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বায়ু) দ্বারা সংসদ বাংলা ডিকশোনারির সবগুলো শব্দ

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(p. 329) ̃bṛṣṭi rain accompanied by cyclone. ̃ত a. that which is being turned about or revolved or reeled or rolled; turned about, revolved, reeled, rolled. ঘূর্ণিতনয়ন n. rolling eyes (indicating anger). ̃মস্তক n. giddiness; vertigo; confusion, perplexity. ̃পাক n. a turning about, revolution; a whirlpool, an eddy. ̃বাত, ̃বাত্যা, ̃বায়ু n. a cyclone, a whirlwind. ̃রোগ n. giddiness, vertigo. 135)
(p. 22) adhōbāẏu downward wind; fart. 4)
(p. 30) anudbāẏī (chem.) non-volatile. 72)
(p. 48) apāna the wind of the lower space; the wind that prevails within the lower part of the body; wind that passes through the anus. ̃বায়ু n. wind passed through the anus, fart. 35)
অবায়ুজীবী, অবায়ুভুক
(p. 56) abāẏujībī, abāẏubhuka (bot.) anaerobic. 63)
আয়ন বায়ু
(p. 123) āẏana bāẏu trade wind. 9)
(p. 157) udbāẏī volatile. উদ্বায়িতা n. volatileness or volatility; the property of evaporating rapidly. 2)
(p. 240) kupita enraged, angered; angry; provoked; (med.) increased, developed, aggravated. কুপিত বায়ু (med.) flatulence, flatulency. 66)
(p. 274) khara sharp, keen (খর তরবারি); severe, fierce (খর রৌদ্র); strong, violent (খরবায়ু); very quick or fast (খর বেগ); harsh, rough (খর বাক্য); (of water) saltish, salty, saline, hard. খর জল hard water. ̃জালি n. salt obtained by sunning something instead of boiling it. ̃তর compar. of খর । ̃দশন a. sharptoothed. ̃দৃষ্টি a. keen-sighted, hawkeyed. ̃ধার, ̃শান a. very sharp. ̃স্রোত a. having a strong current. n. a strong current. fem. খরস্রোতা । ̃স্পর্শ a. rough to the touch. 24)
(p. 329) ghūrṇa a circular movement; a turning about; whirling, revolution, spinning, reeling. a. circling, turning about, whirling, spinning, reeling. ̃ন n. act of circling or revolving or whirling or reeling continuously. ̃বাত, ̃বায়ু n. a cyclone, a whirlwind. ̃মান a. that which is revolving or reeling. 130)
(p. 349) carama end, termination (কিছুর চরম দেখা); ultimate or last or final stage, most critical stage (চরমে ওঠা); highest stage, greatest height, climax, culmination, maximum (দুঃখের চরম). a. ultimate or final (চরমপত্র, চরম সিদ্ধান্ত); last (চরমকাল); extreme (চরমসীমা, চরম জলবায়ু); highest, maximum (চরমোত্কর্ষ), pertaining to death or the time of death, dying (চরম দশা). ̃কাল n. the dying moment. ̃গতি n. last resort, only prop and support. চরম জলবায়ু extreme climate. ̃পত্র n. a document containing the disposition of one's effects at death, a will; an ultimatum. ̃সীমা n. utmost limit. চরমাদর্শ n. highest ideal. চরমাবস্হা n. last or final stage, ultimate stage, most critical stage. চরমোত্কর্ষ, চরমোন্নতি n. highest excellence or improvement. 4)
