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getting দ্বারা সংসদ বাংলা ডিকশোনারির সবগুলো শব্দ

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(p. 22) adhōnamana degradation; going down; getting down. অধোনমিত a. brought down; degraded. 2)
(p. 53) abataraṇa going or coming downwards, descending, descent; alighting or climbing down or dismounting; getting out of a vehicle; disembarkment; (of birds etc.) flying down to or towards the ground; stepping down (from position etc.); relegation to a lower class, position, status etc.; degradation. অবতরণ করা v. to come or go downwards, to get down, to descend; to alight, to climb down, to dismount; to get out of any vehicle, to disembark; (of birds etc.) to fly down to or towards the ground; to step down (from a position, etc.); to be relegated to a lower class. অবতরণিকা n. (of books etc.) a preface, an introduction, a preamble, a prologue, a prelude; a flight of steps, a staircase; a ladder, an escalator. 24)
(p. 56) abarōha getting down, descent; (log.) deduction. ̃ণ n. descent. অবরোহণ করা v. to get down, to descend. ̃ণী n. a flight of steps or stairs; a ladder; an escalator. অবরোহ প্রণালী n. deductive method. অবরোহী a. (log.) deductive. ̃পত্র n. a landing permit. 4)
(p. 69) abhyutthāna getting up from sitting or recumbent position; thriving or prospering or flourishing; coming into prominence or power; rise; insurgence, a revolt. অভ্যুত্থান করা বা ঘটানো v. to get up; to thrive, to prosper, to flourish; to come into prominence or power; to rise; to rise in revolt, to revolt. 11)
(p. 106) āḍ় a central market-place; a wholesale market; a storehouse, an entrepot; a fair. ̃ঘাটা n. a place on the river-bank for getting into or alighting from a boat. ̃ছাঁটা a. (of rice etc.) imperfectly husked. আড়ং ধোলাই n. thorough washing and bleaching of clothes; (coll.) beating someone black and blue. 14)
(p. 147) uṭhana act of swelling; act of getting up or climbing or ascending or rising. 6)
(p. 150) utthāna getting up; rise; flourishing; appearing (esp. suddenly and for the first time); emergence; insurgence, a rebellion. ̃পতন n. rise and fall; flourishing and downfall; undulation; increase and decrease; (comm.-of markets) boom and slump, fluctuation. 77)
(p. 150) utthita one who has got up; risen; raised; rising; rising out (of); grown; produced; born; elevated; flourished; risen in rebellion; opposing. উত্থিত হওয়া v. to get up; to rise; to rise out (of); to grow; to be produced; to be born; to be elevated; to flourish; to rise in rebellion, to revolt; to stand in opposition, to oppose. উত্থিতি n. getting up; rising; rising out (of) or growing or being produced or being born; state of being elevated, elevation; flourish; rising in rebellion; standing in opposition. 82)
(p. 150) utpādana creation; act of begetting, generation; production; manufacture; produce; manufactured goods. উত্পাদন করা v. to create; to beget, to generate; to produce; to manufacture. ̃ক্ষম a. capable of producing or generating. উত্পাদনী a. (fem.) creative, generative, productive (উত্পাদনী শক্তি). উত্পাদনীয় same as উত্পাদ্য । 8)
(p. 157) udyama enthusiasm, earnestness; perseverance; enterprise; endeavour, effort; preparation; readiness. ̃নাশ, ̃ভঙ্গ n. failure of enterprise or effort; waste of energy. ̃শীল a. enthusiastic, earnest; persevering; enterprising; energetic; preparing oneself, in the state of getting ready. ̃শীলতা n. enthusiasm, elan; earnestness; perseverance; drive and initiative, push and thrust. ̃হানি same as উদ্যমনাশ । ̃হীন, নিরুদ্যম a. lacking in enterprise, unenterprising; unenthusiastic; lethargic; unpersevering. 32)
