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ক্ষণিক এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

ক্ষণিক : (p. 262) kṣaṇika lasting for a moment, momentary; lasting for a very short time, transitory. adv. for or during a moment only; for or during a very short time. n. a moment, a shortest point of time (ক্ষণিকের অতিথি). 62)


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(p. 262) kṣamī given to forgiveness or tolertance, forgiving, forbearing, tolerating, enduring; able; capable. 80)
(p. 262) kṣīrōda (myth.) a sea containing milk, The Milk Sea. ̃তনয়, ̃নন্দন n. the Moon (personified). ̃তনয়া n. fem. Goddess Lakshmi. 104)
(p. 262) kṣipta (ety.) thrown, ejected; distracted; maddened, frenzied, mad; (of animals) must, musty; frantic; furious. fem. ক্ষিপ্তা । ক্ষিপ্ত করা v. to madden; to make musty; to make frantic or furious. ক্ষিপ্ত হওয়া to go mad; to madden, to become frenzied; to become musty; to get frantic or furious. ̃তা n. mental distraction; madness, frenzy; (of animals) must; furiousness, fury. ̃বত্ adv. like one gone mad, in a fit of madness; madly; frantically; furiously. a. mad, madding; frantic; furious. 97)
ক্ষেত, ক্ষেতি
(p. 269) kṣēta, kṣēti spellings of খেত and খেতি respectively. 14)
(p. 262) kṣitīśa a king. 95)
(p. 262) kṣipra swift, quick; prompt; rapid. adv. swiftly, quickly; promptly; rapidly. ̃কারী a. ready in action, prompt. ̃কারিতা n. promptness, promptitude. ̃গতি a. swift-moving, swift, fast, nimble. n. a swift motion. ̃গামী a. swift-moving, fast-going, swift, fast, nimble. fem. ̃গামিনী । ̃তা n. swiftness, quickness, promptitude; rapidity. ̃বেগে adv. swiftly, quickly; fast; rapidly. ̃হস্ত a. swift-handed. ̃হস্তে adv. swift-handedly; quickly. 99)
(p. 262) kṣīṇa decayed (ক্ষীণ চন্দ্র); lean, thin (ক্ষীণ দেহ); slender (ক্ষীণ কটি); meagre; insufficient (ক্ষীণ আলোক); subdued (ক্ষীণ কণ্ঠ); feeble, weak (ক্ষীণ দৃষ্টি). fem. ক্ষীণা । ক্ষীণ করা v. to decay; to emaciate; to attenuate; to make slender; to lessen (আলো ক্ষীণ করা); to subdue; to enfeeble, to weaken. ক্ষীণ হওয়া v. to decay; to be emaciated; to become slender; to lessen; to become subdued; to become feeble, to weaken. ̃কণ্ঠ n. a feeble or subdued voice, a faint or low voice. a. feeble-voiced; having a subdued voice. ̃কণ্ঠে adv. in a faint or feeble voice; in an undertone. ̃কায় a. leanbodied; emaciated; thin, small (ক্ষীণকায় বই). ̃চন্দ্র n. the waning moon or the moon in wane (that is, the moon of the dark fortnight). ̃চেতা a. feeblehearted, weak-minded. ̃জীবী a. having low vitality; short-lived; frail. ̃তা, ̃ত্ব n. decayed state; leanness, thinness; emaciation; slenderness; meagreness, insufficiency; subdued state; feebleness, weakness. ̃দৃষ্টি a. weak-sighted. ̃দেহ same as ̃কায় । ̃প্রাণ same as ̃জীবী । ̃বল a. weak; weakened; weak in military strength (ক্ষীণবল রাষ্ট্র). ̃বুদ্ধি a. dull-witted. ̃মতি a. weak-minded. ̃মধ্যা a. fem. having a slender waist. masc. ̃মধ্য । ̃শক্তি same as ̃বল । ̃শ্বাস a. having one's breath failing; dying; completely deprived of vigour; enfeebled; short-lived (ক্ষীণশ্বাস প্রাণ). ̃স্বর n. & a. same as ˜কণ্ঠ । ̃স্বরে adv. same as ̃কণ্ঠে । ক্ষীণাঙ্গী a. (fem.) having a slim body. 100)
(p. 262) kṣati injury, harm; damage, detriment; depreciation; loss. ক্ষতি করা v. to injure, to harm; to damage; to depreciate; to cause a loss (to). ̃কর, ̃কারক, ̃জনক a. injurious, harmful; damaging, detrimental; depreciatory; causing a loss (to), losing. ̃গ্রস্ত a. damaged; depreciated; one who has sustained a loss; injured, harmed. ক্ষতিগ্রস্ত করা same as ক্ষতি করা । ক্ষতিগ্রস্হ হওয়া v. to sustain a loss; to be harmed or injured; to be damaged or depreciated. ̃পূরণ n. compensation; indemnity. ক্ষতিপূরণ করা v. to compensate; to indemnify. ক্ষতিপূরণ হওয়া v. to be compensated; to be indemnified. ̃বৃদ্ধি n. loss or gain. ক্ষতিবৃদ্ধি না হওয়া v. to have nothing to lose or gain. ̃সাধন n. doing damage or harm. ক্ষতিসাধন করা same as ক্ষতি করা । 67)
