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গুরু এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

গুরু : (p. 314) guru a spiritual teacher or guide, a preceptor, a master, a guru; a priest; a teacher; an adviser; a venerable person; Brihaspati (বৃহস্পতি) the priest of gods; (astrol.) the Jupiter. a. heavy, weighty (গুরুভার); very responsible or difficult or important or serious (গুরুরাজকার্য, গুরুদায়িত্ব, গুরুকর্তব্য); excessive (গুরুভোজন); venerable (গুরুজন); great, glorious ('গুরু-কাছে লব গুরু দুখ'); (gr.—of vowels or vowel-sounds) long. ̃কল্প a. like a spiritual guide, like a preceptor or teacher; (of a person) conceived as a spiritual guide. ̃কৃপা n. kindness or benevolence or gracious behaviour such as one receives from one's teacher, spiritual guide or guru. ̃কুল n. the abode or the family of one's guru or teacher. ̃গম্ভীর a. serious and grave. ̃গিরি n. the profession of a guru or teacher or priest, priesthood or teachership. ̃গৃহ n. the abode of one's teacher or guru. ̃চণ্ডালী n. an instance of using undersirably Sanskrit and non-Sanskrit words or elegant and inelegant words side by side. ̃জন n. a venerable person; an elder. ̃ঠাকুর n. a spiritual teacher or guide, a preceptor, a guru. ̃তর a. heavier, weightier; more responsible or difficult or important or serious; very serious (গুরুতর অপরাধ). ̃তা ̃ত্ব n. weight, heaviness; gravity (আপেক্ষিক গুরুত্ব = specific gravity); importance; seriousness. গুরুত্বহীন a. divested of or wanting in weight or seriousness, unimportant; negligible. ̃দক্ষিণা n. a fee paid or payable to a guru or a teacher when teaching is completed or on completion of education. ̃দণ্ড n. heavy punishment. লঘুপাপে গুরুদণ্ড heavy punishment for a light offence. ̃দশা n. the period of mourning on the death of one's father or mother; (astrol.) the period of domination by the planet Jupiter. ̃দেব same as ̃ঠাকুর̃দ্বার n. a temple of the Sikhs, Gurudwara. ̃নিন্দা n. upbraiding of one's guru or teacher. ̃পত্নী n. the wife of one's guru or teacher. ̃পত্নী গমন n. sexual intercourse with the wife of one's guru or teacher. ̃পত্নী-হরণ n. act of abducting the wife of one's guru or teacher for immoral purpose. ̃পাক a. hard to digest. ̃পাপ a deadly sin, felony. ̃পূর্ণিমা n. the full-moon of the month of Ashara, the third month of the Bengali calendar. ̃বরণ n. the ceremony of appointing one as one's guru or of receiving a guru usually accompanied with offer of presents. ̃বল n. occult power conferred upon by one's benignant guru; grace of the guru. ̃বাক্য n. words or advices of a guru. ̃বার n. Thursday. ̃বৃত্ত n. a great circle. ̃ভক্ত a. devoted to one's guru or teacher. ̃ভক্তি n. devotion to one's guru or teacher. ̃ভাই n. a codisciple, a brother disciple. ̃ভার a. very heavy; unbearably heavy. n. heavy burden. ̃মণ্ডল n. (geog.) barysphere. ̃মহাশয়,, (coll.) ̃মশাই n. a teacher; a primary teacher. ̃মস্তিষ্ক n. (anat.) cerebrum. ̃মা n. the wife of a teacher or guru; a preceptress; a woman teacher, a lady teacher. ̃মারা-বিদ্যা n. art or learning in which the student excels the teacher in course of time; (ridi.) art or learning which the student uses against the teacher to discomfit him. ̃মুখি n. the script or (loos.) the language used by the Sikhs. ̃লঘুজ্ঞান n. due sense of respect for superiors; sense of proportion; capacity for making distinction between the high and the low. ̃শিষ্যসংবাদ n. a report of the conversation or discussion between a guru and his disciple or between a teacher and his student. ̃সেবা n. attendance on a guru or a teacher. ̃স্ফীতি n. (astro.) springtide. ̃স্হানীয় a. as venerable as a guru or a teacher. ̃হত্যা n. murder of one's guru or teacher by oneself; parricide. ̃হন্তা n. one who murders one's guru or teacher, a parricide. fem. ̃হন্ত্রীযেমন গুরু তেমনি চেলা like master like man. 26)


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(p. 321) gōbhāgāḍ় a place for depositing the carcasses of cows; (fig.) a filthy place. 55)
(p. 314) gēn̐ḍ়i the snail. 75)
(p. 314) gēn̐ḍ়ā (sl.) act of stealing or misappropriating or swindling. গেঁড়া দেওয়া, গেঁড়া মারা v. to steal; to misappropriate; to swindle. 73)
গুণোত্তর-শ্রেণী (পরি)
(p. 311) guṇōttara-śrēṇī (pari) geometric series. 61)
(p. 301) garbhāgāra a lying-in room; a small room or compartment within a larger one (cp. ante-room). 12)
(p. 296) gabhīra deep; hollow (গভীর পাত্র); dense (গভীর বন); intense; thick (গভীর অন্ধকার); profound (গভীর পান্ডিত্য); farreaching, intricate, secret, esoteric (গভীর তত্ত্ব); far-advanced (গভীর রাত্রি); low-pitched, grave (গভীর স্বর). n. the inmost or deepest part, depth (মনের গভীরে). গভীরতা, গভীরত্ব n. depth; hollowness; density; intensity, thickness; profundity; intricacy; far advanced state; gravity, graveness. গভীর জলের মাছ n. a deep-water fish; (fig.) a very cunning and secretive person, a person whose designs or motives are too deep for divination. গভীর রাত্রে in the dead of night. গভীর শ্বসন deep breathing. 59)
গবেষণা, গবেষণ
(p. 296) gabēṣaṇā, gabēṣaṇa research. গবেষণা করা v. to research. গবেষণাগার n. a laboratory, a lab. 53)
(p. 301) gām̐igum̐i expressing imaginary sound of indirect unwillingness. গাঁইগুঁই করা v. to show or express one's unwillingness usu. by gestures or suggestion, to demur. 58)
(p. 321) gōmaẏa cow-dung. 57)
(p. 301) gahanā1 (formal) an ornament. ̃গাটি, ̃পত্র n. pl. ornaments and other valuables. 41)
(p. 308) gītā the (Shrimadbhagavad) Gita; a famous Hindu scripture. 58)
(p. 293) gaḍ়gaḍ়ā a hubble-bubble. 23)
গটগট, গটমট
(p. 293) gaṭagaṭa, gaṭamaṭa expressing; the sound of walking or marching firmly and arrogantly. গটগট বা গটমট করে চলা v. to walk or march firmly and arrogantly; to walk with firm and quick steps. 13)
(p. 321) gōpālana act of tending and looking after cows; cattle-farming. 32)
(p. 314) gumphana act of stringing (together); composition. 22)
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