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আঁকড়ি এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

আঁকড়ি : (p. 96) ān̐kaḍ়i any hook-shaped object or sign; any of such signs affixed to alphabetical letters. 18)


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(p. 126) āsā2 to come; to appear; to come up; to arrive (ট্রেন আসা); to reach, to come up to (মুখ পর্যন্ত আসা); to commence, to begin (জ্বর আসা); to set in (শরত্ আসা); to be excited with (আবেগ আসা); to rise, to crop up (মনে আসা); to enter (ঘরে আসা); to attack, to come upon (ঢুলুনি আসা); to be struck with (ভয় আসা); to be supplied with (কথা আসা); to be filled with (চোখে জল আসা); to take place, to occur, to come about (বিপদ আসা); to be earned, to accrue (টাকা আসা); to be on the point of (ফুরিয়ে আসা). a. that which has come (কাছে আসা) n. act of coming; arrival. এগিয়ে আসা v. to come up, to advance. আসা-যাওয়া n. come-and-go. উঠে আসা v. to come up; to get up; to remove; to get loose, to be detached, to come off (ছাল উঠে আসা). কথা আসা v. to be able to speak. কাছে আসা v. to come or draw near, to come by; to approach. কাজে আসা, ব্যবহারে আসা v. to be of use, to be useful, to be serviceable. কান্না আসা v. to feel like crying or weeping. নেমে আসা v. to come down; to get down; to alight; to descend; to dismount. নিভে আসা v. to get dimmer and dimmer. নিয়ে আসা v. to bring along, bring with oneself; to fetch. ফিরে আসা v. to come back, to return. ফুরিয়ে আসা v. to be about to be exhausted; to be about to end. ফেলে আসা v. to leave behind. বহে আসা v. to flow down, to stream down; to come along. বেয়ে আসা v. to come steering along. বাইরে আসা v. to come out, to emerge. ভিতরে আসা v. to come in, to enter. রেখে আসা same as ফেলে আসা । 153)
(p. 102) āgē at first, in the beginning; in the past; in front; before. ̃কার a. of the beginning; of the past; of the front; preceding. আগে আগে adv. continuously or always in front. ̃পাছে adv. in front and at the back; before and after. আগে পাছে করা v. to hesitate. ̃ভাগে adv. first of all; at first; in advance. 8)
(p. 123) āẏati2 length; width, breadth; extension; the future; time for bearing fruit. 6)
আটপিঠে, আটপিটে
(p. 104) āṭapiṭhē, āṭapiṭē efficient in everything; very clever. 49)
(p. 104) āṭakānō to confine; to obstruct, to impede; to restrain, to check; to prevent; to detain; to imprison; to fix (দেওয়ালে পেরেক আটকানো). a. confined; obstructed; impeded; restrained, checked; prevented; detained; affixed. 46)
(p. 133) āsīna seated, sitting; placed; present; situated. 11)
আমলক, আমলকি, আমলকী
(p. 121) āmalaka, āmalaki, āmalakī emblica, the emblic myrobalan. 24)
(p. 107) ānantarya immediacy; adjacency; proximity; contiguity. 123)
(p. 99) ākhyā an appellation, a name; a title, a designation; a denomination. ̃ত a. named, called; entitled, designated; denominated; spoken, mentioned, said; known, renowned, celebrated. ̃ন n. history; a legend; a tale (esp. historical or legendary); a narrative; a story; a fable; narration, naming; act of designating or denominating. ̃বস্তু n. a theme. ̃পত্র n. a title-page (of a book). ̃য়ক n. a narrator; a story-teller. ̃য়িকা n. a tale, a story, a narrative. 55)
(p. 115) āpāta the present or the actual time in question, the time being; incidence; occurrence. ̃কঠিন a. appearing as hard or difficult at first or for the time being (but not actually so); apparently or seemingly hard or difficult. ̃গতি n. apparent motion. ̃ত adv. at the present time or actual time in question, for the time being, for the nonce. ̃দৃষ্টিতে adv. at the first sight; to the cursory view or consideration; seemingly. ̃প্রসারণ n. apparent expansion. ̃মধুর a. seemingly sweet or sweet for the time being only. ̃রমণীয় a. agreeable or pleasant for the time being; seemingly alluring or fascinating. 47)
(p. 99) ākrā high in price, dear; costly. আক্রাণ্ডার দিন বা কাল period of high prices or expensive living, hard times. 36)
(p. 107) ādraka ginger. 88)
(p. 102) ācarita practised, observed, followed, obeyed; treated; habitual. 31)
(p. 96) ān̐caḍ়ānō to scratch or dig with fingernails or claws; to comb (hair). a. scratched or dug with the finger-nails or claws; combed, kempt.
(p. 115) āpisa a place where work or business is carried out, an office. আপিস করা v. to go to one's office (daily or regularly), to attend office. 53)
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