(p. 262) kṣattā a man born of a sudra (শুদ্র) father and Kshatriya (ক্ষত্রিয়) or Vaisya (বৈশ্য) mother; one's (esp. a king's) son born of his maid-servant. 68)
(p. 262) kṣaẏa destruction (শত্রুক্ষয়); defeat (অধর্মের ক্ষয়); waste, loss (অর্থক্ষয়); erosion (কুলক্ষয়); depreciation (মুদ্রাক্ষয়); decay, waning (চন্দ্রের ক্ষয়); consumption, phthisis, tuberculosis (ক্ষয়রোগ). ক্ষয় করা v. to destroy; to defeat, to vanquish; to waste, to lose; to erode, to eat into or away; to depreciate; to decrease. ক্ষয় পাওয়া, ক্ষয় হওয়া v. to be destroyed; to be defeated or vanquished; to be wasted or lost; to be eroded, to be eaten into or away; to be depreciated; to decay; to decrease. ̃কর, ̃কারক, ̃জনক a. destroying; defeating; causing waste or loss; erosive; depreciating; causing decay or decrease; consuming. ̃কাশ n. consumption, phthisis, tuberculosis. ̃ক্ষতি n. wear and tear. ̃জাত পর্বত n. residual mountain. ̃পক্ষ n. the fortnight of the waning moon. ̃প্রাপ্ত a. destroyed; defeated; wasted, lost; eroded, eaten into or away; depreciated; decayed; decreased; dilapidated (ক্ষয়প্রাপ্ত অট্টালিকা); consumed. ̃রোগ same as ̃কাশ । ̃রোগী n. a person suffering from phthisis, a consumptive or tubercular patient. ̃শীল same as ক্ষয়ীষ্ণু । ̃হীন a. undecaying, uneroding; that which does not erode or decay. 82)
(p. 269) kṣura a razor; a razor-blade; (of articles of furniture) a leg or foot or castor. 10)
(p. 262) kṣārīẏa alkaline. ক্ষারীয় সন্ধান alkaline fermentation. 91)
(p. 262) kṣaṇē in a moment, at one moment, at one time ('ক্ষণে হাতে দড়ি ক্ষণে চাঁদ'). ক্ষণেক্ষণে adv. frequently; repeatedly; at short intervals, every now and then; spasmodically. 63)
(p. 269) kṣētra an agricultural land, a field (ক্ষেত্রজাত ফসল); an area, a place, a field (কাজের বিস্তীর্ণ ক্ষেত্র); a venue (যুদ্ধক্ষেত্র); jurisdiction, bounds (ক্ষেত্রবহির্ভূত); a holy place (কুরুক্ষেত্র, তীর্থক্ষেত্র); (phil.) the body, a sense organ, the mind; (geom.) a figure (চতুষ্কোণ ক্ষেত্র); (geom.) surface; one's wife (ক্ষেত্রজাত সন্তান); circumstances, condition, state (এ ক্ষেত্রে তুমিই দোষী). ̃কর্ম n. cultivation, agriculture, husbandry; action according to the circumstances. ̃গণিত n. geometry. ̃জ a. grown on an agricultural field, produced by agriculture, agricultural; (of a child) born of one's wife by another man (usu. appointed by the husband). n. a son thus born. fem. n. ̃জা । ̃জীবী n. a peasant, a cultivator, a husbandman, a farmer, an agriculturist. a. one who earns one's livelihood by agriculture; depending on cultivation for one's livelihood. ̃জ্ঞ n. (phil. & theol.) the immortal soul that is inherent in every individual creature. □ a. conversant with the circumstances or condition, au fait; one who knows what should be done in the circumstances; learned; dexterous, adroit; versed in or engaged in agriculture. ̃পতি, ̃পাল n. a land-owner, a landlord. ̃ফল n. measurement of an area, area measure; measure of an area, area. ̃বর্ধক লেন্স n. a field lens. ̃মিতি n. geometry; mensuration. ̃স্বামী, ক্ষেত্রাধিকারী, ক্ষেত্রাধিপতি same as ̃পতি and ̃পাল । 15)
(p. 269) kṣauma linen-cloth, linen (also ক্ষৌমবস্ত্র); linen-thread; flax. a. made of linen or linen-thread. 25)
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