(p. 351) calā to go, to move, to walk (লোক চলা); to run, to ply (ট্রামবাস চলা); to depart; to set for (দেশে চলা); to proceed (তুমি চলো, আমিও যাচ্ছি); to get on, to run (কারবার চলা); to pass away, to elapse (সময় চলে যাওয়া); to be maintained (সংসার চলা); to suffice, to cover as expenses, to defray (খরচ চলা); to be getting on (জীবন চলা); to work, to operate (ঘড়ি চলা, মেশিন চলা); to begin to work or operate; to circulate (রক্ত চলা); to pass current, to be introduced (ফ্যাশন চলা); to be accepted (সমাজে চলা ); to behave or act (খুশিমতো চলা); to be permitted or allowed (ফাঁকি চলবে না ); to continue (সারারাত গান চলল); to begin, to start (এবার গল্প চলবে); to extend (দৃষ্টি চলা); to be used (হাত চলা); to be fired or shot (বন্দুক চলা). চলে আসা v. to come; to come away from; to come quickly. চলা যাওয়া v. to go away. কথামতো চলা v. to act or behave in obedience to; to obey. ̃চল n. passage, travelling (চলাচলের পথ); movement, traffic (লোক-চলাচল); circulation (রক্তচলাচল, বায়ু চলাচল). চলাচল করা v. to travel; to move; to circulate. ̃নো v. to cause to walk or move; to cause to pass current; to cause to be accepted. ̃ফেরা n. act of walking or moving (চলাফেরার ক্ষমতা); movement; gait; behaviour, deportment. শন-শন শব্দে চলা to whiz past. 16)
(p. 355) cāpa2 pressure (কাজের চাপ, বায়ুর চাপ, রক্তের চাপ); weight, influence, request, importunity etc. (মায়ের চাপে পড়ে সে বিয়ে করল); a layer (বরফের চাপে চাপে). a. clotted, coagulated (চাপরক্ত চাপদই); thick, close-set (চাপ-বুনন); massive and extensive. চাপ খাওয়া v. to be pressed; to coagulate, to thicken. চাপ দেওয়া v. to press. ̃দণ্ড n. a piston; a pump. ̃দাড়ি n. massive or thick-set beard extending all over the cheeks and chin. ̃মান (যন্ত্র) n. a barometer. 8)
(p. 390) jala water; aqua: rain (জল হচ্ছে); a stream ('যেতেছে জলের মত'); (fig.) a light repast, refreshment, snack, tiffin (জলখাবার). a. cooled, comforted, refreshed (প্রাণ জল হওয়া); liquefied (গলে জল); rendered watery, thinned (রক্ত জল); mixed or adulterated with water (জল দুধ); wasted (টাকা জল হওয়া); exhausted, ruined (দেহ বা রক্ত জল হওয়া); very easy (জল অঙ্ক). খর জল hard water. চোখের জল tears. নারকেলের জল milk of coconut. বৃষ্টির জল rain-water. ভারী জল (phys.) heavy water. মিঠে জল fresh water. মৃদু জল soft water. জল করা v. to waste (টাকা জল করা); to ruin, to exhaust (দেহ বা রক্ত জল করা); to cool or comfort (প্রাণ জল করা). জল খাওয়া. v. to drink water; to take light repast, to take tiffin, (coll.) to refresh; to take or require water (ইঞ্জিনটা খুব জল খায়). জল ঝরা. v. to drip. জল দেওয়া v. to give water; to give a dying person water to drink; to offer drinking water to the manes; to water (গাছে জল দেওয়া). জল পড়া. v. to rain; to leak water (কলসিটা থেকে জল পড়ে); to stream with tears. জল মরা v. to dry up. জল নেওয়া v. to take water; (of an engine etc.) to water. জল সওয়া v. to fetch water from a river or pond on the eve of a festival. জল সরা v. to pass out water; to use the water of a pond esp. for purposes other than drinking; (of a pregnant woman) pass fluid (esp. immediately before childbirth). জল হওয়া v. to rain; to become liquid, to liquefy, to melt (গলে জল হওয়া); to cool or be comforted (প্রাণ জল হওয়া); to cool or calm down (রাগ জল হওয়া); to become cold (চা জল হওয়া). জলে দেওয়া. v. (fig.) to give to an undeserving person; (fig.) to waste. জলে পড়া v. (fig.) to arrive at a bad place; (fig.) to fall in a danger; (fig.) to fall to an undeserving person; (fig.) to be wasted. জলে ফেলা same as জলে দেওয়া । জলে যাওয়া v. to go to a river or pond; (fig.) to be wasted (টাকাটা জলে গেল). জলের কল. a. watertap. কলের জল tap-water. জলের গাড়ি a water-cart. জলের দামে (fig.) at a throwaway price. জলের স্রোত a stream of water. ̃কণা n. a little or small drop of water. ̃কন্যা n. a water-nymph, a naiad, a mermaid. ̃কপাট n. a watergate, a sluicegate, a sluice. ̃কর n. a tax imposed on ponds, water reservoirs etc.; a water toll; a tax on fishery. ̃কল্লোল n. noise (usu. loud) made by a running stream or wave; a noisy wave; a roaring wave. ̃কষ্ট n. scarcity of water. ̃কাচা a. (of textile goods) washed in water only (that is, without using soap or other washing materials). ̃কাদা n. rain-water and mud; slush. ̃কুক্কুট n. the water-fowl; the gull. ̃কুণ্ড n. a water-font; a water-reservoir. ̃কূট n. (phys.) a water-trap. ̃ক্রিয়া n. drink-offering to the deceased, water libation, offering drinking water to the manes. ̃ক্রীড়া, ̃কেলি n. aquatic sports, watersports; bathing in rivers or ponds for amusement. ̃খাবার n. a light repast, refreshment, tiffin, snack. ̃গাহ n. waterbath. জলগ্রহণ না করা v. not to drink water; not to take even the slightest food, refuse to take any food. ̃গ্রাহী a. (bot.) hygroscopic. ̃চক্র n. (phys.) a water-mill. ̃চর a. living or growing in water, aquatic. n. an aquatic animal. ̃চল a. belonging to a caste whose touch does not pollute water to be used by high-caste people. ̃চাষ বিদ্যা hydroponics, art of growing plants in water impregnated with nutrients. ̃চিকিত্সক n. a hydropathist. ̃চিকিত্সা n. hydropathy. ̃চিহ্ন n. manufacturer's design on some kinds of paper-seen when the paper is held against light, watermark. ̃চুড়ি n. a watermark in the shape of a thin streak. ̃চৌকি n. a low and small wooden stool. ̃ছত্র coll. corrup. of ̃সত্র, । ̃ছবি n. a transfer picture. ̃ছাপ n. a watermark. ̃জ a. born in or of water, ponds, rivers, seas etc.; aquatic. n. the water-lily, the lotus. ̃জন্তু n. an aquatic animal. ̃জীয়ন্ত, ̃জিয়ন্ত, (coll.) ̃জ্যন্ত a. perfectly alive (just like a fish in water); (fig.) quite obvious, downright (জলজ্যান্ত মিথ্যা). ̃ঝড় n. rain and storm. ̃টুঙি n. a raised hut built in the midst of a pond, marsh, river etc. ̃ঢোঁড়া n. a species of non-venomous water-snake. ̃তরঙ্গ n. a wave; a ripple; a kind of musical instrument consisting of seven bowls which are filled with water and are struck with one or more sticks in order to produce musical sounds. ̃দস্যু n. a pirate; a buccaneer. ̃দস্যুতা n. piracy. ̃তা করা v. to act as a pirate; to buccaneer. ̃দেবতা n. a watergod; Neptune; Varuna (বরুণ). ̃দোষ n. morbid collection of water in the abdomen, dropsy. ̃দ্রোণী n. a water-cask, a water-barrel; a water-bucket; a trough. ̃ধর a. containing water; full of water. n. the cloud; the sea. ̃ধারা n. a stream of water. ̃নকুল n. the otter. ̃নালী n. a water-passage; an aqueduct; a drain. ̃নিকাশ n. draining out water, drainage. ̃নিকাশের পথ a drain, an outlet for water. ̃নিধি n. an ocean; a sea. ̃নিরোধক a. waterproof. ̃নির্গম n. passage of water, drainage. ̃নির্গমপথ n. an outlet for water; a drain. ̃নির্গম প্রণালী n. drainage system; an outlet for water, a conduit; a drain. ̃পটি n. a strip of cloth soaked in water and placed on a wounded limb or