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দেওয়া দ্বারা সংসদ বাংলা ডিকশোনারির সবগুলো শব্দ

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̃দাওয়াই, দাওয়া৩
(p. 485) ̃dāōẏāi, dāōẏā3 medicine; remedy. ̃খানা n. a drug-store; a dispensary; a chemist's shop, a pharmacy. দাওয়াই দেওয়া v. to give or administer a medicine; (fig.) to take action for correction or to remedy a wrong. 105)
(p. 9) añjali palms of hands folded or cupped together; a present given (esp. to deities) with cupped palms; act of worshipping or serving ('দেবগণ যারে করেন অঞ্জলি'); the amount that may be held in cupped palms, a handful. অঞ্জলি দেওয়া v. to offer a present to a deity with folded palms. ̃পুট n. palms of hands cupped together. ̃বদ্ধ a. having palms of hands folded or cupped togehter. ̃বন্ধ n. act of folding or cupping the palms of hands. 120)
(p. 34) anuprāṇana invigorating or inspiring. অনুপ্রাণনা n. invigoration; a stimulus, a fillip, an incentive; an inspiration. অনুপ্রাণনা দেওয়া v. to invigorate, to stimulate; to inspire. 3)
(p. 34) anumati premission, leave; approval, sanction; acquiescence, consent; order, command, commission; authorization. অনুমতি দেওয়া v. to permit, to grant leave to; to approve, to sanction, to grant; to acquiesce, to consent, to order, to commission; to authorize. অনুমতি নেওয়া v. to take permission, to take leave. ̃পত্র n. a letter of authority, a permit, permissive note, a pass; letters-patent. ̃সূচক a. permissive; indicative of approval or consent. অনুমত্যনুসারে adv. according to or by order. 29)
(p. 41) apabāda ill-repute, bad name; defamation; slander, calumny. অপবাদ দেওয়া v. to blame, to give a bad name, to defame; to slander, to calumniate. 85)
(p. 63) abyāhati escape; exemption; release; acquittal, absolution; relief. অব্যাহতি দেওয়া v. to exempt; to release; to acquit; to relieve. অব্যাহতি পাওয়া v. to escape; to be exempted; to be released or acquitted or relieved. 20)
(p. 63) abhimata desire; choice; intention; opinion. a. approved; nominated, chosen; intended. অভিমত দেওয়া v. to pronounce or pass an opinion, to desire or choose. 101)
(p. 63) abhiśāpa a curse, malediction, imprecation. অভিশাপ দেওয়া v. to curse, to imprecate. 127)
(p. 63) abhisampāta a curse, imprecation, malediction. অভিসম্পাত দেওয়া v. to curse, to imprecate. 137)
(p. 63) abhaẏa fearlessness; courage; assurance that no harm shall be done. a. fearless, dauntless; courageous; that which removes fear. অভয় দেওয়া v. to assure that no harm shall come. ̃বাক্য, ̃বাণী n. assurance or pledge of safety or security. অভয়া n. fem. an appellation of Goddess Durga (দুর্গা). 35)
(p. 77) ardha any of two unequal parts (অসম অর্ধ); a half, a moiety. a. half; divided into two parts (অর্ধ বঙ্গ); incomplete, partial (অর্ধাশন). adv. half; incompletely, partially, in part. ̃কথিত a. told in part, half-told. ̃কৃত a. halved; divided into two parts; half-done, partially done, inompletely done. ̃গ্রাস n. (astr.) partial eclipse. ̃ঘন্টা n. half an hour. ̃চন্দ্র n. the crescent moon; (facet.) act of driving out by pushing by the neck, act of beating in this manner. ̃চন্দ্র দেওয়া v. (facet.) to seize (a person) by the neck and drive out by pushing, to beat or thrash in this manner. ̃চন্দ্রাকার, ̃চন্দ্রাকৃতি a. crescent, crescent-shaped. ̃দগ্ধ a. half-burnt. ̃দণ্ড n. twelve minutes (see দণ্ড). ̃নারীশ্বর n. a deity the right half of whose body is that of God