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হাজি এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

হাজি : (p. 1050) hāji a pious Muslim who has performed pilgrimage to Mecca and Madina, a haji. 46)


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(p. 1047) hala1 gilding. হল করা v. to gild.̃করা a. gilded, gilt. 32)
(p. 1050) hāẏana a calendar year, a year; an era. 94)
(p. 1056) hāsila performed, accomplished; fulfilled, realized. হাসিল করা v. to perform, to accomplish; to have something fulfilled; to contrive, to realize. 17)
(p. 1050) hāra2 a necklace; a wreath; a string; (math.) division; (loos.) rate or proportion. পরিবর্তহার n. the rate of exchange. হারে adv. at the rate of. শতকরা হার rate per hundred, percentage. 97)
হিড় হিড়
(p. 1056) hiḍ় hiḍ় indicating: rapid and violent dragging along or falling down; the noise of such dragging or falling. 37)
(p. 1060) hēm̐śēla a kitchen-room of a residential building, a kitchen. 55)
(p. 1060) hōrā (astrol.) an hour. ̃বিজ্ঞান n. astrology. 99)
(p. 1060) hup indicating: the whooping cry of the monkey; the noise of sudden leaping; suddenness. হুপ করে suddenly (and rashly). 24)
(p. 1056) hihi indicating: violent shivering in cold; giggling noise. হিহি করে কাঁপা v. to shiver in cold. হিহি করে হাসা v. to giggle. 57)
হনু, হনূ
(p. 1046) hanu, hanū the jaw or the jawbone, the mandible; the chin; (obs.) the Entellus; the langur. হনুমান n. the langur; a character of the Ramayana. 11)
(p. 1050) hāta the hand or the fore-arm or the arm; the corresponding limb of beasts; a cubit; (fig.) possession or control; (fig.) influence or manipulation, hand. কাঁচা হাত an inexperienced or unskilled worker, a raw or poor hand. খালি হাত an empty hand; an unornamented hand. ছোট হাতের অক্ষর a small letter (of the English alphabet). পাকা হাত a skilled or experienced worker, an old hand. বড় হাতের অক্ষর a capital letter (of the English alphabet). হাত আসা v. to develop the habit of. হাত কচলানো v. to wring one's hand (in order to express regret or to curry favour). হাত করা v. (fig.) to win (one) over or to bring under one's control or to bring into one's possession. হাত কামড়ানো v. (fig.) to squirm (lit. to bite one's hands) in disappointment or frustration. হাত গোনা v. to read one's hand or palm. হাত গোটানো v. (fig.) to take off one's hands, to cease participating in a work. হাত চলা v. to work quickly with one's hands, (fig.) to raise one's hand to strike (কথায় কথায় হাত চলে). হাত চালানো v. to quicken pace of work; to beat or belabour with one's hand, to cuff. হাত জোড় করা v. to fold one's hands; to apologize or solicit or salute with folded hands. হাত জোড়া থাকা v. to have one's hands full. হাত তোলা v. to beat with the hand, to lay hands on, to deal or strike a blow (to some one) with one's hand, to assault; to raise one's hand in order to vote for (or against) or to express one's assent, to raise one's hand (to support a person or a proposal). হাত দিয়ে হাতি ঠেলা (fig.) to accomplish a stupendous task by humble means. হাত দেওয়া v. to touch with one's hand to handle; to take in hand, to set one's hand to, to undertake; to intervene. কপালে হাত দেওয়া v. to become utterly dejected and stupefied at one's ill-luck. হাত দেখা v. to read one's hand or palm. হাত ধরাধরি করে চলা to walk hand in hand. হাত পড়া v. to be touched or handled; to be taken in hand, to be undertaken; to be interfered with. হাত পাকানো v. to get one's hands used to