on the forehead. ̃পড়া n. water into which curative or supernatural power is believed to have been infused by means of mysterious words uttered by a sorcerer or magician. ̃পথ n. a waterway; an outlet for water. ̃পথে adv. by water. ̃পরাগী a. hydrophilous. ̃পরি n. a water-nymph; a water fairy, mermaid. ̃পাত্র n. a water-vessel, a water-pot; a drinking cup or glass. ̃পান n. a light repast, snacks; act of drinking water. জলপান করা v. to take a light repast; to drink water. ̃পানি n. a scholarship, a studentship, student's stipend; pocket-money (আশুতোষ তাঁর বাবার কাছ থেকে নিত্য এক টাকা করে জলপানি পেতেন). ̃পিপাসা n. thirst. ̃পিপি n. a small species of wading bird, the jacana, Metopidius indicus. ̃পিঁড়ি n. a low wooden pedestal on which pitchers are placed. ̃পুলিশ a. water police; marine police. ̃পৃষ্ঠ n. water level, surface of water. ̃প্রণালী n. an outlet for water; a drain; a watercourse; a strait. ̃প্রপাত n. a waterfall, a cataract, a cascade, a fall. ̃প্লাবন n. a flood; a deluge. ̃প্লাবিত a. overflooded; flooded with water. ̃বত্ a. (fig.) clear as water, perspicuous, very easy to understand. ̃বসন্ত n. chicken-pox. ̃বাতাস, ̃বায়ু n. climate. ̃বাহক n. a water-carrier. ̃বাহিত a. (of goods or diseases) water-borne. ̃বিছুটি n. nettle drenched in water (which, when rubbed on any part of the body, causes a terrible irritation). ̃বিজ্ঞান n. hydrostatics. ̃বিদ্যুত্ n. hydro-electricity, hydro-electric power. ̃বিন্দু n. a drop of water. ̃বিম্ব n. a bubble. ̃বিভাজিকা n. watershed. ̃বিযুক্ত করা v. to dehydrate. ̃বিয়োজন n. dehydration. ̃বিষুব n. the autumnal equinox. ̃বিশ্লেষণ n. hydrolyzation. জলবিশ্লেষণ করা v. to hydrolize. ̃বিহার same as ̃ক্রীড়া । ̃বোমা n. a depth charge, a bomb used against a submarine for explosion under water. জল ভাঙা v. to proceed or walk through water with difficulty. ̃ভ্রমি n. a whirlpool. ̃মগ্ন a. immersed or sunk in water; drowned; flooded or submerged. জলমগ্ন হওয়া v. to sink; to drown; to be submerged. ̃ময় a. full of water; watery; flooded with water; full of ponds, rivers etc. (জলময় দেশ). ̃মার্জার n. the otter. ̃মুক n. the cloud. ̃যন্ত্র n. a machine or pulley for hauling up water; a water-clock, a clepsydra; a spraying instrument, a spray. ̃যাত্রা n. a sea voyage. ̃যাত্রী n. a voyager. a. voyaging. ̃যান n. a ship or a boat, a vessel. ̃যুদ্ধ n. a fight on water, a naval fight; a naval war; naval warfare. ̃যোদ্ধা n. a naval soldier, a navy-man. ̃যোগ n. tiffin or a light repast. জলযোগ করা v. to take tiffin or a light repast. ̃রং n. water colour. ̃রাশি n. a mass of water. ̃রেখা n. a water-line. ̃রোধী a. waterproof; watertight. ̃শক্তি n. hydro-electricity, power obtained from flowing or falling water capable of generating electric current etc., waterpower. ̃শূন্য a. waterless; dry. ̃শৌচ n. act of washing the posteriors (and also other parts of the body) with water after purging. ̃সত্র n. a place for charitable distribution of drinking water to the public. ̃সম a. level with water. ̃সমতল n. water-level. ̃সিক্ত a. soaked in or drenched with water, wet; moist. ̃সিঞ্চন, ̃সেচন n. act of sprinkling water; act of watering (trees etc.) জলসিঞ্চন করা, জলসেচন করা v. to sprinkle water (upon); to water. ̃সেক n. act of sprinkling water; act of sprinkling; act of fomenting with a piece of cloth dipped in hot water. ̃স্তম্ভ n. a waterspout. ̃স্ফীতি n. spate. ̃স্রোত n. a stream of water. ̃হস্তী n. the hippopotamus. ̃হাওয়া n. climate. 59)