Shiva (শিব) whilst the left half is that of Durga (দুর্গা). ̃নমিত a. (of a flag) at half-mast. ̃নিমীলিত a. partially closed, half-shut. ̃পথ n. half the way; the middle of the way. ̃পরিস্ফুট a. half-articulate; indistinct. ̃বয়স্ক a. middle-aged. ̃বৃত্ত n. a semicircle. ̃বৃত্তাকার a. semicircular. ̃ব্যক্ত a. halfrevealed, half-disclosed; half-expressed. ̃ভাগ n. a half part or share; half, a moiety. ̃ভূমণ্ডল n. a hemisphere. ̃মাত্রা n. the half of a quantity or dose or musical metre. ̃মৃত a. half dead; almost dead; more dead than alive; dying. ̃রাত্রি n. one half of the night; midnight. ̃শত n. & a. fifty. ˜শয়ান a. recumbent, reclining. ̃শিক্ষিত a. (usu. dero.) half-educated. ̃সত্য n. half-truth. ̃স্ফুট a. half-articulate; indistinct; babbling. 10)
(p. 90) ashi bone; skeleton. ̃চর্মসার a. lean, skinny, skin-and-bone, gaunt. অস্হি দেওয়া v. to deposit in or commit to the Ganges (or other holy waters) the bone or bone-ash of a deceased person (as the final part of the obsequies). ̃পঞ্জর n. bones and ribs; skeleton. ̃বত্ a. bone-like, bony. ̃বিজ্ঞান, ̃বিদ্যা n. osteology. ̃বিজ্ঞানী n. an osteologist. ̃বিদ্যাগত a. osteological. ̃সার a. having little flesh; bony, lean, gaunt. 55)
(p. 96) ān̐ca the ignited state of an oven, ignition; degree of ignition; heat; glow; surmise, guess, conjecture, a hint; anticipation; a presage. আঁচ ওঠা v. to ignite, to take fire. আঁচ করা v. to surmise, to sense, to guess, to conjecture, to anticipate. আঁচ দেওয়া v. to ignite, to enkindle, to set on fire; to hint; to presage. আঁচ ধরা v. to take fire, to ignite. আঁচ পাওয়া v. to get a hint (of). আঁচ লাগা v. to be affected with slight stress or burden (of). 27)
(p. 97) ān̐ta intestines, entrails; catgut; vital or inmost part (আঁতে ঘা লাগা); one's secret intention or design or mental disposition (আঁত বোঝা). আঁতে ঘা দেওয়া to grieve or hurt a person by pricking his or her weak point, to cut to the quick. 18)
(p. 95) āina a law; an act; a regulation; an ordinance; a statute; a rule; a system; the whole code of laws, the law. আইন করা v. to enact a law; to pass a bill; to legislate; to make a rule. দেওয়ানি আইন civil law. ফৌজদারি আইন criminal law. সামরিক আইন martial law. আইন-উপদেষ্টা n. one who advises on legal points, a legal adviser; counsel. ̃-কানুন n. pl. rules and regulations. ̃গত a. legal; statutory. ̃গ্রন্হ n. a law-book. ̃জীবী, ̃-ব্যবসায়ী n. a legal practitioner; a pleader, an advocate, a barrister, an attorney, a solicitor, etc., a lawyer. ̃জ্ঞ a. versed in law. n. a jurist. ̃ত adv. according to or in keeping with the law or laws, legally or lawfully. ̃-পরিষদ. n. a legislative council; a legislature. ̃-প্রণয়ন n. enactment; legislation. ̃-প্রণেতা. n. a legislator; a lawgiver. ̃মন্ত্রক n. the ministry of law. ̃মন্ত্রী, ̃সচিব n. a law-minister. ̃মাফিক a. & adv. same as আইনানুযায়ী । ˜শাস্ত্র n. jurisprudence; the whole code of laws, the law; a law-book. ̃সংগত, ̃সম্মত a. lawful; legitimate. ̃-সভা n. a legislative assembly; a legislature. আইনানুগ a. law-abiding; lawful; legitimate. আইনানুযায়ী adv. according to or in keeping with the law, legally or lawfully. a. legal; lawful. আইনানুসারে same as আইনানুযায়ী (adv.) 7)
(p. 102) ācchā well; yes; fine; that's right. a. good, excellent; (iron.) fine (আচ্ছা বুদ্ধি); perfect (আচ্ছা সাধু) adv. thoroughly (usu. আচ্ছামতো). আচ্ছা ঘা কতক দেওয়া to give a good or sound drubbing, to give a good licking, to beat soundly.