something by practice, to become skilled by practice. হাত পাতা v. to earnestly request or ask for (momentary) assistance or help, to beg. হাত বোলানো v. to pass one's hand lightly and often caressingly over anything. গায়ে হাত বোলানো v. (fig.) to win over or propitiate or pacify or console with adulatory words and caressing. মাথায় হাত বোলানো v. (facet.) to cheat by cajolery, to wheedle (something out of somebody), to wangle. হাত মুঠো করা v. to clench the fist. হাতে করা same as হাতে নেওয়া । হাতে কলমে শেখা v. to learn firsthand. হাতেগোনা a. only a handful, very few in number. হাতে জল না গলা (fig.) to be extremely close-fisted or miserly. হাতে ধরা v. (idiom.) to importunate or solicit very ardently. হাতে নয় ভাতে মারা v. (fig.) to subdue o weaken not by beating but by starving. হাতে নেওয়া v. to take or hold in one's hand; to take up or undertake. হাতে পাওয়া v. (fig.) to get under one's control. হাতে পাঁজি মঙ্গলবার (fig.) ready proof. হাতে বেড়ি পড়া v. (lit.) to be handcuffed; (fig.) to be arrested by the police on a criminal charge. হাতে মাথা কাটা v. (fig.) to become very haughty or to become very proud of one's power or authority. হাতের ঢিল ছুড়ে দিলে আর ফেরে না (fig.) a shot in the locker once thrown will not come back. হাতের লক্ষী পায়ে ঠেলা v. (fig.) to throw away one's fortune. ̃কড়ি, ̃কড়া n. a handcuff. হাতেকড়ি দেওয়া বা পরানো v. to handcuff. ̃করাত n. a handsaw. ̃কষা a. stingy, niggardly, closefisted. ̃কাটা a. having one's arm or arms amputated; armless; (of shirts, blouses etc.), sleeveless. ̃খরচ n. pocket money. ̃খালি a. empty-handed; wearing no ornament in one's hands; having all one's money exhausted, broke; having no work on hand. ̃খোলা a. given to spending profusely, lavish; bountiful. ̃চিঠি n. a hand-note, a note or a sum of money borrowed; a chit; a short note or letter. ̃ছাড়া a. out of possession or control, lost, out of hand. ̃ছানি n. a beckoning with the hand. ̃ছানি দেওয়া v. to beckon with the hand. ̃টান n. stinginess; frugality; pilfering habit. হাতড়ানো v. to grope; to appropriate to oneself; to misappropriate. ̃তালি n. clapping of hands. তালি দেওয়া v. to clap one's hands. ̃তোলা n. a thing obtained out of another's favour; a charitable gift. ̃ধরা a. very obedient to. হাত-পা বাঁধা a. utterly helpless; inescapably bound to. হাত-পা বেঁধে জলে ফেলা v. (fig.) to throw or fling to the jaws of death whence escape is impossible; to consign to utter misery. ̃বদল হওয়া v. to change hands. ̃বাক্স n. a small box esp. for keeping money and other small valuables, a cash box, a handbox. ̃বোমা n. a hand-grenade. ̃ভারী a. close-fisted, stingy. ̃মোজা n. gloves. ̃যশ n. reputation for efficiency (esp. of physicians, lawyers, artisans etc.). ̃ল n. a handle. ̃সই n. good marksmanship. ̃সাফাই n. skill of the hand; sleight of hand; deftness in pilfering with the hand; the state of being lightfingered. 54)
(p. 1060) hēraphēra alteration or modification esp. to a slight degree; (slight) difference; (accts.) manipulation (as in a balance sheet). হেরফের করা v. to alter or modify or differentiate (esp. slightly); (accts.) to manipulate. 72)
(p. 1044) hatādara not received with cordiality or warmth; neglected; slighted. n. lack of cordial or warm reception; neglect; slight. 30)
(p. 1056) hikamata power; might, strength; ability; efficiency. 30)
(p. 1050) hān̐ḍ়icān̐cā a bird akin to the magpie, the Indian tree-pie. 26)
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