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ঠক১ এর ইংরেজি অর্থ

এই অনলাইন অভিধান ব্যবহার করার জন্য আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ, আমরা লক্ষ লক্ষ ব্যবহারকারীকে বিনামূল্যে এই অনলাইন পরিষেবা দিয়ে আসছি- যাতে তারা খুব সহজে এবং দ্রুত তাদের জ্ঞানভান্ডারে আরও কিছু নতুন শব্দ যোগ করতে পারে...

ঠক১ : (p. 427) ṭhaka1 deceitful; swindling; knavish. n. a deceiver, a cheat; a swindler; a knave; a trickster. ̃বাজ same as ঠক (a. & n.). ˜বাজি n. cheating, swindling; knavery. 4)


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(p. 429) ṭhēkāra false vanity, vainglory; fastidiousness; superciliousness; snobbery. ঠেকারে a. vainglorious; fastidious; supercilious; snobbish. fem ঠেকারি । 24)
(p. 427) ṭhām̐i1 expressing the noise as of slapping strongly. ঠাঁই ঠাঁই int. expressing this noise made repeatedly and quickly. 11)
(p. 429) ṭhōṅā a container or carton (chiefly bowl-shaped) made of tree-leaves or paper, a cornet. 33)
(p. 427) ṭha expressing: a light noise caused by the concussion of a metallic object against a hard thing. ঠং ঠং int. expressing: this noise made repeatedly or continuously. 3)
(p. 429) ṭhōkara act of pecking or nibbling; a light kick with the tip of one's toes or shoe; act of stumbling (against); reprimand; act of interposing a speaker with a small sharp cutting remark. ঠোকর খাওয়া v. to stumble (against); to be reprimanded. ঠোকর দেওয়া, ঠোকর মারা v. to peck or nibble; to kick lightly with the tip of one's toes or shoe; to reprimand; to interpose (a speaker) or to chip in with a small sharp cutting remark. 32)
(p. 427) ṭhāṭṭā joke; banter, persiflage, waggery. ̃ইয়ার্কি n. light raillery, fun, a goodhumoured teasing. ঠাট্টা করা v. to joke; to cut a joke; to poke fun at; to banter. ̃বাজ n. a merry person full of amusing sayings and fond of practical jokes, a wag. 18)
(p. 429) ṭhyā leg; shank.
(p. 429) ṭhikānā an address (as given in a letter); one's fixed residence; trace, direction or location (পথের ঠিকানা); a clue or solution (চুরির ঠিকানা); fixity or limit (আয়ের ঠিকানা). 9)
(p. 427) ṭhāhara act of seeing or noticing; visualization; vision, sight; attention, care (ঠাহর করে দেখা); recognition; cognition; realization; discernment, act of finding; determination. ঠাহর করা v. to see, to notice; to visualize; to treat with attention (ঠাহর করা); to recognize (তোমাকে তো ঠাহর করতে পারছি না); to cognize; to realize; to discern, to find, to think out, to devise, to determine (পথ বা উপায় ঠাহর করা); to invent (বুদ্ধি ঠাহর করা); to anticipate (এ বিপদের কথা তো ঠাহর করিনি,). ঠাহর পাওয়া v. to come to or be able to see or notice or visualize or recognize or to cognize or realize or discern or find or determine or anticipate. ঠাহর হওয়া v. to be seen or noticed; to be visible; to be recognized or cognized or realized or discerned or found or determined or anticipated. ঠাহরানো same as ঠাহর করা ।
(p. 429) ṭhikā employed for part-time or casual service, hired, part-time (ঠিকা ঝি); temporary (ঠিকা চাকরি); holding possession temporarily for a fixed period (ঠিকা প্রজা); hired, hackney (ঠিকা গাড়ি); that which is done on contract or on piece-system (ঠিকা কাজ). n. a work done by contract, a contract (ঠিকা পাওয়া); a sub-contract; lease (জমি ঠিকা নেওয়া). ঠিকা কাজ a piece-work; a temporary job; a part-time job. ঠিকা গাড়ি a hackney-coach, a hackney-carriage. ঠিকা চাকর a hired servant; a hireling. ঠিকা ঝি a hired maidservant, a charwoman. ঠিকা প্রজা a temporary tenant. ঠিকা মজুর a hired or casual labour or a hireling. 7)
(p. 429) ṭhēṅā a staff, a stave, a wooden pole, a heavy stick, a lathi; a wooden rod (esp. one used for bolting a door). ঠেঙাঠেঙি n. act of exchanging blows with lathis, a fight with lathis; fighting. ঠেঙাড়ে n. a community of Indian robbers who used to kill pedestrians by beating them with lathis; one of these robbers. ঠেঙানি n. act of flogging with a lathi; flogging. ঠেঙানো v. to flog with a lathi or rod; to bastinado; to flog, to birch. 25)
ঠেঁটামি, ঠেঁটামো
(p. 429) ṭhēn̐ṭāmi, ṭhēn̐ṭāmō shamelessness; rude disrespect, impudence, sauciness; impertinence, brazen-facedness; arrogance, obstinacy, refractoriness. 21)
(p. 429) ṭhēn̐ṭā shameless, brazen-faced; knavish; deceitful; impertinent, impudent, saucy; outspoken; disobedient, arrogant, obstinate, refractory. 20)
(p. 429) ṭhika fixed, settled (এখনো কিছু ঠিক হয়নি); appointed, specified (ঠিক দিনে); right (ঠিক কথা); correct (অঙ্কের ফলটা ঠিক); exact, precise (ঠিক); just (ঠিক দুদিন); proper, right (ঠিক কাজ, ঠিক লোক); in working order (ঘড়িটা ঠিক নেই); suitable, fit, fitting (এ জামা তোমার গায়ে ঠিক); corrected or cured (মেরে বা ওষুধ দিয়ে ঠিক করা); arranged (চুলটা ঠিক নেই); regarded, decided, judged, diagnosed (পাগল বলে ঠিক হওয়া). n. fixity (তারিখের ঠিক নেই); firmness (কথার ঠিক); regularity or certainty (বৃষ্টির ঠিক নেই); natural healthy state (মাথার ঠিক নেই); total, sum, addition (ঠিক দেওয়া); estimate, estimation (ঠিকে ভুল); discernment or determination (পথ বা উপায় ঠিক পাওয়া). adv. certainly, surely (ঠিক যাব); for certain (ঠিক জানি); exactly, just (ঠিক তেমনি). int. exactly, right, that's it. ঠিক করা v. to fix, to settle; to appoint, to specify; to correct or cure; to repair or regulate or adjust (ঘড়ি ঠিক করা); to set to rights; to determine or resolve (মনে মনে ঠিক করা); to regard or decide or adjudge (পাগল বলে ঠিক করা); to discern or find (পথ ঠিক করা). ঠিক দেওয়া v. to add, to tot up. ঠিক পাওয়া v. to be able to discern or find (পথ ঠিক পাওয়া). ঠিকে ভুল an error in adding; (fig.) a wrong decision; an error of judgement. ঠিক যেন (just) as if, as though, as it were. 2)
(p. 429) ṭhukarānō to peck, to nibble; to nibble at a bait. a. pecked; nibbled at. 13)
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