(p. 104) āchāḍ় a throw or fall to the ground with force. আছাড় খাওয়া v. to fall to the ground with force; to tumble. আছাড় দেওয়া, আছাড় মারা v. to throw or fling to the ground violently. 11)
(p. 104) ājāna a call to Muslims to attend prayer-meeting in a mosque. আজান দেওয়া v. to announce this call formally. 27)
(p. 104) ājñā an order; a command; a decree; an injunction; permission. int. indicating: response; willingness, consent etc. (whilst talking to superiors), yes sir, right sir. আজ্ঞা করা v. to order, to command; to permit. আজ্ঞা দেওয়া v. to give an order or command or permission. ̃কারী a. & n. one who orders or commands or permits. fem. ˜কারিনী । ̃কারী হওয়া v. to carry out or obey an order or command. ̃ক্রমে, আজ্ঞানুক্রমে adv. in obedience to or in accordance with an order. ̃ধীন, আজ্ঞানুবর্তী n. subservient; subordinate, bound to carry out one's orders; subject to one's orders, obedient. আজ্ঞানুবর্তিতা n. subordination, subjection; obedience. আজ্ঞানুযায়ী, আজ্ঞানুসারে same as আজ্ঞাক্রমে । ̃পক a. & n. one who orders or commands. ˜পত্র n. a writ of command, a written order; a permit. ̃পন n. act of ordering or commanding. ̃পালক a. (also n.) one who carries out or obeys an order or command; subservient or subordinate (person). ̃পালন n. act of carrying out or complying with an order; obedience. ̃পিত a. ordered, commanded. বহ same as আজ্ঞাধীন । ̃মতো same as আজ্ঞাক্রমে । ̃লঙ্ঘন n. act of disobeying an order. ̃লিপি same as আজ্ঞাপত্র । ̃লেখ n. a writ. আজ্ঞে int. indicating: a polite response, acknowledgment, inquiry etc. (whilst talking to superiors); yes, sir; what's your pleasure, sir? যে আজ্ঞা as you please, sir. 34)
(p. 104) āṭakānō to confine; to obstruct, to impede; to restrain, to check; to prevent; to detain; to imprison; to fix (দেওয়ালে পেরেক আটকানো). a. confined; obstructed; impeded; restrained, checked; prevented; detained; affixed. 46)
(p. 107) āḍḍā a dwelling-place, a habitat; a haunt; a (fixed or permanent) meetingplace, a rendezvous; a place or institution for practising anything (গানের আ়ড্ডা); a club; a company of informal and friendly talkers, their meetingplace or talk; a place for assemblage, a station or stand (গাড়ির আ়ড্ডা). আড্ডা গাড়া v. to take up abode (usu. permanently) to settle. আড্ডা দেওয়া, আড্ডা মারা v. to join in an assembly of idle talkers; to indulge in informal and friendly talk with others. ̃ধারী n. the keeper or the chief person of a club; a regular clubgoer. ̃বাজ a. fond of indulging in idle talk with others or of haunting clubs where such talk is indulged in. 3)
(p. 107) ātma own; belonging to or related to one's own self. আত্ম pfx. self-, by or of one's own self, mutual etc. ̃কলহ n. internal discord or dissension; domestic discord; civil strife. ̃কৃত a. done or performed by one's own self. ̃কেন্দ্রিক a. self-centred; one who thinks only about himself. ̃গত a. kept to one's own self; aside; absorbed in one's own self, self-possessed. ̃গরজি a. preoccupied with self-interest; self-interested. ̃গরিমা same as আত্মগর্ব । ̃গরুজে dial. corrup. of আত্মগরজি । ̃গর্ব n. self-conceit, vanity. ̃গর্বী