(p. 168) upāsaka engaged in worshipping or adoring or praying; devoted (to); engaged in religious meditation; engaged in serving or flattering a person in the hope of getting some benefit in return; admiring. n. a worshipper, an adorer; one who prays; a devotee; one who meditates; a servant, a flatterer; an admirer. 50)
উপাসন, উপাসনা
(p. 168) upāsana, upāsanā worship; adoration; prayer; devotion; religious meditation; act of serving or flattering a person in the hope of getting some benefit in return; admiration; solicitation. উপাসনা করা v. to worship; to adore; to pray; to be devoted to; to be engaged in religious meditation, to meditate. 52)
(p. 168) upāsita worshipped; adored; meditated; served in the hope of getting some benefit in return; admired; solicited. 54)
(p. 174) ūṣā dawn, daybreak; early morning. ̃কাল n. the time of the dawn. ̃কালীন a. pertaining to the dawn. ̃কালীন প্রার্থনা morning prayer. ̃কালে adv. at dawn. ̃পান n. the practice of drinking a glassful of water just after getting up from bed in the morning (this practice is considered a good remedy for stomach-ailments). ̃সমাগম n. the setting in of the day, daybreak. ̃সমাগমে adv. at break of day, at dawn. 18)
(p. 206) karitakarmā efficient and industrious; gogetting; smart. 12)
(p. 217) kāka the crow. fem. কাকী the female crow. ̃চক্ষু a. as transparent as a crow's eyes, (cp.) crystal-clear. ̃জোত্স্না n. dim or faint moonlight. ̃তন্দ্রা, ̃নিদ্রা n. wary nap or slumber. ̃তাড়ুয়া n. the scarecrow. ̃তালীয় a. (of two or more incidents) coincidental and seemingly related to one another as cause and effect; coincidental; successive but not causally connected. কাকতালীয় ন্যায় post hoc ergo propter hoc (after it, so because of it—a fallacious reasoning). ̃পক্ষ n. a lovelock. ̃পদ n. quotationmarks (' '); a caret (^). ̃পুচ্ছ n. the cuckoo. ̃ফল n. the margosa-tree, the nim. ̃বন্ধ্যা n. a woman who becomes pregnant but once. ̃ভেজা n. & v. getting or to get completely drenched (usu. in rainwater). ˜ভোর n. very early morning. ̃শীর্ষ n. a species of flowertree yielding flowers looking like ducks. ̃স্নান n. brief and careless bath. কাকের ছা বকের ছা extremely bad and illegible handwriting. 17)
(p. 262) krama one of a series, a grade, order, sequence; procedure, a method, a form; a rule, a law, a directive; a syllabus (পাঠক্রম); succession (পর্যায়ক্রমে); a step or pace; course (কালক্রমে); a dilution (esp. of a Homoeopathic medicine). ক্রমণ n. act of pacing; act of walking, ambulation; act of going. ̃নিম্ন a. sloping downwards; declining or decreasing gradually; gradually lower or inferior. ̃নিম্নতা n. downward slope, declivity; gradual decline or decrease or descent; gradual lowness or inferiority. ̃পরিবর্তন n. gradual change. ̃পর্যায় n. grade or gradation. ̃বর্ধন n. gradual increase or development. ̃বর্ধমান a. increasing or developing gradually. ̃বর্ধিত a. increased or developed gradually. ̃বিকাশ n. gradual development, evolution. ̃বৃদ্ধি same as ক্রমবর্ধন । ̃ভঙ্গ n. break of continuity or serial order; disorder, confusion, jumble. ̃মাণ a. pacing or ambulating in a leisurely manner. ̃শ adv. gradually; seriatim. ̃সূক্ষ্ণ a. getting gradually thinner or subtler; tapering. ̃হ্রাসমান a. gradually decreasing or declining or waning; on the wave. ক্রমে ক্রমে same as ক্রমশ । 9)
গাত্রোত্থান, গাত্রোত্পাটন
(p. 306) gātrōtthāna, gātrōtpāṭana getting up; rising from the bed. গাত্রোত্থান করা v. to get up; to rise from the bed. 32)
(p. 329) ghanībhabana act of getting thick, thickening; condensation; act of drawing near. 48)