(p. 412) jhañjhā a rainstorm. ̃ক্ষুদ্ধ, ̃পীড়িত a. stricken by a rainstorm. ̃তা়ড়িত a. driven or blown by a rainstorm. ̃বর্ত n. a cyclone. ̃বাত, ̃বায়ু n. a stormy wind, a strong gale. 10)
(p. 449) taraṅga a wave; a ripple; a wavy or undulating stream, a wave (চিন্তাতরঙ্গ = a thought-wave, বায়ুতরঙ্গ, শব্দতরঙ্গ, বিদ্যুত্তরঙ্গ). উত্তাল তরঙ্গ a. billow, a high wave. ̃ক্ষুদ্ধ a. lashed into fury by rolling waves; billowy, wavy; convulsed. ̃চঞ্চল a. rippling. ̃ণ n. undulation. ̃দৈর্ঘ্য n. wave-length. ̃পাদ n. the trough or hollow of a wave. ̃পৃষ্ঠ n. wave-surface. ̃বিক্ষুদ্ধ same as তরঙ্গক্ষুদ্ধ । ̃বেগ n. wave velocity. ̃ভঙ্গ n. breaking of waves (against rocks or other waves), curling and falling of waves. ̃মালা n. a string or series of waves. ̃মুখ n. wave front. ̃শীর্ষ n. the crest of a wave. 25)
(p. 508) dēbāẏudha a god's weapon; a divine or celestial weapon; the rainbow. 139)
(p. 542) dhīra slow, tardy (ধীর গতি); unperturbed, calm, composed (ধীর মন); gentle or modest or mild (ধীরস্বভাব, ধীর বায়ু); grave (ধীরকন্ঠ); firm, steady (ধীর চিত্ত); judicious or considerate (ধীর ব্যক্তি). ̃তা n. slowness; unperturbedness, calmness, composure; gentleness, modesty, mildness; graveness, gravity; firmness, steadiness; judiciousness, considerateness. ̃প্রকৃতি a. gentle or modest by nature. ̃প্রশান্ত n. (rhet.) a type of hero endowed with various good qualities. ̃ভাবে adv. slowly; mildly; gently; calmly. ̃ললিত n. (rhet.) a type of hero who is gentle by nature and of calm disposition and proficient in music and dance. ̃স্বভাব same as ধীরপ্রকৃতি । ̃স্হির a. calm and composed. 9)
(p. 577) niẏata2 unchanging; fixed; continuous, perpetual; constant (নিয়ত বায়ু = constant wind); regular; regulated; limited. adv. always, ever; often. নিয়ত বৃত্ত (conics) a director circle. 28)
(p. 601) pañca five. ̃ক n. a set of five, a quintette, a quintet, a pentad (গীতপঞ্চক). ̃কোণ, ̃কোণী a. pentagular. ̃গব্য n. the five articles derived from the cow, namely, curd, milk, clarified butter, cow's urine and cowdung. ̃গুণ n. the five qualities or attributes, namely, beauty, exudation or juice, smell, touch and sound. a. five times, fivefold. ̃গৌড় n. a collective name for the ancient regions of Gaud (গৌড়), Mithila (মিথিল), Utkal (উত্কল), Kanauj (কনৌজ), and the region situated on the bank of the river Saraswati. ̃চত্বারিংশ a. forty-five. ̃চত্বারিংশত্ n. & a. forty-five. ˜চত্বারিংশত্তম a. forty-fifth. fem. ̃চত্বারিংশত্তমী । ̃তপা a. one who practises severe religious austerities with the blazing sun overhead and enkindling four huge fires on four sides. ̃ত্রিংশ n. thirty-five. ̃ত্রিংশত্ n. & a. thirty-five. ˜ত্রিংশত্তম a. thirty-fifth. fem. ̃ত্রিংশত্তমী । পঞ্চত্ব n. death. পঞ্চত্বপ্রাপ্ত a. dead. পঞ্চত্বপ্রাপ্ত হওয়া v. to meet with death, to give or yield up the ghost, to die. পঞ্চত্বপ্রাপ্তি n. death. ̃দল a. having five petals, quinquepetalous; pentamerous; quinquepartite. ̃দল