a. self-conceited, bloated or puffed up with pride. ̃গোপন n. concealment or disguise of one's own self or identity. ̃গোপন করা v. to go into hiding, to hide, to conceal one's own identity. ̃গৌরব n. self-glorification; self-conceit; self-praise. ̃গ্লানি n. self-reproach; remorse. ̃ঘাত n. suicide. ̃ঘাতী a. one who kills himself, self-killing, suicidal. fem. ̃ঘাতিনী । ̃চিন্তা n. meditation about atman or God; spiritual meditation; thinking about one's own interest or welfare. ̃চেতনা n. self-consciousness. ̃জ n. a son fem. আত্মজা a daughter. ̃জীবনী n. an autobiography. ̃জ্ঞ a. possessing selfknowledge; possessing spiritual or metaphysical knowledge or wisdom. ̃জ্ঞান n. spiritual or metaphysical knowledge or wisdom. ̃জ্ঞানী a. in possession of spiritual or metaphysical knowledge n. a spiritualist; a metaphysician. ̃তত্ত্ব n. spiritual or metaphysical knowledge. ̃তত্ত্বজ্ঞ a. in possession of spiritual or metaphysical knowledge. ̃তুষ্ট, ̃তৃপ্ত a. self-complacent. ̃তুষ্টি, ̃তৃপ্তি n. self-complacency, self-content. ̃তুল্য a. like one's own self, self-like. fem. ̃তুল্যা । ̃ত্যাগ n. self-abnegation, self-denial; self-sacrifice. ̃ত্যাগী a. self-denying; self-sacrificing. ̃ত্রাণ n. rescue or salvation of one's own self. ̃দমন n. self-restraint, self-control. ̃দর্শন n. self-examination, introspection; self-realization. ̃দর্শিতা n. practice or capacity of self-examination or introspection or self-realization. ̃দর্শী a. self-examining, introspecting; self-realizing. ̃দান n. self-sacrifice. ̃দোষ n. one's own fault. ̃দোষক্ষালন n. act of clearing oneself of a charge; act of justifying one's own conduct; cleanup of one's own self. ̃দ্রোহ n. self-torment, self-torture; internal discord. ̃দ্রোহী a. self-tormenting, self-torturing; indulging in or involved in internal strife. n. a self-tormentor, a self-torturer; one who indulges in or is involved in internal strife. fem. ̃দ্রোহিণী । ̃নিগ্রহ n. self-torture, self-repression, self-inflicted pain; masochism. ̃নিন্দা n. self-condemnation, self-accusation. ̃নিবিষ্ট a. self-absorbed, egocentric, self-centred, wrapped up in oneself. ̃নিবেদন n. offering one's own self, selfdedication; self-sacrifice. ̃নিয়ন্ত্রণ n. self-control; self-government, self-discipline. ̃নিয়োগ n. engaging one's own self; self-appointment. ̃নির্ধারণ n. selfdetermination. ̃নির্ভর n. self-help; selfreliance. a. working for oneself, independent of external aid, self-reliant, self-supporting. ̃নির্ভরশীল a. self-reliant. ̃নিষ্ঠ a. devoted to God or atman; devout; self-devoted; subjective; introspective. ̃নিষ্ঠা n. devotion to God or atman; devoutness; self-devotion; subjectivity; introspection. ̃নেপদ n. (Sans. gr.) a mode of conjugating verbs. ̃নেপদী a. of or in or according to this mode. ̃পক্ষ n. one's own side or party or team or supporters or people etc. ̃পক্ষসমর্থন n. self-defence. ̃পক্ষ সমর্থন করা v. to defend oneself. ̃পর n. oneself and others; near and far ones; friend and foe. a. selfish, self-devoted. ̃পরতা n. selfishness; self-love, self-devotion. ̃পরায়ণ a. (phil.) devoted to God or atman; devout; selfish, self-devoted. ̃পরিচয় n. introduction