হাত দিয়ে তোলা v. to ladle out. ফুলহাতা a. having sleeves up to wrists. হাফহাতা a. having sleeves up to elbows only. 56)
হস্, হস্চিহ্ন
(p. 1049) has, hascihna (gr.) the sublinear sign of the consonant sound; ',' this sign. 5)
(p. 1060) haima1 relating to the cold season or winter; cold; wintry. 83)
(p. 1046) hatē from, since; of. same as থেকে । 3)
(p. 1049) hasta the hand; the forearm; the arm; the corresponding limb of beasts; a cubit. (দুই হস্তপরিমিত). কণ্ডূয়ন n. (lit. but rare) the itching of the hand; (pop. & fig.) a strong desire to do something by the hand esp. to beat or write. ˜কৌশল n. artful use of the hand; (loos.) palming; sleight-of-hand. ̃ক্ষেপ করা, ̃ক্ষেপণ করা v. to set one's hand to; to intervene, to interfere. ̃গত a. in one's possession, in hand, on hand; obtained; appropriated; received; seized. ̃গত করা v. to secure possession of, to get hold of; to get in hand or on hand; to appropriate; to seize. ̃চালনা করা v. to move one's hand; (facet.) to beat, to flog. ̃চালিত a. driven or run by the hand, hand-driven. ̃চ্যুত a. passed or slipped out of one's hand. ̃চ্যুত হওয়া v. to pass out of one's hand or possession or control; to slip out of one's hand. ̃তল n. the palm of one's hand. ̃দ্বয় n. the two hands, both hands. ̃ধারণ করা v. to hold one's hand. ̃প্রসারণ করা v. to stretch out or extend one's hand. ̃মৈথুন n. masturbation; self-abuse. ̃রেখা n. the line on the palm. ̃রেখা পাঠ করা v. to tell (one's) fortune from the lines on the palm. ̃রেখা বিচার করা v. to tell one's fortune by studying the lines on the palm. ̃রেখাবিদ n. a palmist. ̃লাঘব করা v. to palm. ̃লিখিত a. written by hand. ̃লিখিত পুঁথি a manuscript. ̃লিপি, ̃লেখ n. handwriting; a manuscript. ̃লিপি-বিশেষজ্ঞ same as হস্তাক্ষর-বিশেষজ্ঞ । ̃শিল্প n. handicraft; handiwork. ̃শিল্পী n. a handicraftsman (fem. a handicraftswoman), an artisan. হস্তাক্ষর n. handwriting; calligraphy. হস্তাক্ষরবিশেষজ্ঞ n. an expert in handwriting, a ch(e)irographist. হস্তাঙ্গুলি n. a finger. হস্তান্তর n. (rare) another or a different hand; (pop.) transfer to another's hand or possession or control; handing over; (law) conveyance; (rare) transfer to another hand. হস্তান্তরের দলিল a deed of conveyance. হস্তান্তর করা v. to transfer to another's hand or possession or control; to hand (something) over (to). হস্তান্তরিত a. transferred to another's hand or possession or control; handed over; (rare) transferred to another hand. হস্তামলকবত্ a. & adv. like a myrobalan placed on the palm of the hand; already in one's grasp. হস্তার্পণ করা v. to lay hands on; to set one's hand to; to interfere, to intervene. 9)
(p. 1056) hā-hutāśa profound regret or repentance. হা-হুতাশ করা v. to regret or repent deeply. 21)
(p. 1060) hōmarā-cōmarā (sarcas.) prominent and influential and well-to-do, of high status or established social position. হোমরা-চোমরা লোক a big gun. 96)
(p. 1060) hula an antenna, a sting. হুল ফোটানো, হুল বেঁধানো v. to sting. 31)
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