পুষ্প a cinquefoil. ̃দলীয় a. pentamerous; pertaining to or consisting of five parties, quinquepartite. ̃দশ n. & a. fifteen. □ a. fifteenth. ̃দশী a. fem. fifteenth; fifteen years old. n. the ultimate day of a lunar fortnight; the full moon or the new moon; one of the Vedantas (বেদান্ত). ̃দেবতা n. five deities or Gods receiving oblation before one's meal. ̃নদ n. the Punjab (it is inundated by five rivers). ̃পান্ডব n. the five Pandava( পান্ডব). brothers of the Mahabharata, the Pandava quintette. ̃পাত্র n. a vessel used in Hindu religious service: it consists of four small metal cups placed on a metal tray. ̃পিতা n. one's progenitor, deliverer from fear, father-in-law, preceptor and maintainer collectively. ̃প্রদীপ n. a metal lamp with room for five wicks. ̃বটী n. a sacred place with the assemblage of five banyan trees. ̃বাণ n. the five arrows of Kam (কাম) the god of love, namely, enchantment, excitement, absorption, heating and stupefaction; Kama the god of love. ̃বায়ু n. the five vital airs (or breaths) that are drawn into or sent out from the body. ̃বিংশ a. twenty-five. ̃বিংশতি n. & a. twenty-five. ˜বিংশতিতম a. twenty-fifth. fem. ̃বিংশতিতমী । ̃ভূজ n. (geom.) a pentagon. a. pentagonal. ̃ভূত n. the five vital elements collectively, namely, earth, water, heat, air and atmosphere or space. পঞ্চভূতে মেশা v. (lit.) to be dissolved into the five vital elements; (fig.) to die. পঞ্চম a. fifth. n. same as পঞ্চমস্বর । ̃মকার n. wine, meat, fish, posture and sexual intercourse collectively, five essential tantric (তান্ত্রিক) practices or rites. পঞ্চমবাহিনী n. the fifth column; the group of soldiers supporting and working for the enemy within the country. পঞ্চমস্বর n. (mus.) the major fifth of the C-scale; the cuckoo's note. ̃মহাপাতক n. the five mortal sins according to Hindu scriptures. পঞ্চমী a. fem. fifth. n. fem. the fifth lunar day of either fortnight. ̃মুখ a. having five faces or mouths, five-faced; eloquent (প্রশংসায় পঞ্চমুখ). n. an appellation of Shiva (শিব). ̃মুখী a. fem. five-faced; pentapetalous; having five surfaces (পঞ্চমুখী নীলা); having five bores or holes (পঞ্চমুখী রুদ্রাক্ষ); having five parts or sections, pentamerous, fivepronged. ̃মুখী পুষ্প a cinquefoil. ̃রঙ্গ ̃রং n. (in chess) one of the systems of checkmating. ̃রত্ন n. the five gems collectively, namely, sapphire, diamond, ruby, pearl and coral. ̃রাশিক n. (arith.) the double rule of three. ̃শর same as ̃বাণ । ̃শস্য n. the five principal grains collectively, namely, paddy, kidney-bean or oat, barley, sesame and pigeon-pea. 51)
(p. 631) paścima the west; the Occident; the western world, the western hemisphere. a. final, last, ultimate; subsequent; western. ̃দেশীয় a. of a western country; up-country. ̃বঙ্গ n. West Bengal. পশ্চিম বায়ুপ্রবাহ n. westerly winds; the west wind. পশ্চিম ভারতীয় দ্বীপপুঞ্জ n. the West Indies. পশ্চিমা a. of the west, western (পশ্চিমা বাতাস); upcountry (পশ্চিমা লোক); n. an upcountry man. পশ্চিমাঞ্চল n. the western part or region. পশ্চিমাস্য a. facing westward. পশ্চিমি a. western; Occidental. 6)
(p. 680) pratyabāẏa sin; vice; harm. প্রত্যবায়ী a. sinful; vicious; harmful.