of one's own self. আত্মপরিচয় গোপন করা v. to conceal one's own identity. আত্মপরিচয় দেওয়া v. to introduce oneself. ̃পরীক্ষা n. selfexamination, self-scrutiny; introspection. ̃পীড়ন n. self-torture. ̃প্রকাশ n. public appearance; self-revelation; self-assertion. ̃প্রচার n. self-advertisement. ̃প্রতারণা n. self-deception. ̃প্রত্যয় n. self-confidence; (rare) conviction. ̃প্রত্যয়শীল a. self-confident, self-assured. ̃প্রবঞ্চনা same as আত্মপ্রতারণা । ̃প্রশংসা n. self-praise. আত্মপ্রশংসা করা v. to praise one's own self, to blow one's own trumpet. ̃প্রসাদ n. self-satisfaction, self-complacency. ̃বঞ্চনা n. selfdeception. ̃বত্ adv. like one's own self. a. self-like. ̃বলি, ̃বলিদান n. self-immolation, self-sacrifice. আত্মবলি দেওয়া v. to sacrifice oneself. ̃বশ a. independent; self-directed; self-restrained; (rare) self-devoted. n. self-restraint. ̃বিকাশ n. manifestation or development of one's own self. ̃বিক্রয় n. undesirable and servile submission to somebody or something for some gain; selling out oneself; selling one's soul. ̃বিগ্রহ, ̃বিচ্ছেদ n. internal discord; civil strife; domestic quarrel. ̃বিত্, ̃বিদ same as ̃আত্মজ্ঞ । ̃বিদ্যা n. knowledge about God and atman; theology; spiritual knowledge. ̃বিনাশ same as আত্মবিলোপ । ̃বিরোধ n. self-contradiction; self-repugnance; internal discord; civil strife; domestic quarrel. ̃বিরোধী a. self-contradictory; self-repugnant; given to or involved in internal discord or civil strife or domestic quarrel. ̃বিলোপ n. self-effacement. ̃বিশ্বাস n. self-confidence. ̃বিশ্বাসী a. self-confident. ̃বিসর্জন n. self-sacrifice, self-abnegation, self-denial. ̃বিস্মরণ, ̃বিস্মৃতি n. self-forgetfulness, self-oblivion; absent-mindedness. ̃বিস্মৃত. a. self-oblivious; absent-minded. ̃বিস্মৃত হওয়া v. to forget oneself. ̃বুদ্ধি n. one's own thinking power or intellect or knowledge; knowledge about one's own selfconsciousness. ̃বেদী same as আত্মজ্ঞ । ̃বোধ n. knowledge about one's own self, self-consciousness; self-realization. ̃মগ্ন a. self-absorbed. ̃মগ্ন সংলাপ n. soliloquy. ̃মর্যাদা n. self-respect, self-esteem. ̃মর্যাদাজ্ঞান, ̃মর্যাদাবোধ n. sense of self-respect or self-esteem. ̃মর্যাদাপূর্ণ, ̃মর্যাদাশালী a. full of self-respect or self-esteem. ̃মর্যাদাশূন্য, ̃মর্যাদাহীন a. devoid of self-respect or self-esteem. আত্মম্ভরি a. overwhelmingly self-interested, selfish; self-conceited, egotistical, vain. আত্মম্ভরিতা n. extreme self-interest, selfishness; self-conceitedness, vanity. ̃রক্ষা n. self-protection, self-preservation; self-defence. আত্মরক্ষা করা v. to protect or preserve oneself; to defend oneself. ̃রতি n. auto-erotism, sexual excitement generated by one's own body. ̃রূপ n. selfhood. adv. like one's own self. ̃লোপ n. same as আত্মবিলোপ । ̃শক্তি n. one's own power; power of the spirit. ̃শাসন n. self-government; self-control, self-discipline. ̃শাসিত a. self-governed; self-governing. ̃শিক্ষিত a. self-taught, self-educated. ̃শুদ্ধি, ̃শোধন n. self-purification. ̃শ্লাঘা n. self-praise, boasting, selfapplause. ̃শ্লাঘাপরায়ণ a. given to selfpraise or boasting, boastful. ̃শ্লাঘাপূর্ণ a. boastful. ̃সংবরণ n. checking