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অস্বীকার এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

অস্বীকার : (p. 90) asbīkāra refusal; denial; non-acceptance; rejection; repudiation; dissent; non-compliance. অস্বীকার করা v. to refuse; to gainsay, to deny; to disavow; to reject; to disown, to repudiate; to dissent; to decline. 79)


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(p. 56) abijña unwise, imprudent; inexperienced; foolish. ̃তা n. lack of wisdom, imprudence; inexperience; foolishness. 86)
(p. 55) abadhauta1 washed or cleansed (carefully). 5)
(p. 41) apapāṭha wrong or distorted reading, misreading. 81)
(p. 41) anyōnya mutual, reciprocal. ̃জীবী n. (bot.) a symbion, a symbiont. a. symbiotic. ̃জীবিত্ব n. symbiosis. ̃তা n. mutuality, reciprocity. ̃বিরুদ্ধ, ̃বিরোধী a. opposed to each other or one another; contradictory, antagonistic. ̃সাপেক্ষ a. depending on one another or each other, interdependent; correlative; reciprocal. অন্যোন্যভাব n. relative difference, reciprocal absence or negation. অন্যোন্যাশ্রয় n. interdependence, mutual dependence. 34)
(p. 41) anbēṣaṇa search, research; investigation, inquiry. অন্বেষণ করা v. to search; to research; to investigate; to inquire, to look for. অন্বেষণীয় a. that which is to be searched or sought or researched or investigated. অন্বেষণে থাকা v. to be engaged in search or research or investigation; to be on the look-out for. 24)
(p. 41) anya other; some other; any other. a. different. ̃কৃত a. done by some other person. অন্য কেউ somebody else. ̃ত a. adv. & con. from or by the other or others or another; in a different way. ̃তম a. & pro. one or any one of several persons, things, etc. ˜তর a. & pro. one or any one of the two; the other. ̃ত্র adv. at or in or to a different place or topic or subject. ̃থা adv. & con. in a different manner, otherwise, elsewise, or; contrarywise. a. contrary. n. violation, infringement; exception; the contrary. অন্যথাকরণ a. doing otherwise; disobeying. অন্যথা করা v. to do or act otherwise; to violate, to infringe, to disobey. অন্যথা হওয়া v. to be contrary to; to be in violation of. অন্যথাচরণ n. acting or doing otherwise; violation, infringement, disobedience. অন্যথাচরণ করা v. same as অন্যথা করা । ̃পূর্বা a. fem. formerly bethrothed or married to somebody else. mas. ̃পূর্ব । ̃প্রকার, ̃বিধ a. of a different or other kind(s). ̃প্রকারে adv. same as অন্যভাবে । ̃ভাব n. a different or another state or attitude or manner; change of state or attitude or manner. ̃ভাবে adv. in a different or other way. ̃ভৃত্ a. bringing up another (esp. one not belonging to one's kind). n. such a person or creature; the crow. ̃ভৃত, ̃পুষ্ট a. brought up by another (esp. by one belonging to a different kind). n. such a person or creature; the cuckoo. ̃মত n. a different opinion; disagreement; a different manner or way. a. holding a different opinion; disagreeing; in or of a different manner or way. ̃মতে adv. in a different way or manner; according to a different view. ̃মনস্ক, ̃মনা a. preoccupied by some other thought; absent-minded; in attentive. ̃মনে adv. absentmindedly, inattentively. ̃মনস্কতা n. preoccupied state; absent-mindedness; inattentiveness, inattention. ̃সাপেক্ষ a. relative. ̃রূপ a. same as অন্যপ্রকার, অন্যবিধ । 26)
(p. 24) anabadhāna inattention; carelessness; inadvertence. a. inattentive; careless; negligent; inadvertent. ̃তা n. inattention; carelessness; negligency; inadvertence. অনবধানতাবশত adv. inadvertently; unintentionally. 36)
(p. 62) abīra destitute of heroism or valour; cowardly; destitute of heroes and heroines (অবীর নগর). fem. অবীরা । অবীরোচিত a. not befitting a hero; unheroic. 5)
(p. 22) anatikāla not a long time; a short time. ̃মধ্যে adv. ere or before long; in a short time, shortly. 44)
(p. 47) aparimāṇa immeasurable; innumerable; profuse, plentiful; excessive. 13)
অধ্যাস২, অধ্যাসন
(p. 22) adhyāsa2, adhyāsana placed or seated upon or over; sitting; being seated; domination; (of deities) invisible presence. 25)
(p. 62) abujha inconsolable; not amenable to reason, unreasonable; obstinate; stupid; foolish. 6)
(p. 75) arīti improper practice or usage; bad custom. 2)
(p. 26) aniḥsṛta not secreted, not drained out. 93)
(p. 90) astrī armed. n. an armed person. 48)
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