(p. 684) prabala very strong or powerful, mighty (প্রবল শত্রু, প্রবল ঝড়); severe, intense, excessive (প্রবল দুঃখ, প্রবল তাপ); predominant (বাক্যই প্রবল). fem. প্রবলা । প্রবল ঝড় violent storm. প্রবল দুঃখ acute or intense or great sorrow. প্রবল পশ্চিমা (বায়ু) brave west winds. ̃তা n. great strength or power; severity; intensity; predominance. ̃পরাক্রম, ̃পরাক্রান্ত, ̃প্রতাপ a. extremely powerful or mighty, mightily influential. প্রবল বারিপাত heavy shower or downpour. 14)
(p. 692) prāṇa life; the first of the five vital airs (namely, প্রাণ অপান সমান উদান and ব্যান) or these five airs collectively; lifebreath; breath; heart, earnest desire ('প্রাণ চায় চক্ষু না চায়'); vitality, vigour, vivacity (কাজে প্রাণ নেই); (in endearment) an extremely beloved person. প্রাণ ওষ্ঠাগত হওয়া v. (rare) to feel like dying; (fig. & pop.) to be extremely harassed or troubled or irritated. প্রাণ খোলা v. to open one's heart, to speak out one's heart. প্রাণ থাকা v. to remain alive. প্রাণ দেওয়া same as প্রাণদান করা । প্রাণ নেওয়া v. to kill; to torture almost to the point of killing. প্রাণ পাওয়া same as প্রাণলাভ হওয়া । প্রাণ বাঁচা same as প্রাণরক্ষা হওয়া । প্রাণ বাঁচানো same as প্রাণরক্ষা করা । প্রাণ বার করা v. to make one out of breath, to exasperate beyond endurance. প্রাণ বার হওয়া, প্রাণ যাওয়া v. to breathe one's last; to become out of breath; to be exasperated. প্রাণ নেওয়া v. to take one's life; to kill. প্রাণ হারানো v. to lose one's life, to die; to be killed. ̃কৃষ্ণ n. Krishna (কৃষ্ণ) who is regarded by a devotee or a lover as dear as life; (fig.) a favourite or lover as dear as one's life. ̃খোলা a. open-hearted, frank, candid, hearty. ̃গত a. lying in one's heart of hearts; inmost; sincere. ̃গতিক a. concerning one's life or living; bodily, physical. ̃ঘাতী a. life-killing; murderous; deadly, fatal. ̃চঞ্চল a. lively, sprightly, vivacious. ̃চাঞ্চল্য n. liveliness, vivaciousness, sprightliness. ̃ত্যাগ n. death. প্রাণত্যাগ করা v. to die. ̃দ a. life-giving; animating, invigorating; resuscitant; life-saving. ̃দন্ড n. death sentence, a lifer, capital punishment. প্রাণদন্ড দেওয়া v. to sentence (one) to death, to award capital punishment. প্রাণদা fem. of ̃দ । ̃দাতা n. a giver of life; an animator, an invigorator; a resuscitant, a resuscitator. fem. প্রাণদাত্রী । ̃দান n. infusion of life (into); animation; invigoration; resuscitation; saving of life. ̃দান করা v. to infuse life (into); to give life (to); to animate, to invigorate; to give back one's life, to resuscitate; to save one's life; to sacrifice one's life, to give up one's life. ̃দায়ক same as প্রাণদ । fem. প্রাণদায়িকা । ̃ধারণ n. act of living; sustenance of oneself. প্রাণধারণ করা v. to live; to sustain oneself. ̃নাথ same as প্রাণেশ্বর । ̃নাশ same as প্রাণবধ । ̃নাশক same as প্রাণঘাতী । ̃পণ n. resolve of doing something even at the cost of one's life. ̃পণে adv. staking one's life, even at the cost of one's life. ̃পতি same as প্রাণেশ্বর । ̃পাখি n. the bird of life imprisoned in the cage of the body; life; life-breath. প্রণপাত করা v. to wreck or lay down or sacrifice one's life; to strain all one's energies. ̃পূর্ণ same as প্রাণবন্ত । ̃প্রতিম a. resembling life; as dear as life. ̃প্রতিমা n. the idol of one's life; a woman or girl as dear as one's life. ̃প্রতিষ্ঠা n. the rite of investing an idol with life, (cp.) consecration; infusion of life (into), activization (as of an