(p. 341) cakṣu (for.) the eye; sight (তার চক্ষু খারাপ); a look or glance; attention (এদিকে তার চক্ষু নেই); covetous look or glance (আমার খাবারের দিকে চক্ষু দিয়ো না); a part of some plants and fruits out of which a new plant grows, a leaf bud (আনারসের চক্ষু). চক্ষু ওঠা v. to be affected with conjunctivitis or ophthalmia. চক্ষুকর্ণের বিবাদ ভ়ঞ্জন করা v. to be freed from doubt about what has been heard by visualizing or witnessing it. চক্ষু কাটানো v. to undergo ophthalmic surgery or an eye operation. চক্ষু খুলে দেওয়া v. (fig.) to open one's eyes, to make wise; (fig.) to disillusion. চক্ষু খুলে যাওয়া v. (fig.) to have one's eyes opened, to be made wise; (fig.) to be disillusioned. চক্ষু টেপা v. to wink. চক্ষু ছলছল করা v. to have tears gathering in one's eyes; to be about to shed tears; to be tearful. চক্ষু দেওয়া v. to cast an evil eye (at); to cast a greedy glance (at); to envy; to have attention or care (for), to attend (to); to keep an eye on, to be watchful about; to look (at). ̃পীড়া n. eye-disease; inflammation of the eye. চক্ষু ফোটা same as চক্ষু খুলে যাওয়া । চক্ষু ফোটানো same as চক্ষু খুলে দেওয়া । চক্ষু বোজা, চক্ষু মোদা v. to shut one's eyes. চক্ষু রাখা v. (fig.) to keep an eye on, to be watchful about, to be vigilant. চক্ষু লাগা v. to be subject to another's evil look, to be envied. চক্ষুর পলক a wink. চক্ষুর পাতা the eyelid. চক্ষুর লোম the eyelash. ̃কোটর n. the socket of the eye. ̃গোচর a. lying or coming within the range of sight, perceptible by the eye, visible. চক্ষু-চিকিত্সক n. an eye-specialist or an ophthalmologist. চক্ষু-চিকিত্সা n. treatment of the eye. ̃তারকা, ̃তারা n. the pupil of the eye. ̃দান pop. var. of চক্ষুর্দান । ̃পীড়া n. eye-disease. ̃রুন্মীলন n. act of opening the eyes; (fig.) getting or making wise; (fig.) disillusioment. চক্ষুরুন্মীলন করা v. to open one's eyes. (fig.) to make wise; (fig.) to disillusion. চক্ষুরুন্মীলন হওয়া v. to have one's eyes opened; (fig.) to become wise; (fig.) to be disillusioned. ̃রোগ n. eye-disease. ̃র্দান n. act of investing with sight; donation of one's eye (usu. to an eye-bank for the benefit of a sightless person); the ceremony of investing an idol with sight; the act of investing an ignorant person with wisdom; (sarcas.) stealing, filching. চক্ষুর্দান করা v. (sarcas.) to have an eye or cast a glance with a view to stealing, to steal; to filch. ̃লজ্জা n. a feeling of delicacy in doing openly something undesirable or unseemly. ̃শূল n. an eyesore. ̃শ্রবা n. a snake (from the belief that it perceives sounds etc. with its eyes). ̃ষ্মত্তা n. possession of sight; possession of insight; power of perceiving truth. ̃ষ্মান a. possessing sight; possessing insight; capable of perceiving truth. fem. ̃ষ্মতী ।̃স্হির a. state of being dazed or bewildered or astounded. চক্ষুস্হির হওয়া v. to be dazed or bewildered or astounded. লোকচক্ষে in the eyes of the public. 23)
(p. 351) calā to go, to move, to walk (লোক চলা); to run, to ply (ট্রামবাস চলা); to depart; to set for (দেশে চলা); to proceed (তুমি চলো, আমিও যাচ্ছি); to get on, to run (কারবার চলা); to pass away, to elapse (সময় চলে যাওয়া); to be maintained (সংসার চলা); to suffice, to cover as expenses, to defray (খরচ চলা); to be getting on (জীবন চলা); to work, to operate (ঘড়ি চলা, মেশিন চলা); to begin to work or operate; to circulate (রক্ত চলা); to pass current, to be introduced (ফ্যাশন চলা); to be accepted (সমাজে চলা ); to behave or act (খুশিমতো চলা); to be permitted or allowed (ফাঁকি চলবে না ); to continue (সারারাত গান চলল); to begin, to start (এবার গল্প চলবে); to extend (দৃষ্টি চলা); to be used (হাত চলা); to be fired or shot (বন্দুক চলা). চলে আসা v. to come; to come away from; to come quickly. চলা যাওয়া v. to go away. কথামতো চলা v. to act or behave in obedience to; to obey. ̃চল n. passage, travelling (চলাচলের পথ); movement, traffic (লোক-চলাচল); circulation (রক্তচলাচল, বায়ু চলাচল). চলাচল করা v. to travel; to move; to circulate. ̃নো v. to cause to walk or move; to cause to pass current; to cause to be accepted. ̃ফেরা n. act of walking or moving (চলাফেরার ক্ষমতা); movement; gait; behaviour, deportment. শন-শন শব্দে চলা to whiz past. 16)