oneself, self-restraint. আত্মসংবরণ করা v. to check or restrain oneself. ̃সংযম n. continence; self-restraint, collectedness. ̃সংযমী a. self-continent; self-restrained. ̃সংশোধন n. self-correction. আত্মসংশোধন করা v. to rectify oneself. ̃সমর্থন n. self-defence. আত্মসমর্থন করা v. to defend oneself or plead for oneself. ̃সমর্পণ n. surrender; capitulation, selfdedication. আত্মসমর্পণ করা v. to surrender, to yield or give up oneself; to capitulate; to dedicate oneself. ̃সমাহিত a. self-absorbed. ̃সমীক্ষা n. self-assessment. ̃সম্পর্কীয়, ̃সম্বন্ধীয় a. related to or connected with one's own self. ̃সম্ভ্রম, ̃সম্মান n. self-respect, self-esteem. ̃সর্বস্ব a. extremely self-centred or selfloving or selfish. ̃সাত্ n. appropriating to one's own use (usu. unlawfully); misappropriation; filching. a. appropriated to one's own use; misappropriated; filched. আত্মসাত্ করা v. to appropriate to one's own use; to misappropriate; to filch. ̃সার a. self-centred; extremely selfish. ̃সিদ্ধি n. attainment of one's own desires; salvation of one's own soul. ̃সুখ n. one's own happiness. সুখপরায়ণ, ̃সুখী a. happy only to attain one's own desires; extremely selfish. আত্মসুখী পরবৈরাগি highly concerned about one's own interest whilst apathetic to that of others. ̃স্হ a. self-possessed; absorbed; self-absorbed. ̃হত্যা n. self-killing, suicide. আত্মহত্যা করা v. to commit suicide. হত্যাকারী, ̃হন্তা a. killing oneself, committing suicide. n. a self-murderer. fem. হত্যাকারিণী, ̃হন্ত্রী । ̃হনন n. same as আত্মহত্যা । ̃হারা a. one who has lost self-possession, beside oneself. আত্মহারা হওয়া v. to lose self-possession; to be beside oneself. ̃হিত n. one's own good or welfare. 28)
(p. 107) ādāẏa realization or collection (of bills, taxes etc.); winning or earning (সম্মান আদায়)); payment or repayment. আদায় করা v. to realize; to collect. আদায় দেওয়া v. to pay; to repay. ̃পত্র n. realization; collection. আদায়পত্র করা v. to realize; to collect. 64)
(p. 107) ādēśa an order, a command; a decree; an ordinance; an injunction; a directive; direction; permission; (gr.) substitution of a letter or word for another. আদেশ করা, আদেশ দেওয়া v. to order, to command; to decree; to enjoin; to direct; to permit. আদেশ হওয়া v. to be ordered or decreed or permitted; to be decreed by an oracle; (gr. of a letter or word) to be substituted for another letter or word. ̃ক a. & n. one who orders or commands or decrees or directs or permits. ˜ক্রমে adv. in obedience to or in accordance with an order or decree. ̃পত্র n. a writ of command or decree; a directive; a permit. ̃পালক a. & n. one who obeys or executes an order or decree. ˜পালন n. carrying out an order or decree. আদেশানুবর্তী a. obedient to an order, decree, injunction or direction. আদেশানুযায়ী same as আদেশক্রমে । 80)
(p. 118) ābhāsa faint or indistinct presence ('আভাসে দাও দেখা'); a shadow; a hint (আভাসে জানানো); glow. আভাস দেওয়া v. to appear faintly or indistinctly; to give a hint, to hint. ̃ইঙ্গিত n. hints; slight or indirect suggestion. আভাসে ইঙ্গিতে adv. by indirect suggestion, by hints. 57)
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