organization). প্রাণ প্রতিষ্ঠা করা v. (eccl.) to invest (an idol) with life, to consecrate; to infuse life into (an organization); to activize. ̃প্রদ same as প্রাণদ । ̃প্রিয় a. as dear as life; an object of deep affection; dearer than life. ̃বঁধু n. a lover as dear as one's life, a sweetheart. ̃বধ n. killing or slaying, manslaughter. প্রাণবধ করা v. to kill, to slay, to take a life. ̃বন্ত a. living, alive; animate; lively; vivacious. sprightly; cordial, genial; volatile, active. ̃বন্ততা n. the state of being alive or living; animation; liveliness, vivacity, sprightliness; cordiality, geniality, volatility, fullness of activity. ̃বল্লভ same as প্রাণেশ্বর । ̃বান same as প্রাণচঞ্চল । ̃বায়ু n. life-breath; the first of the five vital airs (namely প্রাণ অপান, সমান, উদান and ব্যান) or all these airs collectively. প্রাণবায়ু বার হওয়া v. to breathe one's last, to die. ̃বিয়োগ n. death. প্রাণবিয়োগ হওয়া v. to die. ̃বিসর্জন n. sacrifice of one's life. প্রাণবিসর্জন দেওয়া v. to sacrifice one's life. ̃ভয় n. fear of losing one's life, fear of life. ̃ভয়ে adv. for fear of life. ̃ময় a. same as প্রাণবন্ত, and also—the sole object of one's life. fem. প্রাণময়ী । প্রাণময় কোষ (Hindu phil.) the life-cell of the body. প্রাণরক্ষা করা v. to save one's life; to sustain. প্রাণরক্ষা হওয়া v. to be saved from death; to be saved; to sustain oneself. ̃লাভ n. act of coming or coming back to life. প্রাণলাভ করা v. to come or come back to life. ̃শূন্য a. lifeless; inanimate; lacking in liveliness or vivacity or sprightliness, dull, lacking in cordiality or geniality, cold, inactive, lethargic; callous. ̃সংকট same as প্রাণসংশয় । ̃সংশয় n. possibility of losing one's life, risk or hazard or peril of one's life. ̃সংহার same as প্রাণবধ । ̃সখা n. a bosom friend. ̃সঞ্চার same as প্রাণদান । ̃সম a. equal to life. ̃হন্তা n. a slayer, a killer; a murderer (fem. a murderess). fem. ̃হন্ত্রী । ̃হর, ̃হারক, ̃হারী same as প্রাণঘাতী । fem. ̃হরা, ̃হারিকা, ̃হারিণী । ̃হীন same as প্রাণশূন্য । প্রাণাত্যয় n. destruction or loss of life, death; time of death or of loss of life. প্রাণাধিক a. dearer than one's life. fem. প্রাণাধিকা । প্রাণান্ত n. termination of life, death. প্রাণান্তকর a. causing death or termination of life; (fig.) extremely toilsome or causing extreme suffering. প্রাণান্ত পরিচ্ছেদ n. that which ends in or extends up to death; (fig.) extreme toil or suffering. প্রাণান্ত-পরিশ্রম n. extremely toilsome work, hard toil (likely to cost a person his life.) প্রাণেশ, প্রাণেশ্বর n. the lord of one's life; a husband; a lover. প্রাণেশ্বরী n. fem. the mistress of one's life; a wife; a ladylove, a sweetheart. প্রাণোত্সর্গ n. sacrifice of one's life. প্রাণোত্সর্গ করা v. to sacrifice one's life. 30)
(p. 721) basanta the spring season, spring, the springtime; pox, small-pox, chickenpox; an Indian musical mode. ̃কাল n. the spring season, the spring time, spring. ̃কালীন a. of spring; vernal. ̃দূত n. the messenger of spring; the cuckoo. ̃পঞ্চমী n. the fifth lunar day of the light fortnight of Magh (মাঘ) when Goddess Saraswati (সরস্বতী) is worshipped. ̃বায়ু n. vernal breeze, the south wind. ̃সখ n. the friend of spring; the cuckoo. ̃সখা n. one attended upon by Spring; Madana (মদন) the Hindu god of love. বসন্তের কোকিল (fig.) a fair-weather friend. বসন্তোত্সব n. the spring festival; the festival of holi (হোলী). 177)
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