(p. 355) cāpā to press; to compress; to suppress, to conceal, to hide (কথা চাপা); to restrain, to check (উন্নতি চাপা); to extend, to cover ('পঞ্চগৌড় চাপিয়া গৌড়েশ্বর রাজা,' 'কুরুকুল চাপি'); to ride or mount (ঘোড়ায় চাপা); to board or get into (গাড়িতে চাপা); to come upon as a load or weight, to burden (ঘাড়ে চাপা) n. act of pressing; compression; suppression, concealment; act of restraining; act of extending or covering; act of riding or mounting; act of boarding or getting into; a cover or lid (ঘটের চাপা, গর্তের চাপা); a weight (কাগজ-চাপা). a. pressing or compressing (বুক-চাপা ব্যথা); subdued, low, not clearly audible (চাপা গলা, চাপা সুর); not prominent, dull (চাপা রং); covered (কাঁটাঝোপে চাপা); restrained, obstructed, frustrated (চাপা বরাত); sunk or depressed to a lower level (পৃথিবী উত্তর-দক্ষিণে কিঞ্চিত্ চাপা); secretly circulated, private (চাপা গুজব); secret, concealed, suppressed (চাপা দুঃখ); uncommunicative, reserved (চাপা লোক). ̃কান্না n. mute or suppressed weeping, inarticulate crying. চাপা গলায় in an undertone. ̃চাপি, (coll.) ̃চুপি n. continuous pressing or thrusting or stuffing; mutual pressing; continuous solicitation; suppression, concealment; an attempt to suppress or conceal. চাপাচাপি করা v. to press or thrust or stuff continuously; to press mutually; to solicit or pester continuously; to suppress, to conceal; to endeavour to suppress or conceal. চাপা দেওয়া v. to cover; to suppress, to conceal, to hush up;; (as by a vehicle) to run over. চাপা পড়া v. to be covered; to be suppressed, to be concealed or hushed up; to be run over (by a train, a vehicle etc.) চাপা স্বরে in an undertone. চেপে ধরা v. to hold tight or pressed; to press. চেপে বসা v. to sit upon one's buttock; to sit tight; to sit firmly; to settle firmly; to be fixed tightly or firmly. চেপে যাওয়া v. to avoid disclosing; to desist from mentioning. চেপে রাখা v. to keep pressed; to keep restrained; to keep concealed or undisclosed. (ঘাড়ে) শয়তান চাপা to be possessed by a devil. 16)
(p. 388) janana the act of begetting, progenition, procreation; birth; origination; production; reproduction. ̃কোষ n. a reproductive cell, a gamete, a germ-cell. ̃কোষাধার n. gametangium. ̃যন্ত্র n. the reproductive organ. ̃শক্তি n. generative or procreative power. ̃শক্তিহীন a. sterile, barren; impotent; unproductive. 7)
(p. 407) jōgāḍ় procurement; obtaining, securing; collection; preparation, arrangement. জোগাড় করা v. to procure; to secure; to collect to make preparations for, to arrange for. জোগাড় করে দেওয়া v. to procure for another, to find for. ̃যন্ত্র n. preparations including procurement of necessary things; securing or procurement esp. by manipulation of resources (চাকরির জোগাড়যন্ত্র), preparations and arrangements. জোগাড়িয়া, (pop.) জোগাড়ে a. & n. one adept in procurement or in getting things; one adept in or employed in making preparations and arrangements; one acting as an assistant; a hodman or hodcarrier. 14)
(p. 449) taraṇa act of going over, act of crossing; rescue, act of getting over; any means of crossing (e.g. a boat). 34)
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